9 of 1932 - Amending Chapter LX, relating to Traffic and Travel. ---- '�' Feb 9
VOTING AYE NAY Silt Lake City Utah , 1932.
�- I move that the ordinance be passed
Keyser Knight ,`G�
MI Chairman 1'T
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHA°TER LX of the Revised Graintnces
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1020, by amending Section 18o2, as amended
by ordinances passed oy the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921,
and March 2i, 1922, amending Section 186', as amended by an ordinance
pissed by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921, amenainsr, sec-
tion 1877, as amended by an ordinance nassed by the Board of Commis-
sioners on Nov 25, 19a, amending ` ection 1869, an amended by ordi-
nonces pa,sed by the Board of Commissioners on Jan 14, 19:-5, and
June 12, 19dO, idaing in and to said Cn,oter a new 5ect1on to be
known as Section 1102X, and renealine 'ection 186'6, relatJn° to
traffic and travel on streets
Be it ordained by the 'Boar° of Commissioners of '"nit Lake
City, Utah
SECTION I That `ection 1862 of Ch oter L,C, "cvised Ordi-
n nces of Salt Lake Lit;, Ut h, PLO, as amended by ordinances oas"ed
by the noara of Comni^sioners on July 1, 1"'21, end March ', 1922,
be and the same is herebi amended to lead as follow-
SLC 1862 IIGHTS (a) every vehicle upon a nubile
street within this city dur]na the ocriod from a half hour after
sun et to a half Hour before sunrise and at any other time when
there is not sufficient 11 ht to render clearly discernible
any per-on on the oublic -treets at a distance of two hundred
feet ahead shall be equinned with lighted front 'nd rear lamas
as in this section resiectively rocuired for uifferent clas,es
of vehicles and subject to exemption with reference to lights
on parked vehicles as decl ree in suoxlivisiOn (h)
(b) every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle,
road-roller, road machinery, or firm tractor shall cc ecuipped
with two head 13m-'s, no more and no les-, at the front of and on
opoosite sides of the motor vehicle, which head lamps shall
comply with the requirements and limitations set forth in ec-1
tion 1863, and exceot as to acetylene head lamps shall be of aj
type which has been annroved by the commissioner
(c) Fvery motorcycle shall be equirsed with at least one '
and not more than two head lamps which shall comply with the
requirements and limitations set forth in Section 1863 and ex-
cept as to acetylene head lamps shall be of a type which gas
been approved oy the commissioner
(d) Fvery motor vehicle and every trailer or semi trailer)
which is being drawn at the end of a train of vehicles, shall
carry at the rear a lama of a type which has been approved by
the commissioner and which exhioits a red li=ht plainly visi- I
ble under normal atmospheric conditions from n di^t,nce of fivVie
nundred feet to the rear of such vehicle, anu so constructed
and placed that the number plate carried on the rear of such
vehicle shall under like condition- be so illuminated by a ohite
light as to be read from t distance of fifty feat to the rear
of such vehicle, and every commercial motor venicle, trailer
or semi-trailer shall cry at the rear in afuition to n rear
lamp as above specified a rad reflector of a type which has
been approvea by the commissioner and which is so designed, 1
P located at to height and maintained as to OP visible for at
least 500 feet when op)osed oy a motoi vehicle displaying law-1
ful undimmed headlights at night on an unlighted hi,hway
(e) avery vehicle, other than a road-roller, road machinely
or farm tractor, having a width at any n rt in e;cess of eight
inches shall carry two clearance lamps on the left side of such
vehicle, one located at the front and displaying a white or
yellow light visible under noimnl atmospheric conditions from
a distance of 500 feet to the front of the vehicle, and the
other located at the rear of the vehicle and displaying a red
light visible under like condition from a oistance of 500
feet to the rear of the venicle
A vehicle requiring clearance lights hereunder mey in
lieu of such clearance lights be equioned with adequate re-
flectors conforming as to color and marginal location to the
requirements for clearance lights, and of a type which gas
been approved cy the commissioner No such reflector shall bet
deemed adequate unless it is so designed, locatee as to height
