9 of 1935 - Amending Section 1676, relating electrical inspection-creating a Board of Registration of the Divis — ROLL CALL n iy�r; VOTING AYE I NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, ' ' u 1, 193 Coggin - - •I " - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser ���++✓'q Knight Lee Mr. Chairman - - Result ! AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. SECTION 1676, of Cha.:)ter. LXXII, Revised. Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to electrical inspection, and adding in and. to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 1685. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah; SECTION I. That Section 1676, of Chapter LXr:II, Sevised Ordinances of ;_salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to electrical inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1C76. PERMITS. No person shall install, maintain, alter, repair, extend or re-construct any electrical work, electrical wiring, devices, fixtures, appliances of equip- ment, either inside or outside of any building, and no altera- tions or additions shall be made in existing wiring, nor shall any wiring be installed or done for the placing of any lights, 9 power or heating devices, or any apparatus which generates, transmits, transforms or utilizes any electricity, nor shall any alterations be made in any wiring system after final in-. spection, without first notifying the Chief of the Division of E _ ctrica.l Inspection and securing a permit therefor; except minor repair work such as repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets qnd receptacles, taping bare joints and repairing drop cords, and all work done for or on the property of Salt Lake City or a public utility company, and wiring for appliances and devices operating at less than 25 volts, for which work a permit shall not be required. Per- mits shall be issued to no one except holders of electrical contractor's certificates, electrical maintenance certificates or their bona fide em_Ploges and to individuals for work to/ be done on their own premises by themselves. double fee 1 sharl be charged for all electrical permits where work has been started before the proper hermit has been issued - No permit shall he issued to any applicant for a permit duTing the time that he shall fail to correct any de- fective electrical work after he has been duly notified to correct such defective work by the Chief of the Division of illectrical Inspection. SECTION 2. That Chapter TL II, 1-cvised Ordinances of Balt jfalse City, Utah, 10b4, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and. to said Chapter a flee tection to be knoval as acction. 1685, which shall read as follows: ECTION 1685. There is hereby created in the Dedsrt- ment of Parks and Public Property a Board of Eegistration of the Division of Electrical Inspection which shall consist of the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection. and the Chief of the tire Department. No person shall engage in the installation, maintenarce, alteration, repair or construction of any electrical work, wil- ing devices., fixtures, appliances or equipment inside or out- side of any building either by himself or his agents or employees except work done for or on the property of ;:alt Lake City or a public utility company without first securing a certificate from the Board of begistration of the Division of electrical Inspection and payin the license fec herein provided- must contain the address el the applicantis orace oT or err and , . S,1l applicationsl,shall'be referred by the License .ssessor and Collector to the board of fevistration of the Division of Electrical Insnection for investip;ation and reco=endation, The applicant shall, if requested, appear before the Board of fegistration of the Division of ,lectrical Inspection and answer such questions concerning his cord:petency as will aid the ..3oard. of H.?.4stration of the Division of Electrical In- spection in detemining the fitness of such applicant to engage in a paarticular class of electrical work for which certificate is requested- Upon denial of any apedication for certificate,. the Board of f:egistration of the Division of Electrical Inspec- . -J- tion shall make a report to the laoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City of its findings in said investigation. Any applicant dissatisfied with the findings of the Board of tegistration of the Division of Electrical inspection hay within ten days after said findings are rendered appeal to the Board of Co-.onission- I ers of Salt Lake City. _'he Soard of r,egistration of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall have power to issue the following certificates: 1. electrical Contractors certificate to be issued to electrical contractors, ,:which certificate shall entitle the holder to engage in the work described in Section 1676. 2. Electrical Maintenance certificate which shall entitle the holder to engage in the work described. in Section 1676 in any premises owned, occupied or controlled by the holder of such certificate, which premises shall be described in the certificate. 