91 of 1915 - Amending Section 846 x Relating to auto liveries (livery) ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah,- -July 12,-
Morris I move that the ordinance he passed
Shearman kitia
Wells V4v/
Mr.Chairman .
An ordinance amending Section 846x of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City of 1913, said Section 846x having been added to
Chapter 33 of said ordinances by an ordinance passed by the Board
of Commissioners May 26, 1914.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 846x of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City of 1913, said Seotion 846z having been added to
Chapter 33 of said ordinances by an ordinance passed by the Board
of Commissioners May 26, 1914, be, and the same is hereby amended
so as to read as follows:
SECTION 846x. It shall be unlawful for arty person to
engage in the business of keeping or conducting an automobile
livery within the limits of Salt Lake City without first
obtaining a license so to do.
For the purposes of this section, an automobile livery
shall be defined and deemed to be any place or establishment
where one or more automobiles are kept for rent or public
hire with or without driver. The provisions of this section
shall not apply to automobiles standing in a public street for
hire, which shall be licensed at the rate provided in Section
886 of this Chapter.
All persons required to pay a license under the provisions
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of this seotion, shall pay to Salt Lake City annually in
advance, the sum of 0.0.00 for each automobile so kept in
such establishment.
The keeper of an automobile livery shall apply for such
license to the License Assessor and Collector of Salt Lake
City, making a statement under oath of the number of auto-
mobiles to be kept by him, and upon the filing of such
application, license may be issued to him at the above rate.
All automobiles operated under such license shall carry the
license plate required by Section 886 of this chapter.
SECTION 2. This ordinance sh 1 t ke e eot uporits first
publication. i V /
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, July 12
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