9 of 1928 - Lighting District No. 12-A-2d and Final Operation ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, , 192
I move that the ordinance be passed. •
Mr.Chairman - - - _
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro-
perty in Lighting District No. 12-A, for the purpose of providing
for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps
and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of halt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in lighting district
No. 12-A, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance
and patrolling of incandescent lamps, and the furnishing of eleotri-
cal energy therefor, to-wit:
In Lots 42 to 56 incl. of Blk. 13, Lots 27 to 38
incl. of Blk. 14, Lots 1 and 47 to 60 incl. of Blk. 15, Lots
1 to.11 inol. Of Blk. 16, Lots 1 to 16 incl. of Blk. 17,
Lots 1 to 13 inol. of Blk. 22 and Lots 1 to 12 incl. of Blk.
23, Bonneville on the Hill Sub. (unfiled), being a part of
Sec. 33, T; 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., abutting on .Arling-
ton Drive from Alta Street to 190 feet northwesterly from
Military 'gay; Circle Way between Penrose Drive and Hilldon
Avenue; and Hilldon Avenue southeasterly 140 feet on the
west side and 65 feet on the east side from Circle Way, in
Bonneville on the Hill, Salt Lake City.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing
for the operation, maintenance qd patrolling of incandescent
I � I
!lamps (said lamps to be fifty-two (52) in number, each standard
Ito carry one 250 candle power incandescent lamp) , said lamps to !
be illuminated by electric current, and the furnishing of elec-
ltrical energy for the same on the all-night schedule for a period !
lof ten years from October 17, 1927, to October 17, 1937, the cir— I
cuits for the operation of said system of lamps to be underground )
and the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbe-
fore and hereinafter described to be especially affected and bene-;
fited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined
and established that said property will be especially benefited 1
thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said part
feels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in
accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire
depth back therefrom and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed
upon said parcels of land is Cixteen Thousand Nine Hundred �+ourteen
and 45/100 ($16,914.45) Dollars or Three and 03191/100000
(43,03191) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property,
there being 5,578.81 feet abutting said portion of said improve-
ment and the cost of which operation, maintenance, patrolling and
Ofurnishing of electrical energy and the property benefited therebyt
lis hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots,
blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the
!total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement
!for a period of ten years according to the contract entered into
!for the performance of said work and making said improvement with
Utah Power & Light Company, dated the 17th day of October, 1927,
said levy to date and be effective from October 17th, 1927, which
is the date service began, and the city treasurer is hereby au-
,thorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions
of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned:
Fronting on ,.rlingZton Drive: The northerly side of Lots
42 to 56 incl. of Blk. 13, the northerly side of Lots 27 to 38 inelll.
I �
!of Blk. 14, the southerly side of Lots 1 to 12 incl. of 31k. 22, . ..
the southerly side of the westerly 57 ft. of Lot 13 of 31k. 22, thy.
southerly side of Lots 1 to 12 incl. of 31k. 23; Bonneville-en-the
Hill Sub. (unfiled) .
Fronting on Circle day: Beginning at the NW cor. of Lot
47, Blk. 15, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled), thence N. 57°
35F 05" ff. 111.41 ft., thence around a curve to the right, Rad.
15.17 ft., 14.39 ft. of Lot 1 and the westerly side of Lots 47 to
59 incl.,of Blk. 15; beginning at the NE cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 16,
Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled), thence N. 57° 35' 05" d.
69.94 ft., thence around a curve to the left, Had. 15.0 ft., 9.77
ft. of Lot 1 of Blk. 16; beginning at the SW oar. of Lot 11, Blk. j
16, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled), thence N. 31° 45' 27"
N. 102.48 ft., thence around a curve to the right, Had. 15.0 ft.,
10.4 ft. of Lot 11, and the easterly, southerly or westerly side
of Lots 2 to 10 incl., of Blk. 16; Bonneville-on-the-Hill sub.
(unfiled); beginning at the SE cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 17, Bonneville-f
on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled), thence N. 31° 45' 27" W. 60.53 ft.,
thence around a curve to the left .gad. 15.0 ft., 13.15 ft. of Lot
1 and the easterly or northerly side of Lots 2 to 10 incl., of
Blk. 17, Bonneville-on-the Pill Sub. (unfiled).
Fronting on Circle 'Way and Hilldon Avenue: Beginning at
the SW cor. of Lot 59, Blk. 15, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (un-
filed), thence around a curve to the right Bad. 120 ft., 31.08 ft ;
thence around a curve to the left Rad. 25.28 ft., 47.49 ft., them e
S. 41° 29' 37" E. 58.66 ft., Lot 60, Blk. 15; and beginning at the
NE cor. of Lot 10, Blk.17, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled),
thence around a curve to the left Rad. 470 ft., 144.07'f ;thence
around a curve to the right Rad. 29.27 ft., 30.22 ft.; thence S.
