87 of 1912 - Licensing vehicles. ROLL CALL i Sal.Lake City, Utah .. C I91. VOTING Yes No I move thatIL. (7- . l Lc--7N..0,__--s=I---•e.-:C.. "---s�`.. _- Keyser Korns Y/ Lawrence �I � �- Morris - r Mr.Chairman .� AN ORDI N1i1' C E An ordinance requiring the payment of a license for all vehicles ' used and operated for business purposes upon the streets of Salt Lake City. • • Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: • SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, associa- tion or corroration to use, operate or run, or to pause or permit any of his or its agents or employees to use, operate or run, for the purposes of his or its business, a wagon, automobile, or vehicle City, without first • of any description upon the streets of Salt Late procuring a license for each vehicle so used and operated. • The provisions of this::.ordinance shall not apply to vehicles • used for pleasure only, nor:to:vehicles used for business purposes by any person, firm, association or corporation who pays a. license tax to Salt Lake City under the ordinances thereof for the right to engage in or carry oh business. SECTION 2. The license tax for kr e use, operation and running of vehicles on the streets of Salt Lake City shall be paid annually in advance into the City Treasury, in the sums and according to the schedule following, to-wit:- • PASSENGER VEHICLES. • For license to run e passenger vehicle drawn by one horse - 515.00 - For license to run a passenger vehicle drawn by two horses 20.00 , For license to run an automobile for public Lire,- carrying four persons or less �0•30 For license to run an- automobile for public hire, carrying more than four persons and lees than ten persons 40.00 - For license to run an automobile for public hire, carrying more than ten persons GO,;i0 • • 87 ;i I • • 1'RE101 2 • vli' ICLES. or license to run a too horse vehicle for . e carriage of brick, coal, lumber, stone, earth., gruvcl, sand, cement, lime, tiling, steel beams and other steel and iron products, oil, gasoline, goods, . <,res, merchandise, manufactured articles, express matter, baggage, freight and material of any and every kind - ;,r12.00 for licence to run a one horse vehicle for the carriage of material of any and every kid, es described above 10.00 For licence to ran a three horse or four horse vehicle for the carriage of material of any anc; every kind a.s described above 15.00 • For licence to run an automobile of the capacity of • one ton, for the c: rriage of material of any erd every kind, as described above 12.00 For license to run an automobile of the capacity of more than one ton and lees then tkreo tons, for the • carriage of material of any and every kind, s • described above 18.00 • For license to run an automobile of the cspacity of • more than three tons, for the carriage of material of angb and every kind, as described above 25.00 SECTION 3. A license for any vehicle under the provisions of • this ordinance may be issued for a term of six months a on the pay- ment of one-half of the amount of the annual license, plus ton (10) per cent additional; provided, however, that when an a,ilic .Lion is made after the first day of July of any year, and such c.p plicr ,;ion is approved by the License Assessor, the licensee shall be reeuired • to moko payment only for the unexpired portion of such half-yearly period, and the certificate of license shall be for such period. SECTION 4. Every vehicle licensed under this ordinance shall • have fastened upon the right side thereof, in such manner that the same may be plainly seen, a metallic plate to be furnished by the License Assessor, bearing the license number of such vehicle and the year for which it is issued; for such plate the licensee shall pay the sum of twenty-five cents; and it shall be unlawful to use, • operate or run any vehicle, although the same be duly licensed, upon the streets of Salt Lake City unless such rio.te is attached thereto. It shall be unlawful for any licensee to sell, transfer or assign sumlicense issued under the provisions of this ordinance. -3- SECTION 5. Any person, firm. association or corporation having a residence or place of business without the limits of Salt Lake City, who shall use, operate or run a vehicle on the streets of said city for the purposes of his or its business, shall be required to procure a license for each such vehicle according to the schedule and urovi- sisil,a-4t: his ordinanc . S T_TON 6. r.rk i 7, firm, ciai i 'or co bra ion hlat- I� in al 'ef the piov$sii ns of this q anoc 11, up�.t o nvic' n kth reoaf, be, punished`b �, fi not c e x i4 sty ( J Op?'_7ao rs, 1.7.. ' .or 3 mprisonment in the ity .Tai f ' er not `7,(4* rl arty da s 4Lnd each day .p.*}**, iito. bi e'o v cle 4k; or tod d or ru4 upon the strieett of Salt'La C ty \ ith t thtilowr er theil4f ' in procured a lice se therefor in omp lance with the provisions of(cthib ordinance, shall constitute and be considered a separate and distinct offense hereunder. SECTION 7. Section 400 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended and re-enacted by an ordinance ‘passed by the City Council on September 20, 1909, and approved by the MPMIayor September 21, 1909, and an ordinance passed by the City Council on June 13, 1910, and approved by the Mayor on June 14, 1910, entitled "An ordinance requiring the payment of a license by persons, firms, associations and corporations engaged in the business of manufacturing or supplying merchandise or any other commodity, and using wagons or vehicles for the hauling or delivery of the same within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City' , are, and each of them is, hereby repealed. SECTION 8. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect one day after the publication thereof. ) r/ /fi/ Pass by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July B L , 1912. 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