90 of 1954 - Vacating all of the alleys in Highland Park between Parkway Avenue and 27th South Street, and betwee -
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,1.44 33 (954 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Christensen . .
Nicholes ? .a.,
Romney . . . ._�'�
Mr.Chairman fir/ AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of the alleys in Highland Park between
Parkway Avenue and 27th South Street and between Filmore and Hartford Streets,.
also between 27th South Street and Atkin Avenue and between Alden and Chadwick
Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That all of the alleys in Highland Park between Parkway
Avenue and 27th South Street and between Filmore and Hartford Streets, also
mbetween 27th South street and Atkin Avenue and between Alden and Chadwick
a -
Streets, more particularly described as follows:
Alleys in Block 8, Highland Park Plat "C".
o ti Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 8,
Highland Park Plat "C", a subdivision of part of Sections
W 21 and 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M; running thence North 16 feet to
the southwest corner of Lot il, said Block 8; thence East
aaovf 123 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 11; thence North -
t" 366 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 24, said Block 8;
po--1 thence east 16 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 25, said
n Block 8; thence South 366 feet to the southwest corner of Lot _
zy� 38, said Block 8; thence East 123 feet to the southeast corner,
ti of said Lot 38; thence south 16 feet to the northeast corner
w ro of Lot 1, said Block 8; thence west 262 feet to the point of
p beginning.
H ro
Alleys in Block 2, Highland Park Plat "C".
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 28, Block 2,
Highland Park Plat "C", a subdivision of part of Sections 21
and 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M; running thence North 16 feet to the
southwest corner of Lot 29, said Block 2; thence East 262 feet
to the southeast corner of Lot 38, said Block 2; thence South
16 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 39, said Block 2; thence\
West 262 feet to the point of beginning.
Alley Between Stratford & Parkway Avenues & Glenmare & Filmore Sts.
Beginning at a point 10 feet west from the northeast corner.
of Lot 867, Highland Park Plat "A", a subdivision of part of
Section 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M; running thence West 244 feet to the
northwest corner of Lot 876, said subdivision; thence North 12
feet to the southwest corner of Lot 877, said subdivision; thence
East 116 feet; thence Northeasterly 7.07 feet; thence North 794.27
feet to the northeast corner of Lot 908, said subdivision; thence
East 12 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 835, said subdivision;
thence south 794.27 feet; thence southeasterly 7.07 feet; thence
East 106 feet to a point 10 feet west from the southeast corner
- 2 ..
of Lot 866, said subdivision; thence south 12 feet
to point of beginning.
Alley between Stratford & 27th South & Glenmare & Hartford
Beginning at northeast corner of Lot 1915, Highland -
Park flat "A", a subdivision of Part of,Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
SLB&M; running thence West 254 feet to the northwest corner
of Lot 1904, said Highland Park Flat "A"; thence North 11.65
feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1905, said subdivision;
thence East 254 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 1914,
said subdivision; thence south 11.65 feet to point of beginn- _
Alley between Stratford & Parkway Avenue & Glenmare & -
Hartford Streets.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 793, Highland
Park Plat "A", a subdivision of part of Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
SLB&M; running thence West 254 feet to the northwest corner .
of Lot 802, said subdivision; thence North 12 feet to the
southwest corner of Lot 803, said subdivision; thence East
254 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 792, said subdivision
thence south 12 feet to point of beginning.
Alley between Glenmare & Filmore Streets, north of 27th
South Street.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1841,'
Highland Park Plat "A", a subdivision of part of Sec. 21
T1S, R1E, SLB&M; running thence West 254 feet to the north-
west corner of Lot 1830, said subdivision; thence North ,
11.65 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1831, said sub-
division; thence East 254 feet to the southeast corner of
Lot 1840, said subdivision; thence South 11.65 feet to
point of beginning.
Alleys in Block 3, Highland Park Plat C.
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 17, Block
3, Highland Park Plat "C", a subdivision of part of Sections
21 and 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M; running thence North 300 feet -
to the northeast corner of Lot 28, said Block 3; thence
West 123 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 28; thence
North 16 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 29, said Block
3; thence East 262 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 38,
said Block 3; thence South 16 feet to the northeast corner -
of Lot 39, said Block 3; thence West 123 feet to the north- _
west corner of said Lot 39; thence South 300 feet to the
southwest corner of Lot 50; said Block 3; thencq(vest 16
feet to the point of beginning.
