88 of 1905 - Ordinance 88 of 1905 – Sidewalk Extension No. 91. 0 I AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the I north side of Seventh South Street between Second East and Sixth( Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Noe. 20 and 22, for the construction I of a cement..sidswalk. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION l That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer I as corrected,f iroged and completed by th Board of Equalization and Review, hetetofore duly appointed by th4 ,City Council for that f purpose, of the property abutting on the nb th side of Seventh South Street between'Second East and Sixth East streets; in Sidewalk Dis- tricts Nos. 2d and 22, for the construction of a cement sidewalk upon said portion of said Street, is hereby confirmed, and the assese- ments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby,confirmed! SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 91. --,e7-(-4 Passed by the Cite Council of Salt Lake City,Utayh, September llth,1905, and referred to the ?.ayor for 's appro al. Ciftecorder, Approved this dty of September,1905. 1 II i I . KOZAilriag0 IA tso xtsagolq &Li now t Jnes;rnneaaa adt Nntimtbrss *onset/ale aik ' ri cla bun #salt bnooe6 noewtad Sae'st8 rft.uo$ ti*nOvee 2e able suit lot �J3Afi �, u bns OS .aeffi aSO±.I tLa Y1awdbtu a! ,er ,# _ :riat Cott:, ea[aki ftaU •Yt Snauto = 20 fieteuo5 xtto eri3 f anf ,��,i "' „ T8'ftlaeaTi x110 e[ff d \ Jl a€I t x ab _ S .its # , rsoitszslLestpg #oPYaoB aipraaaea ' �a. IPg .d e,trig tot) bark .1 � Urfa lot cn \: atearYoa as t.ntrtro� tt 1 0 ` t Xf battstogga xt lisiaJ '. tittroe riJnevaa #o 0* ,vulvae btta- •= "BtQ .Ti.tr.✓�Dt u ` tef3itt '4 p ::fxtE bnr *asseil girtsd Jas'sJffi 312ssa€abSa the a;rr; y;u x:anve er' a g . ' ' 4*S b+ � ..ao aJotYJ esasts grid bus ,14"1i'esoaAde7sri al ,taolia b.t.ea l rw.ttloq bias now 'baalYllnoo xczazsri eY.8 atell betatquoo blest nt bea!'3trtri bns slum atneta vo/icls nogcr 1oa?',o 3JS[sJ Cfstfst ®o nun tin o a2rtT S U.02To2 a ,l'' N\ AN YO\ \ 4, ikr.$ to .oTt netmatattaweet TAGdYp,ir•, ff tji n Cis ^Tq„g 11/ M ,.. Ir'C ii Y,; 1