and maintained a- to be visible for at least 500 feet Irhen on
posed by a motor vehicle displaying laatiful undimmed headlights'
at night on an unlighted public street
(f) Lvery Bicycle sha-1 be equirmed with a lighted lamp on
the front thereof visible under normal atmosmheric conditions
from a distance of at least three hundred feet in front of suca
bicycle and shall also be equinnece with a reflex mirror or lamp
on the rear exhibitin,* a red light visible under lice condltior
from a distance of at least tvo hundref feet to the rear of
such bicycle
(g) All vehicles not heretofore In thjs section required
to be esui}^ed with snecified lighted lamas shall carry one or
more lighted lame'e or lanterns displaying a white light visible
under normal atmosmheric conditions from a distance of not le4
than 500 feet to the front of such vehicle and displaying a red
light visible under like conditions from a distance of not less
than 500 feet to the rear of such vehicle
(h) No lights need be displayed when vehicles are narked
in accordance with the ordinances of this city •
(i) Pny vehicle exceeding 20 feet in length shall display
a white marker light of not to exceed four candlenovrer, or a
white reflector, meeting the requirements as to visioility of
,•ubdivision (d), on both the right and left sides, and any com-j
bination of vehicles exceeding 20 feet in length shall display
on both the right and left sides such market h ghts oz reflect-
ors at )ntervrls of not to exceed 20 feet Other vehicles may
out are not required to disolay such side maser lights or ie-
\ 1
(j) Any motor vehicle may be equiooee with not to exceed two
soot lamps, except that a motorcycle shall not be equi1,7,ed v,ith
more than one spot lama, and every liahted spot lamp shall he so
aimed and used unon amoroaching anotner vehicle that no pert of
the beam will he directed to the left of the center of the nuhli
street nor more than 100 feet ahead of the vehicle
(k) Any motor vehicle may oe equipped with not to exceed two I1
auxiliary driving lamas mounted on the front at a height not less
4, F„
1- than 24 inches above the level surface on^the vehicle stands and
every such auxiliary driving lamp or lamos shall meet the require-
ments and limitations set forth in Section 186' (c)
(1) Whenever a motor vehicle is equipped with a signal lamp tb
cornlly with the provisions of Section _188u_, the signal lamp
shall be so constructed and located on the vehicle as to give a
signal red in color, which shall be plainly visible in normal
sunlight from a oistance of 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle,'
but shall not project n glaring or dazzling light and shall be 1
of a type approved by the commissioner 1
(m) Any aevice, otnei than heal lames, soot lamas or auxili.rgr
driving lames, which erolect a beam of light of an intensity
rnater than tvbenty-five candlepovPr, shall be so oirected that
no part of the beam will strike the level of the surface on whic
the vehicle stands at a distance of more than 50 feet from the
SECTION .2 That oection 1863 of Charter LX, ''revised Orui-
nances of Salt ''ake City, Utah, 1920, as amended bi an ordinance
gassed by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 191, be and the
same is hereby amended to read as follows
SEC 1863 DAZZLING LIGHTS (a) The head lamas of motor
vehicles snail be so conottucte , arrant,ed, nne adjustec that,
except as provided in subsection (c) of this sectjon, they
will at all ti-es mentioned in Section 1362 and under normal
i atmospheric conditions and. on a level road arocuce a. driving
light sufficient to render clearly discernible a Berson two
Hundred feet -head, but shall not project a Marine or daz,linf
light to per one in front of such head lame
(b) Head l,m)s -hall be deemed to comely with the fore-
going provisions orohibitinr, glaring anu dazzlins* lights if
none of the main hri^ht portion of the head lnmo beams rises
above a horizontal plane cae--ing throu-h the lame centers oar-
allel to the level road ucon which the lo-•dec vcnicle stands,
-nd in no case hither than forty-two incees seventy-five feet
ahead of the vehicle
(c) Whenever motor ven,cic is oein' odereted u, on a
eublic street, or a portion thereof, which 7" sufficiently
lighted to reveal a cereon on the public stret -t a distance
of 200 feet ahead of the vehicle it shall be oermisniale to
