89 of 1962 - Amending Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to 'Health' by a /
ROLL CALL \ l Salt Lake City, Utah, December 5 196 2
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . .
Romney v
Smart . . . /
Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Health by adding thereto a new
chapter to be known as Chapter 14 entitled Cosmetology Shops and
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Health, be, and the same hereby is,
amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 14
entitled Cosmetology Shops and Cosmetologists, to read as follows:
Cosmetology Shops and Cosmetologists.
"Sec. 18-14-1. Definitions. The following definitions
shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this
"(a) 'Cosmetology' shall mean any one or a combina-
tion of any of the following practices when performed upon
the scalp, face, neck, shoulders, chest, back, arms or
hands of persons for cosmetic purposes only:
"(1) Massaging, cleansing, stimulating, manipu-
lating, exercising, beautifying, or applying oils, creams,
antiseptics, clays, lotions or other preparations, either
by hand or by mechanical or electrical appliances.
"(2) Styling, arranging, dressing, curling,
waving, permanent waving, cleansing, singeing, bleaching,
dyeing, tinting, coloring or similarily treating the hair
of the head of a person.
"(3) Cutting, clipping or trimming the hair of
women or girls only by the use of scissors, shears, clippers
or other appliances.
"(4) Arching eyebrows or tinting eyebrows and
- 2 -
"(5) Removing superfluous hair from the face,
neck, shoulders or arms of a person by the use of depila-
"(6) Cleansing, dressing or polishing the nails
of a person referred to in this ordinance as manicuring.
"(b) 'Cosmetologist' shall mean any person who prac-
tices cosmetology and is duly licensed by the Department of
Registration of the State of Utah to practice cosmetology.
"(c) 'Cosmetology Shop' shall mean any establishment,
place or premises used for the practice of cosmetology.
"(d) 'Manicurist' shall mean any person who cleans,
or massages hands and arms or who dresses or polishes
nails of patrons.
"(e) 'Cosmetology School' shall mean a school teaching
cosmetology as defined herein and which is duly licensed by
the Department of Registration of the State of Utah as a
school or cosmetology.
"Sec. 18-14-2. Registration required. It shall be
unlawful for any person to conduct, maintain or operate a
cosmetology shop and cosmetology school as herein defined
without first registering such shop or school with the
Salt Lake City license assessor and collector. The regis-
tration fee shall be Five and 00/100 ($5.00) Dollars per
year or any part thereof for each cosmetology shop and Ten
and 00/100 ($10.00) Dollars per year or any part thereof
for each cosmetology school. To be eligible for such
registration and to maintain such eligibility each cosme-
tology shop, cosmetology school and every person practicing
cosmetology, electrology or manicuring therein must have
and maintain in effect a valid license therefor which has
been issued by the Department of Registration of the State
of Utah. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice
cosmetology or electrology as herein defined except in a
registered cosmetology shop or cosmetology school.
"Sec. 18-14-3. Regulations. It shall be unlawful for
any person to practice cosmetology in a licensed cosmetology
shop or cosmetology school without complying with the fol-
lowing regulations:
"(a) No cosmetology shop or cosmetology school shall
be used as a living, dining, bathroom or sleeping quarters.
"(b) Floors, walls, furniture and other fixtures must
be kept clean and in good repair at all times. All bowls,
basins, jars, etc., must be kept thoroughly clean at all
"(c) If a cosmetology shop or cosmetology school is
located in a private residence, or in connection with another
business, a separate room with entrance directly from the
outside or through reception room must be provided for
cosmetology work.
- 3 -
"(d) Every manager in charge of any cosmetology shop
or cosmetology school must supply clean hot and cold water
in such quantities as may be necessary to conduct said
cosmetology shop or cosmetology school in a sanitary manner.
Where running water and sewers are available connections
must be made.
"(e) No owner or manager of a cosmetology shop or
cosmetology school shall permit any person suffering from
a communicable disease or from any venereal disease to work
or be served in said cosmetology shop or cosmetology school.
"(f) No manager or employee of a cosmetology shop or
cosmetology school shall undertake to treat any contagious
disease of the skin or scalp or hands, unless under the
direct supervision of a physician.
"(g) Every person employed in a cosmetology shop or
cosmetology school shall use separate and clean towels for
each patron and shall, while serving said patron, wear
washable outer linen aprons, uniforms or coats, which shall
be kept clean.
"(h) No person employed in a cosmetology shop or
cosmetology school shall use the head rest of any operating
chair under their control unless the head rest is covered,
and which cover has been washed since last being used; or
covered by a clean piece of paper toweling which must be
renewed after each patron.
"(i) No employee of any cosmetology shop or cosmetology
school shall massage any person when the surface to be mas-
saged is inflamed or broken out, or contains pus, unless the
said person is provided with clean sterilized instruments and
cups by the owner of the shop or school, and the same are
properly sterilized and cared for afterwards.
"(j) Every person engaged in a cosmetology shop or
cosmetology school must thoroughly cleanse their hands
immediately before and after serving each patron.
