88 of 1910 - Ordinance 88 of 1910 – Against pool rooms and gambling. Y l {` I APORDIP'A"CF. ` I An ordinance against pool rooms and gambling. 'UIPREA", the practice of gambling on horse races is demoralizing, rendering many men idle ant. dissolute and often leading them to the commission of crime, and unfitting them for positions of trust, honor and responsibility, and whereas, the pernicious practice of selling pools on horse races exists in the business portion of our city, where its allurements are enticing young men from the path of rectitude; Pow, therefore, PE IT OPDAITIED AY TIIP' CITY COUYCIL OF SALT LA} ] CITY, UTAH. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to conduct in Salt Lake City any pool selling room or i_ place, or any turf exchange, or any place of gambling on horse races, or to permit in or in connection with his or ita place of 14 business any pool-selling or gambling on I1.01rse races, or the bett- ing of money or any other thing on any horse race, in any form or 1, manner, or by any means, device or instrumentality of any kind whatsoever; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to take or accept any money or any other thing from any person in payment for any chance or as a wager on any horse race; and it shall be unlawful for any person to place or put up any money or other article as a wager on any horse race, or to purchase any chance in any horse race. 22 Section 2. In addition to the penalty hereinafter 24 prescribed for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, e,ny person, firm or corporation who has received from Salt Lake City a license to carry on anyzr business., shall have his or its license revoked by the City Council upon it satis- 27 is factorilyr appearing to said Council that such person, firm or z corporation is carrying on or is permitting to be conducted in or in connection with his or its place of business any betting; gambling or pool-selling on horse races by any means, device or r instrumentality, or in any form or manner whatsoever; or is permitting gambling, in any form or manner, or by any means, device or instrumentality in or in connection with his or its r place of business, or whose place of business supplies liquor to 2 any kind of a gambl g, 12cueehouse or turf exchange, or roam where pools on horse rac Ire soti, _ 3. Any 1g, , or corTorotioo, violating any of the provisions of Ain' SOd : ,e shall be punished by a find not j to exceed the sum o ,47i. ), ' by im_,risonment in the city jail n, for not more than tree mod+ s or by bath such fine and imprison- u ment in the discret: n of the Court. t Section 4:" All ordinances and resolutions, or parts r:: of ordinances or resolutions, in conflict with this ordinance, r, are hercby repealed. 1,, Section. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be a in force from and after its approval. 17 N //712,1C-1-1e---1--t--27- -,I 21 2.r o{ 25 in Z.7 :;fl _ I! 1 t - i - . . , at ( . (� V i � 1.1 � s 4 I I. t 1 • h . c 1Nk