89 of 1911 - Ordinance 89 of 1911 – Franchise, S.L. & Ogden R.R. Co., to construct and operate a steam and elec AN ORDINANCE._ An Ordinance amending and confirming an Ordinance of Salt Lake City entitled "An Ordinance granting permission to the Salt Lake Ogden Railway Company, a corporation, to con- struct and operate a steam and electric railroad through Salt Lake City; approved the 7th da of September, 1905. BE IT ORDAINED that "An Ordinance granting perT-ission to the Salt Lake Ce Ogden Railway Company, a corporation, to construct and operate a steam and electric railroad through Salt Lake City," approved the 7th da:- of September 1905, be and the same is hereby amended as hereinafter set out, and as amended, con- firmed, SECTION I. That Section 1 of the above named Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. That the Salt Lake & Ogden Railway Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, have the authority and consent of the City Council and the permission is hereby granted it for the construction, maintenance and operation of a single or double track, steam, electric or other motive power, standard gauge railroad, as hereinafter specified, together with all necessary and convenient switches, wyes for turnouts, side tracks and cross-over tracks, and the erection of a line of poles, or two lines of poles when necessary, carrying tele- phone, telegraph, trolley and transmission wires for the trans- portation of passengers, freight, express and mail matter, upon the following roads and streets of Salt Lake City, to-wit: • A single or double track commencing at a point in Third West Street three hundred and thirty (330) feet South of the South line of North Temple Street, and running thence North along said Third West Street to Ninth North Street. HENDERSON,PIERCE,CRITCHLOW.BARRETTE 89 • =7= Also comuencing on the South side of ':inch. North Street, at a point opposite Monroe Street, and running thence ' orth-westerly across Ninth North Street and along Monroe street and across Hamilton and Harrison Streets, at points on said streets in line with Monroe Street; also across the intersection of Davis Street and Thirteenth North Street at the Southeast corner of Empire Addition, and running along Hot Springs Street through Empire Addition and Haack Addition, crossing Everett Avenue, Fourteenth North Street, Duluth Avenue and Fifteenth North Street, and the alleys between said several streets; also cross- ing Sixteenth North Street, where said street lies between Blocks Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) in Folsom Addition; also crossing the alleys in Block Seventeen (17), said Addition; also crossing Bertella Avenue between Blocks Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17) in said Addition; also across and along Chicago Avenue between Blocks Five (5) and Sixteen (16) in said Ad- dition; also across Seventeenth Street to Beck Street; also along Beck Street from Seventeenth Forth Street to a point thirteen hundred and twenty (1320) feet Forth of the South line of Section Fourteen (14), Township One (1) Forth, Range One (1) West, crossing Trenton Avenue and eighteenth North Street. Also a single or doable track beginning at a point on Third West Street, three hundred and thirty (330) feet South of the South line of North Temple Street, and running thence South along Third West Street to South Temple Street, and running thence East on South Temple Street to West Temple Street and thence running South on West Temple Street to Market Street,and thence running East on Market Street a single track only, to East Temple Street, and thence running North on East Temple Street to Third South Street, and thence running West on Third South Street to West Temple Street. Also over such portions of said Third West Street as are now occupied by the spurs, side tracks, times, turn-outs and switches heretofore constructed by HENDERSON,PIERCE.CRITCHLOW.BARRETTE -3- • the Great Salt Lake & Hot Springs Railway Company or the Salt Lake c: Ogden Railway Company, and now used and maintained by the said Salt Lake Ogden Railway Company. SECTION II. That the rights and franchises hereby granted shall expire on the first day of July, 1955. SEC TI OR III. That the said Ordinance of September 7th, 1905, as amended hereby, be and the same is hereby confirmed. SECTION IV. That said Grantee shall within thirty days from the ap- troval of this Ordinance file its acceptance in writing hereof, with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City; otherwise the same shall be null and void. SECTION V. This Ordinance shall take effect upon approval and accept- ance as of the 7th day of September, 1905. HENDERSON.PIERCE.CRITCHLOW>BARRETTE i i e , - .... A y7 l� 3 8. 8 .. . r(\\\ cn g a ..,,, 1 i I 1. r