dim the heau lamas or to tilt the beams coilnuard or to substi-
tute therefor the light from an auxiliary driving lamp or lair
of such lamps, subject to the restrictions a- to tilted acorns
and auxiliary drivinn lames set forth in teas subsection
Whenever e motor vehicle meets another vehicle on Iny nub:-
lie street it shill be permis^idle to tilt tee he-ms of the
he-d lamps downv,ard or to suostitute therefor the li ht from
an auxiliary uravin lamp or n«ir of such lam..s, subject to
the requirement that the tilted held lamas or auxiliary lamp
or lamos shall give sufficient illuman-tion under normal o.tmo4
pheric conditions and on a level roan to render clearly dis-
cernible a aerson 75 feet the^c.., but shaT1 not project a glar-
ing or di z,lin, li ht to eerson,> in front of the vehicle, ero-'
vided that at all times required in Section 1992 et leaet two
llahts shall be disolayed on the front of and on bpaosite side
of every motor vehicle other than a rpotobcycle, roan-roller,
road machinery or farm tractor
(d) Motor vehicles may be equipped with two acetylene
head lamos of approximate equal candlepower when equipped with.
clear plene glass fronts, bright six-inch spherical mirrors Una
�' I
' I
strndsrd acetylene five-eighths foot )ucners, not more and not
less, and wh]ch uo not project o glaring or daz-ling li ht Lnt6
the eyes of aporoacnJn, drivers 1
SECTION ' 1haL 'ection 18o9 of Chaster LX, Revised Orai-'
n-ncec of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19,0, as amended by ordinances
-cc ea by the 'loaro of Commissn oners on J tn 14, 19,5, and June 1),
1.9 0, be and the came is hereby amended by amending only the second
naragrach or sand section to read as follows
"No person shall drive, ride or sropel any vehicle ip
any part of or to the left of any s fety zone where such safety
zones are maintsinea on the street "
SECTION 4 that "ect-on 1377 of Chanter L` , Revised Ordi- li
hances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19.'0, as amended by an ordinance
psc^ed by the Roard of Commissioners on Nov .'S, 19'1, be and the
came is hereby amended to read as fo1loc
riding bicycles uwon any of the public sticets of this city
must observe the same rules for the use of said sheets that 1
apply to drivers of vchncles except when by their very nature
they are inawnlicable, and riders of bicycles ummon said streets1
and every person driving a vehicle or electric trolley coache#,
except elective coaches in the congested district, shall drive
as closely as oracticable to the right hand edge or curb of thel
street except when ove ta'cin_! or passing another vehicle or bi-'
cycle, or when olacin' a vehicle or of cycle in a position to
make a left turn
SECTION 5 that Chaster 1k, devised Ordinances of -alt LakO
City, Utah, 19.x0, be and the same 19 hereby mended by adding Ln and
to -aid Chapter a new section to be known as Section 190<k, shich shell
read a-- follows
SLC 190 It shall oe unlawful for anv person to
stand in the public streets for the ourcose of soliciting a rid/
from the driver of any aublic vehicle
SECTION 6 PhaL Section 1364 of Chaccer LX, Revised Ordi-
Dances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19d0, be and the same is hereby re- I
SFClI0N 7 In the opinion of the ",oard of Cociii_.c,_oners,
it ,s nece'sary to the °coca, health and sifuty of the inhabit nts
of ` �_lt Lake City that this erninance become effective immeciately
SECTION 8 ihis ordinance sh.iil take effect upon its first
Pasoed by the board of Commissioner, of `alt Lake C ty,
1Utah, this 11th diy of February D IC
I �
1 Lay
h City ecordcr
:�. ~� 0)n Y ate
t OJ tri yfl
i r is) lY
1ruuf of Mu" 'initial'
3tnteb Ottttea of Aturrita
LX of the Re4419ed Or of Hal
Lake City Utah 19920 by amending
niey ordi
ce.paned bYion 1882 asthe Board endedbof Corn
n>lastonere on July 21 1921 a arwil,, HARRY WOLFF
23 1922 emending gee on 8e3x as
tmended byan ordpaUad byi'
the 92ard c4 riding eaten 18 Jjis
21 192Y am nding 9ectloq 1877 pa
thee Heardbof an
on Nov
being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
25 1931 amending Section 1889 a
y the
Board amended
Commissioners nances ae Jed anuary uary SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE
14 1925 and June 12 1930 adding In of the newspaper
end to said Chapter a new SBotlon topublished in
be known as Section 1902R and re
Pealing Se tlon 1884 relating to tr.
