9 of 1590 - Curb and Gutter Extention No. 110 (1) 5th and Final Estimate. 421 I move that the ordinance be passed.
Affleek . .
Christen , .
> . . . .
Romney . •
'fix. . . .
Mr. Chairman . .
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCi LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of
property (Curb and/utter Extension No. 110 (l))£or the purpose
of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter, roll gutter
and sidewalk,' drainage.system, a paving strip (consisting of a
5-inch gravel base with a 1-3/4-inch asphaltic concrete wearing
course and 1/4-inch sheet asphalt seal coat) between the gutter
to be constructed a►d the edge of the present paved roadway,
and private driveways (where construction is standard curb and
gutter) on 19th East Street, Preston Street and 20th East Street
from 21st South Street to Parley's Canyon Boulevard; 18th East
Street from Michigan Avenue to 13th South Street; and Elizabeth
Street from 7th South to 8th South Streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment
of the same upon the property hereinafter described (Curb and Gut-
ter Extension No. 110 (1) ) for the purpose of grading, construct •
ing concrete curb and gutter, roll gutter and sidewalk, drainage
system, a paving strip (consisting of a 5-inch gravel base with
a 1-3/4-inch asphaltic concrete wearing course and 1/4-inch sheet
asphalt seal coat) between the gutter to be constructed and the
edge of the present paved roadway, and private driveways (where
construction is standard curb and gutter) to-wit:
Lots 1-5 inc1.,B106tl;;Lot0'1'.81r ;,B1ock 2; Lots 1-6
incl., Block 3; Lots 1-6 incl. and Lot 8, Block 4; Lots
1-5 incl. and Lot 7, Block 5; Lots 1-5 and 7-9 incl. of
Block. 6; Lots 1-4 inel.; Blo1lJ7, Rosslyn Heights, a subdi-
vision of Part of the N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
S. L. B. & M.; also part of the N.E.1/14 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. The west 66.75 ft. of Lots 22 and 23,
Lots 6-21/and the west 45.0 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl., Block 9;
the east 47.0 ft. of Lots 23-27 incl., Lots 28-40 incl., and
the east 100.0 ft. of Lots 41-44 incl., Block 8 Arlington
Heights Subdivision of Block 6, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Sur-
vey. Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 33, Block 8
Arlington Heights Subdivision of Block 6, Plat "F", Salt Lake
City Survey, thence south 4.3.5 ft.; beginning at the south-
west corner of Lot 15, Block 9, Arlington Heights Subdivision
of Block 6, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey, thence south 80.4
The east 23.37 ft. of Lot 28 and Lots 29_31 incl., Block
1; Lot 29 and the east 20.83 ft. of Lot 28, Block 2; Lots 1
and 2, Block 3, Yalecrest Park; Lot 13, Block 1, Yalewrest
Heights; Lots 1 and 30, Upper Yale 2nd Addition; Lots 1, 2,
57 and 58 of Upper Yale Addition; Lots 1 and 28 of Harvard
Park; the east 46.6 ft. of Lots 1 and 28 of Princeton Park;
Lot 14 and the east 10.2 ft. of Lot 13, Lot 16 and the east
10.4 ft. of Lot 17, and Lots 11-15 incl. of Hillside Park;
Lots 9-16 incl. of Block 2, Lots 25 to 34 incl. of Blocks 3,
4 and 5, Colonial Heights; Subdivisions of Block 28, 5-Acre
Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, con
strutting concrete curb and gutter, roll gutter and sidewalk, drai -
age system, a paving strip (consisting of a 5-inch gravel base wit
a 1-3/4-inch asphaltic concrete wearing course and 1/4-inch sheet
asphalt seal coat) between the gutter tole constructed and the
edge of the present paved roadway, and private driveways (where
construction is standard curb and gutter) as follows:
32 foot Roadway, roll gutter, paving strip, walk built.
Preston Street - both sides - from 21st South Street,
south to Parley's Canyon Boulevard.
3 foot Roadways Roll gutter, paving strip (walk built or
orner l6T frontagg ' o*emptea fromside walk assessment).
-3- .
20th East Street - west side - south 65.0 ft. from Wil-
mington Avenue; and east side - south 75.0 ft. from Wilmington
19th East Street - both sides - from 21st South Street,
south to Parley's Canyon Boulevard.
33 Foot .roadway, Poll gutter, 5-ft. Walk, paving Strip.
20th East Street - west side - from a point 65.0 ft.
south of Wilmington Avenue, thence south to Parley's Canyon Boule-
vard; and east side - from. a point 75.0 ft. south of Wilmington
Avenue, thence south to Parley's Canyon Boulevard.
,36 Foot Roadway, Paving strip, Curb and Gutter, 5 ft. sidewal ..
20th East Street - west side - from a point 60.0 ft.
north of Wilmington Avenue, thence north 669.0 ft. and east side
- from a point 72.0 ft. north of Wilmington Avenue, thence north
132.0 ft.; from a point 264.0 ft. north of Wilmington Avenue,
thence north 448.68 ft.
18th East Street - west side - from Michigan Avenue south
to Harvard Avenue; from Harvard Avenue south 108.4 ft., from Prince
ton Avenue to Laird Avenue; from Laird Avenue south 100 ft.; from
a point 75.0 ft. north of 13th South Street, thence north 25.0 ft.
18th East Street - east side - from Michigan Avenue south
to Yalecrest Avenue; from Harvard Avenue south 100.0 ft.; from
Princeton Avenue north 50.0 ft.; from Princeton Avenue south to a
point 50.0 ft. north of 13th South Street.
36 Foot Roadway, Curb and Gutter, paving strip (walk built or
corner lot fronage exempted from sidewalk assessment)
20th East Street - west side - south 58.69 ft. from 21st
South Street; east side - south 75.0 ft. from 21st South Street and
north 72.0 ft. from Wilmingtion Avenue; from a point 204 ft. north
of Wilmington Avenue, thence north 60.0 ft.
18th East Street - west side - north 108.4 ft. from Prim:-
on Avenue; from a point 100.0 ft. south of Laird Avenue, thence
south 218.2 ft. and north 75.0 ft. from 13th South Street.
18th East Street - east side - North 200.4 ft. from Har-
vard Avenue, from a point 50.0 ft. north of Princeton Avenue, thenc.
north 100.0 ft.; north 50.0 ft. from 13th South Street.
Elizabeth Street - west side - from a point 75.0 ft.
south of 7th South Street, thence south 236.50 ft.; and north 305
ft. from 8th South Street.
Elizabeth Street - east side - from a point 50.0 ft. sou.i
of 7th South Street, thence south 610.0 ft.;
the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore an.
hereinafter described to be especially benefited by said improve-
ment, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that
said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full
amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are here-
by assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the
linear foot frontage upon said portions of said streets, fronting
'upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom
not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed
upon said parcels of land is Ninety-five Thousand, Seven Hundred
Three and 13/100 C195,703.13) Dollars; Nineteen Thousand, Eight
Hundred Eighty-seven and 99/100 (",$19,887.99) Dollars for thirty-tw.
(32) foot roadway - roll gutter, paving strip, (walk built), or
Five and 71/100 ($5.71) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutti g
property, there being 3483.01 feet of abutting property; Eighteen
Thousand, Eight Hundred Sixty-seven and 84/100 ($18,867.84) Dollar-
for thirty-three (33) fpot roadway - roll gutter, paving strip,
(walk built or corner lot frontage exempted from sidewalk assess-
ment) or Five and 71/100 ( $5.71) Dollars per front or linear foot
of abutting property, there being 3304.35 feet of abutting proper-
ty; Eighteen Thousand, Five Hundred Ninety-seven and 37/100
(M18,597.37) Dollars for thirty-three (33) foot roadway - roll gut
ter, 5-ft. walk, paving strip, or Eight and 41/100 ($8.441) Dollars
per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 2211.34
feet of abutting property; Twenty-one Thousand, Four Hundred. Ninet -
nine and 14/100 (;21,499.14) Dollars for thirty-six (36) foot road
way - curb and gutter, 5 ft. walk, paving strip, or Eight and 76/1440
($8.76) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property,
there being 2454.24 feet of abutting property; Twelve Thousand,
Six Hundred Ninety and 79/100 N12,690.79) Dollars for thirty-six
(36) foot roadway - curb and gutter, paving strip (walk built or
corner lot frontage exempted from sidewalk assessment), or Six and
06/100 (56.06) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting proper
ty, there being 2094.19 feet of abutting property; Three Thousand,
Five Hundred and 00/100 (0,500.00) Dollars for private driveways,
there being fifty (50) private driveways at Seventy and 00/100
(570.00) Dollars for each private driveway; and Six Hundred Sixty
and 00/100 (060.00) Dollars for private driveways, there being
sixteen and one-half (l6?) private driveways at Forty and 00/100
(11;40.00) Dollars for each private driveway; the cost of construc-
tion of which driveways, and the property benefited thereby is
hereinafter set out and all within the boundaries of the lots,
blocks and streets above mentioned, which is the total abutters,
cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, according to the
contract entered into for the performance of said work and making
said improvement with Gibbons & Reed Company dated the 5th day of
April, 1949, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance fthr
the purposes herein mentioned:
Fronting. on the west side of Preston Street.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 7, Block 5,
Rosslyn Heights Sub., thence north 259.5 ft., part of N.L'. of Sec.
