88 of 1905 - Ordinance 88 of 1905 – Sidewalk Extension No. 91. 0
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the
north side of Seventh South Street between Second East and Sixth(
Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Noe. 20 and 22, for the construction I
of a cement..sidswalk.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION l That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
I as corrected,f iroged and completed by th Board of Equalization
and Review, hetetofore duly appointed by th4 ,City Council for that
f purpose, of the property abutting on the nb th side of Seventh South
Street between'Second East and Sixth East streets; in Sidewalk Dis-
tricts Nos. 2d and 22, for the construction of a cement sidewalk
upon said portion of said Street, is hereby confirmed, and the assese-
ments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby,confirmed!
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sidewalk Extension No. 91. --,e7-(-4
Passed by the Cite Council of Salt Lake City,Utayh, September
llth,1905, and referred to the ?.ayor for 's appro al.
Approved this dty of September,1905.
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