"(k) No person engaged in a cosmetology shop or
cosmetology school shall use lump alum or styptic pencil
to stop the flow of blood. Liquid or powdered astringent
must be used and applied with clean sterilized gauze or
"(1) Instruments of any character used in direct
contact with the skin must be thoroughly cleansed with
hot water before being used upon any patron, and sub-
jected to a strong solution of sterilizing fluid, and
then placed in a clean cabinet, after sterilization has
taken place.
"(m) Open powder boxes must not be used in a reception
room for patrons, and the powder must be in shakers or similar
receptacles. Also spatulas must be used to remove cream from
- 4 -
"(n) After a towel has been used once it must be
discarded into a suitable receptacle until properly
sterilized and laundered. Dipping towels in receptacles
containing hot water and using same on a patron is un-
sanitary and is strictly forbidden. All used towels
must be boiled at least ten minutes.
"(o) All linen must be kept under cover.
"(p) Rooms adjacent to any cosmetology shop or
cosmetology school with openings into the cosmetology
shop or cosmetology school shall at all times be kept
clean and orderly.
"(q) Every cosmetology shop or cosmetology school
must have both a dry sterilizer and a wet.,s,terilizer.
"Sec. 18-14-4. Duty of Health Depart6i nt. It sha;kl
be the duty of the Salt Lake City Health Department:_to F
inspect all cosmetology shops and cosmetology schools
registered 'under the provisions of this chapter, to fife..
complaints for violations of the regulations herein_pro'
vided and to recommend revocation of license to the`
Department of Registration of the State of Utah for any '"
violation of this,,.chapter, when in the opinion'of the
Salt Lake City Health Department such violation is of
such nature that the license involved should be revoked."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 5th day of December, 1962.
1414)410b RDER
BILL NO. 89 of 1962
Published December 12, 1962
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices D 21 Ockey
AN oNefi�lAHtly sad o ulna ceN c Beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
Salt ,a at
Salt Lake CITY,-Utah, 1955. relefim9 y' g
to Health by adding thereto a now clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
aaPler to be Chanter la
entitled eosmeroesp smogs and GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
mBp10Itt'clainee by the Board of
• rmisslonera of Salt Litre City, lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
URti E ee1Do„I,Tcat TIE.so I Of theSalt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
Cliv..Utah, lOSS,rotating fo Health,
De,and the same barb wIs,an)enged
by ddln s Chap chapter to
b0 Known'sang sate c smetoloogiil; That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
to¢r 8 s follows" _
cosmetology Chopf ed Salt Lake City Bill. No 89 Of 196E
I nterb to inn offs,shaft eeelY Ip leeordiinanfe,Igh,.Ane'enforcemrnr of this An Ordinance IBl.at1R, to health.
or'Ha/'cnemetoloOv'shell mean enY
' following p acetices PWhen°pert meted
upon he scalp,taco.necek,dshoulders, ,
on for cosmetics pafposea onls;Per-
s"(11 Massaging, leans{iihv, ten,
bat utilymanlo0ulepprg'In yeiLc Crain ms,
en�l;Optics, claret,vloi10., c,her
peeper:6110ns, ll by hand or b y
Mnotonleal pis rkel kppllann
rl Styling;
Eagn dressing'
woing permanent
leensln0singelde, eeelnsdve'
Ina, tinting,
color ins or elnlllerlY
treating the Julie et me ht cif e was published in said newspaper on December 12, 1962.
the hair of
nwomenpo gifts onlvtlev
the a of cissor>',shears,Clippers
or Other appliances.
'11a)arching evebrowe er,'tinting
eyrlISI a tie evalashes.
from I'themace, neck,erhno Idersa I r
armsI a pertan n theuse or per
pP( i el Cleansing,aing dressing P ponah"
Ina theIts t 4 p reierredrto �/ e'l t i'
In'thisordine as manicuring: ' `
"Ibl'Cosmetologist' shell an
' any person who Iracticea lmelol. Legal Advertising Clerk`
of eitment for da practice
le7sanc n of YthW Stale, •
"(Ct11y'Coh o metotesn Shop sthall mean
asodoloablheh practice)o t c rmeleloey. '
"HA'Manicurist' shell omean anY.
Rends"One p c naps who dressesgor
polishes ails'ell patrons.
