88 of 1951 - Ordinance 88 of 1951, Amending Section 1029, relating to dairy and milk inspection, ( fees ) Salt Lake City,Utah,D E C 20 I957 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.2 j
Christensen /-/
Lingenfelter . . ;:.
Romney . . ✓
Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE
_ '
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed
by the Board of Commissioners on March 16, 1944, and May 25, 1949,
and re-enacting Section 1030 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, TTtah, 1944; relating to dairy and milk inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 1029 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances,.passed by the
Board of Commissioners on March 16, 1944, and May,25. -=-1j949, relating '
to dairy and milk inspection, be and the same is hereby: further amend-
QC ed to read as follows:
"SEC. 1029. FEES. (a) All milk produced for use as or in
market milk, market cream, ice cream, frozen milk and cream
products by any milk producer, dairy or dairy farm, regardless
of grade, which is received by any milk distributor, milk plant,
separator, handler, bottler, processor or manufacturer, possess-
ing a permit from the Salt Lake City Board of Health, shall be
subject to the following fees:
1. Milk producers shipping to the Salt Lake City mar-
ket and located in the following counties: Tooele, Salt Lake,
Davis, Weber, Morgan, Wasatch, Summit and Utah, shall pay one
(1) cent for each hundred pounds of milk so received; provided,
that such fee collected from each milk producer, dairy or dairy
farm shall not in any one month be less than two dollars ($2.00)
nor more than six dollars(16.00).
2. Milk producers shipping to the Salt Lake City mar—
ket and located in the following counties: Box Elder, Juab, San
Pete, Cache and Duchesne, shall pay one and one half (it)
cent for each one hundred pounds of milk so received; provid-
ed, that such fee collected from each milk producer, dairy or
dairy farm, shall not in any one month be less than Two and
50/100 (i';2.50) Dollars nor more than Seven and 00/100 (d7.00)
3. All producers shipping from any area outside of
the aforementioned counties shall pay two (2) cents for each
one hundred pounds of milk so received; provided, that such
fee collected from each milk producer,dairy or dairy farm, shell
not Inc ny one month be less than Three and 00/100 ( 3.00)
Dollars nor more than Fight and 00/100 (j8.00) Dollars.
(b) Said fees shall be collected or deducted by said mil
distributor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler, proces-
sor of such market milk or cream or by the manufacturer of
such ice cream or other frozen milk or cream products semi-
monthly from monies due any such producer, dairy or dairy far ,
and shall be payable by said distributor, milk plant, separat.r,
handler, bottler, processor or manufacturer to the Board of
Health for deposit with the treasurer of Salt Lake City on or
before the 20th day of each calendar month covering the amoun
of milk or cream delivered by each producer, dairy or dairy
farm during the preceding month; provided, that if any such
distributor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler, proces-
sor or manufacturer shall receive due notice from any such
producer, dairy or dairy farm to the effect that such produce ,
dairy or dairy farm refuses to pay said fee or to have the
same deducted from monies due him from the sale of such milk
or cream, said milk distributor, milk plant, separator, hand-
ler, bottler, processor or manufacturer shall within twenty-
four hours of receipt of such notification, advise the Board
of Health in writing of the action of said milk producer,
dairy or dairy farm, and the Board of Health shall upon re-
ceipt of such notice immediately revoke the permit of said
producer, dairy or dairy farm.
(c) Avery producer, dairy or dairy farm shall at the tim:.
of filing an supplication for a grade "A" permit pay to the
guard of Health for deposit with the Treasurer of Salt Lake
City the sum of Fifteen Dollars ('15.00) to defray the costs
and expenses of the preliminary inspection by the hoard of
Health of the premises involved.
(d) The Salt Lake City Hoard of Health will not furnish
milk inspection to any milk distributing plant engaged in the
processing, pasteurizing or bottling of milk or milk products
T--located more than twenty (20) miles from the corporate
limits of Salt Lake City, When such. milk d.i.stribution plant
desires to market its products on the Salt Lake City market
they may apply to the Salt Lake City Board of Health to enter
into a reciprocal agreement with the local or State Health
Department minting inspection and supervision over such a
milk distributing plant. When the Salt Lake City Board of
Health determines such supervision or direction. is adequate
and comparable to such inspectional services as are maintain-
ed by the Salt Lake City Board of Health the o^.rd of Health
may, with the permission of the City Commission, enter into
such reciprocal agreement and permit the products of such mil .
distributor to be sold within the Salt Lake City limits.
(e) Milk receiving stations operated by milk distributor -
under the supervision of the Salt Lake City Board of Health
and located more than twenty (20) miles from the corporate
limits of halt Lake City shall be charged a fee of ten (10)
cents per rsilh to the milk receiving station and return to
Salt Lake City and a per diem fee in the amount of Eight (0. 0)
Dollars when one employee of the Board of Health is required.
for inspection work and Ten M10.00) Dollars per diem when
two employees are required for inspection wmrk. Such fee is
to he charged each. time it becomes necessary to make an in-
spectional visit to the collection station for the purpose o.
inspections or the collection of milk samples. Such fee is
not to be charged when a representative of the Health Depart
ment travels to the vicinity of the milk collection station
only for the purpose of making milk producer inspections."
