90 of 1966 - Amending Sections 25-8-2 and 25-8-6, establishing a method of calculating vacations for the first pa ' ROLL CALL
August 16 6
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196
Barker. . . .
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Cafmull . . . ✓
Harrison . . , t�
Holley. ��-/`✓'' �L�cAdh
Mr. Chairman . ✓
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 25-8-2 and 25-8-6 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, pertaining to method of calculating Vacations
for First Partial Year of Employment and Vacations and Termination Benefits
Upon Termination.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-8-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Section 25-8-2. Vacations for first partial year of em-
ployment. Every person who takes office or begins employment
on or after January 1st of any calendar year shall earn a va-
cation equal to one working day for each full month of employ-
ment from the date of employment to December 31st of such cal-
endar year, but not to exceed 10 working days and provided,
further, no person shall be entitled to any vacation unless
such person completes the calendar year in the employment of
Salt Lake City."
SECTION 2. That Section 25-8-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same is herely amended to read as follows:
"Section 25-8-6. Vacation and termination benefits upon
termination. No officer or employee shall be entitled to be
paid any vacation or termination benefits if his termination
is for cause, nor shall any resigning officer or employee be
entitled to any vacation or termination benefit if he fails
to give at least ten day's notice in writing of his contem-
plated resignation to his department head. Every other per-
son whose employment is terminated for any reason during any
calendar year shall be entitled to be paid for all earned va-
cation accrued and unforfeited but not taken, and in addition
thereto shall be entitled to a termination benefit consisting
of one day's pay for employees with less than 9 years of ser-
vice and one and one-half day's pay for employees with 9 or
more years service, for each full month of employment completed
prior to termination during the current calendar year, but not
to exceed 10 days for employees with less than 9 years service
and not to exceed 15 days for employees with 9 or more years
service. Such vacation pay and termination benefits shall be
considered to be severance benefits and shall not be used for
the purpose of determining the average monthly compensation
of the employee immediately prior to termination. Such sev-
erance benefits shall be paid upon the termination of employ-
ment which shall be the last day of active service. Such
, ,
benefits shall be paid to the employee or to his administrator,
executor or surviving spouse at the election of the board of
commissioners, in the event his termination is caused by death."
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary
to the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah,
that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective January 1, 1967.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners this 16th day of August, 1966.
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(S E A L)
BILL No. 90 of 1966
Published August 19, 1966
Affidavit of Publication
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EL RITA M.eEE' r' i
Chief Dendty Ails Recorder,
�611 L NO.90 of 1966
Ruf•rishetl Aun.19,1966 (C,)dl
My Commission Expires
Nov 25 1'X',9