Hdit ordain vel d by the Board of Com- Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
ml lion of Salt Lake City Utah
I SECTION 1 That Section 1882 of
Chapter LR Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City Utah 1920 as am need That the Notice .62 Ci DIL.AL Q;tt';
by ordinances passed by the Hoard of
Commiaelone a on July 21 1921 and(
March 23 1922 be and the same 1e :,ill.I. I Al1, C I I Y C(.Rr GT?r1T ICE
hereby amended to read as follows '
SEC 1882 LIGHTS (a) Every Ve
hi le open a public treat within thl
city during the period from a half hour
attar sunset to a half hour bef re un C FF I C.., (1. T iC' CITY R.;C CURT CR
ri a and at any other time when there
1s not µfllclent light to render clearly
discernible any person on the publi
treats et s tall be of two hundred
l ahead shall be equ with
light a front spfl rear lamps Y 1R
this readers respectively r g f
tetent Cempyte n and vehicles and eub
" to
lto ights on parkted vewith sera declared of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news
in eubeivlsion(h)
(b) Every motor vehicle other than
a mato cycle oed roller road maohin
ere or farm tractor Shen be equipped paper in its Issue dated the 13th
With two head lamps no m re and no
lees at the front of and on opposite
Ides Of the motor vehicle'Match head'
lamps shall Comply with the require day of I ebrudry 193 2
meats and limit non..forth in Sec
Lion 1853 end except as to acetylene
head letups hall be f e type which
hes been approved by the commie and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
() Eve y motorcycle shall be
equipped with at leaf one and not February13th
m than tw head lamps which halt
comm ply with the requirements and lam for
ltetione set forth in Section 1883 and
cent as to acetylene head lamps shall
be of a typo which ha been approved thereafter the full period of
by the commissioner
One insertion
(d) Every motor vehicle and every
tr fler r e trailer which is b log
end at the end of a train of vehicles
hall carry at the red a lamp of a type
which has been approved by the corn the last publication thereof
m1 Monet and which khiblte a red
light plainly visible under norms,.at
orlive erlc conditions from 9 listen a
of 1Jth
five hundred feet to the rear of much being in the issue dated the day of
vehicle end so Constructed and placed
that the numbererplate carried On the
rear of such vehicle shall under lik ,,bru'try 2
light to be read fronmta dbstnwhlof A D 193
fifty feet to the rear of such vehicle
and every oommerolal motor vehicle
trailer or oem1 trailer obeli chirpp at
the rear In addition to a rear WO se
ab ve epecifled a red reflector of a
type which has been approved bg they
c mmlosiOner and which 19 eo designed
located as to height end melntelceed 1Jth es to be view.for at lout 500 feet id sworn to before me this day of
When opposed00edby a motor vehlole die
Playing lawful undimmed highway
at night n an unlighted h alghWr aa ��
February A D 193
�kh �.,�
Notary P' ubll\
Advertising fee $
roadton 1877 of
roller yrovent
ad le of a or farm equipped with not to exceed two aux-� Chapter
SECTION Reviewed,Ordinances s of
roa r having a width at any part Ilia y d Wing lamp mounted on th Salt Lake City Utah 0820 na amended
it ego6ae of eighty width
shall art front at a height not lees than 24 by an ordinance pained by the B and
inches above the level surface on
two clearance lamps On the le side which the vehicl stands and every of C the me on Nov m 1de to
frontof ch v Mole filepleylog one locate or at
u h auxin y d 1 Inc lamp o 1 mps e d the f limas as Is hereby amended to
Hall me t th r quir m at d lira .SEC 1877 BICYCLER AND SLOW
light visible undo normal atmospheric ]Cation et Iorth 1n Section 1803(c) MOVING VEHICLES Persona tiding
