89 of 1968 - Vacating an alley located in Bonneville-on-the-Hill Subdivision, an unrecorded subdivision, between ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 29 ,196 8
Barker . . .
Catmull I move that the Ordinance be passed[
Garn . . . . c` G// 7 /i1
Harrison �I/"l/l"e"
' _.
Mr. Chairman .
(V Result . . . . }
AN ORDINANCE VACATING an alley located in Bonneville-on-the-Hill
an unrecorded subdivision,
Subdivision/between Penrose Drive and Circle way, as per Petition No.
582 of 1968.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah:
SECTION 1. That the alley located in Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub-
an unrecorded subdivision,
division,/more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby
is, vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a
street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 47, Block
15, unrecorded plat of the Bonneville-on-the-Hill
Subdivision, a subdivision located in the southwest
quarter of Section 33, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., Salt Lake
Base and Meridian and running thence easterly 120.23
feet along the arc of a 378.23 foot radius curve to
the right whose tangent at said point of beginning bears
N. 55°05'43" E., to a 42.12 foot radius curve to the
right; thence easterly along the arc of said curve
42.15 feet; thence S. 49°21'18" E. 145.58 feet to a
156.66 foot radius curve to the right; thence south-
easterly along the arc of said curve 108.32 feet to a
point of tangency with a 270.13 foot radius curve also
to the right; thence along the arc of said curve 179.79
feet to a point of tangency with a 171.01 foot radius /
curve also to the right; thence along said arc 107.30
feet to a point of tangency; thence S. 64°20'44" W.
60.30 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 60 of said
block of said subdivision; thence S. 41°29'37" E. 15.59
feet to the northwest corner of Lot 46 of same said block
of same said subdivision; thence N. 64°20'44" E. 56.05
feet to a point of tangency with a 186.01 foot radius
curve to the left; thence northeasterly along said arc
116.71 feet to a point of tangency with a 285.13 foot
radius curve also to the left; thence along the arc of
said curve 189.77 feet to a point of tangency with a
171.66 foot radius curve also to the left; thence along
the arc of said curve 118.69 feet to a point of tangency;
thence N. 49°21'18" W. 145.58 feet to a point of tangency
with a 57.12 foot radius curve to the left; thence along
said arc 57.16 feet to a point on a 393.23 foot radius
curve also to the left; thence westerly along the arc of
said curve 134.18 feet; thence S. 57°35'05" E. 16.21 feet
to the point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of
ways and easements of all public utilities of any and every description
now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described
property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the pur-
pose of maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting
said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
29th day of October, 1968.
BILL NO. 89 of 1968
Published November 1, 1968
(Certified copy given to the City Auditor's Office 11/4/68 for recording in the office of the
County Recorder.)
" ?.265991 BOOK
I I located in
the-Hill Subdivision an unrecorded
�.1 subdivision, between Penrose ded
501 of Circle Way,as per Petition No.
t Be it ordained by the Board City,,
i Commissioners of Salt Lake dof
SECTION I That the ill located
U '1 3 elan,n Bonneville r c -he alley
iv isio i,
a des bdassign-
mws, particularlyn e santeti hereby Col,
lows, 0
vacated and property
or slonger is,
dd 5e .,bl propearly for use
NCreel, avenue, IIeY aedestra in
9 way:
Beginning at the northwest
of Lot 47,Bonneville15,unrecorded detl plat
of the evill •on-the-Hill Subdi-
vision, subdivision located In the
Iuthwesr quarter of Section n T.1
p- N. R.1 P.,Sall Lake ease and Me
22.23 and o thence e Y
12ot23 feel alon Oahe io aahose
Q �ll loos radius r to,iM1e i ht whose
I bears N.a55 deacons o5'd39b E.,ntone
U t 42.12 foot radius earns to the right;
.« rne,ce easterly aloes the arc f said
e Rent leet; thence S. C9 de-
grees tile"E.t45e50 test to a 156 66
r�y1nr fool radius c to the eight;
U V • thence south-easterly along the arc
11, V ly of said curve 108.32 feet to a point
Q of ranpwith a 270.13 foal radius
E4 0 curve also t he right;thence a ona
W the arc of sold curve 1]9a.]9 feet to
f_f radius oftangencye so it to hs rig1.01 ht;
1.._ thence along said arc 107.30 feet to a
y nalnt of fanuencn% thence S.64 de
V gre 2a'44^ w. woo feet m Ire
southwest corner r Lot so of said
f. ��/ �blotk f s"d bdt.V.59;thence 3
t 41 degrees corner E.Lot feel isatme
OI northwest bloccorner apt 46 i same
Said block it said subdivision;
15 thence N.64 same
reel 20'44"E.56.05
,t feel fo a point rr tangency with
14. 86.01 fool thus Urve to the leafs
•— Ihence n r}hea sierpI long aId
1 with feet to a 1 of tangency ante
0. with p ett; 1 foot radius he l arc ad
tobd cure 189.P Cfeelt to 1hepoint of
IL tangncyVe with 171.66 foot radius
1curverc also said tangency;
left:thence along
the of aid curve 110 69 feet to a
Y '\ point of to ngencv' thence N.a49 de-
fo grees 71'18"W.14558 feet to point
` /vn ton the wleft;athe2nce foot
along radius
R� 3.23
foot rc SradiUs curve feet da also t to n the left;
thence westerly aong the a of said
cerve 134.18 feet; thence S.59 de.
grees 35.05" E. 16.21 feet to the
point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly
subject to all existing riehts of ways
and easements of all public utilities
of any5e and every descrin lion
located In. o under o r the
onnnes of the above described dro-
ner' and also subject to the rights
of entry thereon for the purpose of
maintaining, reps replacing_
altering�t outing s
utilities and all of them.
