9 of 1962 - Amending Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake city, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill R O LL' CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, January 29 , i962_ VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . ✓' Harrison . . . y Smart e� -c. 0} r //�z (-1 " Romney Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 93 of 1961 , relating to the Organization and Salaries of Officers and Employees in the Police Department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 93 of 1961 , relating to the organization and salaries of officers and employees in the Police Department, be, and the same hereby Is, amended to read as follows: ttSec. 30-1-1 . Organization and Salaries. (a) The Police Department of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers and employees, and no others, who, except the Chief of Police, shall be appointed by the appointing power subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners from the certified list of the Civil Service Commission of Salt Lake City for each office or position to be filled, to-wit: Chief of Police, who shall be the head of the Police Department and the appointing power Assistant Chiefs Captains Lieutenants Superintendent of Communications Administrative Secretary Grade 1 Grade 2 Radio Station Operator Radio Technician Sergeant Patrolmen Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Policewomen Sergeant Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Tab Machine Operator Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Key Punch Operator Grade I Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 9 -2- Stenographer Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Clerk-Typist Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Meter Reader Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (b) lie annual salary for each such officer or employee shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners at not more than the follow- ing amounts, to be effective March i, i962, to-wit: Chief of Police -- $10,000.00 Assistant Chiefs -- $8,070.00 to June 30, 1962, $8,235.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $8,400.00 thereafter. Superintendent of Communications -- $6,600.00 Captains -- $7,110.00 to June 30, 1962, $7,365.00 from July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $7,620.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service as Captain, the annual salary shall be not more than $7,800.00. Lieutenants -- $6,420.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,720.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $7,020.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service as Lieutenant, the annual salary shall be not more than $7,200.00 Sergeants -- $5,920.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,195.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,420.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service as Sergeant, the annual salary shall be not more than $6,600.00. Administrative Secretary: Grade 1 -- $6,390.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,495.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,600.00 thereafter. Grade 2 -- $5,640.00 to June 30, 1962, $5,700.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $5,760.00 thereafter. Technician -- $5,970.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,195.00 from July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, $6,420.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service as technician, the annual salary shall be not more than $6,600.00. Radio Station Operator -- $6,420.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,720.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, $7,020.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service as Radio Station Operator, the annual salary shall be not more than $7,200.00. Radio Technician -- $5,970.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,195.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, $6,420.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service as Radio Technician, the annual salary shall be not more than $6,600.00. -3- Patrolmen: Grade 1 -- $5,520.00 from March 1, 1962 to June 30, 1962; 5,640.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963; 5,760.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 and 10 and 15 years of satisfactory service at Grade 1, the annual salary shall be not more, respectively, than $5,940.00 and $6,120.00 and $6,300.00. Grade 2 -- $5,280.00 Grade 3 -- 4,980.00 Grade 4 -- 4,620.00 Grade 5 -- 4,380.00 Grade 6 -- 4,200.00 Policewomen: Sergeant -- $5,720.00 to June 30, 1962, $5,920.