21, T. 1 S., R. ➢: E., S.L.B. & M.; all of Lots 1 and 7 of Blk. 5,
and all of Lots 1, 5 and 6 of Blk. 3, Rosslyn Heights, part of N.
E. h of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of Preston Street.
The south 60.0 ft. and the south 100.75 ft. of the north
105.0 ft. of the west 49.5 ft. of Lot 5 of Blk. 6; all of Lots 3
and 4 of Blk. 6; the north 102.0 ft. and the south 162.0 ft. of the
west 104.92 ft. of Lot 2 of Blk. 6; all of Lot 5 of Blk. 2; the
north 70.0 ft. of the west 150.0 ft. of Lot 4 of Blk. 2; the south
221.83 ft. of the west 117.69 ft. of Lot 4 of Blk. 2; and all of
Lots 2 and 3 of Blk. 2; in Rosslyn Heights, part of the N.E. of
Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of 19th East Street.
The south 160.85 ft. of the east 72.93 ft. of Lot 8, and
all of Lots 1-6 incl., of Elk. 4, Rosslyn Heights, N.E.4 of Sec.
21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of 19th East Street.
The south 160.83 ft. of Lot 5 and all of Lots 2-4 incl.
of Blk. 5, and all of Lots 2-4 incl. of Elk. 3, Rosslyn Heights,
N. E. * of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street.
The north 65.0 ft. of Lot 6 of Blk. 2, Rosslyn Heights,
N. E. 4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street.
The north 75.0 ft. of Lot 5 of Blk. 1, Rosslyn Heights,
N. E. a of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street.
The south 217.68 ft. of Lot 6, and all of Lots 1, 7 and
8, of Blk. 2, Rosslyn Heights, N. E. 4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1
E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street.
The south 60.0 ft. of the north 135.0 ft. of the west
134.0 ft. of Lot 5, the south 159.0 ft. of Lot 5, and all of Lot
1„ of Elk. 1, Rosslyn Heights, N. E. s of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1
E., S. L. B. & M.; beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 3,
Block 1, Rosslyn Heights Sub., thence S. 0° 121W. 168.02 ft.,
thence around a 146 ft. radius curve to the right, 190.60 ft.,
thence S. 75° W. 80.43 ft. to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block
1, Rosslyn Heights Sub,, Lots 2 and 3 of Blk. 1, and all of Lot
1, Blk. 1, Rosslyn Heights, N. E. * of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1
E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street.
The south 102.0 ft. of Lot 7, all of Lots 8 and 9, and
the north 204.0 ft. of Lot 1, of Blk. 6, Rosslyn Heights, N.E.k of
Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 P., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street.
The south 85.68 ft. of Lot 4, all of Lots 2 and 3, the
north 132.0 ft. of the South 204.0 ft. of Lot 1, of Blk. 7, Rosslyn
Heights, Secs. 21 and 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
{Fronting on the west side of 18th East Street.
Lot 29 and the east 23.37 ft. of Lot 28, of Lots 28 and
29, and all of Lots 30 and 31, of Blk. 1, and Lot 29 and the east
20.83 ft. of Lot 28, of Lots 28 and 29, of Blk. 2, Yalecrest Park
Sub. of Blk. 28; all of Lots30 and 1 of Upper Yale 2nd Add. of
Blk. 28; all of Lots 1, 2, 57 and 58, Upper Yale Addition of Blk.
28; all of Lots 1 and 28 of Harvard Park Sub. of Blk. 28; the east
46.6 ft. of Lot 1, Princeton Park Sub. of Blk. 28; Lot 14 and the
east 10.2 ft. of Lot , 13, of Lots 13 and 14 of Blk.2, and the north
05 ft. of Lot 11, Lot 16 and the east 10.4 ft. of Lot 17, of Lots
1, 16 and 17 of Blk. 1, Hillside Park Sub. of Blk. 28; 5-Acre Plat
'C", Big Field Survey.
ronting on the east side of 18th East Street.
All of Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 3, Yalecrest Park Sub. of Blk,
•8; all of Lot 13 of Blk. 1, Yalecrest Heights Sub. of Blk. 28; all
•f Lots 25, 26 and 31 to 34 incl. of Blk. 3, all of Lots 25-34 incl.
.f Blk. 4, and all of Lots 27-34 incl. of Blk. 5, Colonial Heights
:ub, of Blk. 28; 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
ronting on the west side: of 20th East StreYt.
The south 58.69 ft. of the north 63.0 ft. of Lot 7, Blk.
, Rosslyn Heights, N.E. of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.
ronting on the east side of 20th East Street.
The south 75.0 ft. of the north 79.32 ft. of Lot 4,
and the north 60.0 ft. and the south 72.0 ft. of Lot 1, of Blk. 7,
Roselyn Heights, Secs. 21 and 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., G. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of Elizabeth Street.
The east 47 ft. of Lots 26 and 27, all of Lots 28 to 33
incl., the east (35 ft. of Lot 34, the east 90 ft. of Lot 35, all
of Lots 36 to 40 incl., and the east 100.0 ft. of Lots 141 to 114
incl., of Blk. 8, Arlington Heights Subdivision of Block 6, Plat
"F"; beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 33, Block 8, Arling-
ton Heights Sub., thence south 43.5 ft., of Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 6,
Plat "F"; $a2;t take C :ty:vrvey.
Fronting on the east side of Elizabeth Street.
Lots 6 to 21 incl. and the west 45.0 ft. of Lots 1 to 5
incl., of Lots 1 to 21 incl., Ilk. 9, Arlington Heights Subdivision
of Elk. 6, Plat "F"; beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 15,
Block 9, Arlington Heights Sub., thence south 80.0 ft., Lot 7, Blk.
6, Plat "F"; Salt Lake Citypurvey.
Frontin on the west side of 18th East Street.
All of Lot 28, Princeton Park Sub. of Blk. 28; all of
Lots 12 to 15 incl., and the south 75.0 ft. of Lot 11, of Blk. 1,
Hillside Park Sub< of Blk. 28; 5-.Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the east side of 18th East Street.
All of Lots 9 to 16 incl. of Blk. 2, all of Lots 27 to
30 incl. of Blk. 3, and all of Lots 25 mod 26 of Blk. 5, Colonial
Heights Subdivision of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. (170.00 per driveway_7
Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street.
- - -Me North y1.0 rt, or the South 102 ft. of Lot 7, the
South 51.0 ft. of Lot 7, the North 49.5 ft. of Lot 8, the South
49.5 ft. of Lot 8, the North 78.0 ft. of Lot 9, the South 60.0 ft.
of the North 138 ft. of Lot 9, the North 66.0 ft. of the South
126.0 ft. of Lot 9, the South 60.0 ft. of Lot 9, the North 144.0
ft. of Lot 1, the North 60.0 ft. of the South 120.0 ft. of Lot 1,
all of Blk. 6, Rosslyn Heights, N.E.4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street.
- — Lot 3,
The South 160.68 ft. of Lot LI, the North 50.0 ft. of/the
South 49.0 ft. of Lot 3 and the North 6.0 ft. of Lot 2, of Lots 2
and 3, the south 60.0 ft. of the North 66.0 ft. of Lot 2, the sout
66.0 ft. rb£ the north 132.0 ft. of Lot 2, the north 06.0 ft. of th.
south 132.0 ft. of Lot 2, the south 66.0 ft. of Lot 2, the north
66.0 ft. of Lot 1, the south 60.0 ft. of the north 126.0 ft. of Lo
1, and the south 66.0 ft. of the north 192 ft. of Lot 1; all of
Blk. 7, Rosslyn Heights, N.E.4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L.