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights-
of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every
description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the
above described property; and also subject to the rights of entry
thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, re-
placing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all
- 3 -
of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of' the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah
this 30th day of December , 1954•
ty Recorder
cBfLL,fio L. 90
=Publ.;i 1 ed December 31$_•154 '
a ?,
City and County of Salt Lake,
',Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating all of the alleys in._H_ighland._Park_.betwe.en
Parkway Avenue and 27th South Street and between Filmore and Hartford
Streets, also between 27th South Street and_Atkin._.Avanue_.and...between
Alden and Chadwick Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Deceulber...30, mx_1954
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 4th day of Januaxy.,...1.955 392c
(SEAL) ,l
Dep y Oity Recorder.
Published December 31, is 1954
• 0',) RecordedJAN 5 1955, at 2,'f- 7/m.�s-ar.7. yl
l 9 1 Request of ,f' C e,Q4,[ Ciyy ' .1-..I .30
1406797 Pee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase, -ds_G3
Recorder, Salt Lake County, Utah 4,5"., '73
7- 4r By 61/,: G,. L Deputye5 y/_I69�
Book// PageoP.09 Ref. -�+/f-7 7
AN ORDINANCE er of Lot 1905,said subdivison;thence
East 254 feet to the utheast
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of of Lot 1914, said subdivision; thence
the alleys in Highland Park between South 11.65 feet to point of beginning.
Parkway Avenue and 27th South Street Alley between Stratford &Parkway
and between Edmore and Hartford Avenue&Glen mare&Hartford Streets. C
Streets,also between 27th South Street Beginning at the northeast corner
and Atkin Avenue and between Alden Lot 793,Highland Park Plat"A", R b-
Vtd Chadwick Streets in Salt Lake City, division of part of Sec.21,T15,R1E,
ah. SLB&M;running thence West 254 feet
He it ordained by the Board of Corn- to the northwest corner of Lot 802,said
f Salt Lake City,Utah: subdivision;southwest
thence North 12 feet to /
1 rniSECTION 1 That all of the alleys In ' the southwest tern of Lot 803, said ii y7,yyw
Highland Park between Parkway Ave- subdivision;thence East 254 feet to the
nue and 27th South Street e d between southeast earner of Lot 792; said sub- v
fj'- Edmore d Hartford Streets,also be- iv'ion:tence South 12 feet to point,A y7-t/6
/ 5- tween 27th South Street and Atkin Ave- of beginning.nue and 7 -�
St eets, moreee1paArtiden cularlyd Chadwick
scribed Streets,nrth between 27th South Street.oeri do/7-S 7_ZJ�
s follows: Beginning of the northeast f n Alters i Block 8, Highland Park of Lot 1841 Highland n Park Plat �A",
Plan"C" n subdivision of part of See. 21 T1S,
Beginning at the northwest c of R1E.SLB&M;running thence West 254 , .
Lot 10, Block 8, Highland Park Plat feet to the utwest corner of Lot
C",a subdivision of part of Sections 1830, said subdivision;; thence North
21 and 28,T1S,R1E,SLB&M;running 11.65 feet to the southwest corner of .
thence North 19 feet to the southwest Lot 1831,said subdivision;thence East
s Lot 11,sold Block 8;thence 254 feet to the southeast corner of Lot ✓Na�1-t-aC-a.
East corner23 feet to te southeast corner 1840, said subivision; ence South
f id Los 11; thence North 366 feet 11.65 feet to point of beginning. 4Ku
to the Block northeast
thence corner
16f feet 24,to said
Plat hers in Block 3. Highland Park I
northwest corner
of Lot 25,said Block Beginning at the southeast corner
8;thence South 366 feet to the south- of Lot 17,Block 3,Highland Park Plat
west cornerof Lot 38, said Block 8; "C", a subdivision of part of Sections;
thence East 123 feet to the southeast 21 and 28,TIS,R1E,SLB&M; running' '
of solo Lot 38;thence South 16 thence North 300 feet to the northeast
feet corner
to the northeast cornerof Lot 1, of Lot 28. said Block 3;thence _
`/C the Block
t of beginning. st 62 feet to Westof id2 Lot Feet to
thence North North t16 feet,
Alleys In Block 2, Highland Park to the southwest corner
s of Lot 29,said
Block 3;I PI Beginning at he n tttwesl a southeast ct orner of Lot62 38,I eet saidt o Blotck
of Lot 28,Block 2.Highland Park Plat 3;thence South 16 feet to the northeast '
"C", subdivision f part f Sections cornerf Lot 39, id Block 3;thence
- 21 and 8,TIS,R1E,SLB&M;running est 123 feet to the northwest corner '
thence Nertl 16 feet to the southwest of said Lot 39;thence outh 300 feet to
of Lot 29,said Block 2;thence the southwest c of Lot 50; said
Ea corner82 feet to the southeast a Block 3; thence o West 16 feet to the.
of Lot 38,said Block 2;thence South n l8 int of beginning.
r e
feet to the northeast c o£Lot 39, be and the s are hereby vacated
id Block 2;thence West 262 feet to and declared n o longer to be public
•the point of beginning property for use as a street, avenue,
Avenues between
G1 ninaretf&d Edmore Sts ellSaid r cation isrz wabade expressly sub.
