9 of 1946 - Amending Section 4601 relating to Police Department ' ROLL:CALL
voTING • Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, +`i , 194
Affleck I move that 1,,ordinance be d.
Matheson . . .
Mr. Chairman. . ✓'',
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as
amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis-
sions of Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 5, 1944, and
July 31, 1945, relating to the Police Department and
Section 4604 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on July
5, 1944, relating to the Police Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1, That Sections 4601 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by
an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, on July 5, 1944, and July 31, 1945, re-
lating to the Police Department and Section 4604 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended
by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, on July 5, 1944, relating to the Police
Department, be and the same are hereby amended to read as
follows: 9
Police Department of Salt Lake City shall consist of the
following officers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed
by the Board of Commissioners, within the limit specified:
Not to exceed
Chief of Police, who shall
be head of the Police
Department ;'3630.00
Inspector 3210.00
4 Captains 2910.00
1 Superintendent of Records
1 Assistant Superintendent of Records 2730.00
1 Secretary to Chief of Police 2910.00
6 Lieutenants
1 Chief Radio Technician 2910.0020.00
12 Sergeants 2730.00
3 Radio Operators 2670.00
Patrolmen, First Grade 2430.00
Patrolmen, Second Grade 2310.00
Patrolmen, Third Grade 2310.00
Policewomen, First Grade 2190.00
Policewomen, Second Grade 1970.00
Policewomen, Third Grade 1970.00
Clerks, Male, First Grade
Clerks, Male, Second Grade 2310.00
Clerks, Male, Third Grade
Clerks, Female, First Grade 1950.00
Clerks, Female, Second Grade 1830.00
Clerks, Female, Third Grade 1710.00
1 Police Matron 1950.00
SALARY. THERE is hereby created in the police department the
offices of radio technician and radio operator.
The head of the police department of Salt Lake City,
subject to the rules and regulations of the civil service
commission, by and with the advice and consent of the board of
commissioners, may appoint from the classified civil service
list furnished by the civil service commission a competent
person to the office of radio technician. Before entering upon
the duties of this office, the radio technician shall give bond
for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of
The radio technician shall have charge, under the
general supervision and direction of the head of the po-
lice department,of Salt Lake City's radio station and radio V,
equipment. He shall operate and maintain said equipment to
conform with the standards and requirements of the Federal
radio commission and perform such other duties and comply with
such rules and regulations as are or may be prescribed by law
or ordinance or are assigned to him by the head of `',;
the police department.
The head of the police department of Salt Lake City,
subject to the rules and regulations of the civil service
commission, by and with the advice and consent of the board of
commissioners, may appoint from the classified civil service
list furnished by the civil service commission such radio operato. s
as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the said radio
station. BacW.radio opator shall operate the equipment of the
said radio stattbn and rform such other duties and comply wit
such rules aa4,1egulltens as directed by the chief radio
technician or,'th4 he` d:,�rcry':the police department.
Each i$4die• a,Mrator shall give a bond in favor of
Salt Lake Cityfor the' ,.`aiahful performance of his duties in the
,,; ;d. ,.
sum of $1000.00.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of
Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety
of the inhabitants of salt Lake City that this ordinance shall
take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at
once upon its first publication.
lb /
k 1 /.4L•I Air.
Passed by the Board of Commissi0IP of :et L g
City, Utah, this 7 _day of Februa ,,,,A'I)0,46.
as.iyx if
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y ecorder ,
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
.Legal Notices D &4 ockey
SECTIONS 4001 of the Revised Or-
dinancee of lt peke City, Utah, Being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
loa,as-amended bi,en-ordinance g p
ere 8alttLake City.of. on Juis
0 1BT.;jid t%:,1,1010,relatin, vertising cleric of THF.DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
lion 4004 of She LYloed Alnaneeaa
of eSeelf bake City, ach.p1114A as published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
li Lelia Cite of
t h,on t,my a,1044:re. of Utah.
