87 of 1971 - Amending Section 51-12-2, rezoning certain property at 2750 South 20th East Street from Residential ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah September 28 197.1 VOTING Aye Nay , Barker . . . . Catmull I move that the Ordinance fed; Garn . . . . -"xi/ e 1,(4 q/z, Harrison . , .Mr.Chairman . Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to rezoning and fixing the boundaries of Use Districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the "use district map" as adopted by Section 51-12-2, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to fixing the boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: "The following described real property in a Residential "R-2" District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby zoned as a. Residential "R-4" District, and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: Lot 18, Highland Acres Subdivision, being part of the 5E14 SE, Section 21 and NE4 SW4 Section 28, Township 1 South, Range 1 East, Salt- Lake Base and Meridian." Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, ., this 28th day of September, 1971. - j // MAYOR // 2J. `.;{'' //(.,ii ru/ CITY RECURDEIz7 (SEAL) BILL NO, 87 of 1971 Published October 1, 1971 87 Aofe..A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 JY ss. County of Salt Lake BetiyPhelps Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- AN ORDIN ORDINMENDING Sec. culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Non ss-Is: of the Revised Sha Ord,- County, in the State Utah. a et r oslLako Cale,Shah.1701, y of el boundaries tos -zoning t and fi%Inp the co,muss avers o1 I Salih C Lake dOlyf man: That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto SECTION 1.That the"use district maD'�a adopted by Section 512-2,' of the Revised.Ordinances of Salt, An Ordinance relating to .rezoning and iir,.ing 'rho • Lakerulgt CII v.Utah,the as emended,. ----- - — ---- u(�ITi b fl%Inp the boundaries of se Districts, be, end the s .her by(s, ended. follows; a The following describe) real boundariesn thF-'._Use-Districts,__Bill_Bo. 87_o_ Drnaerty ID n Residential 'R-f"Dls- --- frict,as shown en the Use District Nao,I hrrbv z ncU a o 1./Vfiin fill"R d"lalelricf.,dd the Use Ds- L9/r/ 1.e filet It Is amea.ded and manned _. ficcor It,lv: 5 • St allS,kilo da lM1G SC4.n s .2cs - 11 cod Mitt,Sltiv Sec IIDn oo,Sui-. hip 1 South,Range 1 East.Salt --------_-- ----- — - ---- Lake Rase ali !ethlian." Passed by the f oa rd of tah,IF.s• 'eelnnors of Salt Lane city,Ulah,this YdtN day of SeJ.BRACKEN J.BRACKEN LEE i --- Mavor 'HERMAN I.HOGENSFN City Recorder - OC't000r 1� fseau was published in said newspaper on _-. ____t__a__��1____ BILL NO. n of 19f7 Published October'1�1971__. (B-3]7. Legal Ada ertisingvfilerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this tli day of October A.D. 19 71 i, •7 - .4 Notary Public My Commission Expires Feh'ru.awy 12., 1974 ,1