B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of 18th East Street.
All of Lots 29 and 30 of Blk. 1, and all of Lot 29 of B1t.
2, Yalecrest Park Sub. of Elk. 28; all of Lot 30, Upper Yale 2nd
Add. of Elk. 28; all of Lot 58, Upper Yale Add. of Elk. 28; all ofiots
28 and 1, Harvard Park Sub. of Blk. 28; a21 of Lots 28 and 1 of
Princeton Park Sub. of Bik. 28; all of Lot 14 of Blk. 2, all of Lot
16 of Blk. 1, the north 11.65 ft. of Lot 14 of Blk. 1, the north
34.1 ft. of Lot 13 of Blk. 1, Hillside Park Sub. of Blk. 28; 5-Acre
Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the east side of 18th East Street.
The North 124.15 ft. of Lot 1, Blk. 3, Yalecrest Park
Sub. of Blk. 28; the south 31.28 ft. of Lot 1 and all of Lot 13, o
Lots 1 and 13, Blk. 1, Yalecrest Heights Sub. of Blk. 28; all of
Lots 15, 13, 11 and 10,of Elk. 2, all of Lots 29 and 27 of Blk. 3,
and all of Lots 31 and 27 of Bik. 5, Colonial Heights Sub. of Blk.
28; 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ($40.00 per driveway)
Fronting on the west side of Elizabeth Street.
6 8 0
All of Lots 31, 33, 36, 3 , �4 , and the east 100.0 ft. of
Lot )}2, Blk. 8, Arlington Heigh sub. of Blk. 6, Plat "F", Salt
Lake City Survey.
Fronting on the east side of Elizabeth Street.
All of Lots 21, 19, 16, 13, 9, and 7, the west 45 ft. of
Lots 1 to 5 incl.., and the west 66.75 ft. 'of Lot 22, all of Blk. 9,
Arlington Heights S3tb. of Blk. 6, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey;
as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the
entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, not ex-
ceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the city
treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of
this ordinance (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 110 (1) ) of Salt
Lake City, for the purpose of providing for the grading, construct
ing concrete curb and gutter, roll gutter and sidewalk, drainage
system, a paving strip (consisting of a 5-inch gravel base with a
1-3/4-inch asphaltic concrete wearing course and 1/4-inch sheet
asphalt seal coat) between the gutter to be constructed and the ed_e
of the present paved roadway, and private driveways (where con-
struction is standard curb and gutter) upon said portions of said
streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and return-
ed in said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equalize-
tion and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly
installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the
whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at
the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or
more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax,
may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date
this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments in the
order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be
paid after said fifteen days and before the first installment be-
comes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy
to the date such first installment is due. Oneoor more installment
in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax,
may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the
amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default in the
of anysuch installment of payment principal or interest when due
shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to becom
due and payable immediacly and the whole amount of the unpaid
principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per c
per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or
foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installment"
past due with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to
date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued
costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to
pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occur-
i .
SECTION 4. This,9rdinance shall take effect one day afte
its publicationii.
Lit r
Passed;hy the Board of Commissi.Cners of:Salt Lake City,
Utah, this }Y(.ii day of — , 'A. Dr 950.
f.,ay ore
; City Recorder.
Curb and Gutter Extension No. 110 (1)
5th and Final Estimate.
AN ORDINANCE Block 2, Lots 25 to 34 Incl. of
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX Blocks 3,4 and 5,Colonial Heights;
Subdivisions of Block 28. 5-Acre
• and Ipr the s prope assessment of y Plat "C," Big Field Survey.
(Curb and Gutter Extension No. Tills tax is levied to defray the
110 (lot for the opur Pose of grad- expense of grading, e, roll eting
Ingo r s trust Ing concrete curb and concrete e and gut-
utatuuge roll system, e and avin sidewalk,stri to Sand sidewalk, gutter, stem,
(consisting of 5-Inch gravel bate a pt! gravel
strip (consistingit Of 5-
wlth a 145-Inch asphaltic concrete inch gravel base with Lac-Inch
wearing and lA-inch sheet an',) 'a lc concrete wearing course
asphalt seal coat)between the and -Inch gutter
sheet asphalt eseal rt to be constructed and the edge between the g edter O be construct-
ter present
of the present paved roadway. and pa and thew edgea of tha present
driveways (where construe- pavedw roadway,construction
private sdtand-
Mon Is standard curb and gutter)o ways (where and.,n ter) on follows:w tl-
ard way,rl s ter,p
20th East Street,Preston Street and 32 Curboot Roadway,roll gutter,pav-
Stre East Street from 21st South leg auto,walk built.
Street East y'SSt Cet roe Boole-icht- Preston Street—both south
and; veth East Street fromh Street, 21st South Street, south to Parley's
and Elizabeth
to 13th South Street, Canyon t Roadway,
and Elozabeth Street from 7th 38 tool Roadway,roll gutter,plot
South to 8thda South BheeB Mg strip (walk built or corner lot
Be It ordained by the Board of frontage exempted from sides walk
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ant).
Utah( as,0th East nStreet—west n Ageouth
SECTION 1. Thatfthe Boardeof n5,0nod a front Sn SS.0 from
Commissioners l of Salt Lake City and east side—southvene. 75.0 ft. from
does hereby assessment
mC tax and ame Wl19th ea Avenue.
vide pot[t the ors m of the same 1n 21st
east Street—both south
upon the property ttrExtension
hereinafter de-ion Port 21C South Street. south to
scribed 1 (curb and Gutter purpose
of parley's Canyon aoulealt g
110 con 1 for the pretos c f 33 foot Roadway, roll gutter. S.
as d Sco constructing roll glitter
concrete e-rb it, h Walk, tpaving re strip.
walk, drainage roll system,naond skin- polo East t south o side—from
strip (consisting of a 5-Inch gravel A point 6th ft.south of to Parley's
Sa with 1'/a-teen asphaltle Camas,Boulevenceard;
south east Parley's
ate wearing urse and 1/4-inch from
Canyon point 75.00; and Ida--
asphalt sea] at)between the fro ua point Avenue,
tt.south of Wit-
gutter sto be constructed and the ington Avenue, thence south to
dge of the present paved roadway, parley's Canyon way,evpads
and private driveways (where co orb and
Ste. -a Paving {alp,
ttructlon Is standard curb and t- 2 gutter.Street-w. dside—
er)to-wit: gel a pule20th East r-west SWit from
a point Ave60.nue,
ft. north of tuon 0 g.
Lots Block
Incl. Block 1; Lots 1ck ton Avenue, thence north find 0 ft.
Incl.,Block 2;sots 1-6 8,Block anti east side—from a point nue,
4; Lots 1 Incl. and Lot S Black th north no of 7 0 ft Wilmington Avenue,
L;Lots 1-5 Incl.and Lot f Block 6; thence. r 13f ft.:ingto a point
Lots 1-5 and . lncl, of Block n or. 0 en north of 48.mington Aven-
Lots a, incl. Block of art of e, thence north 448.68 ft.
Heights, a s Sec.2n T. Part of h M1ichigan
East Avenue
the N.E. '/.of Sec:21,lsT.1 6.,the Michigan Avenue south a Harvard
1 E,S.L.B.Br 1.:also part ofE., Avenue,from HarvardPrinceton
Avenue enue
N.E. Y of M. T.I S..6 2 t Ef 11:at L d from nue Pom Lair Avenue
L. a 2 n M.23,TheL west ton, of so third Avenue;from Laird Avenue
Lots a and 0 if 6-21ote Incl.,and oath or ft:from a point 75.0 thence
the west the ft.
of Lots 1L Incl., north 2t 13th South Street, th Cnce
Block 9;the east-ag n.., and bye north 2E.0 ft.
ea Inca, Lots 2f-40 Incl., and the Michigan18th Eest Avennen sot h Yalecrom
east 100.0 fn of Loel 91-44 Incl., Avnue;from
Ito vardh u Yelecrest
Block 8 lock goon Heights all Lake Avenue;from Harvard Avenue south
oy of Block Beginning.n g helt Loh- nort 0.; trim Princeton CityAdueel-
rner ofLt3 at Block
south- oath fh o from Princeton north
leasting Commcig to Subdivision
Block B Aof south to a point 50.0 ft. north
6,n Plights 6ubtly lain of of 13th6fo South Say,t.
