90 of 1912 - Amending Section 759, poles in streets. Salt Lake City, Utah, .July_8th 191__2
VOTING Yes Na I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser , . . . .
Commissioner of Streets & Public Improvements.
Morris V
W.W.LITTLE,2".AN, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 3, 1912.
Lion. Richard P. Morris,
Commissioner of Streets and Public Iprovements.
Dear Sir:-
I have drawn a new ordinance with relation to poles in the streets,
to take the place of the ordinance No. 79, which is now before the
Board of Commissioners.
• Very respectfully,
City Attorney.
AN 0 R D I N A 1 C B .
An ordinanoo amending and re-enacting Seotions 739, 743, 744 and 746
�f the Revised Ora.inenoes of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to telegraph,
telephone and other poles in streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt L.:ke City,
SEECTION 1. That Seotions 739, 743, 744 and 745 of the Revised Ordi-
nenoes of malt'Lrke City of 1903, be, and. the name arc hereby amended and
re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SECTION 739. It shall be unlawful !or any person to erect or
maintain in any part of any street in Salt Lake City which shall here--
after be paved, or is about to be paved, pole or poles of any kind,
or for any purpose, except as in this section provided; or to ereot
or maintain in any part of any unpaved street of said city pole or
poles of any kind or for any purpose, except in striot pureaanoe of a
permit from the City Engineer, which permit shall only be issued upon
the order of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, which Order
shall speoity to Whom such permit shall be issued, and the material,
size, height.and oonetrucytion or such pole or poles, and which permit
must be on the ground during the time the work of erecting any snob
pole or poles is in progress, and must be freely exhibited to any
person or city officer askin to examine it.
SECTION 743. It shall be unlswfnl for any person to oreOt or
maintain any pole or other obstruction in the intersection of any
otreet of Salt Lake City, except by permission of the Board. of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City, which permission shall designate the
person to whom permit is issued, and the material, sine, height and
oonstrnotion of sosh pole or poles.
SECTION 744. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect poles
of any character or for any purpose in the center of any street in
Salt Lake City.
SECTION 746. It shall be unlawful for any person to erectiapr
maintain any wooden pole or poles in ony street of : ,:11.1 take City,
unless such pole is peeled and neatly trimmed of knots, presenting a
smooth apgearance, and. painted en olive green color; or to erect or
maintain in any of' such streets any steel pole unless tihe same shall
be painted. an olive green color, or to fen to d.esignsto by lettere
inirkkto Jan ell poles to be °rooted or maintained, the name of the
''' . o attila?erecting and tti raining the same.
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All orainaiioe4 refo/Itions, or part051 9dinan 0
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Passed the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
tah, July 19 .
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