'let'Casmetolooy School' shall
mean hoot teaching cosmetology y 3th
s defined herein and h Is duly afore me this .L II mad by the Department of Real:. day of
Ictcooi olfX-,0°A,.ol Utah as a
s"Sec.1ed4.Y,Registration required. 62
It shall be unlawful far any person A.D. 19
00 conduct,:maintain or open i9
s ote lo0v s a cosmol wits /
maraca defined without tire) /-JI\
aglflZri n hop or school with
Ile Salt Lake CR License Asseosea
d Collector. The 0 istOon fee i i
shall bePer
ear One 00/pail'MA)Def-
iers / /
IOr9 Per Year or any part tl greet ter -_'
IItt cos5s.S0/gy.hop.end yen or
I�. ��
any P (t1ther Dollars c r Year a
any parr thereof for each nor such
i Notary Public
sllsibregistration aand etarll maintain r such
cllgibliol each etolorY slop,
loloav ocn0elooa eve Y no
orac rs c t'errfi leclr=1
maintain In°sI ect aeevalid oliicense
therefor which has been Issued by
rho Department of Registration of the
State of Utah, It shall be unlawful
far any personq 10 practice g tot•
rno ilectrolepa s he`einedelined 0 e
er coemetel rlyrschoolnt telogY
laanvull010 rabe nawufer tC Pc
metoloyv shop a or In
without complying With Ills following
'p',(o)No c000nlethalybehopycracos-
flvino,dining,bethre°m or leeping
other fixtures walls,
the kept Iclean e
bgood repair at all diner endAll
ows, basins lets, etc„ must be
kept Thoroughly clean 1 all mes,
etologlt a y school Istnloc9atedn In ar Cos-
ate residence,or In connection with
pother business, a rate-morn
with entrance directly lo
from the out-
side or through re epnon roam must
b"(d)vided Eve Y raw cosmeer tology charge of
metologynshop o meloloor
school s must supply clean hot and
cold water in,such a anollles r may
ben o to s sale c mer-
nItnen ormeiWher septet In
anland where r neon-
necll and sewersveuame con
p are -
nos a Na owner r manager I e
m rolhall wermp° cosmetology
l from
permit a Auer
or Irons a communicable bean
or Isom any venereal said
eb0le work
or be served osrne Ilo sale oosmetmaar
h"I or nageo school.
"III Noyemployee to a
cosmetology manager
school shall undertake font gal any
ag lrus dlseese os she erect
Sala or hangs,unless ysdef.h0 air'
rat Every
GI n emplcian.
000s n"rule logy em or ployed In a
schooltolhall use separate nand'clean
towels'for each patron and shall,
while serving sold p wash..
able o aprons,uniforms or
coats,which rsall be kept clean.
"ltl No 0 o motti In a
metology use shop
tea cosmetology school
Ins 11abate ih nderetheiro control ounless
has rbee is n washed<alncelathbe-
o Mg
used towelingr d whIcham clean
be re'
o p d papa toweling
each Daire.
n"(I)No employer of any c melol-
r shop or c melolopv school xhell
n when the surface
9 to beemas arils ltelamed pr broken
our,o trtnlnirn lase me old
porno n I''^'ov d•.d uyllth clean sle-I.
l lized If rs are d uby the
owner of icr school,and the
m ore-properly
sterilized and
cared oars
nepes. engaged In a 'or
schoolta must thoroughly cleanse their
hands Immediately before and after
wing race o
n"'mi y end cosmetologyIn
ell use shed oorstyptischool
shell p alum ot ad,Li Pencil
'd to tons the nt- of blood.Liquid°
a^d^'-a erlA bow
at he reed
A end or cot with glean aterliHed
ail sic,or
or any character
st .sad In dlrecr contact with ltlr akin
mlraf b^lerool'ahlo Steamed with hot
weirs band help- used u
s. Dalron, and anlising fluid,t a ndrinnn
• s acedn f saes clengcab , .her
sC sterilization
In clean cabinet. after
sit st<(nil Op has d r lace.
di be"(nil
Inn a wept]• . room t for
shakers,o nd the slmliepowder
of pe^ores or
be used to remove
nl m Irom oars. se
st r'n4N Alter fo discarded bar b+• ed
a r Il.meet ha aril "eta Into a
stem'„ •^la rl. "eta only
starlit^d r r' berth, Dinning
1 Gov _ lamina tine
d nk� a rboiled'n
ll " ���r�ee Boned er
11 d n
"Ilan must be kept under
ifri eel rent-ter e
1 withn r o^tn'Into O Ibis
Mo sbeii m al
el lnl burry r m.rrtoo,, shoo anal,
dNor ��t °y
'sec la-14.e. Duly of Health ne-
Sall Lnk�1 iIH IOHne rryn Deenrimnt
o Insn•et ail rn metoloav sheet ened
cormMe prowl,on schools
lore irtefed under
.oncsial is fa violnlinnhenlea ntornte
rations herein nrovlded and 10 rrenm•
money l revocation of neon, to he
Slate 1 Utah oroent ofngan.,istra violators the an.,'his^n Inter,w hen In the opinion of
the Snit Lake ills, Health D-tart.
mootore i Mn use seh incense Invorallon Isnl diet n
SEr,TeDN 9,In Ma opinion of the
oeru,p Commla,heels.it Is Kerns-
., a the n<e a,ha Slery d sef^N
kaf fn.
thl,hr ordinantsnce become be H end
1 that ny come a lecrive
_Credoo g.Tnls whinge^• •toll
fens sedchoCon It•Nrss pebl,-ellen.
sinners of Silt 1,,C,..Utah,this
SIh day of 0^-r^h•-.sect.
isri C'rRDAeI•ANDY,
step nc or Flen Sn1ART,
C lt1.fnm—Lions=r,
`fcRsarN I.H00•ENSEN,
I fah 7"'"ar.
r,hilshed'AO of Ibns
M1ed December 1].1962