Block Plat scut Salt Lake City 36 goof ipadwnl curb and gutter,
Survey,thence south e3t5 ft.:begin- pavingter strip (walk built or oernor
Ling , the southwest of lot ssmento exempted from sidewalk
Lou i Block 0,Block
Eton Plat
Heights was), x
Subdivision Lake
aofy Black 6, Plat ou,h assessment).
f Street—west 21s1 not side—south
Salt Leke City Survey,thence south ea.t0 de from 21s St Street;
80T ft. Post 'I Street h 75.0 ft. from 21stt.
The east incl.,
ft. o1 Loto20 and term Street and north 7cr fa
Lots east
Incl.,Block 1;Lot 28 pock from 200 ft. no hAvenue;Wilmington From a
the east 2ond , ie Lot 2g, Block Avnt , to north of 0.0lb
2;Lots t and 2, lock , Yalecrest Avenue, thence north we find ft.
Haig; Lot 13, Block 1, Yper Yalt 8.4 East St Princeton
n Avenue;
2nd - north
dgh Lots 1 d Upper Yale from ft. from 00ift, Avenue;
ofAddition;f.ots 1, ; o and 58 frmn a point then ft, south f
of Upper Yale Addition;Lots 1 6.6 Laird Avenue,rth 75.0 f south 218.213th
28 of Lots
nd[2 the east 46 ft. and north 75.0 ft, from 13th
ft. of Lots 1 and he of eatPrinceton.2 South Street.
frL; Lit 14 and the at 10.2 ft. 0.4 East Street—east rva side—north
of Lot 13, 17, 16 and she -east 10.4incl.
from ft. from .0 ft.tl Arthnuof
ft. of Lot 17, and2,000 11-15 feel. from a paint Avenue,
he norm P
Of Hillside Park;hots 9-16 Ire).of Princeton Avenue, thence north
100.0 ft.; north 50.0 ft. from 13th the boundaries of the lots, blocks
South Street, nod streets above mentioned.which
Elisabeth Street -west side—from Is the total abutters'cost and cost
a point 75.0 ft.south of 7th South per(rant foot of said Improvement,
Street. thence south 236.50 ft., and Wording to the contract entered
north:305 ft.from Bth South Street, into for the performance of said
1'i'rnbelh Sheol...'nst .side -from wolf< ens making said Improvements n point 50.0 ft. r th of 7th South with tilbbnns de Reed Cor rl.s ralry d51eu
Str0ct. thence .south h10.0 ft; the the 5Lh day of April. 1C49.and the
it portions of:aid streets oppose the Treasurer 's hereby out-iorl00d and
property herelnb0f0re and herein- dh'eried to assess
rardanee with
after described to be especially bent- Gm provisions of this o-din0nce for
flied by said Improvement, and It the pun poses herein mentioned.
is hereby adjudged, ded.orinined aitl '11IR1'Y-TLti0 F001' 11OAD4V:4Y,
established toot Gild property will ROIL GOTTEIC, PAVING STRIP.
be especially benefited there by to (WALK BUILT)
the full arn 0 t of the lax hereby Fronting MI the nest lode of Pres.
levied,andsaidd parcels of lane) a ton Slrrat.
helium ass`Iscsetlso t col,dcocci rvll.h Beginning at the northeast corner
the linear foot frontage upon said f Lot'e thence
259.5li .,H part
portions of said streets. fronting of N .h Vic .h 25T.5 S., part
upon and l.o the entire depth of .N C. V.of Sec.21.T.1 s c 1
the s woerslilp Lack llrerelrois E.,o S.L,B5& M.; all of Lots I and
not c eeding t230 feet,and Lhe tax 1 f Bilk.o 5,and all 0f Hots 1.5 and
hereby t levied and tc be sassed C w .V. .3, Res 2lyn Heights, par.
upon Gild parcels of land Is Ninety- of NY.V. [See.7.1.T.1 S-,R.1 E..
five LI 113/d, Seven ]iundrutl ➢'f`B' ti MQ
Three and 13/100($95.703.13) Dol- fronting n the cast side al Pecs-
lags; Nineteen Thousand. /100 The south Ghe ft.and 0 south
($15,887red 9)Rh ollarsen and 99-100 100.75 It. f the 1 105.0 ft. f
1321 foot
Dollars for thirty-two the west is 3 01 1 Lot 5 it 6 Be
I::a riot rovaka y--roll gutter,Utiv- no of(02. 3 and 9 e Blk 6. L.0
1,,strip (711 Dollars
s or F700 u'r north 1 e west. and the south 162.0
100 195.711 0 D alms per bent a ni o[the veil Sot S f of lot 2 e
I he e fool 4f !feet p buttingPeIt, ➢Ik. G; 0 r.Lot 5 of Blk 0, the
there being ghte.01 feet a ,abutting north 4 0 ft.of the west h I2 ft.
Hull/red: Eighteen ly-se Thousand, Eight of 70 4 of west.2;the south tool 4
Hundred Hl sty-seven and 84hree100 of of the net 11760 It. S loot 4
(31b,fool Dollars for -tP 00- of Rik. 2; Intl all of Lots 2 and 3
og l trot roadway--roll gutter,cornert or p lot of the 2: In 01 Se Heights,T part
nontagep•exempted(walk l fr0111 sidewalk t f the N.E. `/> f Sec.21.T. t S,,
Ir nR. 1 E SLB-&M
cot) or Five a d 71/100 TIIIRTY-TIMER row!' ROADWAY,
ir[ D�I[llrx per front linear R01,1, GUTTER. PAVING STRIP
g ti leper Lv, there Lc- N'ALK It IIILT on CORNER LOT
Trig 3304.35 IeCt 1 abutting proper-FRONTAGE EXEMPTED FROM
ly; Eighteen Thousand. Five Hun- BIDBW AI.II ASSESSMENT).
died Ninety-seven and 37/100($18,- rnrr tint Ir. side
507.37,D011nrs for thirty-three 133) p of 19th
ilia nest
loot roadway-roll gutter.6-It.walk,
paving strip, or Eight and 41/100 The south 1605. ft. of tun east
loot 01 Dollars per front or linear 72.93 ft. of Lot 8- and all of Lots
loot of abutting property,there be- I-6 Inch.of Blk 4,Rosslvn Hci lit.,
Int 2211.39 loot of abutting proper- N.B. '/.of Sec.21 T.1 S.,R.1 E.,
ty', 'Twenty-one Tho ns:rnd, Four S.L.B, &M.
Hundred Ninety-nine and 14/190 Fronting on the cost side of loth
($21.4e9.14) DOilars for thirty-six I fast Street.
136, loot roadway—curb and out- The SOIltil 160.83 ft,of Lot S and
ler, 5 ft. walk, paving strip, or all of Lots 2-4 incl.of rilk. 5, and
Eight and 76/100 188.761 Dollars all of Lots 2-9 incl.of It 3,Ross-
per front or linear loot of abutting lyn Heights N.E. V. of Sec.21,T.
property, there being 2454.24 feet 1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B.A,M.
of abutting property;Twelve Thou- Fronting on the west side of Seth
sand, Six Hundred Ninety and East Street.
79/100($12,690.III Dollars for HID- The north 65.0 ft. of Lot 6 of
ty-.six 1.413i foot roadway--curb and Blk 2, Ross iyn Heights, N.E. 4, of
nutter, paving strip (walk built or Sec.21,T. 1 S.,R. t E„ S.L.B. &
corner lot xfrontage o cnlpted from M.
sidewalk assessment). or Six and Fronting on the cast side of'LBth
06/10D 159.06,Dollai'.s per front or East Street.
linear foot of abutting property. The north 75.0 ft. of Lot 5 of
there bring 2094.19 fest of abutting Blk. 1, Rosslyn Hc1gh,G.N.E. V. of
HundrN• TIJee00/1100us1$36000ve Soo. 21,T. 1 S.,R. I E..S.L.B. &
Dollars for private driveways,there THIRTY-THREEFOOT AY,
being fifty (501 private driveways RRf.i. GUTTER, 5-FOOT
at Seventy and 00/100 e870.00) CAVING STRIP.
Dollars for mach private driveway; Fronting on Mc west side of 20th
and Slx Hundred Sixty and 00/100 East Street,
Dollars far private drive- The south 247.08 ft. f Lot end
ways. there being sixteen and or an f Lots I. 7 and B. of B
half t 11I'/) pllvate drlvew ays at ROs s gyp Heights, N.E. '/. f Sec.
