88 of 1960 - Amending Title 41, Chapter 1, Section 8, of R.O., 1955, relating to advertising on City streets. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah,_..J:fr"711GU , 196 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinan be passed. Christensen teteasie Harrison Piereey . . Romney . . . Mr.Chairman ' j �,�` AN ORDINANCE Result • Y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 41, Chapter 1 , Section 8, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to advertising on the streets, providing for the application and the conditions under which such privilege may be granted and fixing the penalties for the violation thereof. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Title 41 , Chapter 1, Section 8, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to advertising on the streets, providing for the application and the conditions under which such privilege may be granted and fixing the penalties for the violation thereof, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 41-1-8. Advertising on streets. Exception. (a) It shall be unlawful for any persUF to engage in the business of advertising or to advertise his avocation or business by the use of floats, printed signs, posters or advertisements of any kind, attached to any vehicle of any description, or any animal , or any person, within the district or upon the streets mentioned in section 41-1-6; provided, however, this section shall not be construed to prohibit advertising painted or printed matter pasted or glued upon such vehicle when such vehicle is being used in the regular business of its owner. "(b) Application. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, association or organization to advertise by the use of printed signs, posters, placards or other advertising media, upon the streets and sidewalks of Salt Lake City, without first submitting an application therefor, to the board of commissioners and obtaining permission so to do. Said application may be informal and can be made by letter or petition, but shall contain the following information: 1 . The name and address of the applicant; 2. The purpose for which the advertising is to be used; 3'. The length of time the advertisements are to remain posted; 4. The civic organization or associations, if any, affiliated with the applicant in sponsoring the event, objective or matter advertised; 5. Any other information the commission may require. "(c) Requirements. The board of commissioners may grant the applicant the privilege of using the streets and sidewalks of Salt Lake City for advertising in strict obedience to the provisions of 88 ti -2- this ordinance, if in its opinion the following requirements have been or will be fulfilled: 1 . That all of the information required to be set forth In the application has been furnished and that the same is true; 2. That the purpose of such advertising is not for private gain or pecuniary profit; 3. That the nature of the objective, event or matter adver- tised is a civic or public purpose; 4. That none of the matters prohibited in subsection (a) hereof will be advertised; 5. That the matters advertised are in the public interest. 6. That the applicant and its officers are morally responsible and financially able to successfully execute the objects and purposes advertised. The board of commissioners shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of the applicant and may waive any of the requirements set forth in this subsection. "(d) Advertising media. The advertising media used shall consist only of suitable gauge cardboard and the printed matter thereon shall be approved by the board of commissioners. Paper posters, or other paper media shall be prohibited. Advertising cards or posters shall not exceed eighteen inches in width nor thirty inches in length ar when posted shall be securely tied to electric light poles owned, leased or controlled by the city, by strong cord or suitable wire. No signs, placards or posters shall be glued, pasted or cemeted to said poles, nor shell they be posted by the use of any adhesive whatsoever. "(e) Conditions. Permission to advertise as herein provided shall only be granted upon condition that the applicant will remove the advertising matter at his or its expense, as the case may be, within forty eight hours after the expiration of the term allowed by the board of commissioners and thereafter disposed of carefully and lawfully with due regard for the cleanliness of the streets and the prevention of littering them thereby. The privilege of advertising, as herein provided, shall be granted without fee or charge, but the applicant shall agree to save and hold harmless the city and its officers and employees from liability for damages to person or property for acts done or omitted In the course of their official duties and employment, arising from or as a result of, any advertising privileges herein allowed. In no event shall the applicant be granted an adver- tising privilege for a period in excess of thirty (30) days. "It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, association or organi;zatlon to wilfully cause to be done or do, any act which would interfere with the posting of advertising matter under a privilege lawfully granted, or despoil , mar, deface, tear, mark or remove any such