91 of 1960 - Vacating property being East 8.0 feet and the West 8.0 feet of Pueblo Street between 6th South Stree ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utz{„./ J__tJ O ,196 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison . . . Piercey Romney Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . I_ AN ORDINANCE VACATING certain property being East 8.0 feet and the West 8.0 feet of Pueblo Street between 6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue. WHEREAS, the petition has been received by the Board of Commissioners with less than 100% of all abutting property owners signing said petition and requesting for the vacation of the property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners on the 20th day of June, 1960, a conducted a public hearing upon such vacation and heard from all interested CO CO R 0 40,,parties in this matter; and z • . WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is satisfied that there Is good 4")m o cause for such vacation; that such vacation will not be detrimental to the of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City general interest/ and that it should be made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt bfl Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That that certain property being East 8.0 feet and the I West 8.0 feet of Pueblo Streed between 6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is,vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way: East 8.0 feet of Pueblo Street Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 , Block 3, Blaine Subdivision, a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence West 8.0 feet; thence North 404.6 feet; thence East 8.0 feet, to the Northwest corner of Lot 16, of aforesaid of Block 3; thence South 404.6 feet to the point of beginning. West 8.0 feet of Pueblo Street Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Blaine Subdivision, a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 1 South, Range I West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence North 404.6 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 18, of aforesaid Block 2; thence East 8.0 feet; thence South 404.6 feet; thence West 8.0 feet to the point of beginning. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of ail public utilities of any and every description now 91 -2- located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or re- routing said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective Immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of July, 1960. / �� Mayor C o r ��Je' ( S E A L BILL NO. 91 of 1960 'ubl±slied July 29, 1960 91 STATE OF UTAH, }ss. City and County of Salt Lake,• I Bessie N. Judges, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance vacating_.certai.n._praper-t--y---being---bast--•8-:-0-feet`-a'n-a--'the Kest 8.0 feet of Pueblo Street between 6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue's • passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 14th, 1960 41 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 11th y day'af August, 1960 ¢ (SEAL) ' BILL N-13. .91. of"1960.1 De pity )City Recorder .?. Pu6lished.. July 29,1960 pcysx /t4/S/ S: ;'v' 1',l9s • , / ,4 o SS( 4 / fin., . 9/ `2? IJ „, 1731032 BOOK1733 F� F13`� . 4.. AN ORDINANCE ,7 AN ORDINANCE VACATING ,; O certainproperty being east 8.0 Win/ et an he west 8.0 feet of Pueblo Street bween 6th Souh .�. Street and Arapahoe Avenue. .5 t WHEREAS, the petition has \\ m been mts ceived byitthe lBoard han �U O G aD l00 aof palls abutting less than .+. signing said petition d requesting for thevacation of the i fit,, property hereinafer described; ` pt!`” .9, nWHEREAS,the Board of Corn- 'L. � 1--,' JIssioners onthe 20th doe f Z� une, 1960, conducted a public % a. �a' hearing upon such va atian and to bpQ heard from al interested paries J,, r z m this matter; hd U N�3 . WHEREAS,the Board f Com 1sIssloners is satisfied that there good cause for such vacation: 11 A C.N in v that suc vacation will not be j I ry �.!et) detrimental to, the general in- I ,i r4 V�9 tercet it the inhabitants n Sbe Lake City antl that tt should be 'VOW,THEREFORE,BE IT OR- S',' `su'n ``\\ DAINEIe by the Board f Ct - 1 \I . f Salt Lake City,Utah: 1 moperty N 1. That that rand i theopµ to 8.0 a east 8.0 feet antl t:, I i k/ west fth feet sf Pueblo Street {P'r. between Bmh South d Arapahoe Avenue, particularly the (r i� re follows, be, and the hereby Is, vacated u and de- clared G f tonoulonger to e�ptablc p➢ 'C allee o ➢edestrse as ian y:avenue. E st 8.0 feet of Pueblo Street Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 1,Block 3.Blaine Sivision,a part of the South- Qust Quarter of the Southeast arter of Section 3,Township I South, Range I West, Salt Lake Base end Meridian:thence 'ate t 8.0 feet:thence o lh 404.E -thence east 8.0 feet,to the northwest Block 3;othence Isouthf 404.6 feet to the point of be. West 8 0 feet of Pueblo Street Beginning at the southeast Subdof Lot 1,Block 2,Blaine