5. Journeyman's certificate which shall be issued without charge to every electrical contractor holding a. contractor's certificate as herein above provided for each bona fide employee of said contractor; Provided that each journeyman's certificate shall be valid only while said employee is in the actual esv1cy- ment of the contractor to which such journeyman's certificate is issued. Upon making the :finding that the a_p licant is competent the $gard of Registration of the Division of Electrical Inspec- tion shall certify its findings to the License Assessor and. Collector who shall issue the proper certificate. At the time of application and for the annual renewal o - - thereof, the applicant shall pay to the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City for an electrical contractor's certificate a. fee in the amount of $25.00 and for an electrical maintenance certifi- cate a fee in the amount of 05.00. The fee shall be returned A if the application is denied. Each certificate shall be for the calendar year, shall expire at midnight on. December 31st folior-inn the date of its issue and shall be renewed by the Board of Commissioners upon -4- application of the holder of the certificate and by his com- pliance with all the provisions of this ordinance. Upon presentation to the Board of negistration of the Di-, vision of Electrical Inspection of charrzes in writi-r.v that the holder of any certificate has violated any provisions of this ordinance, or any ordinance of Salt Lake City regulating! elec- trical installation, and. permits of the use of electricity or is incompetent or unfit to comply with such provisions, the Board of fegistration of the Division of i.aectrical Inspection shall investigate such charges and if, in its opinion, the samle are sustained shall make recommendations to the bard of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City for the revocation of such certi- ficate. The holder of the certificate shall be notified in writing by the Board of Commissioners that such recomaendstion has been mnde and that unless he can show good and sufficient cause to the Board of Commissioners why the certificate should not be revoked, then the bard of Commissioners may revoke the same. This notification shall be delivered to the holder of the certificate at least five days in advance of his hearing by the Board of Commissioners of alt Lake City. .ihen a certi- ficate has been revoked, a new one shall. not be zranted to the same person until the Board of heistration of the Division of Electrical Inspection determines that the applicant is vAlified as provided in this ordinance. The idoard of L'omplosioners may at any time on its own no- tion and after notice and hearinaf and. for hood and proper cause revoke any certificate. SECTIOA S Lny person, ,,no shall fail to comhly ,zith any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than gfh.0D nor more than_ 3 .06 for each offense and in default of saynent thereof by imprIsonment in the city jail for not I ccc than ten days nor more than six months. SECTIUN 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary Co the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants I -5- of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect ini eC'i:ate- ly. CECTIUNI 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. y__l ______ PasseO by the :�.,o Y of Commissioners of Ca, t Lake CiCJ, Utah, this iy77 day of G— / 1935 " � ,7 „ , • M, 3 City Recorder.. L I I I ORD NXNCR Prelsoffed4014040 Canmi ra iivitiCL Clty"W aGogi m Twat Publication lu FE13%G t935 uttivviu'vtnn ti CITY RECOR08R • alterations or additions shall be Registration of the Division of made in existing wiring,nor shall Electrical,Inspection for investi• any wiring be installed or done gation and recommendation. for the placing of any lights,pow- The applicant shall,if request- er or heating devices,or any ap- ed, appear before'the Board of pzratus which generates, trans Registration of the Division of nits, transforms or utilizes any Electrical Inspection and answer electricity, nor shall any altera- such questions concerning his tions be made in'any wiring sys- comptency zs will zid the Board tern after final inspection,with- of Registration of the Division of out first notifying the Chief of Electrical Inspection in'determin- the Division of Electrical Inspce• ing the fitness of such applicant to tion and securing a permit there- engage in a particular class of for; except minor repair work electrical work for which certifi- such as repairing flush and snap sate is requested. Upon denial switches,replacing fuses,chang- of any application for certificate tug lamp sockets and receptacles, the Board of Registration of the taping bare joints and repairing Division of Electrical Inspection drop cords,and all work done for shall make a report to the Board or on the property of Salt Lake of Commissioners of Salt Lake City or a public utility company, City of its findings in said investi- and wiring for appliances and de- ' gation.Any applicant dissatisfied vices operating et less than 25 with the findings of the Board of volts, for which work a permit Registration of the Division of shall not be required. Permits Electrical Inspection may within shall be issued to no one except ten days after said findings are holders of electrical contractors rendered appeal to the Board of certificates, electrical mainle- Commissioners of Salt Lake City. nance certificates or their bona The Board of Registration of fide employes and to individuals the Division of Electrical Inspec- tor work to be done on thejr own tion shall have power to issue the premises by themselves. A dou- following certificates: ble fee shall be charged for all 1. Electrical Contractor's cer• electrical permtis where work tificate to be issued to electrical has been started before the prop- contractors, which certificate er permit has been issued. shall entitle the holder to engage No permit shall be issued to in the work described in Section any applicant•for a permit der. 1676, Mg the time that he shall fail 2. Electrical Maintenance eer- i to correct any defective electri- tificate which shall entitle the cal work after he has been duly holder to engage in the work de- notified to correct such defective scribed in Section 1676 in any work by the Chief of the Divi- premises owned,occupied or con- ' lion of Electrical Inspection. trolled by the holder of such cer• SECTION 2. That Chapter tificate,Which premises shall be LXXII, Revised Ordinances of described in the certificate. Salt Lake City,Utah,1934.be and 3. Journeyman's c e r t ificate the same is hereby amended by which shall be issued without adding in and to said Chapter a charge to every electrical contrac- new Section to be known as Sec- Inc holding a contractor's certifi- tion 1685, which shall read as . cote as herein above provided for follows: each bona fide employe of ssis SECTION 1685. There is here- contractor; provided that each-- 1 by created in the Department of journeyman's certificate shall be ---• Parks and Public Property a valid only while said employe is AN ORDINANCE Board of Registration of the Div in the,actual employment of the AN ORDINANCE AMENDING lion of Electrical Inspection contractor to which such journey- SECTION 1676, of journey- which shall consist of the Chief of man's certificate is issued. LXXII, Revised Ordinances SECTION Chapter the Division.of Electrical Inspce• Upon making the finding that of Salt Lake City,Utah,1334,relat- tion and the Chief of the Fire the applicant is competent the fng to eectrical inspection, and Department. • - Board of Registration of the Divil adding in and to said Chapter a No person shall engage in the sion of Electrical Inspection shall new section to be known as Sec• installation,maintenance, alfera- certify its'findings to the License lion 1685. lion,repair or construction of any Assessor and Collector who shall Be It ordained by the Board of electrical work, wiring devices, issue the proper certificate. Commissioners of Salt Lake City, fixtures, appliances or equip At the time of application and Utah: meat inside or outside of any , for the annual renewal thereof, SECTION S. That Section 1676, building either by himself or his the applicant shall pay to the City agents or employes except work Treasurer of Salt Lake City for of Chapter LXXII,Revised Ordi- done for or on the property of an electrical contractor's certifi- nancea of Salt Lake City,Utah, Salt Lake City or a public utility cafe a fee in the amount of$25.00 1934,relating to elect ical inspec- company without first securing a and for an electrical maintenance lion,be and the pine is hereby certificate from the Board of certificate a fee in the amount of amended to read as follows: 'Registration of the Division of $5.00, The fee shall be returned SECTION 1676.'PERMITS,No Electrical Inspection and paying if the application is denied. person;shall install,maintain,al- the license fee herein provided. Each certificate shall be for the ter,repair,extend'or re-construct All applications must contain calendar year,shall expire at mid- coy electrical work, electrical the address of th@ applicant', night on December 31st following wiring, devices, fixtures, appli. place of buihess, and shall be the date of it, u ismee and shall be antes of equipment,either inside ' referred by the License Assss or renewed by the Board of Corn- , or outside of'any bbildipg,and tio, and Collector, to the,Board of, missioners upon application of Proof of ; iziAratiun ?Anita *totes of Amnia STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE the holder of the certificate and by his compliance with•all the provisions of this ordinance. Upon presentation to the Board of Registration of the Division of H. P♦ THOMP$ON .Electrical Inspection of charges in writing'that the holder`df any certificate has violated any provi- sions of this ordinance,or any or- being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk dinance of Salt Lake City regulat- ing electrical installation, and permits of the use of electricity of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in or is incompetent or unfit to com- ply with such provisions,.the Board of Registration'of the'Divi- sion of Electrical Inspection shall Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. investigate such charges and if, in its opinion,the same'are sus- tained shall make recommends, AN ORDINANCE lions to the Board of Commission. That the Notice ers of'Salt Lake City for the rev- ocation of such certificate. The' holder of the certificate shah be BILL NO. 9 notified in writing by the Board - of Commissioners that such rec- ommendation has been made and ' that unless he can show goad SALT LAKE CITY RECORDER. and sufficient cause to the Board of Commissioners why the err• tificate should not be revoked, then the Board of Commissioners may revoke the same. This hoti• .fication shall be del+vcred to the holder of the certificate at least of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- five days in advance of his hear- ing by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City. When a certificate has been revoked,a paper in its issue dated the 16.th new one shall not be granted to the same person until the Board of ,Registration rof-the Division day of February 193 5, - of Electrical Inspection deter- mines that the applicant is quali- fied as provided In this ordi- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on nonce. The Board of Commissioners fnay-at any time on its'own mo- February 16th. for lion and after notice and hearing,and for good'and proper cause revoke any certificate. •SECTION 3. Any person,who thereafter,thefull period of One insertion shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less the last publication thereof than$25.00 nor more than for each offense and in defaultault of of 00 ,for thereof by imprison- 16th ment in the city jail for not less being in the issue dated the day of than ten days nor more than sin months. SECTION 9. In the opinion of February ,A.D.193...5.. the Board of Commissioners,it is necessary to the peace,health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall.take effect immediately. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its first publication. Passed by the Board of Com- ,rn to before me this l6th • day of missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,.this 19th-day of•Rebrtiary, A. D. 1935. LOUIS MARCUS, ,A.D.193 5 Mayor. Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder. (SEAL) BILL NO.A Notary Public. Pub1.4hed.Februaty Advertising fee $ Cy , . i , ,„. 4 ,..> ..p 0 g t. H z = d 4r, ...-. C.) . T.; ,.., ,-.4 -la ,-..1 ----.- M no ,..‘ .t4 ----' . - 1-, o tzt ', fli t 61 ) --, --..„ • '', \„., 0 rs tat -.. t-• 0 to 0 1.3 ...., p..4 . , i, ), p 1,, 1