87 of 1956 - Levying a tax for assessment of property ( Sewer Extension #774 ), 2nd and final estimate, Fountain •••••-• •••-••.••.• Laic a,aKe i,ny,usan, rya
lit` VOIING Aye Nay
I move that'the ordinance passed.
Christensen . . . �— o
Nhkst ✓ „j6.44,4
Romney . . . .
Mr.Chairman . 'AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property
(Sewer Extension No. 774) for the purpose of constructing a sewer.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does
hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the
property hereinafter described (Sewer Extension No. 774) for the purpose
of constructing a sewer, to-wit:
Parts of Fountain Place, Fountain Place Amended,
Remington Park, and Lots 1 and 20 of Block 25, 5 Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey.
Parts of Geneva Addition, Brooklyn Subdivision, Dolans
Subdivision and Lots 2 to 7 inclusive, Block 24., 5 Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey.
abutting on the following streets:
4th West - 9t)} South to 13th South - Both Sides Montague
Avenue - 3rd West to 4th West - Both Sides.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing and laying
of sewer laterals consisting of 2,743 linear feet of 12 inch pipe, 248
linear feet of 12 inch M.J. Cast iron pipe, 670 linear feet of $ inch
pipe, including manholes, flushtanks and *yes, all complete, under portions
of said streets opposite the property hereinafter and hereinbefore des-
cribed to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and
it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will
be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied
and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at a uniform rate in accord-
ance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the
same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby
levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Twenty Five
Thousand Seven Hundred Three and 95/100 ($25,703.95) Dollars, or $4.27
per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 6,019.66 feet
abutting said improvement, which is the total abutters' cost and cost
per front foot of said sewer, according to the contract entered into for
the performance of said work and making said improvement with Huber and
Rowland Construction Company, dated September 24, 1956, and the Treasurer
is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the pro-
visions of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned:
Fronting on the West Side of 4th West
All of and including vacated alley and the north 33 feet of
vacated street, Lots 1 & 14, Elk. 1, ;
The east 13 feet of Lot 2, all of and including vacated alley
and south half and north half of vacated streets, Lots 1, 13 & 14,
Blk. 4;
The east 23.57 feet of Lot 13, all of and including vacated alley
and south half and north half of vacated sts., Lots 1, 2, & 14,
Elk. 5;
All of and including vacated alley, north half and south half of
vacatedstreets, Lots 1 & 14, Blk. $;
(all in Fountain Place Subdivision, Block 25, 5 Acre Plat A,
All of and including vacated alley, north half and south half of
vacated streets, Lots 1 & 26, Blk. 4;
All of and including vacated alley and south half of vacated street,
Lot 1, Blk. 1;
(In Fountain Place Amended of Block 25, 5 Acre Plat A, B.F.S.)
All of and including north half of vacated street, Lots 1 and 10
to 13 incl., Blk. 4;
All of and including south half of vacated street, Lots 1 and 13
to 20 incl., Blk. 1;
All of and the south 26.25 feet of Lot 19, Lots 1 & 20.
(Ali in Remington Park Subdivision of Block 25, 5 Acre Plat A,
Fronting on the East Side of 4th West Street.
All of Lots 2-6 incl. of Block 24, 5 Acre Plat A, B.F.S.
The south 204.175 feet of Lot 7 of Block 24, 5 Acre Plat A, B.F.S.
All of Lots 2-11 incl., Blk. 2, Geneva Addition of Block 24, 5 Acre
Plat A, B.F.S.
All of Lots 22-30, Blk. 2, Brooklyn Subdivision of Block 24, 5 Acre
Plat A, B.F.S.
All of Lots 22-30 incl., Blk. 1 Brooklyn Subdivision of Block 24,
5 Acre Plat A, B.F.S.
All of Lots 25-33 incl. , Dolans Subdivision of Block 24, 5 Acre
Plat A, B.F.S.
Fronting on the South Side of Montague Avenue.
All of Lots 30-51 incl., Blk. 2, Brooklyn Subdivision of Block 24,
5 Acre Plat A, B.F.S.
Fronting on the North Side of Montague Avenue.
