87 of 1902 - Ordinance 87 of 1902 – Prohibiting sale of intoxicating liquors on Sunday. •
AN ORDINA1NCE prhhibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on
Sunday; Prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors to minors
and other persons; Prohibiting the permission of minors and
other persons in places where intoxicating liqours are sold;
Limiting the issuance of licenses to sell intoxicating liquors;
Providing for the Revocation of such licenses in certain cases,
pw. and repealing inconsistent ordtnanees:
Be it ordained by the city council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation, or the manager
agent, bartender or employee, or any person, firm or corpora-
tion who shall knowingly give, sell or otherwise dispose of
any: intoxicating liquor or drink to an Indian, insane or idiot-
ic person, apprentice or employee under the ale of twenty-one
years, or to any minor, or who shall permit the sale, giving
away or other disposition of any intoxicating liquor or drink
to any Indian, insane or idiotic person, apprentice or employee
under the age of twenty-one years, or to any minor, or who shall
permit any Indian, insane or idiotic person, apprentice or
employee under the age of twenty-one years, or any minor, to be
and remain in his, their, or its place of business where ins
toxicating liqours are sold, or who shall permit any female to
be or remain in his, their, or its place of business where in-
toxicating liquors are sold, between the hours of seven o'clock
in the afternoon and seven o'clock in the forenoon, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof,
shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty
dollars and not more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or be
imprisoned for a period not exceeding one hundred days, or by
both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 2. That any person, firm or corporation licensed
Ito sell intoxicating liquors, or any person, firm or corporation
� I
neglecting or refusing to obtain a license, or any manager,
agent, bartender or employee of such licensed or unlicensed per-
son, firm or corporation, who shall sell., give away or other-
wise dispose of any intoxicating drink at any time during the
first day of the week, commonly. called Sunday, except he boia
druggist, and then only for medicinal purposes, upon the pre-
scription of a regularly licensed physician, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars,
or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one hundred days,
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 3. All blinds, curtains and screens shall be
withdrawn from the doors and windows of all saloons, tippling-
houses, bars, wine rooms, and other nl.a.ces where intoxicating
liquors are sold, and all interior doors, screens, blinds and
curtains shall be so opened that an unobstructed view may be
had from the sidewalk or exterior of all such. saloons, tippling-
houses, bars, wine rooms, or other places inhere intoxicating
liquors are sold during all of the time on the first day of the
week, commonly called Sunday. And it shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation licensed to sell intoxicating
liquors at such saloon}, tippling-house, bar, wine room, or other
place, or the manager or other person having temporary or per-
manent charge thereof to fail to comply with the provisions of
this section, and upon conviction thereof such. licensee, and
such manager, and such other person having charge thereof,
either one or all, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and,
upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by e. fine in any sum
not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for
period not exceeding one hundred Jaye, or by both such. fine and
Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation licensed to
sell intoxicating liquors in Salt Lake City, c,ho shall com-
mit any or either of the offenses mentioned in Sections one and
two of this Ordinance; or in whose place of business any or
either of the offenses mentioned in fectiors one and two of this
ordinance have been committed by any manager, agent, bartender,
or other employee of such licensed person, firm or corporation,
shall forfeit his, their,, or its said license, and the same
shall be revoked by the City Council.
Section 5.Ary person, firm or corporation whose license to +�+
sell intoxicating liquors has been revoked by the City Council
for any cause, shall thereafter be ineligible to receive any
license to sell intoxicating liquors in Salt Lake City, and no
person shall be eligible to receive any license to sell intoxi-
cating liquors in Salt Lake City who has theretofore been. a
member of any firm or a stockholder of any corporation whose
license has been revoked as herein provided; a.rd no fine or
II. corporation shall be eligible to receive such license, any
member or stockholder of which has been a member or stockholder
of any firm or corporation whose license has been revoked as
herein provided, or any member or stockholder of which has had
his license revoked as herein provided.
Section G. More than one license to sell intoxicating
liquors in Salt Lake City shall not be issued at any one time
to the sane person, firm or corporation; and. no license to sell
intoxicating liquors shall be issued. to any firm or corporation,
any member or stockholder of which holds such license, or any
member or stockholder„of which is a member or stockholder of
' I
any other firm or corporation holding such license; and. no
�I I
such :license shall be issued to any person, who is a member or
stockholder of any firm or copporation holding such_ license.
Section 7. All licenses to sell intoxicating liquors in
Salt Lake City shall be issued and received subject to all of
the provisions of this oridinance.
Section 8. Sections 26 and 27 of Chapter 22 of the Re-
vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City (1892), and that certain
ordinance, entitled. "An Ordinance amending section 25 of
chapter XXII of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of
1892" passed by the City Council January 2nd, 1901, and approved
by the Mayor, January 3rd, 1901; and also that certain Ordin—
ance, entitled "An Ordinance forbidding ini.zors entering saloons,
passed by the City Ccuncil July 7th, 1902, and approved by the
Mayor, July 8th, 1902; and also all other ordinances and parts
of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
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