Beginning at a point 10 feet west eel to vacation
ll fi existing rights-of-way and
o s
from thenortheast corner of Lot v897, easements ofe all public utilities of alto
Highland Park Plat"A", subdivision and every description now locaed ,
of part of Section 21,TIS,R1E,SLS&M; , under or over
r the confines f the
running thence West 244 feel to the above described n rty: and also
northwest cornerf Lot 876,said sub. oohieet to the rights of entry there'll.
division; thence North 12 feet to the ter the purpose of nspectirf, m In-
,{ o uthwest corner of Lot 877,said sub. tanning, r ,00,replacing, moving,
division; thence East 116 feet; thence altering or p rre outing said utilities and
.d o, Northeasterly 7.07 feet; thence Northall f them.
794.27 feet to the northeast co of SECTION 2. In the opinion of the
Lot 908, said subdivision: thence a East So I of Commissioners,it r fee s Y
12 feet to the northwest corner f to the peace,health d safety f the
,t 1 ,Lot 835,s itl subdivision:thence South inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this
794.27 feet; thence Southeasterly 707 ordinance sall become effective im -
feet; thence East 106 feet to a point atel.v.
A 10 feet t from the utheast rner SECTION 3. This ordinance shell
.. f Lot 866, said subdivision; thence take efect upon its firt publication.
South 12 feet to point of beginning. .Passed by the Board of Commis.
Ailey between Stratford&271h South of Salt Lake City, Utah this
&Glenmare&Hartford Streets, 30tjie day of December,1954.
Beginning at northeast corner of Lot EARL J.GLADE,
1915,Highland Park Plat"A", a sub Mayr.
division of Part of Sec.21,TIS, R1E, IRMA F. BITNER
SLB&M;running thence West 254 feet City Recorder.
.1 to the uthwest corner of Lot 1904, (SEAL)
No North 11.65 Highland ees to thent southwest coo Publ sheILL d 90
December 31,1954 fC-771
• the pal alleys
Highland Parkr�btrvecn Proof of Pubtirattnri
and be`veen Avenue
Fii+norend 7g and South-StreetHartf ore'
Streets.also between 27tha South Street _and Atkin Avenue and between Alden
dh',C.hiidwick Streets in Salt Lake City,
mAc it ordained byLakc the Board f Com-Qi'(�F(
SE f Salt Cith Utalm
CTION 1- That all of the alleys
nighlmtd Park between Parkway Ave EKE j 55.
,re 27tand arrtf Street and between ll1
tweenr2 n4 South
Hartford Sand S also ve
twerp 27th South Street can Mien Ave-'
nue and betmore
and Cscribed
Streets, particularly described•
i o
Alleys in Block Block 8, Highland Park'
Plat Beginning' the High/and
co of
'Lot 30„Bldivi 8, Hf part Park Lions
-"C", d 28,T1lslon of pert of Sections'
21 and ce 2o,h35,Re to the s ni ,ring
thence ofNorth 18 feet to the nthence
f ot to ,d]nook et thence P, h�, Ockey
ft said
; the southeast c fee
of saitl Lot a.s thence°North 24,feet
the nn'theast.East 1 f Lot 2 feet to sale
northwtdi st thence
of Lot 25,sahl Block
14,th 'ce•S°ntr 366 feet
8. a10 the nsock e." being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
thence Inst 123 feet to the southeast'
of baid l,ot 36.thence South 16:
corner of
the northeast cornet-of Lot 1, the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
,d Block 24 thence West 262 feet to
the int of beginning.
Alleys"in Block 2, Highland Park
Y1 Beginning at the northwest corner y,
of Led 28.Block 2,Highland Park�Pla[ Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Count State of Utah.