All of Lots 1-4 incl., Blk. 1;
All of Lots 1-3 incl., Blk. 2;
(In Geneva Addition of Block 24, 5 Acre Plat A, B.F.S.)
and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as
corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review
of the property described in Section 1 of this or dinance (Sewer Extension
No. 774) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon
said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments
made and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of
Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal yearly install-
ments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole sum
unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each
installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such install-
ments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest
within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective.
One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the
whole special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the
first installment becomes due by paying the same with interest from the
date of levy to the date such first installment is due. One or more
installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special
tax, may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the
amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default in the payment
of any such installment of principal or interest when due shall cause the
whole of the unpaid principal and interest to become due and payable
immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter
draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid, but at
any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure the owner may/the amount
of all unpaid installments past due with interest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all
accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter
to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the
20th day of December, 1956.
M ors
C eco r
BILL NO. 87 of 1956
Sewer Extension No. 774
2nd and Final Estimate•
Published January, 4, 1957
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City Bill No. 87 of 1956.
An Ordinance levying a tax for Sewer
• Extension No. 774.
was published in said newspaper on
January 2: 1957.
.egal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of
January A.D. 19 57
Notary Public
My Commission Ex ires
Nov. 25, 1997
---- -- ----I All of Sots 22.30 fr ci. L n. •Brooklyn bdivision of Block 24,5'
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A'fAX All of Lots 25-33 incl.,Dolans Sub-'
d for the assessment of property division of Block 24,5 Acre Plat A,
(Sewer Extension No.774,for the our.
Dose of constructing er. Fronting on the South Side of Mau
Be it ordained by the Board of Corn- ¢ague Avenue.
to l winners of Salt Lake City,Utah, All of Lots 30.51 in 1., Elk. 2.'
SECTION 1.That the Board of Corn- Brooklyn Subdivision of Block 24,5.
mission.,• of Salt Lake City does here- AcrFronting la the Nnr B.1lh Side of Montague
y0levy the but d provide for the' Ave
a meat f the some non then Avenue.
lots 1-4 loci.,IIII<.];
lefty hereinafter described(Server Exton- All f Lots 1-3 Incl..IIII1.2:
Mtn No,7aa14)se er,the purpose o2 eon- (In Geneva Addition of Block 24,
alru Parts
: 5 Acre Plat A.B.F.S.).
Parts Amended,
Place,Fountain• end to .Meet said tax.
Pots 1 and
ad, f Block Park,and SECTION 2.sThat the asses n ant lis'
M1 Plot] r g E u Block 25,8 Acre node by the City Treasurer.nr
r Plat A.Ella Field Addition,
t cted.approved and c n feted by[the
Farts of Geneva Addition,Brooklyn Enna of quatieahon nand Hcview of
• Subdfvislom Dolans Subdivision'Id
the property described in Section 1 of
Lots 2 to'!i nod
��11ock 24.5 acre this ordcnance (Sewer(Extension No.
Plat A t Field wing 774,of Salt Lake City,for the putnnte
abutting r the h Sontag 1311a: f constructing xeve 11 sold por-
tions lVosl-9th South to 13t1n South t.ions of said streets, in thereby con-
.—Both sides Montague Avenue-3rd firmed.and the assessments made and
West,to 4th West—Both ides re turned In said completed]Isis and the
The tax is levied to defray the a of the Hoard t F.nualiratiou and
'Dense'of construct,. and laying of Review to the Board of Commissioners
• er laterals consisting of 2;74:I linear' of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified,
feel of 12 inch nine,248linear feet of en wed and confirmed.
12 inch M.J.Cast iron pint 670 linear SECTION 3.Said tax shall be no,
feet of 8 inch pine,including manholes, able in five a rat yearly installments
flu¢b tanks and u all complete, provided byelaw and ordinance, with
trzder portions of said s streets o poste, interest o the whole sum unpaid at
he Property hereinafter and .erect' the rate of five ncr cen[r per1 amrrtnr
before described to be especially affect. payable at the time each installment.
