88 of 1980 - Adopting the Neighborhood Development Plan entitle, 'Jackson Neighborhood Development Planh', dated AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City in accordance with Section 11-19-20, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as adopting the Neighborhood Development Plan entitled, " Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan," dated June 26, 1980, as the official redevelopment plan for the project area. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City: Section I. That the Neighborhood Development Program entitled, "Jackson Neighborhood Plan," dated June 26, 1980, be and the same is hereby adopted to read as follows: 1. It has become necessary and desirable to the redevelopment plan entitled, "Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan," dated June 26, 1980, as provided by Section 11-19-19, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, The redevelopment plan shall be entitled, "Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan, " 2. The legal description of the amended boundaries of the project area covered by the redevelopment plan entitled, "Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan" is as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the intersection of North Temple Street and 1000 West Street; thence North along the West boundary line of 1000 West Street to the Northwest corner of the intersection of 100 West Street and 600 North Street; thence East along the North boundary line of 600 North Street to the Northeast corner of the intersection of 600 North Street and 800 West Street; thence Southeasterly to the Northeast corner of the intersection of 700 West Street and 500 North Street; thence South along the East boundary line of 700 West Street to the Southeast corner of the intersection of 700 West Street and North Temple Street; thence West along the South boundary line of North Temple Street to the place of beginning, located in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 3, The purpose and intent of the City Council of Salt Lake City with respect to the project area is to accomplish the following purposes by acbption of the redevelopment plan entitled, "Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan," dated June 26, 1980. a. Removal of structurally substandard buildings to permit the return of the project area land to economic use and new construction. 88 b. Removal of impediments to land disposition and develop- ment through assembly of land into reasonable sized and shaped parcels served by improved public utilities and new community facilities, c. Rehabilitation Of buildings to assure sound long term economic activity in the Jackson School area of Salt Lake City. d. Elimination of environmental deficiencies, including among others small and irregular lot subdivision, over, crowding of the land and inadequate off-street parking. e, Achievement of an environmental reflecting a high level of concern for architectural and urban design principals, through encouragement, guidance, appropriate controls and professional assistance to owner participants and redevelopers, f, Strengthening of the tax base and economic health of the entire community and of the State of Utah. g. Provisions for improvements to public streets, curbs, and sidewalks, other public rights-of-ways, street lights, landscaped areas, public parking, and other public i mprovements. 4. The redevelopment plan entitled, "Jackson Neighborhood Develop- ment Plan", together with accompanying reports and documentation is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Ordinance, a copy of which is filed with the City Recorder and the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for public inspection. 5. The Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan is hereby designated as the official redevelopment plan of the project area. 6. The Salt Lake City Council hereby determines and finds as follows: a, The project area comprising a major part of the Jackson Neighborhood of Salt Lake City as above described is a "blighted area" as defined in Section 11-10-2, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and �C7 that,the redevelopment of said area is necessary to effectuate the public purposes set forth in the Utah Neighborhood Development Act and public purposes intended by the establishment of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City b. The redevelopment plan would redevelop the above described area in conformity with the Utah Neighborhood Development Act and is in the best interests of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare of the area and the community. c. The adoption and carrying out of the plan is feasible and economically sound. d. The redevelopment plan conforms to and is compatible with the master plan of Salt Lake City, Utah. e. The carrying out of the redevelopment plan will promote the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the com- munity and will effectuate the purposes and policy of the Utah Neighborhood Development Act. f. The condemnation of the real property, if and as provided for in the redevelopment plan, is necessary to the execu- tion of the redevelopment plan and adequate provisions have been made for the payment of said property to be acquired as required by law. g. The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City has a feasible plan for the relocation of persons, if any, to be temporarily or permanently displaced from housing facilities in the project area. h. Persons displaced from the project area, if any, are able to find or will be able to find either in the project area or in areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities, and at rents or prices within their financial means and available -3- bS to them, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of dwellings displaced and reason- ably accessible to their places of employment. 