SECTIOTT 2. That Chapter X of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to dairy and milk inspection,
be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter
a new section to be known as Section 1030, which shall read as fol
"SEC. 1030. FEES. RAW MILK. All raw milk handled, sepa-
rated, bottled, processed or pasteurized shall be subject to
an additional fee of one-tenth of a cent per iilo4 pay'aT e
by the separator, distributor, bottler, proceapr', r pasiiur-
izer on or before the 20th day of each morith� tale,,cal vadar
month preceding to the Roard of Health for d it with tka
treasurer of Salt Lake City; provided that s"ofe " �` t
be in any month less than $10.00 nor more b15�.00 ;:
The manufacturer of ice crean, ice_ aS ereaipix, or o1hhr
frozen milk or cream products, wile shall hate; aid the fee
provided by section 1042 of thisahapter sh011 be exempt from
paying fees provided by this section.
The auditor of Salt '-'ake City shall have the right at an.
acid all. reasonable times to audit the books of any plait,
separator, bottler, processor, distributor or producer referr:d
to in this section and section 1029."
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. -
passed by the Board of Commtssi-oners of Salt Lab ity;3;�an, this
rr& day of 4',F6 s r. A.D. 1951.
1 a May r.
(1/77PA"-> fc';' (----
City Recorder.
Legal Notice— Affidavit of Publication
TION 1029 Of the Revised Ordi-
nancesof salt Lake City,Utab,1944.
theemnded by drainanres pals.by
Board of Commissioners on,
March 16, 1944,and May 25,
an. 'ing Seetdon 1030 of the
Revised e11Ordina cose of latin Salt Balky y ss
anly.milk,ah, a
a , 104;r. J
Be It ordained by the Board of
Commlesloncrs of Snit Lake City,
SECTION 1.They Section 1029 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt,
Lake City, Utah,1944,a amended
by ordinances passed by'th Board '• -,� i�'�Y
f Commissioners Maroh 16, -
1944,and May 25,1940,Seleting.tc, 1.
dairy and ilk inspectlnn,be d 1
the same is hereby fmaw amend Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
to read as follows:, iM�1
do 1to FEES.
o5,in'nia 5�• vertising clerk o f the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
•intik, a (or u f
Ilkm market.cream,)od Crc4Mt, +
milk and, a Praddcia airy f an4,
eRernh,`fi"�e rKrdairy
de;vL°,ph dairy f,a^' published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
bey an3 mflk di t!A�"?l mill[ii t,
r8t f K di➢aea71 D Lof Utah.
for rom f 6 1{ L aoetli=�,yr1't15 atw`Health h 11 n a tLrettikicy fees. 9 )a.-0/ U byre
Muk n thri a ;�ligrl•,t4d.i„! That the advertisement
thaGalt Laka Crty counties:-Tuoele. Salt
Lake.olDa following w 1 f(' i RA4A,bcatch,Summit.Ann.tFr._drnd A.-, (r(lina.nce Ei.1 1. (;o, u8
e (I) ant f Ided.
pound t ilkC p
that h fea,d BC tert=Frdj+Sn h
milk MAIM,cal'eAonldhr4 f rim
ahad''.tin-G by ➢o montsroi°more
Ihan Oc'dollars' (9290b n
than ill dollars (s.00h'
l NNlt2,. dty maMeetln endg to the
Salt Li 2. City ma Met end to
!od Eider,the f, San d court.les'.
Rod OdlJo, y bon y Cache
and half
(1,5 a entall pay oce ri anti
halt (1!m) cent eac o
I hundred ➢vided,„hat 311011 Ire eol-
Ived;from ,Milk producer,
dolyd r dairy each
shall not in
ant.one month be less than not,
roil s0/100(50.50)Dollars nor'more
than' and 00/100 157.00)
d. All outside
shipping from
was published in said newspaper on ere °ter 22, 7.(a,'
any area of ehr. at Wemei
Cloned counties shall pay
o Cal
cant,for each'011 hundred pounds
of milk an received; provided,
such foe producer,dairy
h,or dahY farm xlra milk
Threes all oni one month
.n than
nor more they yo Eight and 00/100 - -
(^Anal Dollars.
fb) Said ( sh ll b collected i/�,�� -U(�
r deduct.by sold n Ilk dlstrlbuto,,
milk plant,sella`atofb handier,no,-
ea soccer„ t!e manufacturer Mar r / Advertising Cler
,, uohmlee cream or oher Sepses /
ntik or rprnditctx acml-month
ly from cream
due any such IAo-
1 duet, d
shall be payable by said di crrlhutor,
milk plant,.separator,handler,bol-,
Oct processor manufacturer to' �C'f J1.