HAM, to the Police Department.
nmla Zone. of bSalthOLake Citf
UlSECTION 1.That Seottone 4001 of
the Revleed Ordlnencae of Salt.Lake That the advertisement
City, Uteh,-1944, ae a deft by
an ordinance,named.by the Dom, Ordinance Dill No 9
of Cominlealo eenore of Salt Lake Ciey,-
Utah on Only 0:1044 elI0n Depart-
ment 31,
Mee relating to the Pollee ann Election S 4e44 kethe Remah. Lake City Corporation
24,ancae o1 Belt Lake city,'Utah. Salt y
w a emended be ordinance
pre.11 Sal1944, tlL ke Board
Olty,Utah,f m1BeJuly
0DD• tment.-ha Lan the cattle ele r a ero-
hi un ded to.react ae IoIIowe:
Salt Lake Olty Ptah Millee llet the
following Of Doan, heels annex, was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
.BIariOa ball be flood by the 46
oard el'Oammiellonere,wlDela the . February
molls .pooulea: Noe to exceed llth day of 5r A.D. 19
"Chief l"Pollce,who ebell
be head of the Pollee pe-
Parement 01800.00 1 time
Impactor' 03030.00 and was published
.. 4 Centel.. 43010.a0
1 SW, of Reeorda 1iB10.00-
1 A�mtal.ne ..Snnedntena- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
1 Secretary efel=Chief of po 4rl3B.00
9Lieutenants ==noon 46
1 Chief Redlo Technic'. t2B10,00 llth day of February A.D.19
IB 8eteea te . 62730,00 J
3 Radio'operators .. ..,.13070,00
Patrolmen,Egret OraE0:$2600.09
Patrolmen,Seeped Grade 00430.00 �� �__..-
Patrolmen,Third Garde 00318.00
Policewomen,Filet Grade 40000.00 Advertising Clerk
Policeewomen,•B e o'o n a -----
00tto0women, T h 1 r• 101Ba.00
' Grade $1070.00'
Clerks,Male Arse Grade$2e00.00
Clerk;Mate, 8e e o red'
• C lerrkm, 'Male, T.h 1 r d/1430,00
Grade ' ' ' 41310100
Ohnik a People, r,i r 01606Ba.eo 1.2 th
CSarke. r..* eels, to before me this, day of
rod 6r a 6ie0o.o0
Daad'F6oalp;.mhl.rd$tttt.00 A.D.19 4f
Matron -IBe0.00
ET THERE I.hereby created In
,�,• t th 1f1 eater
I '" 4'll Notary blic . (.
with 1
bh Ot yf Cihe 1 ewe a.
PM lintrtmnlelled,b➢i thoe doll eer
tocommissiona netent pinion
the office'ef aadle technicia v-
fore enterlhe'Unah the dnttee of this
office the'radio teehntolan eked
give bond}}r the faithful perfrm.
acme of his duties'In the lsum of
40000.00. ..
The radio technician shall have
charge. under the teneral Ihper01
then police deparllameot off S is lake
meta radio station
l giber d to and
said.eaulpmene to confoorm nth
the standarde•and requirements bt
the'Federal radio'commission and
perform suchply'with such aruhlee and rectanlellove
as are may be prescribed by lap
or ordinance or are aselrned to'Mtn
.by,the head of the pollee depart-
frThe head of the police department
life rule8 andsre1luletenah61 theedoll
aice commteeion.by and,with'the
dvice end consent of the board of
commissioners.•may appoint from
furnlehed byUtthe scivil serrvice corn-
lesion such radio Operators all Mal
he necenepry for the propepoonduct
of th5 aid.redin etetlo.Each radio
peratoori hale operate the equip-
Mont the said rattle station.sod
Pertdrm anti tber,dulls) d coon
.: ltb;yy.dnrhprelIei and rroq1auuh�liens
_�n:o"?'i the' hlef:ndloe
to b -titan,or se adio
Each,tsavor o!Sol{r1ask I•Ctldoior
the faltblul performentt 01 hie
ui ten•in the,sum of 01000.00,
NE0TIO11ii a.la.the nuiaton of the
Hoard t the peace.
elonalt It Ie s.
r a peac health sod eeCity
• of the Elie
ordtaale of Boll Lake City
that this ordinance shell take cited
0e effect
a.This-ordinance hell
enbleltect at once upon Its first
Pained by the Board of Commis-
goners of tell Lahe'Cltr.Vteh Ill.
nth dy o1 Tetirumy,A,E.1810.
Clq Recorder. •
• 7yuNlskarlaiwarr 111h.4N1.•r:.