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,120.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service as Sergeant, the annual salary shall be not more than $6,300.00 Grade 1 -- $5,220.00 to June 30, 1962, $5,340.00 from July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, $5,460.00 thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 and 10 and 15 years of satisfactory service at Grade 1, the annual salary shall be not more, A'.w respectively, than $5,640.00 and $5,820.00 and $6,000.00. Grade 2 -- $4,980.00 Grade 3 -- 4,680.00 Grade 4 -- 4,320.00 Grade 5 -- 4,080.00 Grade 6 -- 3,900.00 Meter Readers: Grade 1 -- $3,780.00 Grade 2 -- 3,600,00 Grade 3 -- 3,420.00 Grade 4 -- 3,240.00 Tab Machine Operator: Grade 1 -- $4,740.00 Grade 2 -- 4,620.00 Grade 3 -- 4,500.00 Grade 4 -- 4,380.00 Key Punch Operator: Grade 1 -- $4,020.00 Grade 2 -- 3,900.00 Grade 3 -- 3,780.00 Grade 4 -- 3,660.00 Stenographer: Grade 1 -- $4,250.00 Grade 2 -- 4,095.00 Grade 3 -- 3,930.00 Grade 4 -- 3,765.00 Clerk-Typist: Grade 1 -- $3,840.00 Grade 2 -- 3,690.00 Grade 3 -- 3,540.00 Grade 4 -- 3,390.00 In addition to the foregoing salaries, each officer and employee in the Police Department, as above set forth, except any employee not required to own uniforms, shall be paid the sum of $15.00 per month as a uniform allowance. (c) All officers and employees whose employment in the Police -4- Department commenced prior to March 1, 1962, shall receive credit for the length of service theretofore rendered in the department, which service shall be considered satisfactory under the terms of this ordinance, and shall automatically have the length of service status as shall entitle them to receive the annual salary au- thorized by this ordinance based upon longevity of service, as specified in this ordinance, provided, that all patrolmen and policewomen who advance to Grade 1 after March 1, 1962, must serve 5 years thereafter before being eligible to begin to receive the increase in annual salary based upon longevity of service. (d) To have rendered "satisfactory service" as used in this ordinance, and so be entitled to receive the increase in salary based upon longevity of service, as authorized by this ordinance, the officer or employee shall comply with and accomplish the requirements of the rules and regulations as to training and conduct promulgated by the Chief of Police and approved by the Salt Lake City Civil Service Commission and the Chief of Police shall certify to such satisfactory service." Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 29th day of January , 1962. 1; SmPVHAHf'UHAlHNAN I ty J (S E A L) BILL NO. 9 of 1962 Published January 31, 1962 ()w A laM-a6A . AN ORGII1,fl�SAttER lionN30 I1.1 01 the Revised"Ordinances of Salt Lake Cite, Utah, 1955, a itMed b Bill Np.93. f 1961,r aneg to oream:ahbn and sets f Officers antl Employees In the`Polieee Dena t f g°,.il kdai°e�nilLii 'a°rII'af Affidavit of Publication U lahmissloncrs f S It E5'k2Clrvs Section 1. That Section 30-1-1 of -the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake 10''93 orh196555ielafin9 todttle ornsnl Izaiion and laries of officers and pmelayees in the Police epartment, v Stoe're d the fol lowsereby is,am ded-.11 "sec°Ja-1-Iee.Grnanieafionend Sal- a $$rilfsvLoke r51Zeishall Demist of the s8. follOWin9 fllCefs n0"mPIOY¢es,lake Ctl n Ines, he, except lone hief of gig,' hp ll he a apintetl tap a a 0"? er ubleer rp D m sio°es+ram me ar(1°led l5r off M Ockey the Cik City fo commission or Sall.Lake bet for each office r Doslflan to be f111ed,tos"14 Chief of Police, ho shall be the dead (lone rgn7 o',,1"en( Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising a ton°e p�rmg dower Assistant Chiefs Gaptin3 clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Y p1,i"nante loentlemoreo.,r,)" r n3 GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- Aaminisrralive secaetary c;adez lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Radlarrirdh9e°neral0e Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, of Sergeant in the State Utah. 2'ade a That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Gratle 6 D$e;gwomren Salt Lake City Bill No 9 of 1962 Gre 1 • Gratlatle 2 1 'rae4 di C An Ordinance relating to the organization Gratle 5 Gratle 6 Tab Machine Operator jt 8ade1 a and salaries of officers and employees Grade 3 a Gratled O Kev Punch Operator Grade in the Police Depa_tment. • Grade R Tl Graded Stenographer TI Grade i Gratle? Ti Grade d Clerk-Tvtisf di, Grade) January 31, 1962 eCGGradeei Jai was published in said newspaper on Meter Reader i der 4Y8 Gratle 3 Wcv (bier rheda ual salary for�s each hoc fAi'atl by the Board of Commissioner',Clr / OuchWeiner or employee sn 11 be W net mar Ilean rhr following 99 i,eo be Ilecllve March 1, C Chief of Police—E10000.0n nor / 9ff/: Assistant hiefs-30.070g fo June e -,' `�= -C-==-�" ------ 30,1961, 3,135.00 from Jul and ('Legal Ad 1961 to -June 30. 