9 of 1975 - amending schedule 14-d, section 144, prohibiting parking at all times on 500 South Street, North sid ROLL CALL 0 /DOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, January 21 19 /} Mr.Chairman ✓ Greener /y I move that the Crdinance be passed. Harmsen ✓� /� HQoenseKn ✓ os- Phillips 1/ Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Schedule 14-d referred to in Section 144 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City relating to the streets upon which'Il4rking is prohibited at all times. Be it ordained by the 'ltard of Commissioners of Salt Lake: ` City, Utah: • SECTION 1. T.bkat Schedule l4-d referred to'-:an the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to streets upon which ' parking is prohibited at all times, be, and the>same hereby is, amended by adding thereto the following: "500 South Street, north side, from 400 East` Street to Denver Street." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately, SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of January, 1975. a2Z-- la.0e./4,Se44.1./).‘,14 MAYOR //c(el/ /•��C Gc� , c CITY RECORDER ,� (SEAL) BILL No. 9 of 1975 Published January 24, 1975 9 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAII, I as. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANDk Sharon Payne AfJ OR DINANCF AMENDING - - SchalWe tonic referred to In Sectloa ladedI OE ---� Traffic Cale at Sell Labe City relating lothe sheets upon which narldea 1: ra+mltM al all pintos Being first duly.sworn,deposes and says thatshe is legal adve•- aerIa.naln ahy the eCity,Snare of is tising clerk of the DE.SERF,'1' VEWS, a daily (except Sunday) s al Salt Lake City,Utah,sinners I.That Schedule la-a rete.. � ICIo In Ike Traffic Caen of sal'Lake, newspaper printed in the En 11 language with general eir. ,.Utah,relating fo streets wwn which newspaper f" �h •nark.ism-0110fea et all Owes,he,and dilation in Utah, published published in Solt. Lake City, Salt Lake the some borer Is amended by adalta ItEreto tM followiuo: SOS sash Street,ed.,h We,than am County,in the State o f Utah. East Street to Denver Streit." SECTION 1.le Me opinion of ME BoarO of neCemmis,la era n is reof the i to it • That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto .nemlh and welfare ece me inhabit anis 01 Sult Lake city that ploy°Bea pre become effective Immediately. SECTION].nay Ordinance shall tube Published an ordinance relatingto street o effect once es firstnikrsanan. s upon _ Passe)by the Board of Ctmemissiancrs k of Sell,.Ike Clty,Utah,this Slot day of .12/11Jary, coNRAD e HARRISONparking,arkin isprohibited at all times . €i. MILDR[D v.HIGHAM City',order SEAL) PUOII,h_e va,15, (le nt was published in said newspaper on _January 24,_ 19'7_5 Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this_--_____ 49th fday of January A.D. 19_75 Notary Public My Commission Expires brua.ry ].3 ]9%E3-_ • Ee