89 of 1964 - Amending Bill No. 64 of 1964, by correcting the vacation of the north 33 feet of 7th South Street fr ROLL CALL f December3l 4 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196 Christensen ✓ I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . / /) Harrison ez-- - f� Mr. Chairman . LI AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 22nd day of September, 1964, adopted an ordinance known as Bill No. 64 of 1964, purporting to vacate the north 35 feet of 7th South Street from the west side of Ontario Street west to the center of a 15 foot vacated alley; and WHEREAS, it was intended to vacate the north 33 feet of 7th South , Street between the points stated; and WHEREAS, the legal description of the area purported to be vacated as contained in said Bill No. 64 is erroneous and does not describe cor- rectly the area of 7th South Street intended to be vacated: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That said Bill No. 64 of 1964, adopted September 22, 1964, be, and the same hereby is, corrected and amended to read as follows: "An ordinance vacating the north 33 feet of 7th South Street from the west side of Ontario Street west to the center line of a vacated alley. "Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: "SECTION 1. That the north 33.0 feet of 7th South Street from the west side of Ontario Street west to the center line of a vacated alley, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, alley, avenue or pedestrian way: "Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Buena Vista Addition, a subdivision of Lots 4 through 13 of Brighton Farming Plat in the City of Salt Lake, County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, and running thence West 146.62 feet; thence South 33.0 feet; thence East 146.62 feet; thence North 33.0 feet to the point of beginning. S9 -2- "Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every descrip- tion now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them." SECTION 2. That this ordinance be recorded as expressing the true and correct intent and purpose of the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, in adopting said ordinance, Bill No. 64 of 1964, and vacating that part of 7th South Street so involved. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 31st day of December, 1964. /6 21 Mayor �' \ City e k•er (S E A L) BILL NO. 89 of 1964 Published January 6, 1965 (A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office, 1/7/65, for recording in the office of the County Recorder.) S9 2( .53(;(39 Alecorded JAN 111965 /r'm fida2280 l'An,E6,344tVquet of F,e Paid HAZ ' TAG ,AT CHASE STATE OF UTAH, ss. tco Sal, ako tan_t!, U.t.7 Deputy City and County of Salt Lake, ji zy ",3 7- 7;-"7-X`7/ '5'°11•"6 &Z-tin,„-61-6 1, Herman J. Hopensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hireby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance MEM correcting and amending Bill No. 64 of 1964, to vacate the north 13 feet of 7th South Street from the west side of Ontario Street west to the center line of a vacated alley. r '!•( 31 passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December196 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 7th day of January. 196 5 (SEAL) 1%* C l*V‘AttaAft kANIAANJ City Recorder 441, r1 ra January 6 196 5 BILL NO. 89 of 1964,'1 E St 51 AN ORDINANCE WHEREAS,the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake Lite, Utah,on neopiaci.ndtv otnrggn 7050, s the ntt`g riCRTirljfn'Net from the west side of Ontario Street west to the center of a 15 feet valet- ed alley: and WHEREAS,it was Intended to va- cate the north 33 tem of 7th South Street between the points stated;and • WHEREAS,the legal description or , • the area purported to be vacated as contained in said Bill No.64 is erro- neous and does not describe correct- . ityealcehoRtASEth8EStrIeeT t InOR- DAINED BY SHE BOARD OF COM- MISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: of796,T,IOVortiegmeigg, "127'1•96'°, be,and