9 of 1949 - Amending Sections 505 & 509 of Chapt. V;; relating to beer, fees. VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, r LB 9 1149 ,194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . l
Romney 7
Mr.Chairman . .
AN ORDINANC iMENDI 505 and 509 of Chapter
V of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relat-
ing to beer.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 505 of Chapter V of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to beer, be and
the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Section a new
paragraph which shall read as follows:
"All applications, together with all other information
required for renewal of beer licenses referred to in this
section, shall be filed with the License Assessor and Col-
lector at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date
of the then issued license. Any applicant failing to comply
with these provisions shall close his licensed premises on
the expiration date of the then issued license and keep the
said premises closed for any and all business for the sale
of beer until the date his new license is issued by order
of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City."
SECTION 2. That Section 509 of Chapter V of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to beer, be and
the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 509. FEES. Applications provided for in this chap-
ter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter provided,
which fee shall bo deposited in the City Treasury if the li-
cense is granted, and returned to the applicant if denied.
For Class 'A.' retail license per annum $50.00, or any
part thereof. 0
For Class ILt retail license per annum i200.00 or any
part thereof; provided, however, for any Class 'El license
issued to premises where the primary or main business is that
of selling beer the license fee shall be y 400.00 per annum,
or any part thereof.
For Class 'CI retail license per annum 4400.00, or any
part thereof.
For 'Seasonal' license at the rate of $50.00 per month
for the season or period for which it is issued.
For 'Club' license at the rate of $200.00 per annum.
All licenses issuea hereinafter shall expire on the 1st
day of July of each year, and shall be issued for one year,
except 'Seasonal' licenses, which shall be issued for any num-
ber of days determined by the Board of Commissioners."
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take feet upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commiss oners•of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this IA!: day of , A. D.
M;Y/ •
/ City recorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
D. IT. O,..9.Y
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
AN ORDINANCE vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
TIONS 505INANCE ind 609ofENDI Cha AN Ner G V pp°z published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Count in the State
the Revised ordlnanepe of Salt Lake ys
City,Utah,1944,relating to beer.
Be It ordained by the Board of of Utah.
Commlaaionere of Halt Lake 'City, -
SECTION 1. That ection 505 at
Lake City,Revised
944'sa tat•
fog tobeer,be and the same is here- That the advertisement
by amended by adding in and to said
section a new paragraph which shell
read as fows: 'u'ia`:1,i,ii^ Or:9:i.na.n:y_: ill _'.o, 9
"Ail application.,together with all
ether information required for re-
w'1 of beer licenses referred to
lnthie section, shall be toed with
the License Assessor and Collector
at least sixty(60)days prior to the
1 /piration date of the then issued
Renee. Any applicant falling to
comply with these provisions shall
close licensed premises on the
expiration date of the then issued
license• fords way
published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
the sale of beer until the date his
new the
Hoard licensen
Commissioersrdo of of Salt
Lake City. day of A. D. 19
SECTION 2. That Section 509 of
Chapter V of the Revived Ora-
mince.of itoalt Lake beer, be iand Utah,
the same and was published On I''el,, 11 1"9
1s hereby amended to read as fol-
Sded for in this chapS. ter shallthe last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
be accompanied by the fees be
deposited• provided, which fee shall be
deposited in the C1t ad Treasury e the day of A. D. 19
deposi is granted, d returned hto e
the apDlloant 1f dented.
For $50. A' tetali license thereof.
per 19
OPIUM lime'I, re any part thereof. . *K /i�
For Clan'8'ratan license per MD � ��'�KKK Cyr
• 8200.00 or any Apart thereof; Advertising Clerk
limn.leaned to r, m any ClassH'
yramieee here the
male Demme
1s that bof
$slung beer the]um, tee y part
thereon per annum, or any part
Sul For.Cffies 'C' retail license per re me this 17th day of
a For rs'Seasonal'ollceneep e at tE e}rate
$50.00 for the
Mann 19 49
°r period which it le issued.For'Club' license at the rate of J.
$200.00 per annum.
All licensee issued hereinafter shall
expire on the tat day of July of ,Ieach year, and shall be Issuedli for
whichOas year,except I 'Seasonal'1ycannt- —
bgr09 damell determined ued fbr ay um-
ofrComminloere by the Hoard l ——
theEBoarrd of Comm)eelo°neera,10it is I Notary P is
safety of to the
lnhabitentealth of Sad
Lake City that the ordinance be-
co effective immediely.
ySFaloN 4. Thss ordinance shall
all( afoot upon its rat publication.
Ned by the Board
of Commis-
Kra of Salt Lake e2.1.Utah,this
ag of Fe EARL A.D.1 GLADE,
EARL J. Mar.
IRatA F.8IC y R t Recorder.
t (SEAL)
Pnbllshed February 11,1949 _
Proof of Publication