88 of 1971 - Amending Title 44, by adding Chapter 7, establishing rates and charges for ambulance service and est ROLL CALL September 29 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah ,197
Barker . . . . A14,€4,4/
Catmull I move that the Ordinance be pa.§ed. /
Harrison . Ili
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 44 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to ambulances, by adding thereto
a new Chapter 7, relating to rates and charges.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Title 44 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to ambulances, be, and the same hereby is,
amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 7, relating to rates and charges
to read as follows:
Chapter 7
Rates and Charges
Sec. 44-7-1. Rates established. No ambulance operating
within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City shall charge
any sum for the use of an -ambulance other than in accordance
with the following rates:
(1) Transportation Rate: $30.00 per call
(2) Mileage Rate: $1.00 per mile or fraction thereof within
the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, and outside said corpor-
ate limits as established by the particular company involved in
compliance with such regulations as may be established by the
Public Service Commission of the State of Utah. In all cases
mileage shall be computed from the point of pick-up to the point
of delivery.
Sec. 44-7-2. One or more patients in one ambulance. If
more than one patient is transported from the same point of
origin to the same point of delivery in the same ambulance
the charges to be assessed against each individual so trans-
ported will be computed as follows:
A base rate as provided in Section 44-7-1 for the
first person, plus 50% of said base rate for each
additional person, then divided by the number of
individuals being transported.
If additional first aid or emergency services are required,
each patient shall be charged for the services provided in his
behalf in the amounts set forth in Section 44-7-4.
Sec. 44-7-3. Waiting time. An ambulance shall provide
fifteen minutes free time at both point of pick-up and point
of delivery, and any time after the expiration of this free
time, a charge of $2.50 per quarter hour or fraction thereof
shall be assessed. On round trips, 30 minutes free time will
be allowed from the time the ambulance reaches the point of
delivery until starting the return trip. At the expiration of
the 30 minutes free time, the charge will be as set forth above.
Sec. 44-7-4. Assessorial service charges. Any assessorial
services rendered to a patient shall be assessed in an amount
not to exceed the following:
(1) Oxygen $5.00
(2) Resuscitation $7.00
(3) Use of the H.L.R. Machine $35.00
(4) First Aid $5.00
Sec. 44-7-5. Cancelled trips. If, after an ambulance has
been dispatched and arrives at the point of pick-up, the trip
is cancelled, a flat rate of $22.00 shall be assessed.
Sec. 44-7-6. Ambulance service to planes or trains. For
ambulance service from or to planes or trains a charge of $5.00
will be assessed in addition to the rates and charges provided
in this chapter.
Sec. 44-7-7. Round trips. A round trip will be considered
the same as two one-way trips and full charges will be assessed
in both directions based upon the rates and charges provided
in this chapter.
Sec. 44-7-8. Responsibility for charges. Unless specifi-
cally authorized by the Board of Commissioners, Salt Lake City
shall not be responsible for the payment of any rates or
charges assessed against any individuals for ambulance service.
Sec. 44-7-9. Board of review. There shall be established
a Board of Review to investigate any and all complaints re-
ceived from citizens regarding ambulance service. Said board
shall consist of 3 members who shall be appointed by the Board
of Commissioners.
The Board shall investigate and screen all such complaints,
shall determine which complaints are justified and shall report
its findings and recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 29th day of September , 1971,- /
Ida or �f
City Recor4
BILL NO. 88 of 1971
Published October 1, 1971
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
—� An Ox OINANCk __.____-. 13etty PheJo _
Tl'a 4e of 1I'.0 Revlseu OYd,na,,ces
of Salt Lake Cdy,blab,1015, erclo l
a Ip ambulances,by adding rateo
new Chapter 7,r mnng fa rates Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
°ee`�irgonars ;l bl the hoard el clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
•Cemmiss�aneYs f alf LakC CI(y, tL.Sl.ltg
U SECTION 1.That Title 44 of the newspaper printed in the English language with general cit.-
'Revised Ordinances I Salt Lake
'City,Utah,MSS, relaying to°meq- collation in Utah, and published an Salt Lake City, Salt lake
lances be,a n e sa .:I.ereabv Is,
'Chapter 7, relating rates and
County,in the State of Utah.
charges to Yeah as eNOvis.