7lPassed by Ithe rd
of Cm mis•
9aMnedrsypfOfBa LDba ke.10 . ufhhis
Temporary Chairman.
fSEALI Clty Recorder.
BILL NO.89 of 1968
Published Nov. I,1968 IC.361
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Mildred V. Higham, Chief Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING an alley located in Bonneville-on-the-Hill Subdivision,
an unrecorded subdivision, between Penrose Drive and Circle Way, as per Petition
No. 582 of 1968.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, ._...October 29 . 196 8_
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
4th 1yovember _ 1968
City,this day of �i ty y
(SEAL) ✓P►'� tj1,
r J ! :Q /i ii '/,f ./ .�/ L, i�/r /re
I r,; CHIEF DEPUTY - ty Recorder
Pubitilted Nc•vember 1 196 8
0 OL
��A1E S�
BILL NO. 89 of 1968
Affidavit of Publication
lr sa.
�MrunorlVaryty of Salt Lakef
fetal Notices 99i+,i+ 1' N1 Ockey
AN ORDINANCE •'J _-__-_ .- --
r' ue beefee In nhe�i Ieary, Beinfirst dui sworn,do ores and sa s that he is le al adver•il,e.Hl� su l�lalgn aed f Y p Y b'
aeclats wwev:a;"n e"rrPtillagrr�d, rising clerk of the DESERET NE[YS, a daily (except Sunday)
S82of 1961,
c ompmissandelr°;f I'l 1�.1 aerdna newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
°is°ECTION I Ines me a ey m[atea culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
m s°nngyme. h-rne-Hi�1 sllndlyl.; County,in the State of Utah.
on, mede°reea ayym9slon, Y
Y mare arlloularlV easCrlEee as tol•
ows,he, a the 1 m�hereby 14
;yaeeted n0 tllclerea o 1°naer la'
bf gybai4 Pr°aerro for_uae That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Ireeh w<nyea.alley Oedeaal That
aeglmm� at the normwest erner j Salt Take C-i ty B`ll. Be 89 o: 1968
of Log 2 qal°ek Is, es%t °lei
f the Ba aney Ile-on.00,10 II Sd e
, Igloo, ✓�IVlglen located 0.the
p Urhweir pyerrer of Secllen?°d T.1
Qry� R.one'•selr LaNa gag.,ene fna-2 An Orninanec vacai.in€�; an alley localt F;d '.I n
tldlen a Ina Mena .tallyy
120.73 feet elehq the I e.71a.7] ,�
f:feet radius''`ei to rheeelaht note
enaenr t utl Pmar ,begomng TTonueville-on-the-[111 Subdivision.
bears N.SS�eprees 06'A"E..}q a
Ih,n fret to d curve tp the IRM thenu easterly alonq the dro of sold L� ----'---"---'
curve I1115 feet; thence S,I9 ee-
tool°iadlue ECUrVv<5A.101 then rlahu
he nc seulhce leea along the r
old c I0g.J1 feel lo'a alnl - .--
oirfenaeniy Wllh a 210.IJ fret Yatllus
to the r9ht:lhanceelore
of feltl cu We 179e,19 feet ran
enev Ito po °
Ielf er °101.10 Pee11"rtencn s,eI de.W. .3 deer ro me inack : Lot bd r e m t� was published in said newspaper on Aovember l,, 1268
o ewe is,l',,ubtllw1539 feet to thr
le.block of lamee felt ub5l lelon5
ltan[e N,bf degrees 20'/<V'E.I'll
!r 1 6DlrOPo tvai r o dgared hn< '--------
then a aete fe te,ltt
7167� rfneesferiy alon4 le art I
eel to q yy
a POlnt f tengftSY�5.73 foot raalus Curve a ao�
al Ih n e alone me r or ('
iiiirgicrol,',;,:iiiii„:9;.:1:.:1,rft:::::!;.E.3;:11:189°77 feet fo a P riot I / y
Wh�•q 111 d6 loot tlluIL l CC ([: �, )
fe 1he lalf:thence along /seia curve 116A9 leaf toengeu mange N.Iv af. peegal Advertising Clerktlanenr WithIIa 57.121
feel t0°ee'rs
to the lelr;athentt felOnq tl10'
t[ppuc Sl.lbfeer ro a Inf On 39]1J
'1h<eed 14 0 ne along tear<of set dl[gig 1Jf.1a feet;hence 5, s7 ee-
I glees 35'05" E. 16.21 feet to ine
aosaeo/ eginning. /{t�h eytlleca i a:41,rrina,leis:N7,V,-n to before me this day of
e em is fah public tilltleN
00 v° ,C"l do eescrIPIIt p
I eoocafM in, n, dOr or 11e 68
nnea fond aeaye de°crmat ore. t' A.D. 19
�•^ltolttOltlthereonneln iheo°c�a clnoe
Imalnlalnlnp, enallla9e r placlhpp,, ---- ,
ueInge, Iterin° rodtlnq eele
P Sle tl h °/them.
Pessetl 6yy the Ooe rd 01 COmmfs-
7IOners of Self Lake Clty,Ulah,this•
9,h daY of October,HA
CONRAD n.HARRISON /-,,� ll• Temgorery Chnlrman, ' 'c
NI Au ch R«grecr. Notary Public
einil``No.b9 of 196A
NIA,*1ov.1,196a (C 61
My Commission Expires
Mar 28 1.972