Forty and 00/100 (540.00/ Dollars 21,T. 1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B.&M.
for each private driveway; the cost taunting on the east side of 20th
of construction of which driveways, Bast Slrret.
and the property benefited thereby The south 60.0 ft. of the north
le hereinafter.set out and all within 135-0 ft. of the west 134R It. of
Lot 5,the south 159.0 ft.of L01 5, 85 ft,of Lot 39,the east 90 ft of
end all of of 4.of 131k. 1.Roslyn Lot 35, all of Lots 36 to 90 Incl.,
Heights,N.E. 'A of Sec.II.T. 1 S., and the cast 100.0 ft.of Lots 41 to
It 1 E. S.L.B..4 M., 050lnulllg at 44 Incl.,of Blk 0,Ariing1,0n Heigh,s
the l Orthwest of Lot 3, Subdivision of Block 6. Plat "P";
oek Rossly111 corner
Sub., beginning at the .southeast corner
thence S 0<leg 12 a . W. 100.02 of Lot 33,Block 6,Ar'i00ton He5g11ts
ft�, thence and a 196 ft. I Sub.. thence south 43.5 ft,. of Lots
o.W I80.4 190 60 It.thence 3 and 4,➢Ik.G Plat"N"':Salt Lake
S' 7 k.W 0 Lot o the,nos.
City Survey.
01 Lot 2, Block <1 Ito s Elizabeth
the cast side of
r1Ills t corner of
Sub., I t, ti and 3 0t El L010 0 Sheet.
Illk I e as.of Lot 1,Mk.a It21•, .01i 0 L0 21 Incl. and the Lots
slyn .,11 0s. N.E. ' of Sec. 21, I5.0 It. InL 1. I to 5 Incl.of n
7'.1 FOOT
M, I 51 21 Incl., BIk. 9. Arlington Plat
THIRTY-SIX B F LUI ROADWAY,FT. f'5'''. s Sbeginning
of Blk. 6, Plat
CURB AND I:STRIP. 0 FT. corn bef Loin : Ou105<0l
Monti PAVING sloe oast 1'. -of IL,15.thence
south Arlington
Fronting on the[vast side of'2L1Nr Heights 1,0t 3, BIk. 6,Plat''F'':1S It Lake East street.
The south8as I o2 t of Lot 7, all0 city F Stingy.
of Lots 6 and 9,and 1k. north sslyn Fronting on the west side of IAtlr
It. of Let 1, of ➢Ic. 1 RoslS., Ea sr S eel.
Ith lgh Ls,N.C. '/n 0f Sec.21,T.1 S., All of 8; 28,Princeton Park Sub.
IL Flnntln the castside of'Loth of BIk.26;a'of Lots 12 to IS Inc:.
East Street.ell
e :d the nth 75.0 k Sob.
Lot 11,01
The south 8560 ft. of Lot all silk. 1, reH Flat Park 10 F of Bik.
nl Lots 2 and 3,the north 132.0 ft, oey.5-Acre Plat"C,"Blg Field Sur-
of the so0sh 204.0 ft.of I.ot 1.S',k.. Ve Fronting on the cast side of lolly
7.H..ss:yn Heights.Secs.21 and 22, East Slrcet.
T. 1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B.&M. All of Lots 9 to 10 loci.ot BIk,2,
Fronting on the west side of IKth all of Lots 27 to 30 Incl.of BIk 3,
East Street. rind all of Lots 25 and 26 of BIk.5,
Lot 29 and tile cast 2'321 ft. f corlonial Heights Subd{uls4on f Bik.
(Lot 20,of Lots 28 and 29.and all 28,5-Acre Plat"C,"Blg Field Sur•
of Lolls 30 and 31, f BIk. l, and
Lot 29 and the east 20,83 It.of Lot PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR Pitl-
a of 51 is 8 and of 1 20' all2. VALE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION
of Lotes 3 Park 1S ob. f Bib. le 11 TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT.
of Lots 30 t2l 1 Uppel Yule 2 2, ($70.00 per driveway.)
Add. BIk. 8; all of Lots 1, 2, Frontingn the west side of 2Uth
57 and 158, Upper Yale and 21t of East Stret.o
131k. th rll of Lots 1 and 8 ef The North 51.0 ft. f the South
Harvard 5.Ph Sob, [➢Ik 20; the 102 It of Lot 7, the South 510
cast 46.b It f Lot 1,Lot Princeton f Lot 7, tile North 49.5 ft.of Lot
Park e Sub .2 t.o 2Fl; of and 8, the South 99.5 ft. f Lot 0, the
the east IOo1 It. f L21 13. of north
Nor.78.0 ft. Of Lot o9. tite Souls
15 and 1L f BIk.t2 a t n lh 60.0 ft.of -he North L38 ft. f L.
25 It.of Lot II,17,of and the east, the North GG.O rt• of the South
n0.0 ft. f Lot l7, f Lots I1, lfi 126-0 ft. of Lot 9, the South 60.0
117 of Silk.L Fllllstlo Yark Bub. ft.of Lot 9, the North 144.0 ft of
I Bik. ve plat " " ll18 fat L. the North U0.0 ft. o< the
Field Survey. South 120.0 It. f Lot 1,a:,of BIk.
',rooting of the ensl silo of IKLIs 6, Roslyn Heights, N.E. ', of See.
East Sof L 21,T 1 S.,R. 1 E.,S.L.13.r&M,
All of Loss 1 and 2 of BIk. 3,
1nfa lest Park Sub. of ➢Ik. f01 all Frontingtee on the cast side of 20th
01 fat 13 of➢20 1,Yaffe rest l 05,hi6 East Street.
Sun of BIk. o all . Lall is6 The South .of ft.of Lot 9,the
2D1:51-34 incl.fof BIk.3,all of Lots North 50.0ofIt 3f Lou 3, the South6,0
14 loel. of ll f 09.k and all of 40.0 ft.of Lot 3 and the d 3,the
Lots 27-:14 incl..o[lrlk, 0 C5-Acre 00 f Lot of Lots 2 and 3, the
H Ighls Sub. of Mk. 26: 5-Acre nth 02,0 he of the north 6G0 he
['tat"C."➢1R FieldO Survey. of 41: 2, the south 66.0S. th of the
AN FORT I. AAVING Ertl: 132.0 a of Lot 2, the f Lot
S'011ll AND GUTTER. PAVING 2 t 5 of the south.0 13f II 01 Lot
STRIP L T FRO( AGE E COR-PTED 2. the south Gfi f ft. of Lot 2, the
N1:It LOT FRONTAGE EXEMPTED ,0 6BO ft. of Lot t the south
Fitthtl< on the,ASSESSMENT).55 N'Y1. Go.O I.
of the north 0 0 I[. of
Vilnal.Seon the nest side Of'3Ullr Lot 1,and the south 6G.0 It. f the
East Slrcet, o oo 1yt Il, g1 f, N.E.tinOf ➢es
The.. ofh 7 H. of the ssltis 2,r T. 1Yrl Heights. .E t of Sec.
ft. of N.B.Lot7, S c. Rossi S., 21,T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.west
&1 1
It.1 E., . '/of Sec.21,T.1 S., Fronting on the west side at 1KLh
It.Fronting o r the east side of 20th Last Street.
All f Lots 29 and 3001. Elk, 1,
East Street.10010 and all Park
so 29 of BIk. 2, Yale-
The south 75.0 ft, of the north rest Park Sub. a 510 28; all of
79.0 It. of Lot south e 2.0 north Lot 30,Upper Y8,e 2plo Add.of❑ld,
G0.0 ,t. f O .he R 72.I ft. o, of; all of Lot 58, Upper Yale d I,
let L, of Wk. ,T.
1 B. heights, of Hlk. 28, 11 of [of 28 and it
Sees. 21 and 23,T. 1 5.,R. 1 E., f=01d Park Sub. of ➢ce 28;Park
S.L.B.ti g of Lots 28 . 1 of Princeton Lot 9 of
Fronting Oho neat sidn If Sub, of ➢Io 16 I's. 1, of
ElTshe ea Street. northBlk.2, h Of Lot 1G of B If. i the
al111 Lots 20 ft.to 0f 33Lots 26 Incl., the deasten 11.65 3 ft. .Lot 4 of 1,
ofas the north 34.1 ft.of Lot 13 of Rlk.
t,Hillside Park Sub. of Blk.28: 5- SECTION 3.Said tax shall be
Acre Plat"C.''Blg Field Survey. payable in ten equal yearly install-
Fronting on the east side of 18th meats as provided by law and or-
East Street. dlnnnce,oath interest on the whole
The north 124.15 ft. of Lot 1, sum unpaid at the rate of five per
Blk.3, Ynlecrest Park Sub.of Elk. cent per ann., payable at the
28;the south 31.28 ft.of Lot 1 and time each Installment Is doe pro- -
all of Lot 13,of Lots 1 and 13.Blk. cited.however. that one r of
1, Valences) Heights Sub. of BIk, such installments In the order pee.