the'Board of or for depoeh rn to be f ore me this day of
with the reasure o1 Salt Lek:City
r before the 20th day of each
caleon ndar month aoverina the amount
of milk,:ordntreamrdnaivered by emh, A.D.19 '�1
than if any
yaouching distributor.v milkded,i
pl rf p t handler, bottler..
shall i
tlA f any. f pro-, /z� ---
uet u m nr adairy —vk-,A'
dairy f r e pay deducted from
d e of Notary Pub k
monies d him n d 1
rh milk n ..old milk tor, \
handletrlhutor, or
separa e
handler,actor, bottler. pr Y o mfln-
fourthours ofer f all receipt within f such° enty-
ltlererrur rtna of heoB and of a Health
in th
Milk producer,dahy action
or dnl,Y Caren,
and the 1,and of 11rrl:h shall upon
coke then,nc,nli oofa�•Mid P mope iY
clue or dairy 1,1,
rel. ye ty nibrnteet, del)':
inh v tar she. nowM-
ine rot application to the at
grade eAtt
permit cle soy to file noaiW of Ier of J
Int d,a,�,ll v; t the
-.re wire me snot tr¢aeh,cr of
1Dolllar,eflAhh)i. clef the rcorn,
and capa•ces of the prnlItatuaty❑f-
trsootier.,Ily the noerel of Head o
1 or crust,! roved, e
(el)The silt Lake City Board of
health will net furnish mi',k In-
en. to any inllkdishh Prating
pia to enga P.od hn ing f InIlk n r
milk prol a or heaping of milk e.
milk Wn20) located mhos
twenty limits
mrla. akum Chi
Ilur(ts al Saltistrib lake last
When s 'sank dlIts pr du plant
thedes Salt
to market Its products on
[he'. Salt Lake the
'act they
apiniy 00 the rater into
clotot of Health to enter rota cal
lip State
a cot with the local
or state health inspection a De nrtmcnt male- paid the fee.provided by section 104k I
talhfng Inssppecnd supervfsloln of this chant,shall be exempt front
over h a edik distributing slant.
When the Salt Lake City Heard of Pa Ong fees'providedai this secllon.
s 'She auditor f Salt :.aka City
Health ni inr I. sithetvislon shall have the right at any and all
or dlecetion Is adequate and n- disttilamo
able timer to arndlt the books
pa non lwtelt erl ry the Inspectional srerVICeS I en any plant,separator,bottler,pro-
113 o' producer r
Clts8rnoaiA of ncal'h the noes(a-' fe'rred to In this section d section I
Health may with the 04rml:.lon of 30
th (It c Estee. su
ch uch SECTION 3 In the opinion of the
reciprocal RiTIOCUICIlt and permit noatd of Comotisstonors.It is news-
the oreduela or 1 .tik Slit lacy t h peace,health and safety I
tr lb t to 1 sold withIn .he Salt of the inhabitants of Salt soaks City
Lake.City limits, that till,ordinance shah become ef-
(el Milk receiving stations once- tective irametilatelE,
lied h} milk dLstrfbutors r ter the SECTION 4-This ordinance shall
supervision of the Salt Lnke City to effect upon its that publication.
Board of health and located n
r Passed by the Board of Commis-
than twenty (20) Iles front the loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
corporate limits of Salt Lake City 20th day of December,A.D. 1951.
shalt be charged a tco of ten (10) Earl J.Glade
tents mile to the milk wo v-I Mayor
Inkstallmt and Jaunt to Snit Lnke Ynma t,All nner
shy and a perdiem fee hl the city Recorder
amount or p:toye (Shop) and of pill , _so
one �u rr of the Board at published.December In,1951
Hoaltb nds'Inn
for law er
and rxl0.n01 its are per
'iron ho tw re
suited for Inspection y ork. Such
for Is to he charged each time 1t
beaconn rs r v to crake an Ir.-
lloetlonal vlvle to:he onllectlnn c •
�: for the purp of inspection o, s
or the collection of In,tik samples.
Such fee l.r not to Ae e:t arged when
r presentative or the limlth De:
i De-
partment rflk travel,
slatteliilt slip
for the purpose of making milk pre-
ducer in.,necticns."
SECTION 2. That'Chapter m of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1944, relating to dotry
and milk lne0ectton, by and 'he
name s botchy amended by adding
In and to said Chapter a acttonl
t.o he known a csalon 10:i0,which
shall read as follows:
'SEC. tndp, PEES, RAW WA,
All raw milk handler, bot-
tled, p ,se
processed Cla nu ast0lvcel shau
be .nlhlect to an additional fee of
bltenth n r gallon n
o by the aso➢%talloq Ilstelbute,
bottler, processor u n,teurlber on
rr before the lath day ref each month
for the calendar month preceding to
the Board of Health for t-with
then treasurer of Salt Lakea City;Pone
Videothat such too shall not,he.In
titanmsonth s.a less than 110.00 not more
Tins nilaeturer of Ica
Ice a nmix,a other(rater,milk
or treama products, who shall have