Hales annt`CDarahs
a Sbubnce7 hPereflrntg`tre t°,'ine c"°� 7 hat the legal notice o f which a copy is attached hereto
charge hmlfs of Sao'the setvat on
charge any then for the
ambulance other than m accordance (1n Ordinance re l ati.m -t o 2 n,1 •Jsa `� 1 1
wt(lh tun following rates: _-_ ,�._ s.IP`1_�4S a_1)7:i+SL-LL't�.__
Transportation Rate:S70,00 per'
t71 Ml,eape Rafe:51.00 per mile or
traction thereof within the chip°rate the'rClito al, new Chhnte,r ? 1 at., ��'`
IRnlls of Salt Lake City,and outside -- -1--- 1-Y'S"J_s�,- -1-tr Q F1�4YiL 1'r l...._-
81d corporate limits as established
the particular company invaived'
in compliance with turn reoulrtlo,s ,.,,,r,,, r
may be established b /be Pebuc e}1t.,:_„.... IJi 1].TA), o- of l..J1,,
Service Commission of the State of --. _.--- ------ ''--front -
ofn pager)ath In lot point f p
to the Point at delivery.
Sec.as-7.2, One Patients _ ____.
In one ambulance.If more
more`than One
patient Is transported frm the same
dei ° llthti letbnceilvey n e n same
Individual°sa frnnipertedrI WIll`a be
` -- _
omputed as fellows:
A base rate as provided In Secton
4e-7i o tor cuss rate in,on SO per- was published in.said newspaper on Oetober ?, 1271
.clonal P n, then diolded by ine:
boa eof°Individuals being trans.!
Pot d.
Cy services additional nest aidp red, ea each
vlces°iprovoedr In his`Ief allt In the
amounts set term In Section 44-7-4,
Sec,44h7-b Waltley time,Ae am- ---- -- -----------
.tholance mill provide point
point et
dell:y,a Of Pick-un
e and red time N ''oge o Derv, Legal/lrtL�•tisi
after inn expiration of this free time, - _����" `ti�1 1
n charge of E2.SB ^r eater hour Clerk
'On thereof shall he osserAcd, ng Clerk
On round trips,30 minutes free time
b benrallowedhes Inn the time the I
point of de-.
hero unlit �tlno the 1d tr n.
the expiration f the.10 minutes
ofre:fir e,the charge will be asset
forth bove.
Orb. 44-7-4. Aseess°rlal service
charges. Any ssor o! services
r rendered to a patient all e
d m n amaung t to exceed 'Men to before one this lt't'.t�_ -_ day of
(11 gxyg¢n 1 R relAn l lc.L,R.Machine S5jq
A.D. 19_71 _
after' 44.ambulance`nh`a been dis-
patched patched° d arrives at the paint of /
e trip
ri Isl bncelled,J flat
rSe<.1d7-a. Ambulance's service to
planesor trains. For ambulance
,Vice rom o to lanes ormtra,ns a p-a 3 _
adaltibn°fi s'teae chapter."ina�PPP Notary Public---
hnt as`aj-7t1•R chapter. ,i round •.Y
ate one
4e etrips red IhC n e es
two ne-Roy trips and fail charges
Caved Pnx thM en h tldleea°s
provided 8.this pt iSrt,44Resnrsibilty
for chart-.
'thUnless specifically eed Sc ecifically euthorl
e Board f Commissioners, Sail
Lake City shall not be responsible for •
the payment of any
atedi en charges
assbulu ad e ce ve.lc r Sec.441-9.Board of view,There
shall be established o Board f Re-h',)I,
w to lir,,:n de a and all
pled Gang Y`mla�lloncerromvfce BtSaid
broad wall aMn tee o'J Ins Cost whl
callm°:lion°rant`e by the Boartl of
' The Board .shall Investigate and
screen 0`I such complaints, halt e-
Ifarmine which complaints a gust)•
fled and shall report Its finings and
'recommendations to the Board of
BOSard aiPCam'nslsslonelirra reco`
sane to the peace,health nE i.
City of
this ordinance ibecome°ef-
'Motive immediately.
SECTION 8. This oral..shalt
taPasscirlc by pike Its
Bairdt ou Clvu000l
loners of Salt Lakeo CityYpAlec,IllsI
191h day of Septemher,1971.
Bell k0.BB t 1971 fB-4H
hllsheh Ocgober 1,1971
CS ...I