9 of 1908 - Ordinance 9 of 1908 – Sidewalk Extension No. 89, Second Partial Estimate. •
11 •
An ordinance confirmine the assessment'upon the property on both;
sides of First, Second and Third Avenues, for their entlro leo.fLth, ao4
lon both sides of all cross troots 7-ron; A 2treet to U Gtre,,t, both
11 i
streets .1c1,1,-4,-. between Eat South Be'.Iplo 1.11trect and. Tl!trd Avenaej
1 _0,-, . ,
1in 1111..le-,a1i: Districts Yes. 24, 25 t,T,J, 26, Tor the constructsn of 1
i 1
lcement sidewalks,
be it ordained by the City Council of 1311. -4;1ko '..lity, Linh;
1 1
1 * i
SECT1211 1. ii-at t-i7, r;;;:;,ennI,Icnt list !naRe bytho! City; Treosurer 1
an corrected, apjroved and completod by be Boon] of :;111;uolination andl
.70vie-r, 11(areto:7ora C,ilily v51J;-,1nt, 3 h: ;,.Th 0-',4:. CoraAoll r'cir. .1-ja:t pur-
h„).0.3a of tha property in Lots 2, 3 onl 4, Block 1; in Lots 1, 3 and 4, •
1Block 2; in Lots 3 end 4, Block 3! le Lots 1, 3 and 4, Block; 4; in 1 .;
Hots i, 2, ,.. ;1-enl 4, 3lock 5; in Lots 3 zend 4, Block 7; in Lots 3 and 1
4, Block 8; in Lots 1, 7 :s,d 4, Block 9; in Lots 1, 2, 3 sit 4, Block'
10; in Lots 1, L, 3 and 4, Block 11; in Lots 3 end 4, Block 12; in
Lots 2 and 3, Block 13: in Lots 1, 2, :1; ,-;;y111 4, 2,look;14; in. Lots 1, 1
2, 3 and 4, Block 15; in Lots 1, 2, 3 anl 4, Block 16; ,in Section 33,1
Township 1 north, Renge 1 east (reserved in Popperton 21ace) ; in Sec-1
tior 33, Township 1 north, P,,,nge i eost (rescrvod in Victoria '21tce) . 1
1 1
lin Lets 1 to 23, inols.eive, Victor in 21ace 3ub2tv-ision, Block 17: in
Section Sit, Township 1 north, Benl,;e 1 cost (rec•or!,-ed in Vtotorie 1
1.11loce); in ,ots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Sloe': 18; in Lots 1, 2, S ;:!oo ,l, Kock;
in Lots 1, 2, 5 , -13 ,.1, 71071i 21.); in Lots i, 2, 3 vn;1 ;1, flock 21; 1
in Lots 1,2, 3 ant 4, Block 22, in ia0t13 1 icild 2, Block 28; in Lots 1
lsend 2, dlock 2 : in Lots 1 n3 2, 7lock 0'1; in Lots 1 sot 2, block
31; is Lots 1 a=c1(1-',, 571,.,7; 32; lb Section L7, T(e-nehl.p 1 north, Range
1 east (roo.rved in 2opperton ilecel; in Lots 2, Soil 4, 'Roca 23;
lln Lots 1, 2, 3 ,,:, , , :1u(r8, 24; ill ;Lot,-; 1 Lel 2, Block; 25, all in
121ot "G"; in Lots 2 ffid, :;., Tli)ai: .7.; _i. Lots 1 c„,;,1 4, Stick 4; In Lots;
j1 enS 4, Block , is L,,,, .,, - :, •,-, ,,,,o.k ,,„1,x, in Lots !, 5, 3
land 4, Blood, :',3; in Loto 1, 2 •:iij 7, 16,,--,7. ;:H,); in -1,81- ; 1, ;:], Z. le,. ,-,'
, 4
Block SU;in "Lots 1, ; , nil:. 4, !Block 31; in Lots 1 end. 4, Block 72;
in Lots 1 and 2, Block i54; in Lots i nnd 2, Block 55; in Lots 1 and
2. Block 56, riot "D", abutting on the south side or First. Avenue
from N Street to the east end of said avenue, on the north side of ,
1First Avenue between 0 and Q Streets, from 7. Street to S Street, and
from T Streot to the east end o? said avenue; on the south side of
Second Avenue between L and M Streets, IT end B Streets, soil from T
IStreet to the eEst end of said avenue; on us north side or Second.
Avenue Imim between K end 0 Streets, end from P Street to the coot
end of said avenue; on line south side of Third Avenue from K Street
Ito the east end, of said avenue; on the north side of Third Avenue be-
tween K and 0 Streets, end from Q Street to the east end of said ave-i
flue; on both sides of K Street between South Temple Street and First !
1 Avenue, and between Second and Third Avenues; on both sides of L
Street between First and Third. Avehnes; on both sidoo of 21 Street be-
tween First and Third Avenues; or the east side of If Str,!et between
1Second and Third Avenues; on the west side of N Street between First
and. Third Avenues; on the cost side of B Street between Second end
Third Avenues; on the west side of 0 Street between First and Third
Avenues, on the east side of t 'Street between Seconb smd Third Ave-
nues; on the west side of 2 Street between First and Second Avenues;
lon the east side of Q Street between South Temple Street and Third
Avenue; on the west side of Q Strout between First and Third Avenues;!
on the east side ji R Street between First rnd Third Avenues; on the
wort side of P. Str-;et between South Teeple Street and First Avenue;
and between Second cad Third Avenues; on the eeit side of S Street '
Ibetween first and Third Avenues on fie we!it oldo of S Stiet between!
! South Temple Street nut ! fret Avenue, and lie teen S000ni sod ?bird
IAvenuos; on both lice of 7 its et beteen nd fbi siAvenues;
oft on both sides ef U Strot beiweee 7onfr 7!!Mo, Streit ! in! ThfrA
! Avenue, in SidewelA Districts i:!oo. 14, II onJ 26 1 Se it Le'Ae
I • ' :
I .
I ,
I for the purpose of constructing cement sideT81ks upon s+:, d portions
of said streets, is hereby confirmed, f.hd the assessments M-ae and ! ,
returned in said completed lista are hereby confirmed.
SECTIOU 2. This ordinance shtfil take effect ron:::::al.
i I
:- SideOalk Entension Iio,.. -89.
. •
, .
Ssoend,Tartial Estimate.
. „ ..,
*Faosedipr the City Council of ;'-'3-11-t 'LaT'..e Cl_tyUtaii,Jaifil. y 27,
laa reierreel to the 1.ayor for Zi',-' al-Trovol. ' . 0
1 App th rOyea ts )4/ 1F of rtia2T 19on.
II 4r ; 1
I 1
1 ,
; 1
1; 1
1 I
li I
[1 i
il !
11 1
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