sarne hereby Is,correct- , ed and amended to read as follows: 'An ordinance vacating the north o. 0., el feet 7SZtiSr tfr?Tth4as orOriotaet5st thPga; gagrrovzdrga% of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: "SECTION 1.That the north 33.0 feet of 7th South Street from the west side Of Ontario Street west to the centerline of a vacated alley, more particularly described as fol- o lows, be, and the same hereby In, vacatedproperty f and declaorreduse no longer to be public as a street, ages,avenue or thSesr,turlihaona way: of LgInVocktneer Weer aEll'brUstr''llti'1"t9 1'01 tCite at Salt Lake Count ot Salt re • - -, Lake, State al rjcah, and turtles ga`7egrVePtiVat sat', • thence North 33.0 feet to the poInt of eginning. "Said vacation Is made expressly 6.I sublect to all existing rights of way and easements of ell public utilities of any and every description now In- paled in,on,under or over the con- fines of the above described proper- ty;and also sublect to the rights of entry_thereon tor the purpose of In- pled'ne're7=4",rre'teriVrrqroSt rnic;CljA esON 2.Tg nft„V of them." recorded as expressing thegreal41 c of the a'orarrecr o City Ca:4151V= be Sail Lake City,Utah,In adopting$sald or- dinance,Bill No 64 of 1964,and va- cating that park of 7th South Street 1db the 000rd of Common. so Involved. slnrers of Sell Lake Cito,blab,this Tint day of December,1964, J. BRACKEN LEE. Mayor. HERMAN J. HOGENSEN. (SEM I Clts, Recorder. BILL NO.89 of 1964 PubtIshed January 6,1965 IA-951 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Lego! Notices MV Ockey AN ORDINANCE WHEREAS,the Board I Cony., 1 Sall L°Ke Ilrt, Utah, gI;�"ats=na day at e',m w'n`a IEMI Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising cc; w';'`�a'.';°�C'"9°JiPhs?1;1`� clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- rLm II'- t Unlario SI °I eale the "`"°`a 15 1°dr al- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- 'alley; and o,,;r Was inloendod to va- sIJSd'�e+we�„1�a ROCpIal"i '^S°°Ih.- lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in W HEn CAS,the tonal eescr'Ufon of • Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. tan°r°a norted o be�-cateJ contained tin es f II No-n c neous and does n01 tle,:crie CorredlJ °41op';'8'° eU That the legal notice ofwhich a copys attached hereto NCW, THEREFORE, BF. IT CO: g DAINED BY'HE BONRO CCOM� missro.NE RS On SALT LAKE Crrr, :ialt Lake City kill No 89 of 1961;. O SECTION I That aid Bill No,as bf WS,adopted September W.Inba, e,a tt,same hereby i:,eo re 1. d' na `nce d e An Ordinance relating to ➢il]. No. 64 ''set orf 1th"South Strut t'e sine f Ontario so-o_t est to inn eon ar inm m a a ea iev. Ezedslslonersl"o° salt'"Lake fca.! vacating certain alley. ut�n fec�aECT�ON 1.Thal the north 33,OI I esl t,de of Oelnrlj Slreel oeest to the Center line dt va led ailcv. art icala rlv Ue scril>aM IdI- lacat lie, d d tar °me ne,to vacated and denaren no as et, pddm nrovervv tor °fsireet a+leyc av n r edesi' way: of LLot'l,r tl'sc'o],'B°ena V'.stac AUUir d,v+,,„of Lo .t January 6, 1964. Irico.aBrinhton,arming Plat n°1tii1 L h or salt l et county d'r Sall was published in said newspaper on �,Lake, State of Vtah, and r n Ing, 33.0 eye 1,e rl 44 East't S CS Sr ter,I hence North 33.0 lent to the point Of bepinninp. Split e.0 v Ilb%Is m ane b t f II f ll1 of wit',S, t d fI every d f -I entrynil tf.ereon for f fb d-. 1 f /� l'! s,redng, ma[Ms intho, renal;Ind, r d Elf d o eY a m Legal Advertising Clerk SLdecl'a 2.T tti ano. be/a roeardea. � n me free a d n+ a sly T 1 n�teni pond wvn;e of nit sods"f c8v cnmmtselon�:e of sml Lake Cifv.Utah,ii adun Yyylnn-1 did^nd otr31,Ip No•.off))°tn,SOoth Strut SpPem3311,by Ilr,e 03,,d of Commis-! Jlsf ycafSDeeembrr,'1vl,I_Jtah, — J. BRACKENMsvo fiSiJ IERIa.ANor J. F•OGF NSF te,r FA Recorder- pro to before me this 7th day of I,ILL NO 89 P�p'_hcU Smeary L.1965 (A-85) 1 Jana ry A.D. 19 65 2 C C.'z.- - Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov 25 1965,