28; all el Lots 15, 13. 11 and 10, able. or the whole tax may be
f Blk. 2, all of Lots 29 and 21 of paid without interest within fifteen
of 3, , Colonial Heights Sub.nd all of Lots 31 and of nan dabecom s s from Effehe ctive-thOne is rdor
ur28;5-Acre Plat"C,"Big Field moree Installments In the Order ine
Purvey. wole they are payable. the
PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRN whole special tax,may he paidf after
TOTS RIEGULAR IN ESSME T. saidefifteen days and before the
TO THE per
ASSESSMENT. first installment with
use be
Frroneoss on o dr the 1)st side of paying
tehefsame levy to ltheiedate such
Elisabeth Street. we first Installment Is due. One
All of Lots 31 33,36,38,40 and more Installments In the order 1n
the east 100.0 ft.of Lot 42,Bib.8, which they are payable. or the
Arlington Heights Sub. of BIk. 6, whole special tax, may be paid o
Plat 4F.I. Sall Lake City Survey. the date any installment becomes
Fronting on the east side of due by paying the amount thereof
Elisabeth Sleet. and interest to the date of pay-
All of Lots 21, 19, 16, 13,9 and me t.Default In the payment of any
7, the west 45 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 snob, installment of principal or In-
Incl. and the west 66.75 ft. of terest when due shall cause the
Lot 22. all of Elk. 9, Arlington whole of the unpaid principal and
Heights Sub. of Elk, 6, Plat F'e interest to become due and payable
Salt Lake City Survey, the e m Immediately and the whole amount
ere shown upon the official plats of the unpaid principal shail there-
of thessa ow te the r hip barks frometh of said ten after drawcent
tlnpteer eat a0 to untilte paid,f
streets,e not eXceeding 330 feet, and but at any time prior mto the date
to collect said tax. of sale or foreclosure, the owner
SECTIONdr2'the That the
at Installments amount of 11 unpaid
list de by past due with per approved and completed d ri the rate of ten per ant per deby -
Review of of t of Equaproperty
and aq to date of paymentts, the as-
Sew of the of this
described ruet installments,shall
and all as-
and Gutted Extensions No.110 filly) cruet d costs,and ght thereuponft be
estored to the eight thereafter to
of Saltdin City, for the purpose. c - pan inr installments In the
aoft providingn000 se et curb
ura0ldnggutta- r as ff default had not same
g e yet cursed.
roll gutte[o andi sldeoplkn nsinagg tke effect
Tda ordinance its
5- a saving strip ithnals tin- saki effect one day after Its publl-
F 5-Inch gravel concrete
with a ring ce ng Pan.
Inch asphaltic 3/4-inch sheet asphalt Passed by the Boken i , Commis-
course this
sal-coat]between the gutter to be loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
constructed and the edge of the 26th day of January,A.D.1950.
present paved roadway,and private EARL J.GLADE
dsrivewayys (wbhere d construction
tru050nnp is Mayer
said portioard ns of said streets, is lRCit F. BIder
hereby confirmed, and the assess- City Recorder
manta made and turned In old le E A Ll
completed lists, and the report of BILL O.9
the Hoard o1 Equalization and Re- Curb ntl Gutter Extension
view to the Board of ssioners No. 110 W.o
Salt Lake Catty, area hereby rat, 5th d Final Estimate,
fled,approved and confirmed. Published January nth,1950.
and for the assessment of property
(Curb end Guttern Extension No.
110(1n)for the purpose of grad-
ing,constructing concrete c b and
gutter, roll gutter and sidewalk,
draina(consisting e ofca 6-inch agravel bass
with wearlra81%-inch aephd altio concrete
asphalt seal coat)course nbetween the agut-
ter-to be constructed and the edge
of the preeent paved roadway,and
private driveway..(where construc-
tion is standard-curb and utter)on
19th East Street,Preston Street and
Streetth Eag to Parlay's ro Canyon n Houle-
lard;18th-East Street from Michi-
gan Elisabeth Street t9ouIons Street,7th
South£e Sty South'Streets.
Be It ordained by the Hoard of
Comellnloners of Salt Lake City,
Utah: o
SECT/ON I. Tat td of
Commissioners of-Salve Laker City
does vlde for the lave theassessment of
t the mine
upon the property hereinafter de-
scribed(Curb and Gutter Extension
No.110 (I) ).for.the'.purpose of
grading, conetructing-concrete curb
• side-
walk, iaggee11 system,r anpa.v/nq-
strip(aonefatiag of a 6.1neh-gravel
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
beer with a 1 A-lneh sepheltle eon-
trete wearing aunt and-1/4-inch
Sheet asphalt seal coat)between.thk J
iohe e-constructed 4nd the- '
edge t �
I and private drivewtays y(wherea coy- T1-ll "l Ye1� p s 4S'E L
. _a_
tr)to- le standard curb and gut-
ter) Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Ind., Block I; l., Ick
Incl.,Block 2; :a d Incl.,Block
1-S lnel Ind:and
Loto7,$lock 5; vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper.
Lott 1.5 and 7.9 Incl.of Block 6;
Lots Ina, Block 7f Partly
Heights,the N.E. u Bet.21,T,1 Part
of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
I E.,8.L.B.&M.;also part of the
i N.P.'A of Bac.21,T.1 B„R.I E. of Utah.
S.L.B.AsM,The went 66.95 ft, f
Lots 22 and 23 Lots 6-21 Intl„and
4 the west45.0 ft.of0 Lets 1-3 Inc.,
Black 9;the east 47.0 ft.of Lots 2J-
ea incl., Lots 28"40 Intl, d the That the advertisement
Block st l 8°Arling6 n Heights-4 Subdivi-
sion of Block 6',Plat"F."Salt Leke
City Survey,Beginning at the south-
eastcorner a c f Lot 33,Block S Ar- _La Drfli_nance.
lingto Heights Subdivision of
Block 6, Plat south
Salt3. Lake gCity
Survey,thence a0uth 43.5[t,;begin-
ning at the southwest corner f C"uTb__Out.ter-- ,xtension Noe 110 (1)
Lot 15, Block 9, Arlington Heights
Subdivision ot Block 6. Plat F,"
Salt Lake City Survey,thence south
80.0 ft.
The east 23.37 ft.of Lot 28 and
Lots 29-31 Intl,Block 1;Lot 29 and
the east 20.83 ft.of Lot 28,Block
2:Lott 1 and 2,Block 3,Yalecrest
Park; Lot 13, Blank 1, Yaleerest was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
2ndt pAdditien;hosts 1,2,57p and 68
28 of HerLvarQ Pdarlk'o theLOeaat VI day of A.D.19
ft. f Lots 1 and 28 of Princeton
Park;Lot 14 and this east 10.2 ft.
f Lot 13 Lot 16 and the emit 10.4
ft,of Lot 17, and Lots 11-15 Mel. and was published on January 27, 1950
' Blockll 2, Lotto t,20 to 346 incl..of
Blocks 3,4 and 5,Colonial Heights;
Staid/visionse} Block 5-Acre
Platthe last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
This tax IsSurvey.
tor defray the expense of r grading, constructing
Ge b d ggntter,.r II gut- day of A.D.19
ter and curb
paring gra strip a with
1 n fi-
Inch gravel bete with 1%:n eh
asphaltic concrete wearing course k%;,�
and 1/4-Inch sheet asphalt seal teat)b ,�_ .2,
eae twee the gutter to be construct- ` Advertising Cle k
and the raga ( the strive-
.paved aware d construction
ways v
(where n unction Id tend-
ard curb 52 foot and
Roadway,roll gu as tter pay-
log strip,walk built,
Preston Street—bothsides—from ides—from
21st South Street,south to Parley's
Canyon B°°ler`rd to before me this 30th day of
Mg strip tI p eetlk built erg corners lot '
frontage exempted from lido walk
at t). C
200th East Street—west elde_s°uth A.D.19._50__
65,0 ft, from Wilmington Avenue;
and east aide—south 73.0 ft.from
Wilmington Avenue,
19th East Street—both sides—
from 21st South Street, south to
i Parley's Canyon Boulevard.