41° 29' 37" E. 133.07 ft., of Lots 11 to 16 incl. of Blk. 17,
Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled); being a part of Sec. 33,
T. 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & h4., as the same are shown upon the
official plats of said city to the entire depth back from said
streets, and to collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the Property described in Section I of
this ordinance in Lighting District No. 12-A of Salt Lake City,
for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and
patrolling of incandescent lamps, is hereby confirmed, ,nd the
assessments made and returned in said completed liats and the re-
port of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal
,;yearly installments as provii44 by law and ordinance. In the
event any installment is not.;pgid on thrlayithe 44 becomes due
the same shall draw inters.Bt 'tt±ereafter t 'the rate."pf twelve
per cent per annum until paid;
SECTION IVa 3ht$ or, finance shal take efOet one day
after its first pubhid.ation ;+ }
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this \ day of , A.D. 1928.
Li y ec rder.
Lighting District No. 12-A.
2nd & Final Estimate.
� !I I
Proof of Publication
}County of Salt Lake)
rand for the atisestment t gropertY ,//./ ;?4'& 14/42ti
4 Lightir DItt f t No, th A. er thet56.44
•rip i hanand providing patrolling operation,
d(aneht tamps .
and•the furnlshing' ed.
-sl tei al. na0gy t1 tofot'
$ l it rdalh d by the Hoard Of'{lelbe
'mitred/tars.of.Salt'L k'e sari Utah: being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal
7:SECTION 1. .That the t8oar Ot Coat-
rnieetonere'of'tlalt Lake:CRYSilos•heres
by,levy, the tax-and for the
astentment of the toe .wino the. clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
pitepe(•ty'hereinafter described 1n.light-
g`•dittrtct No.-12 A, for.the,purpow.
of•providing for the mpet:Clan, main-
tenance and patrolling or.inaandeeeent Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah,
lathes, and the furnishing.of:electrical
'.energy therefor, to-w)tl
tS 1 l 42 to 66 Incl.' or Elk 11,
Lots jT to 98 incl. ]31k 14 Lots 1 �'�the native _ .. _ R/_t_(,(_ �J [��,y
I and 47t 601 in f f El . 4,t tto ' - - -'- ..4'Z4.14.%
234km 17 jLeta Bak 116, 13ta 1 4 elf f613ifi 2r
'and Lots 1 to 12 1 EI 2 _
on ilia H111.8uh, (nnfli¢d),•bey n tom of z. Ha ...�. .. .. - --- /J-[.g- J . ... ..
Military erlvb WA 1ircle—rls
$. 1 H. R M.,•abutting.on Arlington '
Brlve fr 'Alta street to 100 feet Wort
wteinoY Y nr Dri and
A aY �(/./�// - Y�--I-0,4d 4e-ee.e'—ye'^� e^�--
• and H.02cc .Av"test
nue sonthw 6fe t "/RG 1 r` _—
.W a t side, andm66 feet
• :in e 4_ Ydee- Rom Circle
Way;;C 8opnevtlla on-Lhe Hill, Halt
,1%h CRY.,
'T9tia tog le pbvieA to'defray ya.the
Penne-Of 'progidleg r the operation
. which a copy is hereto attached,was first pu fished in.said
ma(ntananee a patrolling`of.incan-
descent lan(pe (amid.lamps to he fifty-
two(62) in number, each standard-tit
.ono -aeoaai-Lamp power mcandae' news a pe en its issue dated the ,. day
ae nt lamp),- royamps n t furnish-
]� ( /- of
ed by electric gi oiler end the turnleh-.
•on 'of aleatrlcaf-o.Rergy for the same
:the ud ncoht pgh5L`me for'a..-period _____ __ A D. 192 _of t h year's'front 0 Ldber 17 1927 to
Octeh 17' 1994 flf dlmnit for�bhe
operatl 0 geld try t of lamps..to
he Iunderground d the. portions. of m'�
told[(treats(apt h theproperty here- and a• ublished -- 1:1Q;/(.-1wt
lnbefore and••hereinafter deearibed
t0 be especially affeotete and,benefited ,{n
tdJadged(mdetermined.and d ltestabliehed /(J ,�
aunt-•said property will be aapectanl+- the last publitatio thereof being in the issue dat d the./
benefited thereby to the full amount of'
the•tax hereby levied' and said parcel■
and,unifoorm ratetihestimated
&Odrdance witheth� day of A.D.192�
llinen foot leviedfr bonds opa a and to sited eo en
tire,depth back therefrom and the tag
'hereea S yp mold and•toi•be Sixteen Th Bann
Nine pa Hundredla.Fourteen and�o45.100• ----
I.(916,914.46) Dollars-or Three and-031s1-
1 100;000 (10,(03191) .De11ars Der front
tor linear foots of,;abutting property.