1963, and Ca' U@rtFSL erk -__ SurOie,Vubldhteafofr Communica- l lions—f6.600.DD Co Captains-37,II0.00 10 June 30, Fu i961,ne 30.00 from Jely 1,0,00 rue r0 June 30,1963.and$7.610.00 9nr eafler S Opera,of a ttisfac-Thr annual sntaro shall be lnot'mere Fir than$7,300.00. Nrai Lieutenants-50,110.000 1n June 30.i ,i todJ 7e,?,001or3m JC1471,Oftol 0 t gnu a e ter a video,satisfactory from her to before me this day of tl fleas Lean of nt,t e a^her service I',Lieutenant, sh ull nbetn the pre Mr 62 C than Si.1DDDD. ° m ,� A.D. r� v --$e1961a 86,19550 1.horn Joinl"eto6S,ee .t t -Jute 30 1963,etl or trn10 1 a a tar,nodrded It,1 I eel /) and ice as verge nt I f ( 1 , % IC l beeaot,themore e 46160fi 00sha11 be not thanES Adm ntsrr1—suiecrefar' 1 f • /�`,<!/��'f— L- � L{_fi n Grade 1—SOs9e.00 to June 90,Fr°, 7 NotaryPublic 1961,f6,d9.s.pD fro aJnly 1,1962 Fr , ro June 30,1963, ntl 56,600,00 fro thereafter. 011 Grade,70000 dtre to y 1- 30. Ev io6Junr�730t 1963..andI45,76000 f Iehniclfrcr. Ed T 1961�g'13905 On7f° Jilvolei96]Me to June oil,1963,8 t froo there-1st after, eal, to nt r and na, Cv after ra as techni n rthe�tan-da65 es seal tary hall be not ore 01; Radio Steno 00Joerator-36,d10.D0 L. to June 3D,1961,311,720to,from L 07,0z0 ao l thereafter,"erov Mr,10 that from and after 5 years of oil, fisfacto,Y s rsic a as Radin Re, Station Operator, the a al tat s lary hall be not more"than to adiooD.s'o h, R Jun -chnici, 5,97nlne.lOfA r0 y Jana 3U, 196), fu195.00 Mam Sd 020 oe t thereafter,e 3rovided�Ca11 that from and after S Years of-- tisfaeeorY service anRedly L `ZII"aan, e a ua " v relic shall bP-aof more than f6.600.OD at 9 Patrolmen. Ort GraNe Et52000 from Mel,1, 1967 to June 30. tee,wij OI' 71 V•• .n 6£,6400n frorn J Iv 1962 jiw pp Ifleb'. c 5 agfor.V vrOl to June 30 6; SS 760.00 7 tl ihdt all atrootmQa 2hd vollce, thereafter, that from Mo w m who ad ¢nta t Grade 1 and ale 5 f and ry and Ice fl I attar-MOM,- ha 99ft 19AZM!peina,e.5 1 Grade 1 theat es Ib1e ln be4 id'9re ei ih¢in Indi tn'nt .00 and E612p,00 Mai td;frneaav1�Y-ha B?rendered.tlb 6•S,stl taO Grade 9—E51gem E t .re ,used this. rdh.W Grade 3—6.906 nn p.rc tl Ea be entitled 1,0 re eiive rade d_6,R1nm grit the 1041 _Ip 5xlarva has¢tl On Grade 5— q Ma O'4.11 if din a c, thurem- Grade 6—d,20000 by his ordinance,the officer or em- Poucewnmen WR Ployee shall complyand accent. ih Sa1767nt—a';_non f0 June 70, Tht a^Ish the requirements of the rums 1969,toJune 30, Iuly 1 Ma a d re efions a training d te.t .0June to1prov and c tlucl pro ulgated by the CSa¢lt N'� 56at fro t an.aft:provided,frrle f 1Police 4 Servicesatisfactory shanmission oftheann servlre at Ser-}r, I and theChief of Pal ice shallditty at liet,the annual s Iary shalt Pay to such satisfactory service:e d not mPrrntlran Ee,�10.00, Sur Passed by the Board tCh,thie at G nr 1-55.2900p to Jun=30, of of Lake City,Utah,iM1is 1967, JuneOn from tutu 19theEaY a/January.OM f 1969 to 30,1963.e6 on ea L.C.RGMNEY P thereafter,ornvlded,that fromH Temporary Chairmen 15 vearts after 5 tlsla tocv send ISEALI cortleOGENSEN or treat Grade 1, the a (EEAL7 salalr shall ben ',re and BILI NO 9of 1962 rely.than net',ore, and Published January 31,1962 ICJd1 el sportively. h000n, I tt Grade 3—d Gade Grade eL Anne nnne G 3.9np.00 Meierer R Rendud ers -rade 1_gl.ign.nn ade 3—> �r.eehr p Gero "rah M h1n n or Grade1—$a,6nond n— tnn Grade t 6,661 rn 4.300 m Key Pnrrh no•,.-tn. Grade 1—E6 nlnOn !.rade e-R mn rn Grade 3—13q^nn StGnacre 4—a h r'660.0d Grade 1--5n?m,nn rradr 9—dn9t nn 3 1 Grrla d---3,]65 00 clrrk-TYPisi� mare t—s+aen rn 9n 0n redo t—1, nrn Greer d—3,39n.Op E In addition t fled•rorPgotriq Sal ThneSPnlice On�rrrimrnten aePabuVn. ant rnrl M1,a rM a m91m•rr veld A ue s am P month initO of ar, andrt,e as(cl`All lof[erc and he.P olibe onosn rmnlovmen' r the Polir= q =wr•ment P =ncee ri r m for th ,'moth hell re I e .fort tar d=eee.taoll dnnilnintheretofore li wire shalt he conslder¢d satisiar- rtorn under the terms of this soil and shall automatically hay= flea rtenorh of service status as.shall aentltle them to ecelve Me a uel bated u u1M1oloneevlty iatseerciceence 9