91 of 1950 - Amending Section 509, re: licensing sale of beer. - . ROLL CALL AUli z9 195U • VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195 Affleck / r I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . .. . I Lingenfelter � (/ Romney . . . . Mr. Chairman . . L V i A RDI/NANCE Result I i I AN ORDINANCE AMENDI G SECTL 509 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Uta , 1944, relating to the licensing of the sale et beer. Be it/ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 509 of the Revised Ordin- ance of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as,amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on.Pebruary 9, 1949 and June 2, 1949, relating to the licehsingof the sale of beer, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 509. FEES AND NUMBER OF LICENSES. Applica- tions provided for in this chapter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter provided, which fee shall be deposited in the CZ- l '.' City Treasury if the license is granted, and returned to the applicant if denied. For Class "A" retail license per annum $50.00, or any part thereof. For Class "B" retail license per annum $200.00, or any part thereof. For Class "C" retail license per annum $400.00, or any part thereof. For Class "D" retail license $400.00 per annum, or any part thereof, and shall be issued only where the primary or main business is that of selling.beer in bottles for consumption on the premises. For "Seasonal" license at the rate of $50.00 per month for the season or period for which it is issued. For "Club" license at the rate of $200.00 per annum. ` 91 All licenses issued hereinafter shall expire on the 1st day of July of each year, and shall be issued for one year, except "Seasonal" licenses, which shall be issued for any number of days determined by the Board of Commissioners. Provided, however, that the number of Class "C" re- tail licenses issued shall not exceed one hundred in any one licen e year; provided further, however, that the number of Class "C" retail licenses now issued and outstanding may remain in good standing and be re-issued to the present licensees as provided by law until revoked or terminated for any reason whatsoever, but in no event shall any new Class "C" retail licenses be issued except, renewals as above provided, until the issued Class "C" retail licenses outstanding total less than one hundred in number, at which time new Class "C" retail licenses may be issued but the said new licenses issued shall not increase the total number of all issued Class "C" retail licenses in excess of one hundred in any license year; and Provided, however, that the number of Class "D" retail licenses issued shall not exceed fifteen in any one license year; provided further, however, that the number of Class "D" retail licenses now issued and outstanding may remain in good standing <nd be re-issued to the present licensees as provided by law until evoked or terminated for any reason whatsoever, but in no event hall any new Class "D" retail licenses be issued except renewals -s above provided until the issued Class "D" retail licenses .utstanding total less than fifteen in number, at which time new 'lass "D" retail licenses may be issued, but the said new licenses .ssued shall not increase the total number of all issued Class D" retail licenses in excess of fifteen in any license year; and Further provided that if at any time during the license •eriod the nature and character of the licensed premises shall hange from being primarily and principally an eating establish- ent to that of being primarily and principally an establishment for the selling and dispensing of beer under the provisions and limitations of a Class "B" retail license the said license shall t such date terminate and be considered revoked and it shall be unlawful for the licensees to carry on or conduct such business from the date of such change. SECTION 2. Provided, however, that any licensee who sells his place of business, the purchaser thereof may be granted a license to operate the business providing that he has complied with the requirements and possesses the qualifications specified by the Board of City Commissioners. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health, and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. VS Passed the Bo d of Comm o ,rs o It Lake City, "± Utah, this p2 y d'ofa , 19$Oi yd X��vl� 1 • City Record. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 r 88 County of Salt Lake D,. M. OCKEY Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement .Eln._0x'.dioance Bill No. 91 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the day of A.D.19 and was published on August 31, 1950 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of At' A.D.19 < Advertising Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 1st day of ..S.aBzamhar A.D.19._SD. Notary Pu c Legal, Noires AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ING SEC- TION 509 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1994, re- lating to the licensing of the sale of beer. Be 1, Ordained by thy Hoard of Cornmisslansrs of Sall Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 509 of the Revised Ordinance of salt Lake City, Utah, 1999. as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 9, 1949 and June 2, 1999, relating to the licensing Of the sale of beer,be and the se is hereby amended to read �[II SC.el 5O9lr as"SEEC. FEES AND NUMBER OF LICENSES.Applleatlons provided for In this chapter shall ha accom- panied the tr lshOl0lil hereinafter deposited in the City Treasury if the license Is granted,and returned to the appli- •cart if denied. For Class " retail license per 00m.$50.00,or any part:hereof. Nor Class retail license per an ,or m$200.0 any part thereof. For Class "C" retail 1 e per annu rt''0.ar.Rny part!1thercof. Or Class"D"stall Inc ease of.and Per 1 any part rerthe,and shall be Issued Oniy where the Pri- mary o nnairr' o i m IPesuw Is that of gins liver Inns s`foe consump- tion en e'�'a For"Seasoner'Ileenae at the rate of 150.00.per month for the iseasun or period for which It is Issued. For"Club" license It the rate of 42100.00 per...no- All a n. All licenses issued hereinafter shall expire on the lot day of July Of a and shall be issued for one fl rI,ri except"Seasonal''licenses, which shall he lssll0d'for env number of d s determined'by the Board of Commissioners. Provided,boweve0, that the num- ber 0 Class"C"detail licensed is. ued snail not crowd n c hundred t a e license year: Prevlded further,however,that Die number of Clan "C" tall licenses n v issued and outstanding may remain in wood standing and be re-Issued to the Present licensees as provided by law •until re voked or terminated for any reason whatsoev0r,but In n event 'shall Class "C"u retail licenses be Issued a cep!, rn watt as above provided, until the Issued Class"C"retail licenses outstanding total less than one hundred in n"di ber. at which time new CDs( CC, retail licenses may by Issued-bpi dN ' Rea, licenses Issued shall.net increase the total number ill Ali 1s- u,1 Class"C"retell Ilef In e Of one hundred In c any license Yea,Provided. however, that ths n bar of class"D". retail cense 1s- Red oh,'not exceed eed fifteen in any one yes, license yea provided fnrt-her, however, that the number of Class 'ITovbe retail licenses n issued and nutstendine remain in good e standing and he ptOotsd to the present licensees As l provided by law until re voked o terminated for any reason ut whatsoever, b in shall any new Class "O" retail eve in lf[ cenced lie mud except renewals a above provided until the Issued Class "13"retail licenses outstanding total less than fifteen In number t,I s a which e Dine new Class 'D" retail at may Be issued.but Moe said new - issued.shall not t the e fatal nn umbel'of all issued Class"Id" recall licenses 1n excess of fifteen In y license Year: her provided nthat if at any ttcoe time during the Incense period the nature and character of the licensed emises shall change from being primarily and principally an eating establishment to that of being pri- m arily and principally Rh estebllsh- ent for the selling anddlaptnsnng of beer tender the provisions and limitations of a Class"B"retail cense the sold license shall at such date terminate a d be considered revoked and ll shall he unlawful for the licensees to carry on or eon- duct suc.11 business from the date of such change.. SECTION 2. Provided, however that any Becnhee who sells his place of business, the purchaser iherenf may be granted a license to operate the business provld lag that he has omplled with the renulreinents and possesses the....rant/cations speclfled by the Board of City Commissioners. SECTION 3.In the opinion of the Board tlf Commissioners, 1t 1.s nec- essary 10 the peace,health,and safe- ty Of the Inhabitants n1 Salt Lake city that thin Ordinance beeenme ef- fective Immediately, SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect Upon Its first Pi publication.by the Hoard of Conunls- N of hail .Lake Olt,boat.Calk 29tp day of August,A.D.195n, EARL J.GLADE ,liken efts,2ccndo. .mhlIdled my st.-I1. Jpan. -