Ithere being 63678.31 fopt abutting geld
o ti)n of saki frRDraverhent and'the
I a
f which, operafloh,e maintenance,
patrolling a d, fusel slung of electrical
energy and the,pi•dpetty benefited there.
in is nerstnafteY'set•out and all with-
Iin the.be abet,. of the lope, blocks
Irand stroke Is:t mentioned in said cos-
and'. which per.lfr front
total.asad'tin oat -- - -
and't fop a period loot an years mpcord-
11to theacOntract mitered Into for accord-
,I yafodmance Itet said Wok and.making
• ald Improvement-with'Ptah Power &
Light a meant,,dated the 17th day of
effemtl 0001 1d]e y todated be
Lf12 e e t oiete be 17th 04 which
1 at date'der e began ed end llr 1 herobp tl lead Al-'
Gt'ed tob_ 1 d e lth the' /
D oVis of tgla ordinance fe theMir.o before me this / day of
Veelp'BP 1" qane0, Iipgton D i Ths.
Rik..13,7t]Ida ten tY Idgtof let 27-to fDf
78 incl.of Bd.Y4,tee enntherly tide or A. D. 192.C1..-
Lots 1 to 12 frill.of Bid.22,the south-
trip tide of trig Westerly 67 ft. of Lot'
13 of;H1k.22,the southerly aide of Lots
1 to 12 incl.iet'Dike•23;llonncvllle-on- lIz
the-Hill Sub.:(nettled),
Notary Pu ic,
• •
1 •
Fronting on•Steele.Way: Beginning
at the NW con.of.Lot.47,Blk.18,.Bon-
N.87 deg.85 min.5 sec.,W.111.41-ft..
then.,around a oU7ve,to the right,Rad.
15.17-ft.. 14.38,.ft.,9f Lot,1 and the
esterly side 9(,jp4a 4i to 69 Incl., of
Blk.:10; beginning if the,NE cor. of
Lot.2, Elk, 10, .BohnevIlle-on•the-Hill
,Sub. (unfiled), thence N.-57'..deg.
min.6 sec. WS'ge'.➢s'ft.;-thence around.
del,curve'to the'lbff,'Rad. 15.0 ft, 9.77
ft. of Lot I lf'•St1r.'16. beginning at
V2116.on'the=H104'13Ubb. (unified), thence
N.81 40g 48 Meet 47 a c W 102 48 ft..
pef✓t:eor imq cute to to right Rao.
1{.9 ft, 44 4 to . lot 14,and Ohs
s0LWA.' tl)0.119. 4f V(tgter1Y; aid
5f'L.A.2 to W 11evf ttpte( 3@@s' k4,
ifeWlleve,the 1111L'.flt f�$fi b0e'
�wning g44y fg� of 9. 1 3Nn
iglb50 4 o"f3tih'L41h p 1 4�81r'y„bltiS tIe
SirtN th$nt[o Y5';Yd the
en4_the e4te '➢L A 130pIY e(¢gnaf
2 to eg 10 1n].r+e2 B10 3 'R
Y settle ReH Babe 6 ts.,a64 l).,' .�
)Pk'Avenue: Besintelog. Wag BW:eon.- n
,IAt.ue: Begifmi➢g.at the`H22" ff
I:ut 6(,. ile ,.I $gn ground
h a..,curve
Sub. (nailed.),,-lhea2 0t9una 0 f.a
tothe right0, g0e d;ii1Ve o'ft 3t Ot Bed.
20.28eft,o 4Tad9.tf.tYtheneeh S.ie41 den.
29 min. 37 sec. N. 6$.05 It.,.Lot 60.
Bill..16; and beginning at the NE eon
of Lot 10. Elk. 17,_Bonneville-on-the.
Hill'Sub. (UnfHed).-thence arouml t
cOrVe to the loft Rad..470 ft..144.07 ft.:
thence a ound'a.rurve.to the'rlght„Rzd.
29.07 ft.,'30.22,ft.;.thence S. 41 den.