88 feet Roadway, 11(utter, E-
ft,Walk,Dall0t strip. —:T-
20th East Street—west lde—tram __ _
point 65.0 ft,south of Wilmington otaryPublic
Avenue,.thence south to Parley's
s Canyon BetnevLrd; and t side—
Dint 75.0 ft,south of Wil-
PIngton Avenue. thence south to
arley's Canyon;Boulevard
e6'feet Roadway, paving .trip,
curb and gutter,Set,sidewalk.
20th Eaet Street-nut Bide-from
pent 60.0 ft.north of Miming- ( 100.76 ft.of the north 1050 ft,of
ton Avenue,thence north 669.0 ft the west 49.5 ft.of Lot 5 of Blk,6;
and eat Ede-from a point 72.0 all of Lots 3 and 4 Elk.6; the
it, north 1 Wilmington Avehlee, north 102.0 It and the a nth 162,0
thanes north 132.0 ft.;from a Perth ft.of the west 104.92 ft of Lot 2 of
264.0 ft.north of Wilmington Aven- Blk.-6;all of Lot 3 of Bit,1; the '
ue, thence north 448.68 It. north 70.0 ft.of the west 150.0 It.
lath East Street-west side-front f.Lot 4 of Blk.2;the south--221.83
Michigan Avenue go th to Harvard It.of the wet 117.69 ft.of Lot 4
Avenue,from Harvard Avenue south of Elk.2;end All S Lots and 3
108.4 St.; from Princeton Avenue of eik.2;In Rosalyn Heights,part
to Laird Avenue;from Laird Avenue f the N.E. V.of Sec.21,T.1 S„
south 100 ft.;from a point 75.0 It. M.
ninthof 13th South Street,thence THIRTY-THftyy¢FOOT ROADWAY,
north 5,0 ft. .ROLL GUTTER,PAVING STRIP 18th East Street-anon aide-from (WALK BUILT OR CORNER LOT
Michigan Avenue south r Yaleorest' FRONTAGE EXEMPTED FROM
lnaecenueton south - SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT).
100E 5t.,'[fr from Princeton venue
1r Fronting on the west side of 79th
th t4 u point 50.0 ft.north '
of 13th South Street. .92 Oum 160.85"'eta'.
It.o}the t
86 feet roadway,a rb and gutter, 72.93(t.of Lot 8, ntl all f Lots
trip (walk built or 1-6 7nc1,,of HII:.4,RasslY,.Helenta,
lot paving frontage exempted Irene sidewalk N.E./of Sec.21,T.1 S„R.1 E.,
assessment).t H,L,B.A M.
0h Fast Street-west side-south • Front on the vast aide of 19tb
68.69 ft. from 21st South Street; East Street,
ass side-south 76.0 it, from 21et The south 160.63 ft.of Lot 5 end
South Street and north 72.0 It. all of Lots 2-4 Incl.of Rik.5,and
loom Wilmington Avenue; from a all of Lots 2-4 Incl.of HIk,3,-Boas-
.il,trove f'Wilmington ion Heights,N.E. V.Of Sec.21,T.
Avenue, thence north 600 ft. 1 S„R.1 E.,S.L.B.&M.
18th East Stree -West Ede-north Fronting on the west aide of 20th
108.4 ft. from Princeton Avenue; East Street, _ 1
from a point 100.0 ft. south 1 The north 65.0 ft. of Lot 6 of
Laird Avenue, thence south 218.2 Blk,2,Rosalyn Heights,N.E. V. f
d north 75.0 ft from 13th Mr.21,T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B.,&
South Street.
18th East Street--East aide-north Fronting on the east aide of 20th
200.4 ft. from Harvard Avenue East Street.
Princeton point Avenue 0 thence north northof The Blk..1,Rosalynh 5.0 Heightof
IN.E. 5 of
100.0-ft.: north 5d.0 ft. from 13th kS1ec.21,T.1 EL.R.1 E„B.L.H.&
South Street.
Elizabeth Etreetrweat ids-from THIRTY-THREE FOOT ROADWAY,
point 75.0 ft.south of 7th South ROLL GUTTER.6-FOOT WALK,
Street,thence south 236.50 ft.;end PAVING STRIP.
north 205 ft.from 8th South Street. Fronting on she west side of 20th
Elizabeth Street-east side-from East Street.
pointof 50,0 ft.eouth of 7th South The south_247.68 ft.of Lot 6 and
Street,.thence south 6102 ft.; the all of Lots 1, 7 and S f Blk. 2,
.pardons of Bald streets opposite the 21 . -Ifeigltta, N.E. 8 1 Sec.
property hereenbefare and herein-
after deecrlbed to be especially a.bens- Fronting On the east side of 201h
f Id improvement d It East Street..
a hereby herebyadludged,determined and The south 60.0 ft. of the north
established that said property w 135.0 ft. of the west 134.0 ft. of
be especially benefited there by to to Lot 5,the south 159,0 ft.of Lot 5,
the full amount of the lax hereby d all of Let 4,of stk.1,Rosalyn
hereby'and said parcels Of land ande Heights,N.E.V. f Sec.21,T.1 S.,
assessed equal R. 1 2.,E.L.B.Ai M.;beginning at
uniform rate 1n at
u ca with the northwest corner f Lot 3,
the lineacafoot frontage upon Id Block 1, Rosalyn Heights Sub„
portions of sold streets, frontingp thence S.0 deg.12 In.W.168.02
upon and to the entire depth of ft., thence ar nd A 146 ft. dius
the same ownership back therefrom curve to the right,190.60 ft.thence
nut Exceeding 330 feet,and the tax fleet deg.W.80.43'It.to the south-
he1'eby, leaded and to be awned west corner of Lot 2,Block 1 Roe-
upon laid parcels of land Is Ninety. xlyn Freights Sub.,Lots 2 and 3 of
five Thousand, Seven Hundred Blk 1 and all 0Lot 1,Btk.e.Ref-
(8 Three and 13/100 95,703.13)Dol- lye.Heights,-N.E. V. of Sec. 21,
lore; Nineteen Thousand, Eight
Hundred Eighty-seven and 99/100 THIRTY-SIX FOOT.---ROADWAY,
(a19,887.99)0Dollars for thirty-two CURB AND. GUTTER, 6 FT.
(32)Soot roadway-roll ortter,pay- WALK,PAVING STRIP,
lag UIE(walk built), Five and Fronting on the west side of 20th
1 71/100(55.11)Dollarsper}rent or East Street.
linear foot f abutting property. The south 162.0 ft.at Let 7,all
there being 3483.01 feet of abutting of Lots 8 and 9,and the north 204.0
' property;'Eighteen Thousand,Bight ft. of,Lot 1, of Blk. 6, Rosalyn
Hundred..Blxty-seven- and 84/100 Heights,N.E.Y.of Sec.21,T.1 S.,
(518267.84)Dollars for thirty-three R.1 E.,S.L.H.ae M.
(33)foot roadway-roll utters pay. Fronting on the east side of 20th
leg strip, (walk built orc lot East Street.
frontage exempted from corner
The south 85.6e ft.of Lot 4,all
' &sae/tempt) or Five and 71/100 of Lote 2 end 3,the north 132.0 ft,
oot Dollars per front or linear of the south 204.0 ft.of Lot II,Blk,
loot of'abutting property,'there be- 7.Rosslyn Heights,Secs.21 and 22,
Mg 3304.33 feet of abutting proper-
ty; Eighteen Thousand. Five Hun- Fronting on the west eide el 18th
sired Ninety-seven and 37/100(818,- . East Street.
697.37)Dollars for thirty-three.(33) Lot 29 and the east 23.37 ft.of
foot roadway-loll gutter,6-ft.walk, Lot 28, f Lola 28 and 29. d all
paving Strip, or Eight and
d 41/100 of Lots 30 d'31, of Bile.1, and
)Dollars per front linear Lot 29 and the east 20.03 ft.of Lot
loot 0
foot of abutting property,there be- 26,of Lots 28 and 29, of BM. 2
Ing-2211.34 feet-of abutting proper- - • Yalecreet Park Sub.of Blk.28;all
ty; Twenty-one Thousand: Four of Lots 30 and 1 of UDGer Yale 2nd
Hundred Ninety-nine and 14/100 Add.of Elk.28; all Of Lots.I,'2
(521,499.14) Defiers for thirty-six 57'and 08..Upper Yale Addition of
(36) foot roadway-curb and gut- Blk. 28 it of Lots I and 28 the.
5 ft. -walk, paving strip. or Harvard Park Sub. f Blk.28;the.