ondltione from e distance of 500 feet (1) Whenever a motor vehicle I bicycles upon any of the public street
to the front of the vehicle and the equipped with a sign 1 lamp t coin f this city mu tb e the ame
other located at the re f the vehicle
aridg dleplayin a red light vlohble tan ply with the pro 11 as f S dirt 1882 tale for the use of said id streets that
th signal lamp shall be eo coned uctotl
der like conditions from a di lance of pPly by drives natureof vent lea except
500 feet to the rear of the vehicle and located on c the re whi as to gibe when their veryr riders
are In
A vehicle requiring clearance lights a signal red I1 color lh shall be 9010 real and rldCry of bicycles driving a
hereunder mayin lieu of uoh a1 Sr aplainly visible 1 100fn no mat uthe reare of eld vehicle ore and a try peeyon a
snae lights be quipped with adequate t eistance Of tfeet to the ofel electric trolley coach tex
the vehicle but hag not project a
refle0tOra conforming as to color andept elect[I coahee to the pongeeted
marginal locotion to the requirements glarof ing t r devoting light and shall be ti able shall right no d g 9a prac
for clearance lights and of a type sinner
approved by the commie tl able to the right hand edge or urb
which bee been approved by the corn of the treat except when o making
mleetpnar No such reflector hall be (m) Any device other than head or pawing another Vehicle orr bicycle
deemed adequate unleee It 1s so de lamp pot Lampe or au Mary driving r whets placing a vehicle o bicycle
signed located ae to height anci main t Of ps which project a beam of light Ina position to make a left turn
Mined as t0 be visible for at(teat 500 en Intensity air stet than twenty SECTION 5 That Chant LX Re
feet when opposed by a motor vehicle"= five candlepow r shall be o direct d vl ed G din nee of Salt Lake City
displaying laWful nndlbvaed bead that no pe t of th b am will at lite Utah 1920 be and the earn 1t hereby
ltghte at night on ads unlighted public, the ley 1 0f th u f na which th mended by Milne in nd to said
street vehicle stand t dietan a of mo chapter a n w s&Ion to-be kn vm ea
If) Every bicycle shall be equipped than 50 feet from the vehicle Section 1902X which shell read as fol
with a lighted lamp en the front there SECTION 2 That Section 1883 of lows
of visible under normal atmospheric Chapter LX Revised Ordinance of SEC 1902X It shall be unlawful for
conditions from,e dletance of at least Salt Lake City Utah 1920 a any ny per on t stand 1n the public
three hundred feet in front of each by an rdlanee pas d by th Hoard t Sete fo the purpose of eolloltinc
bicycle and shall al o be equine d with of Com.alone a n July 21 1921 be a ride from the driver of any public
a reflex mirror or lamp on the rear and the a me is hereby amended to vehicle
exhibiting a red light vieible under read as follows SECTION 8 That Section 1884 of
• like conditions from a distance of at SEC 1883 DAZZLING LIGITP$ Ohapte LX Revised Ordinance. of
1 a b two hundred feet to the rear of (a) The head lamp of motor vehicle Batt Lake City Utah 1920 be and the
u h lathy 1 hall b n tract d a steed and same l h by repealed o
(g) All vehicles not heretofore 1n adjusted that except as provided in SECTION 7 In th pint n n the
this'When required to be equipped eubaectlon(0)of this section they will 8 d of C mail goner It 1
with specified lighted lamps eh 11 at all times mentioned In Section 1882 y to the p ace health and safety
carry one or rho e lighted lamp ortan and and r no mal atmosphe is condi
f th to ordtnanc f Salt Lake City
terns displaying a white light visible Ilona and on a level road p oduce a that this ordlnenoe become effective
under normal atmospheric onditlon driving light ufflolent to render Smm TdiIt ly
