9 of 1912 - Sewer Extension No. 248, Third & Final Estimate. ..Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 22a. _191_2. VOTING Yes No I move that Bill No. A passed. V. Keyser i -- - r— Kane . Lawrence . . .J Morris _ ..... Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Mr.Chairman . . ! .. Salt Lake City, Utah, January 22, 1912. RESULT -• - -- . /r / a> 71446,41&#14."V Mayor City Recorder ✓` Y \v✓t c-v.n, 1 AN ORD ' NANC E . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property here iaafter described on all streets within the district bounded on the north by Fourth north Street, on the east by West Capitol Street, en the south by First North Street, and on the west by First West Street, in Sewer 3iietriet Ne. 1, for the eonstruetioa of sewers. �e it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Q&ty, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasur:r aft corrected, approved and completed by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, sitting as a Board of equalization and review, of the property in Lots 1, 4, 5 end 6, Block 18; 1, 2, 3 and 4, Bleak 19, Plat "E"; 1 to 7, inclusive, Block 3; 1 to 1E, inclusive Bleak 6; attd 1 to 9, inclusive, Block 2, Plat "J", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on both sides of Third North Street between West Capitol and North Main Streets; on the east side of Wall Street kw between Second North and Fourth North Streets; on the west side of Wall Street between Apricot Avenue and Fourth North Street; and on the west side of West Capitol Street between Apricot Avenue and Third North Street, in Sewer District No. 1, of Salt Lake City, fo the purpose of constructing sewers upon said portions of said stre s, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect the first days after its first publication. Sewer Extension No. 248. Third and Final Estimate. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Belt Lake City, Utah, the *End day of January, 1912. 7,a. 1t A"÷"'""11 �_ T7 s . 101AI " 410 RA %-tleywxy edt sop twomsesoos id selietttnes essasteme tf5,1-itath (+et abaft stoowto Ito se bedtmeeleb sonata ,..1-9F..TN2 1(444 teal Mae ad* i. .hooTte *sal 4*Iagt 14 alas lid tam ad* so baa *terse* Ataot *rat 14 Owes od* Oa 10 self WO .* 41 yam*ea reammi4 tr38 to_avoNekeafool0 to /mood Wit %.1 Ssaisbwo tS 7 ., goissir .„„41T * d seer tell te+ReieseL .L ROI • T;• c le Orroaff• am. /43 -, tags ,beteristee ettaelLeirea to fah' tIto' tr- r 'fir & .1 ;St goota ,41 71 a 14 st Its/ *At(le I 4 it tact& .ow .T.et :1111* ta Ott U.S .41V, tett 4 tooll 4itom ea 4 et I ki ;8MP418 ffen-ted teem*? OSA livid? is *elite dteel litattlf40 Awns/ , Otta-ft. 00,41 tOOINPOPIANOW AMOR I sartoo c , teiww oat mo i** tit Maid 4.11601 eft ate* beefed tteeeted • !4--r : ;teem** dtmel itmuo baa eamovA test seew/re teem** lisW mumeire teetmlii cosseted terra Letts. tool To Lets taw, fit vc 9.41,/ ti-Ice To ,L .01 r#.1 r. .0 at steevit2 Atmeil omteT To egottmoq btu nevi rummy Inflosmtasee To eee4ew4 Ont • al 0#41714401 baa obam e/gemeeeses eA/ ban domotmoo /*me et .beettlees xdemed ema 101,11 hotiaramoo teetTe stet Ilsas 601IANIbMil aka .2 mama ,sottsolltao *eve tat vette nob • .062 .04 ge1eff#4-41 TOW118 .o*oalts. Slat% baa blIAT ,vttO “Az tr,L Lima set xd boRRmS • ortament To Icib beSt