'C" bdrvi45jon of Part of Sections
21 and 28 FAS>-R1E SLB&as running
thence N H 15,feet t thesouthwest
f Let to said Block coiner of An Ordi.nancE vaeaiAng alleys
oast 262 feet to the southeast'oo That the Notice
ff Lot 3t;3jjpd-honk 2;thence 1..13t 16.
eet to the gplhence corner f Lot-to
e Block f eginne Wnsirzs°a feet-to in High:la.nd. Park between Parkway Ave, and
Allethe mot of beginning.
enue'bfi Gln Stratford & Parkway -.
Beginning Glenma point loe ll feet west
from po oriheast°cornerof Lot set, 27th South,
rt Mond'Park Plat" ", ,bd,vtsion -..
of part of Section 21,T1.S,R1E,SLB&M:
running thence West 244 feet to the
northwest'corner of Lot B76,.said sub.
division;thence North 12 feet to the' 90
southwest corner
East Lot 877,said anh. Salt rake City Cornor8'tion bill. No,
corner of ❑6 feet: thence T
Northeasterly 7.07 feet: thence North
794.27 feet to the northeast corner of
Lot 926, said subdivision; thence East
jot rocs to
subdivison:northwest South of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
799.27 feet; thence Southeasterly 7.07
feet;thence East 108 feet to a point
10 feet west from the southeast corner
Lot 866, said subivision; thence
South lz feet io Stratford
of beginning.Sou issue dated the 318,
• Alley between Barger('
r ets. South
Beginning&naclheas Streets.
Beginning st at northeast corner or Los December + 19
divas ,,of
Park Plat"A", , b' day of
division of Pant f non.We T 15, feet
totoreL running thence West 254 feet
L'a'it if l'a'n1 ePark IV,It oft L°tthanet,
Noi4h 14.651feet t,idthel southwest and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
of Lot
•East 254 feet to the southeast corner
of Lot 1614. said subdivision; thence ..for
o Alley between Stratfor of d &h Parkway - - —
Avenue&(ilcnmere&Hartford Streets
Beginning et he nnrlbcasL Mrner h'
one timeHigh raid a See. 21,T1,,R1E. thereafter,the full period of
SLR&k1;running thence West 254 feet
to the norwest corner of Lot 862,said
the demon: thence North 12 feet s to
southwest corner f Lot 803,said the last publication thereof
bdivision;thenne East 254 feet to the
southeast corner
s'of Lot 792; id sub•
division:thence South 12 feet to point
of beginning.
Alley between Glenmare & Eilmore
Streets,north tttletfn northeast corner being in the issue dated the 31S day of
of Lot 1841 Highland Park Plat"A'S
a subdivisibn of part of See.21 T1S,
R1E,S[B&Mrunning thence West 254 December
her df Lat A.D.19..5�L
th North /
lot 1 t t the t e of /
254 IBM. .-d subdivision:thence East A" /£
104 f t t the southeast f Lot
11.65 -r subdivision: thenceof Lot
]15ll fort tot beginning.
All Block 3, H'`hland Park
Beginning i
Beginning at the southeast corner
of Lot 17,Block 3.et port Park PlaInes
2C", a subdivision5.T , of oar:M Sections day-/Of
21 and 25.'p13 R00 1E.SLB&VI;northeast
running Or❑to before me this 3r�
thence N(rtlot 328,said tBlock 3;orthenace
West r123 foot to the northwest 4orner
of said Lcf 28: thence Noah 16teet ��
to the southwest n e e f Lot Zr,Said
Block 3;thence East 262 feet to the ry
u heast or f Let 38,said Block ,A.D. 19-
South r16 feet
Block 3oltheast
West r 123 foot toy the northwest c
f said Lot 39;thence South 300 feet to
the southwest corner of Lot 50: said
Block 3 thence West 16 feet to the ..- -- -
be1eand e same the e hereby vacated! Notary Public.
and declared t on longer to be public
•Property r pfor n use as a street, avenue,
ally deatrian w y. i
Said va non mane expressly sub.s Jan, 16, 1956
oat tolrt all
ot xistingbl rights-of-ways and
and e�every description nic ow locattilities ed n,
abunder or r the confines f the
ove described property; and also
subject to n,n rights of entry thereon
for the purpose of inspecting, main-
altering or rerouting said utilities v�and
''°SECTION?2. In the opinion, of the Advertising fee $
Board of Commissioners,it is necessary
to the peace,health l safety o£the
inhabitants of Salt Lake C4ty that this
ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
mice effect upon its first nublicnt.,n-
Yassed by the Hoard of Commis.th
of Salt Lake City, Utah this
30th day of December,1954,
City Recorder.
Published December 51,1954 SO-77)