ads[{benefited by said mprovement, s due;provided,however,that a or
and It hereby a t deed,determined is
f such Installments in the order
and established that said property will Datable,or thewhole tax,may be paid
be a neclally benefited thereby to the without interest within fifteen 115)
frill amount of the tax hereby levied days from the date this_ordinance he-
And.srtd t reels of land are hereby s effective. One ornstall-
at as uniform ord- eats t the order in which r they a
assessed iD the linear foot af ontageca on payable, the whole special tax. are
and..tothe entire denth of the sap be paid after said fifteen days and be-
• tnY.hln back therefrom not exceed. fora the first installment becomes due
toe330 feet,and the tax hereby levied) th Darin the sameWith interest from
dart to he asssael up said parcels the date f levy to the date such first
of d is Twee o IEike Thousand St Installment is due, One pc in-
Fondred Three and 95/100(,f25,'J03.90)• ¢!aliments in the order in which they
nnllar S4.27 per front or linear a payable.or the whole special tax.
font of abutting n etty,there being may be paid on the date a nstall-
6.019.68 feet abutting said o,t'cost meet becomes due by any
ment.which is the total of sold
cost ant thereof and interest tothe date•
ad cost per front toot of sold s of payment. Default in the p ent
according to the eonlroct entered into of s' installment f n al
for making
o n idn work Huber
orinterest ofst when dole shall lent.-
e,o.l B said iu c t with I0000. whole of the unpaid principal and M-aud and Roseland er 2. 1195 rCond Ilto terest to and
the whole
and payable tt e.'
tad ee oernere '0 horiz6. amoe the diataoeoaid and ipa whole amount of the
Ye▪cted to is ,111sy outhunted and di-the
aid principal hall en per
acted to a f<,hr a 'dance with is interest o the to [ten per cent per
purp sies herein lt',cottned ordinance for tile to n tit paid,but r any time Orion
purFroit6ery on the\Vest Side of 4th Brest to the date poi ante Or 000t foreclosure the
All t and lneh,dioe eatod alley a a the paw of interest
end the north foot,of vacated rat rtreien rote et ten perdue with
The Lots 3 Tv.00 14.P.ik 1; to date ofparr e t on theIle doses and
The ng 13 feet of Lot 2,so of and ofloll thereupon
and all a en a costs'right
ClOd line vacated alley and soush haul there thereupon Vbein Installments
,toe the ri the
nd north half f gated streets, same
to nay atoll lio0 0 the
Lots].e,13 t 14.111k.feet
4: per as if had not oc
The rind 23.5'!feet of Lot 04 all of SECTION
ne including coo . va eared ri:v and std., cf1ot ore d 4.This ordinance.hall lake
Lott marl north 311c. E vacated s. e£Pa[one day e[t er its n bl lc:ntim,.
Lois I,2 8r 14, 111( 5: ev, a Passed by the Board out Cnmmissithe
All of and including half
cated elf Salt Lon be(ti- lira., on the
nth half end soul.halt of vacated 2nth odav of Decambnr. 111156.
streets,Lots 1 A 14,Place
.8- Adirl F.Stewart
it Fountain Plit Subdivision. • Mayor.
HI l f AcrePint A,ate 4 Ian }I I.^n
All d includingvacated alio,vacated
n 00 , If and tl half of tad bet N 8! t 1958
streets.S t 1 A lu HII 4 Extension Nn./74
All f d fl l d x fed Iles, 2 d d J 1 Eatime 19
II half £ t d air t Lot Lt'0blsshttk.Tanual'y 2.if1576 (R-82)
F25 Place Amended of
Ri25.5 rr Ac Plat A,B.F.5.1.
Al)All of and Including nailh hto of
gated scot:Lots I and 10 to 73
P of l, of 4;
All and.n 20 south half
noted street.Leet.Lotsis 1 and 13 to 20
Ilia ch Rik.1:
All of and the south 28,25 feet of',
(Al tin Lots f Ac 20.
!All n Remington5, Park Subdivision'ws
of Block 25,5 Acre Plat A.we ool.
Fran ll on the F',ast sine of 4th West.
A11 of Lnts 2-d in[l.of Block 24.
8 Acrc ouch 20 5.F.S.
Tim s4,5 20,0 1S ft B.F.S.ofLot V of
Block f 5 Acre Plat A,H
Ail o£Lots
2 Inc!,Hds,a,Gee
PataAAdBdFon of Block 24, 5 Acre All of 50 2 24,2,Acre
Subdivision of Block 29,5 Accc Flat
A,B.E'.5.. i