from a dietanee of not lees then 500 clearly discernible a p reon two hun SECTION 8 Ttie ordinanceshall
feet to the front of such vehicle and dyed f et ahead but shall not;no)ct take defect whpeonn tie first publication
displaying a red light vlalble under p Passed by Easehe Ci Board of h 17n
era to or caz head light to person er of Salt Late AI Utah this 11th
ilikeeee than 000 f from a dietancearof not 1n front a lamps
lamp (lay of February A t1q� 3931
vest than 800 feet to the rear such ) Heed(the rego be deemed to dOUId B Re Mayor
vehicle 1 comply With the foregoing provisions hts i Macdonald City RecoMer
(en Noeh ldee a need be cdedisplayed prohibiting.laring and.htportion
dazzling lights Bill le 9
when vendee are perked in odd if a•..a of :le portion of Published February 13th 1W9
ant)with the ordinances of this city e - " through
nerve a
(I) Any vehicle exceeding 2(1 feet -
in length shalt display a white marker Vs.Ja : through Lb
light of not to exceed four candle _,0,...a the ley 1 road
power or a White reflector meeting r ".vehicle rands
the,,rre Wr@TntnL0 ae tq vee4bl]lty o1 pV k .«,r then forty tw
eubdi@ion(d)bn both tharight and vehicle t ahead of the
left eldee and any combination of ve () Whenever a mot r vehl 1 Sc be
hicleb e reeding 20 feet in length shall log Operated upon a public street or a
display on both the lent and left eh po lion thereof will h 1e sufficiently
uth Marker lights or r fleeter et In lighted t reveal a person n the pub
tercel of not to exceed 20 feet Other no street at a distance of 200 f et she d
vehicles may but a e not requir d t of the vehicle It shall be permissible
display such aide marker lights or re to dim the head lamp or to tilt the
Heaters beanie downward or to eubatltute
(I) Any motor vehicle may bet th r for th light from an urinary
equipped with not to exceed two spot driving lamp or pair I u h lamp
1 mph except that a m torts l shall ubJect to the restrictions as to tilted
not be equipped with more than one beams and auxiliary driving lamps set
spot I my and eve y light d spot lamp forth in this subeecti a
shall be so aimed and used upon eP Whenever a motor vehlci m ate an
Preaching another vehicle that no part oth r vehicle on any public t eat it
of the beam will be dire Led to the left hall be perm! hale to tilt the beam
of the enter of the publt et e t n of the head lamp d wnward or to
more than 100 feet she d f th co tub tltute therefor th light from an
Idol auxiliary driving lamp or pair of each
a (k) Any motor Vehicle may be lamps subject t the recital emend th t
the tilted 11 ad lamps o auxin y 1 mp
o lamps h 11 give ufftclent illumine
lion under no mat atmospheric condi
trot and n a ley I d to rende
cl a ly Mee rnlble a per on 75 f et
ahead but h 11 not protect a ea lag
o do zling light to ye non in fr nt of
the vehicle pr vlded that at all times
enticed hall lighte be displayed on the front
of and on opposite Ides of every so.
t vhicl ther than a mot toyer
r ad roller road machinery o farm
t acto
a(d) M for vend lessee. ,.sgjO t,.q
with tw se tylene.h
p !mate equal �e l/, .r
quipp d with cleat� i• ;J•1 `r.
bright six inch the v of
tandard acetyl ne fly eighths'
bu ne not mo a and n t 1 9 and
whi h do not protect a glaring or daz
Mina light Into the eyes I approa h
mg drivers
SECTION 2 mat 8 1889 of
Chapter LX R vied Ordinances of
Salt Lake City Utah 1920 as amended
by Mtn noes passed-by th Herd of
Commissioner on Jan 14 1925 and
Jun 12 1230 be and the e m Is by
amended by amending only the sac
and paragraph of said section to read
as follow
No person shall d lve ride or pro
pal any vehicle In any part of or to
the left of any at ty zone where u h
fety zones are maintained on the
t set
liatt Eake arthttttr
Entry No