29 min.37.eeq.E,133.97 ft.,of Lots 11
to 18 incl.of Elk.17,Bonneville-on-the-
Hill Sub. tanflled) being a part-of
Sec. 33, T. 1 N.. R. 1 E., S. L. B. &
M., as the m e shown non the
official plats of said CM, 10 the entine
depth back from said streets, and'to
col/Art said tax, _
Section II. That the assessment list
made by the City Treasurer,as f r
ed. approved and completed by 'the
Board of Equallzk tlon'"and Review- of
the property described In Section-I of
tide oo'dinanre in Lighting Mottle( No.
I12-A of Salt Lake City for the.purpose
fP providing for the operatldn; main.
cnance and patrolling.of incandescent
inm➢s, is hereby confirmed, and the
assessments made.and returned In call
completed lists and the report of the
Board of Equalization and Review to
the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City are hereby ratified, approved
and confirmed.
Section Ili.Sold tax shell be payable
in ten equal.yearly inetolimenla ac pro-
vided by law and ordinance. In the
event any'installment is not paid on the
day the same becomes due, the �shall-draw Interest thereafter at tile
rate of 12 per cent per annum Until paid.
Section IV. This ordinance shall take
effect one day after lee first publication.
Passed by,the Board of Comtoieeion-
ere of-Salt Lake City.]Utah, this 17th
I day of January,A.D.1929.
City Recorder.
Rill No.9,Lighting District No. ib.A.
Second and final estimate. Operation.
,Eublths4 Jan.18,1928t
Proof of Publication
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, s7.a17......ZO., , 1928.._
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr.Chairman - - - -
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter LVI, Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920; by adding in and to said chapter
a new Section to be known as Section 1746X1, relating to special
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter LVI, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended
by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as
Section 1746X1, relatin to special taxes, to read as follows:
SECTION 174O 1.Speoialimprovement bonds issued
pursuant to the provisions of Section 1746 shall be in
substantially the following form:
No. ? _
Extension No.
That Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake,
State of Utah, a municipal corporation duly organized and
• existing-, for value received hereby promises, out of funds
available for the purpose, as hereinafter sst forth, to
pay to bearer on , the sum of
in lawful money of the United States of America, with in-
terest at the rate of ;per cent per annum, payable annually
in like money on , in each year,
upon the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto
attached, both principal and interest being payable at the office
of the City Treasurer, halt Lake City, Utah. In event of failure
to pay this bond when due, it shall draw interest at the rate of
eight per cent per annum until paid.
This bond is drawn upon the City Treasurer against the
special tax levied upon the property included in
Extension No. of said City, to pay the cost of
construction done in said district or extension, under, by virtue
of and in full conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the
State of Utah, and also ordinances of said City duly passed and
made a law thereof prior to the issuance hereof.
A special improvement guarantee fund has been created
by said City as provided in Chapter 9, Laws of Utah, 1921, and
said City agrees that at all times during the life of this bond
and until payment thereof in full, said fund shall be at all time
maintained. This bond is payable exclusively out of said special
tax and the said special improvement guarantee fund, and neither
said City nor any officer thereof is holden for the payment there4
of otherwise.
It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all
acts„ conditions and things essential to the validity of this
bond exist, have happened and have been done in due time, form
and manner as reouired by law, and that the total issue of bonds
of said City for said Extension or District, including this bond, '
does not exceed the taxes levied to cover the cost of said improve-
ment and that all of said taxes have been lawfully levied.
IN WI'TNESS ./RERRCF, salt Lake City, Utah, has caused
this bond to be signed by its Layor, and attested by its City
Recorder, and drawn by its City Auditor on its Treasurer, and the
annexed coupons to bear the fac-simile signature of said City
Auditor, and this bond to be dated
City Recorder
City Auditor.
and shall have attached thereto the appropriate interest coupons
to read as follows:
Coupon No. --_____--
pn halt Lake City,
Utah, will pay to bearer, at the office of the City
Treasurer, Salt Lake City, Utah, the sum of ,
lawful money of the United States of America, being one
year's interest due on that date on its
Extension No. bond, dated ;'r% •?
this coupon being payable exclusively from the lunds
described in said bond.
City Auditor.
Bond No.
Special improvement bonds heretofore issued, all of whicl
-ubstantially comply with the above form, are hereby approved and
SECTION 2. In the oain'. of the }perd bn:of m ssioners,
it is necessary to the pesee, health and sa..f y of thetillhabitants
.f Salt Lake City that this 6.td#14nce becor, &ffec ive i tediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinart+ e shall talte e f ect once upon
is publication. w '*' i
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
Jtah, this Iu,: day of , a.-J. 1928.\y
41;7ay o r.
City corder.