7. The Salt Lake City Council is satisfied that permanent housing facilities will be available within three years from the time occupants of the project area, if any, are displaced, and that pending the development of such facilities, temporary housing at comparable rents to those existing at the time of the displacement will be available in the general area. 8. This Ordinance adopting the redevelopment plan entitled,"Jack- son Neighborhood Development Plan," does not incorporate any provisions of tax increment financing permitted by the Utah Neighborhood Development Act, and specifically Section 11-19-29, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended. 9. The City Council of Salt Lake City hereby determines and finds that the parcels of real property described in the redevelopment plan entitled, "Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan", under the heading Acquisition and Clearance, to-wit: parcels number 86-1 through 86-9, located in Block 86, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, are located within the boundaries of the project area covered by the redevelopment plan and consist of buildings, improvements, of land which are detrimental or inimical to the public health, safety, or welfare of the community as defined in Section 11-19-9, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and that the redevelopment of said parcels as provided in the plan is in the public interest and will promote the public health, safety or welfare of the community. Section II. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health, and welfare of the City of Salt Lake that this Ordinance take effect immediately. Section III. This Ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. -4- �C7 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 26th day of August , 1980. 1 ()O--kcez---c-Th CHA AN L ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on attiu� a / � - s Mayor's Action: MAYOR ATTEST: '7/.,tWAJ2--/4 ff , �'—vas CITY RECORDER (7 (SEAL) BILL NO. 88 of 1980 Published September 4, 1980 -2- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAh , ss. County of Salt Lake AN.ORDINANCE. Shara D. Conaty AN ORDINANCE of Salt Lake City,Utah,relating to the Redevelopment Agenco'of Salt Lake City in accordance�p with Section Neighborhood Developrh neon Plan entitled, tj ed,9"Jackson Neighbor- hood Development Plan"dated June Y6,1900,as the official redegiopme mplaneld thecitprotect ouncilarea. Beingfirst duly deposes and says that he is legal Se it oraI.That by me Nei Chanel o1 Salt Lake City sworn, p y g Section I.Thai the Neighborhood la "dated June Program6,191 entitled, e'and the same IshNeighborhood ebv a ptmteedtol eadasfoldl Wee z6.I999. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily 1.It has become necessary and desirable totheredevelna (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English of plan tinge Jackson Neighborhood Development Plan,"dated June 16,1990,as provided by Section 11-19-19, language withgeneral circulation in Utah, and Utah Code Annotated 1"Jredevelopment D o plan shall be entitled, ackson Neighborhood evelpment g Plan„ published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the 9.The legal description of the amended boundaries of the State of Utah. tit"Jack'a e ed Dv the redevelopment elan ows,td, Jackt Neighborhood Development Plan"is as follows,to- NorthTempe of Ma Southwest comer of the Intersection of That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Norm Temple Street and tlp0 West stereo;Me In North alone the West boundary line of 1000 West Street to Me Northwest Street;thencrner of e EaSt Inters of MO West ection North boundary(tine of(d�00 North Street to the Northeast corner of Ma intersection 600 North eastcurnalei NO'etmetortreeet,.thh01e Wesiai-Celtanthe Non Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to the Street;thence South.along the'L'asf boundary line of 700 West Street to the Southeast corner,of.the intersection of 700 West Street and North Temple street:thence West along me South Redewleopment Agency of Salt Lake City boundary line of North Temple'Street M the place of begin- ning,located in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,Utah. 3.The purpose and Intent of the City Council of Salt Lake Cloy with respect to the project area is tov accomplish the fol- lowing"Jacksono Neighbdo Neighborhood Den of velopment redevelopment dated il Jnti- une , 26,19110. Removal ofstructurally Substandard bull0ings to pefmil me return Of MO protect area Inntl to economic use and new construction