91 of 1909 - Ordinance 91 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 460, relating to prostitution, etc. 6,
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An ordinano* amending and re-emoting Section 460 of the Revised
Ordinanoes of Salt lake City of 190E relating to Prostitution eta.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 460 of the Revised Ordianoes of
Salt Lake City, Utah of 1903, relating to Prostitution etc. be, and
the same is hereby amended and re-.meted so as to read as follows;
460. Bawdy Houses. Disorderly Rouses. Keeping. Residing
In. Resorting to. Owning. Having Control of Houses of
Ill-fam. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm,
assooiatiea or corporation within the limits of Salt Lake
City, Utah, or within three milas of the outer boundaries
I. To keep, maintain or permit to be kept or maintained
upon or in any property owned, occupied or leased by or to
snoh person, firm, asiesiation or corporation any bawdy,
or other disorderly house. house of illfaae or assignation
2. To keep, maintain. or permit to be kept or maintained
upon or in any property owned. occupied or leased by or to
suoh person, firm, assooiation or corporation, any bni3d-
ing, place or struotur., resorted to or used in whole or
in part by one or more females for lewdness or proatitutio
3. To resort to, or reside in any place mentioned in
subdivisions one and two of this section for the purpose
of lewdness, prostitution, or unlawful sexual intercourse/4
4. To keep a house of ill-fame resorted to for the pur-
pose of prostitution or lewdness; or to wilfully reside
in such house; or to resort thereto for lewdness.
6. To be the owner of any building or tenement, the
whole or any part of which is used for any of the purposes
mentioned in the fourth subdivision of this section.
6. To have control of such building or tenement aslaghnt,
guardian or lessee of such owner; after written notice to
such owner, agent. guardian or lessee that such building
or tenement is being used for the puposes mentioned in
subdivision four of this section.
7. To let any building or tenement, knowing that the
lessee intends using the same, or any part thereof, for
any of the pupoeee mentioned in the fourth subdivision of
this section; br to'harbor or keep about his,hera, their.
' or its premises sty parson known to be gailtytof following
'a lewd course of lifa '
Section B. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances
or resolutions in oonfliot,with this ordianoe are hereby repealfd
to the extent of such conflict.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Passed b the City Council of halt' Lae City, Utah,
July 6th, 1909, and referred to the hoyor for his approval.
�y Recorder.
1 proved this clay of July, 1909.
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