, ,'3r,"�.�. .wx '.. ,� n1 J 1.7
ta CO r'
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake 7}
AN OHDINRNCE. ', dZ�i ................
t LVI, Revised daIna f Salt
L ke,:CitY Utah,aoao y,][yp ring In being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal
t-vsaid h ptbi'a ne Y"`�9e tion to be 1
Ap IA to .1 Clop '14 A�36A, lath. t,
•,.Be,It o d i d hey the s°ba d of Com- clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
,Missilmers ot S It I0° City Utah.
SECTION 1. Thatditt 0 LVI; Re-
I,d' Ordinancesee' wit Lake Cit Y,
:Utah.''19ya b nd'.tri ba I hereby
a d-be adat ,1, prf eldwhen- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
,ter,a rie}ta edtion to be k known as Section
neaa%1,.relating to.ebeelal Mates, to •
SECTION 1 Sp ill notice-prove. T t the -- - f,(�t_(,e L`�iL1 �`�(•' `
met bonne Issued pursuant t n-the pr
tall : in sub.
to CIal1Y h v
f 1 Il0 g fa
itn . ORL
That alt'Salt Lake City, In to County
palf o rporate, State'of Utah, anm nox•
pal cor for value
rely Organised and o•
'sting,.for lue reined hereby-prom-
iees,out f funds evadable for the pur- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first pub •hed in,said
pose, of
eet,Eorth,to pay to
bearer.on - the au of— w.
)money.of.the United States of m i tit er•, ,- day lea, With Interest at the
ate Iof 11y Der. newspal er 7 its issue dated the of
cent alnnum annually m
like:money on in each
Year, upon the presentation sue,
ender,of the ittereet columns and sun. 4. D. 192.1..
attached,both principal.and interest be-
8 payablo at, the Office a the City
Treasurer, 8 It Lake City Utah. In
event s failure t
Par thisbondy when and published 0-31
dli,it halt d 'f e t the'rate of
TD pbond is er cent pdrawn- p er'annum tthep City
t the'
'e'special tax le,- the last ublicat• ereof beingin the issue daI.. -
led Upton the property included In— 17 "'
of aa„e City, to pay'
the,cost a o tructton done
1 said district,or.extension, under, by A.D. 192 1
of',and in ful conformity with day of
the Cdnsalntion and Laws of the State
t of Utah, and alma orditances of said
City duly passed mit made,a law there-
of prio P dial neImprovementt hereof.
A guarantee
fund hoe been-created.by_amid City
y21 IU andl held Cityr agrees Laws
time,during the lire f tbl, bond and
until Dayment thereof in full,a Id fund
hall be at'ail'tine, Intaine'o Thin
bona is payable' ,Ted spa,out [said
spent fax ntel tfund,a nd net her said
orara y o Puna, and-neither raid
City,nor any officer thereof le'tee.
far the peby pe thereof otherwise.
clarede'thatbysljertiPled,recited and ae-
aetl, .condi Ilona —' ------ ------- --
lund 'fee enlist to the validity of `this
bond exist, have 'happened and Lave
been done•1n due time.form and manner
ofas bond required by law. and that the total
issue bonds rof into,l.CH 'Ex-
k does
llt tune dt Dt sl Ittl 4 that
yN WITNESS W. Lake /t/ day of
City, Udall,ihai mu.- •o a to he ore me this__ u )
signed'.by Its Mayor-nd'attested by ins
I City Recorder.,and drawn by Its City
Auditor,on,its.Treasurer and the -
naked,coupon, to..beor,the feu-simile A. D. 1921
eigniture of said City Auditor,
bond to be dated dig- City Auditor.
Aana that! have''atteohed thereto the
A�4t: bfaY'ol11,001E l9NE I tie i to eat coupons t ad:e•
City Recorder O -Sale Lake C7nblic.
. tnh Cit euo e Y
Tre er, Salt LakeCity,
on¢ law•
lul ey f t,' ,Z" St t
inn that ate o ono.-years.-.1, e n S
Lei nthN aave�R k.xt u•.
-this pbn:.bel b rrd date'
1 thhtp fund gl >ylb Al@ a t tv Pr
pemri a in said l yn¢,',
t.ify Audito
p8 lsi•tttDr
y nt,bonalg heretnenre
• fee it a Ili] fern,
ti li anday . •
3p1Y the abbv teem, h0Tehy
�,: }•i Pd vauaatea.
a.AA the,°Pinion.RC 3iIi
ttd 041;44 1#hi y�pY...
. - �� a Ygr�1hlp6dlat at1�411f
t kbd,l Tales
R ,�,,
ti..h nth a'ay
l al
it 0
8 pf