Eight d 76/100 ($8.76) Dollars at 46.6 ft. of Lot 1, Princeton
per front or linear feet of abutting Park'Sub. f Blk.28:Lot 14 d
roerty.there being Twelve
4 feet the east 10.2 ft.of Lot 13,of lots
of abutting property;Twelve Thou- 13 and 14 of Elk.2,and the north
mad. Six• Hundred Ninety d 25 ft.of Let 11,Lot 16 and the east
79/100 012,690.79)Dollars for thin- 10.4 ft.of Lot 17. of Lots 11, 16
Ifter,(36)foot roadway-curb end- d 17 of Elk.1,Hillside Park Bub.
[ HIk. 28; 5-Acre plat "C', elg gytter, paving striP (walk built or Field Survey.
corner,I t frontage exempted from Fronting on the east side of 161b
Idewalid e s t). or Six.and East Street.
06/1OQ(66A6)Dollars per front'or All Of Lots 1 d 2 of Blk. 3,
linear foot of butting prrOperty, Valens/it Park sub.of Blk.2!;,all
there being hree 9 feet of abutting f Lot 13 c1 Blk.1;i'efecrlst H'eighte properly; Tnhree Thousand, ail
Sub, 1 Blk.28;all of Lots Height.,
Hundrrs d 0e/1iv 005,there
and 3/-34 Incl.of Elk.3,all of Lots
Dollars for (50l driveways, 25-34 Incl. of Btk. 4, d an of
being fifty fan) private driveway) Lots 27,4 incl.o}Elk,5.Colonial
't Seventy and 00/100 (57D.DD) Heights sub. a Bik, 28; 5-Acre
DOBare for each private driveway; Plat"C,"Big Field Survey.
and Six Hundred Sixty and D0/100
066E0O)Dollars for private drive-
.: hays(181/ae)being
prnvatexteen and one-
1 Forty and 00/100 (54600) Dollara
for each private driveway; the cast
of construction of which driveways,
and the property benefited thereby
if hereinafter set out and ail within
the boundaries et the lots, blocks g
and streets&b000 mentioned.which
Is the total butters' t and oast P/
per front foot 1 said.Improvement
according to the contract entered
Into for theork and , perforMance of said
with Gibbons&Reed Co said mpany dated
the e85t r day of April,1949.and the
Z. dTdirecteder to ls a assess hereby accordance rized with
' the provisions of this ordinance for
the purposea herein mentioned: '
Fronting on the weer side of Pre..
ton Street.
Beginning at the northeast corner
1 Lot 7,Hloek 5, Rosalyn Heights
Sub., theme north 259.5 ft., part
of N.E. y of See.21,1'.I S.,R.1
E., S.L.B. es M.;MI of Lots 1 and
7 of B k``5,3 a d a ll Of tote 1,5 56
8 f'i..11�. Reaelyn Helghte, p t
f N.E.'/of Bee.ea,T.1 a.,R.1 E.,.
,YiB.L.H. A M.
9 rStreee be the anal.side of Pres-
ton ///-''��I
111 The South 60,0 It.end the tenth (,f
12 ' Fronting on the west aide of 20th
Host Street.
d. The south 58.69 ft.of the north
n 63.0 ft. of Lot 7, Elk.6. Rosalyn
c Heights,N.E.1/4 of See.•21,T.1 S.,
I R.1 E..B.L.B.6:M.
o Fr Street.oingan the east side of 20th
The south 750 ft.of the north
TO 79.32 ft. of Let 4,and the north
ity Son ft.and the th 72,0 ft. of
Ito Lot 1, of Elk. 7,Rosalyn Heights,
R el Bees.21 And 22,T.1 S., .1'E..
1 I S.L'.B.de M.
W Fronting on the,west side of
.ee Elisabeth Street.
The east 47 ft.of Lots 26 and 27.
1 all of Lott 28 Co 33 incl.,the east
85 ft.of Lot 34,the east 90 ft.of
fool 35, Ill of Late 36 to 40 Incl.,
d-the eaet 100.0 ft.of Lots 41 to
44 Incl..of Blk.8.Arlington Heights
beginning rtatfthe oouth'eastat corner
of Lot 33,Bidets 8,Arlington Helghte
Sub.,thence south 43.5 ft.,of Lots
• 3 tand 4,Elk.5,Plat"P";Salt Lake
•rd CI Fyr 6 tingy on the east side of
Elteabeth Street.
.R Lots 6 to 21 Incl. a d the r t
45.0 ft.of Lots 1 to 6 1no1.of Lota
ty, Heights,lSubdivision of Bik.6,n Plat
ft "F': beglnhing t the southwest
Icorner of Lot 15,Block 9,Arlington
jn Heights Sub.,thence south 80.0 ft.,
n Lot 7,Elk.6,Plat"F":Salt Lake
a City Survey.Fronting on the west side of 16th
n East Street.
�n All of Lot 28.Princeton Park Sub.
of Blk.28;all of Lots 12 to 15 Ibel,,,'
and the south 73.0 ft,of Lot II,of
w Blk. 1, Hillside Park Sub. of Elk.
m, 26;6-Acre Plat"C,"Big Field Sur-
to Y.veFronting en the east side-of 18th
Zest Street.
:0 All of Lots 9 to'16 Intl.of Blk.2, -
all Of Lids 27 to 30 Incl.of Elk.3,
and all of Lots 25 Ind 26 of Blk.5,
i Colonial Heights Subdivision of Blk.
28,5-Acre Plat 7C,"Big-Field Sut-
Fronting sedihe west)side et loth
B East Street.
The.North 61.0 Cl. f the South
(• 102 ft.of Lot 7,the South 51.0 ft.
-of Lot 7,the North 49.5 It.of Lot
8,the South 49.5 ft.of Lot 8,the
North 78.0 ft. of Lot 9.-the South
60.0 ft.of to North 13811 of Lot
8! 9, the Northf. Lot 9,
ftthef the 8ut South
ft.of Let 9,the North 144.0 ft.of,
7 Lot 1, the North 60.0 ft. of the
( South 120.0 Ot.of Lot 1,all of Elk.
6,Rosalyn Heights,N.E. V.of Sec.
a. 21,T:1 S.,-R.1 E.,S.L.B.8e M.
Fronting on the seat side of Roth
j. East Street.
The South 160.65 ft.of LOt 4,the
North 50.0 ft.of Lot 3,'the South
49.0 it, f Lot 3 and the North 6.0
is ft. f,Lot 2 of Lots 2 and 3,the
south 60.0 ft.of the north 66.0 ft,
of Lot 2,the south 66.0 ft.of the
9' of
132.0 ft.of Lot 2.the north
66.0 ft.of the south 132.0 ft.of Lot
2,the south 66.0 1t.of Lot 2,the
north 66.0 ft. of Lot 1, the south
_ 60.0 ft. of the north 126.0 It. of
Lot 1,and the south 66.0 ft.of the
north.192 ft.of Lot 1:all of Bik,
7 Rosalyn Heights.N.E. '/of Sec.
21,T.1 S.,R.1 E..SLR.de M.
• Fronting en the west aide of 18th
East Street,
All of Lots 29 and 30 of Elk.1,
and 411 of Let 29 of Blk.2, Yale-
rest Park Sub. of Blk. 28; all of
Lot 30,Upper Yale 2nd Add.of elk.
28;all Of Lot 58,Upper Yale Add.
of Blk. 28; all of Lots 26 d 1,
Harvard Park Sub.of Elk. 28; all
Of Lots 28 and I of Princeton Park
Sub. of Blk. 28: all of Lot 14 of
Blk.2,all of Lot 16 Of Blk.1.the
the north
north634.1 Of.of Lot 13 off Bik.
1,Hillside Park Sub..of elk.28;5-
tieeasddeeyonng n e Field Survey.
Eat Street.
The north 124.15 ft. 'f Let I,
Blk,3,Yalecreat Park Sub.of Elk.
, 38;the south 31,28 It.of Lot 1 and
li of Lot 13,of Lots 1 And:13,Bik.
I, Yaleersst Heights Sub. of Elk,
28; all of Lots 15, 13, II and 10,
of elk.2,all of Lots 29 and 27 of
Blk.3, and all of Lots 31 and 27
of Elk.6 Colonial Heights Sub.of
Blk.28;5-Acre Plat"C,"Big Field
(g40.00 per driveway.)
FabetingStr oee 1.'the Test aide of
II the s of 0A ft.of Lot 42,Elk 0,
Arlln`tsa Heights of
Blk, 1,