advertising matter while legally posted, except upon order of the board of commissioners or by authority of the permittee. "(f) Penalties. Any person, firm, corporation, association or organization who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is -3- necessary to the peace, health and safety of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective Immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 7th day of July, 1960. " >,./ / mayor C i Rec rd J1 V41' " S E A L r BILL NO. 88 of 1960 Published July 14, 1960 88 ADM96A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake as. D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily Iexcept Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 88 of 1960. • An Ordinance relating to advertising on the streets. was published in said newspaper on July 14, 1960. Legal Advertising.__,_ '' 15th Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of July A.D. 19 60 Notary Public My Commission Expires 25_,...19 61. lgal Notices Ida Afi ertlanx coed;.,- The I .v.�__....,...... - advertisingnedia used shall con . _..ANCl5 nrt suitable a e card, I AN ORDINANCE 4 board and the be painted•` after 1 AN OR➢/NANCE AMENDING proseil b Panel' Title at.Chapter 1,Section 8 of , hoard f shallthereon commissioners p i the Revise 1 Ordinances f S t bet LeerO.media -!l Lalre City.Utah.19elating t I. beo 9'ters l'bll shall tl. Adl t ,d -ht- d advertising the 't':' t t I een InelleAd 1 .1 'ty I g t thetapplication and l i h 1.dth d - -.l Ci Witt underwhich 1 p' hit y ; i t t_ it gC 1Y.5 b granted al d fl h1fe I light I d less.o thepenalties for the violation �. trolled bythe1t M1 1� thereof. suitabl wire N strong I Be If ordained by the Board f 1 or or posters shall be %It�cd. IJtoh' sio,lert of Sall Lake Cif, cemented ores. -Utah: I ors shall they be hact posted bydthe oze SECTION 1.That Title 41,Chan: fan adhesive what,evor. 1 ter 1, Seaton 0 t he RevIsed "fey"Conditions.Permission Ordinances of Gait the City, advertise as herein provided shall I Utah,1955,r la et. .to ad verhsing my be g nea non condition i on the streets sahe f I t t thec ill 'e Application yl htclo do such 1 11%d t v it d t the matter t be. undere granter lid f-g th p within! eight h afterthe ties for the violation thereof.be, expiration of the germ allowed by.I d the p;is hereby amended fire board f con -io read no`follow hereafter of of o�covert'',I I "Sec. 41,8, SAdvertising and lawfully with 'lee regard for streets. Exception. lat It than.. the cleanliness of the s-re i,r.ry e unlawful for any person to the e r t ittero':e Rage In the business [ d r. I thereby. The le P ad'er using or to advertise hisa. + tising. as here provided, shall lion or business by the use f • b.g [d _.h t(� a h I floats punted signs poster of d b th nl t i to <Isemenls of 'N kind tta'ad- I d hold h the 'd a chfcic of a v oyees l nysc person leersoo rr., I from liabilitty for daficers rts s to t Within therii district or section the' sow tt omitted Whproperty ier acts don.tthe— provided, y� official duties d 1 Shall be 4 q dii t rhs tbit I arising f It of aAy advet 4q advertising t naffed 1 n l ve. I towed. I L h 11 pl [ b d h d the when such l business 1 of-t� x. , eess f thirty f 01... d s 1 If shall be 1 v 1 unlawful iA L It person l-It,b. It I nt t fi ion or t lI[ `.. I t corporation.-,d tl association thet I i h-M1 se t be done t f dion o dna o 11 o minded t t � I p t' I or other d tf 1 , d le I E II - tlabed' d -d lA f t li despoil. d E a,. L k City, -1 L submit- h i t Pei t_ _tl [ ,to the 1 n c c:/e.i Il ref.A.. ..cAl b err of a ms nrd o miler of thv b.d of'cow. oins ere n r to a. S hi I' - i sorb m. 1.. I the I analleation he.info .-1 ,d p I f s n.B,u be ad by 1 ter till n I I fT, penasti Any p Girt shall contain the following in corporation, association for t zati0n who shall vlater corgi, the aniplicantne and octaves, of I of t^' d I the II b. 'try I misdemeanor SECTION I i ns 1 advertising The sng'pOSC for t be us.:which tae necessary dto fih .-1 ll t i. I 1 cahe Intentslength a are of time in a•1 �: Lake City thlltau hiat nth,sf oG IIt P 9cTi1?', 1 r: .� t c become effective e di bi.7719t O -fc n I n n I4 SrcgTION 3.This d- shall I N tliwl 1 1 t f - r I. t It t d1 n it:, • hf sed b [ matter .` t'a Passed b. h 'Booed r Coo,a,�Anv other miff nation the Ili 's of Salt LgIfe Cif Utah. ep'Iclr"Ileolunements Lr'fhc board I' brissr'ith day of Jul,10E0. 1 i BRACKEN LEE.pl f using • streets thee end irelk f Salt I Ikstrict (i l for t t i- cer obedience to the MOVIS1035f this Sp Al I RILL NO•g8 f Iga0, ,,,,,, ill o h. published Tuly 14 iBh0 follpurna, cure,[a hay.-bee' _ n gill br an1f 111c': ------'--- l.TI required all of t inth it,tlon l to he set forth n he I ana,,Icaon has been h,mish:d i that the s s true: I H.That tha t c on urb advertising nni area ,va. oi efit.gag '1e, even rtor re. i the err taiivc, event a matter niln-o, isod is a civic Or pub11< nu. I P'4Z'4'hadoft' rahibft n nsubvec[ the m,attrr.s ti m fa', he,enf will be advertlred. 5 T1e!. the m.'. to Ott--- I hs5.d Tlrat�theh abplbailt sand sits I nl face,;s a 'abl r nsiblc fnil ftnnncuslly table to st I ully execute the ohiccls,C; eadvertised. Theo tote' 1 ec n shall ha the solepie,l�ai f th a Cie of the rumay a i. f the applicant and nt the enters�reE fnlrlh i,this sub9ectlon_ 1