b.Removal of impediments M land disposition and drivel. and hapeedmmgh assembly ed be Improvedlepublicnlo utilities ' and slew community facilities. c nomici artfully ion in the JJackson to Schools ea of longnd S Lake tl. m i Elimination of.environmental deficiencies, Including was published in said newspaper on arho Sept. 4, 1980 g otter small and irregular lot ubdivision,over, crowding of the land and Inadequate off-street parking. e.Achievement ul en M m ronenfal reflecting a high level f concern tor architectural d urban design principals, through encouragement,guidance:appropriate controls and professional assistant('10 owner participants and i5t Igoe my f the tax base and econoelle health of the 1 - /1�� .,\A,e,-\1. J-��\: ,. , -\ ' enure community and of the state of Utah. -' Provisions for improvements to public streets,curbs, and sidewalks,otheric ights-of ways,street ights, Legal Advertising ClIerk and areas,public harking,and other public Im II provements,r 111 d.The redcvelunment plan entitled,"Jackson Neighbor- hood Development Plan",together with accompanyYrog report; and documentation Is incorporated herein by reteren<e lid Ore me this 17th dayof ciivelioa<ora rmrsd°inem aet4,1=',Ynnat A ncv'OrUt Lake City for public Inspection, m aJasteoaeoptMo here, A.D. I9...8.0..desi9ntted h official l Neighborhood Plan poei are b.The Salt lake Clty Council hereby determines d f'd as(allows r / a.The project area comprising a major pat oi the Jack- / son Nc ghtwrhoal Of Sall Lake Cnv as al0ve described is a"blighted area"as defined In Section 11 10-I UI h Code / t Annotated 1953,as amended,and that,the redevelopment el sale area is necessary la efectuate Mc public p / // set forth in the Utah Neighborhood Develop t Act and / ( I;/ t f rFTI��'r� Redevelopment Bounceublic purposes dof Salt Lake Ci the tyab rshmenf of the �I Notary Pub lc b. The redevelopment plan would redevelop the above described area In conformity with the Watt Neighbrhood Dpeace. a Art andis In the bfare Interests areahan tithe 7_The Sall lake City Council is satisfied that permanent .health, trey,and welfare f the and the hoesln5 facilll les will be available within Mice years trcno Me community.. adotime ercdpanis of the oriole/ area,d any,are displaced,and c. economically omicall and carrying out of the plan Is feasiblethat anddhe redevelop ant p housing alcomparable rents t h.such facilities,temporary w The redevelopment plan conforms to and Is compatible the nizplacemenf wit bhe availablethose ,n the genelrtal arcane floe of Im the ryimaster Mae oa S11,Lake vetCito.Utah. 6.This Ordinance dopting the redevelopment tan enfl- c.The carrying t f the -development plan will p floe, ",lackson Nei h mote the public peace,health, atefy and welfare 0 the o pit fe g Dorhood Development Plan,"Does n01 unify and will effectuate the purposes and policy of Y provisions of e tax increment financing yen Wall Neighborhood Development Act. fed by the Utah OO,Utah o Development An,and sp;,+clfl- f.The condemnation of the real properly,It and as coo, call,/Section 11 19-29,Utah Code Annotated 1953,as amen'it ed for the redevelopment plan,is essay to the ere, 9.The Cily Council f Salt Lake City hereby bet',ees cution of the redevelopment plan and adequate provisions and finds Mat the parcels of real property described in the have been made for 11e payment 0 said properly M be redevelopment plan entitled,"Jackson Neighborhood Develop- acquired as required by law, mint Plan",under Me heading Acquisition ono Clearance,to- fThe Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City has I: rc Is bar IM1 through fk 9,located in Block Od, easible plan for the relocation f persons,if any,to be Plat'�C",Salf Lake City Survey,arc l the redevelopment the 1pund- temporarily or permanently displaced from housing iacill- a s f the olecY area covered by the r development plan ties in Me protect area. consist of buildngs,improvements,of land whim are h.Persons displaced from the r tect area,If env,are detrimental or Inimical le the public health,safely,or welfare able to find or will he able to OM(-thie in rho praiecr f the c ity as defined Section 11-19-9,Utah Code r or In areas not generally less desirable In regard tp detrimental Ina as amended,and that Me edebelic mein f public utilities,and bli< d commercial facilties,and sa d will p s a p itlpu,n m¢ tan is }he gaunt rnt¢reer (thin their fiinancialmeans and avail- and ill romotertho public health,safety pr Welfare of the able rents if em,decent,sale and canilary wllinri nova;in mr Icy. bar to the numiier of dwelllnos displaced and reason- nSec,}ion It.In Me opinion of the City Council q/Sall Lako ably accessible to their maces of employment, flfy, t,s s ry lq Me peace,nealfh,and welfare of fne City of Salt Lake that this Ordinance fake effort immediately. $st pun III.This Ordinance shall fake effect at once UPM i15 firs!publication. Paved 8 the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 96th day of August,1900. RONALD J.WNITEHEAD ATTEST: CHAIRMAN MILDREDV HIGHAM CITY RECORDER Transinidee to Mayor on August 2a,1990 Mayor's Action: TED L.WILSON ATTEST MAYOR MI1 DRED V.HIGHAM CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL No. of 1900 Published Seentyor cr a,lieu 2 �,