86 of 1976 - Amending section 43-6-1 increasing taxicab rates. June 1, 1976
Mr.Roper F. Cutttr
City Attorney
101 City owl County Building
Salt Lake City, Utah
L our Sir:
Upon motion of Conunisoloner lancing* Sbfltips, Jr., the Board of City
Con►n+isaionere at its teeth*toiay. Sreete9 you to souls*the
ordinance-8i11 No. 06 of 1174 pasae3 by the City Cosnmiaoloe on
May 26, 1976, amending Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Crihtaaoee of
Salt Lake City, Utah. 1969, relating be taxieab rates,to contain the
on ergonoy chase.
Thin office has boon lireetsi to alvartise sail revised ordinance Jtme 2,
Ycers truly,
244 `.', ✓K zY,
City Reasrdar s'.f
Attorney Report 291
---lAiii No.0f
/VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, May 26 ,1976
Agraz „, / I move that the Ordingnce passed.
Green / //
Hogensen / �.;
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to taxicab rates.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commission of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating 'to taxicab rates, be, and the
same hereby is, am'ellded to,read as follows:
"Sec. 43-6-1. Rate's of hire established. No owner or
driver of a .taxicab shall charge any sum for the use of a
taxicab other than-in,-'a cordance'with the following rates:
(1) Hour rates: Three dollars per hour for one or
more passengers.
(2) Mileage rates: Sixty-five cents for the first one-sixth
mile or fraction thereof and ten cents for each additional
one-sixth mile or fraction thereof.
(3) Waiting time: Twenty cents for each two minutes of
waiting time or fraction thereof.
(4) Footlockers: Fifty cents for each footlocker.
(5) Handbaggage: There will be no charge for handbaggage
up to two pieces for each fare and a charge of twenty-five cents
for each additional piece of handbaggage exceeding two.
(6) Parcel delivery: Twenty-five cents for delivery of
parcels, in addition to the above mileage and time rates.
(7) Car pool passengers: Fifty cents for each passenger for
one-way trip to or from drop-off or pick-up points.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 26th day of May , 1976.
BILL NO. 86 of 1976
Published,Juno 1, 1976
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 2 ,19 76
Mr.Chairman ✓ /
I move t ‘the Ord ance be pa#ed.
GreAgra(er/ /
Hogensen ✓' (.6(a(_Phillips t� AN- �
Result ORDINANCE - —�- '
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to taxicab rates.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, ,relating to taxicab rates, be, and the
same hereby is, amended to r'ead as follows:
"Sec. 43-6-1. Rate.smof hire established. No owner or
driver of a taxicab shall charge any sum for the use of a
taxicab other than in accordance with the following rates:
(1) Hour rates: Three dollars per hour for one or
more passengers.
(2) Mileage rates: Sixty-five cents for the first
one-sixth mile or fraction thereof and ten cents for each
additional one-sixth mile or fraction thereof.
(3) Waiting time: Twenty cents for each two minutes of
waiting time or fraction thereof.
(4) Footlockers: Fifty cents for each footlocker.
(5) Handbaggage: There will be no charge for handbaggage
up to two pieces for each fare and a charge of twenty-five
cents for each additional piece of handbaggage exceeding two.
(6) Parcel delivery: Twenty-five cents for delivery of
parcels, in addition to the above mileage and time rates.
(7) Car pool passengers: Fifty cents for each passenger
for one-way trip to or from drop-off or pick-up points.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this Ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 2nd day of June , 1976.
/ 2 r(SEAL)
BILL NO. 86 of 1976 ��� y
Published June 2, 1976 MAYOR
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE Shana D. Palmer
AN ORDINANCE AMEND - -----' — ----'—'- -
ING Section 43-6-1 of the Re-
vised Ordinances of Salt Lake
y, llleh: 1965, relating to
rdoned Ito thd Board of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
Corhtnlsslon of Salt Lake City.
Utah: rising clerk of the DE,SERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
SECTION f „i Ora antesof newspaper printedEnglish language with general cif--
Solt Lake City. Utah. )9., n.P9rs)a)er in the En l[.+
to taxicabsame hereby be, rii.lation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
ended lu road as follows: s
County, in the State ofUtah.
"Sat ool.N. Rotor of hire
off abl oxica No owall er char a any
of a fax cab shall charge a
s e for the use of a to with
;ef man In accordance th That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
the I Moue role,rates'
11)Hour frThree dollars
r nger,far one or more
�(2)Mil age ratan:Sixty-five
P notice to amend an ordinance relat>_nc� to
ants for the first one-sixth mile
or fraction thereof and len cents
for each additional eslxm
Irene or fraction t taxicab rates
____. —
(3)Waiting time, Twenty
cents for each Nye minutes of
dieing tune or tract l on
4) h footlocker.
Filly tents for each H lootlo ooy
IS)Hharge for ea.dbare will
be no charge for for
an to two pieces fop each lire
rea a chase additional twenty-liveview
ems to gaseeceedin Hive.
of h 1 Parcel de ivery: w nty.
(Ol cents
t delivery:Twenty-
flee o t.
ells ci nta for rn tod15 of above
eels,in addition to fire atnve
mileage r oet pales.
f car 1 each
June 2 1976
Fifty.Ono way t ip to orsereel was published in,said newspaper on __-- --
de if or v to to or from
pickr 2.t the o n
SECTION 2.e,me sionlon of
the ne,of
Salt Board
City,It is nneccesary to
I the hr n and Salt wellaroot
habitants Lake
Cite that lin,Ordinance ba
SECTION 3.Thl O dl lyric l �\
hblll a take ione!ff f 1 first t C c \ J „c. .c
Passed by theBoard of Com 1V \•_ - 1
I Is5loners of Sall Lake COY,Utah,this 2ndday of June,1976. Legal Advertising Clerk
City Reclxder
GILL NO.B6 o119I6
Published June 2,1976 (D55)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this--__ 8th---- day of
June A.D. 19 76 .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
___,February 13.._1978_____.-.-__