ivision,a part of the South- east Quarter of the Southeast 1 South. Ranged nl 3•W Township Salt Lake Base and Meridian;thence eorth 404.6 feet to the n rth- ast corner of Lot 18.of afore- said Block 2; thence east 8.0 thence thence 8.0 feet to0the point of beginning • Said vacation is made expressly sublect to all existing rights of utilitiestl ofasa ntasn do every bde. cription now located in, on. der orr the confines of the also subdescribed ect to the rights property; entry thereon for the ateringo re- routing said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,it is necessary to the peace,health and saty of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordl- e become effective lmmedi- Y. atO SECTION 3. This ordinance isBrat shall take effect upon ts first publication. e the Board of Corn. Issloners of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 14th 0,y BRACKEN LEaEEy. HERMAN J.HOGENSEN?r (SEAL) City Recorder, BILL NO.9I of 1960 Published July 29,1960 (BB) 9/ ADM.99A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D N Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 91 of 1960 t39 An Ordinance vacating certain property being E 8.4 Ft and the W 8.0 Ft of Pueblo street. was published in said newspaper on duly 29, 1960 Legal Advertising Clerk- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of August A.D. 19 60 Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov. g5,. 196_1. 91 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING certain property being east 8.0 feet and the est 8,0 feet of Pueblo Street between eth South Street and Arapahoe Avenue., WHEREAS, the petition has been received be the Board ofe --- C with less than r Lego!Notices 100 f all abutting 6 property 0 signing 'd petition d - -requesting for lb ton f the t 8.0 f tth north 404 B property hereinafter described; f the 'cast 8.0 feet, 1%to% an .ward ockr, WHEREAS,the Board f Cem. a`o'' e Block e. .hence n)of the 20th of of e'Ghh6 fort .n the point of be- June, 19G0,o conducted a public X) hearing uponsuch vacatian and oRe 8-0 rear at pueblo street Arkin nc heard from all 1n Ecr'estetl Carper co ]• of t.Rthe ai rheas[ in WtdEl0EA S,r the Board of Corn- e_aTdivl sire,e partile Se Sroluhe mlasloners i satisfied that there a' @"•niter f fife 6pirgs7t nuarter t Section a,Township good cause tot- such vacation; 3 outh, Rnner 1 tV=.st. Salt tha such uv cation will n t be I Lake Rase d Melidtan:thruce detrimental to the general nett; 4046 t the r terest f the Inhabitants o Salt n ,)� a.l f;!,hence of t£.0 Lake of and that It should be feet comer 2;south 4 .f et:made feet thence. et a the Seen;NOW THEREFORE,the HF,IT OR- hence west 8.fsi Sect le the point DAINEIS by the Board of Com f d eoroling. m SECTION fISalt Lake Ciithay.Utah: s,ThiSaid v _ ade e property being cast 0.0 feet roodin vas'ald�a a)fn r0 a'ua "c cliNi.f the between[8.0 feet 6th Southf Pueblo Arapahoe utilities crass enasnd ell nubler Avenue, more nartieulaeln do derv,.en ')r now located in,'on scribed n follows, be, and the aboe rieaeriped confines et the clarrhereby is vacated and de- Iso subject to ptg pert!; d ed no longer to be public prop thereon for the healtrc refs o1 antry erty£ -. ,a stret, avenu d utilities alleypedestrian neap: th d of East 8.0 feet f Pueblo Street B oned R 1 th • Beginning t the s vthweat th A I ( .eel f f t 1,Hlocic 3 Rlarnc t tl y ) t l S bdi- a part f the South 1 t- a tl h b t '�h d east Quarter of the Southeast n k t- e h eyth {ht°fo$It Quarter of Section 3,Township re'tce become CHeehva nrmetl�- 1 South. Rance 1 West, Salt SI,f'(0N Lake Base testnd Mencodianth hence , -h r,,'t lake covet Tern ordinance 1 t th ee rust B 0 feet.to the Publication 1, east rth t ore of Lot 16, f pd d iu the Board f [ -es bcorne3;thence rIS -tb 14 h daV,fitJlll city,Vtsh, 4046 S •t to the point of be 1980 Kinnl p,. 1.BRACKEN1;1.. Wheat inn feet of Pueblo Street HERMAN J.}IOGEN'ENr Beginning at the southeast �t (SEAL) City Fecorder, of Lot I,Block 2,Blaine 1•➢ILL T, 81 Pi[980 Subdivision,a part)f the South- 1 Pnbll rhed.tu l.t IS,1980 (R-31 at Quarter of the. Southeast 11 South. Rancoon1 h.Tot.nSalt neeth 40A.6 feed to rthe th itth, east c of Lot 18,of afore- said Block 2: thence cast 8.0 fret; thence south 404.6 feet: thence west 8.0 feet to the point of beginning subject vacation a allln edlstingr rightsssof uY and easements f all public tilitie-s of any d every de- scription snowtlloocatedL lu,us.of un- the der described confines and also subject to the rights of ery hereon for the aterh,g o thgang said wuitiea and ail of em the Booed of Commissione so It is n to the peace.health d necessary rf the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, totah, that this oidt. become effective tmmedi- aieiey �lllC ishp 3. This ordinance shell hike effect upon Its first Publication. Pawed by the Board of . issi his of Salt July, CII%Utah. this lath day of JCK k,, J.BRACKEN LCEo HERMAN J.HOGENSSEN,r. (SEAL) City Recorder. HILL NO,91 of 1900 Published July 29,1960 0B'8i