92 of 1909 - Ordinance 92 of 1909 – Repealing levy on Paving Extension No. 18. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance repealing an ordinance levying a tax upon the prop-
erty abutting on both sides of State Street from the south side of
North Temple Street to the south side of Seoond North Street; on bet•
sides of First North Street from the east aide of East Temple Street
to the center of State Street; on both sides of West Canyon Street
from, the center of State/ititet to the south side of Seoond North
.� Street;_.and on both sides of Hillside Avenue from the mast side of
State Street to the west side of West Canyon Street, in. Paving Dis-
trict No. 22, for the purpose of providing for the grading, gutterin
and curbing, and paving thereof, passed by the City Council Septembe
17, 1906;'and approved by the Mayor September 18, 1906; also repealing
an ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property in the abov
district, passed by the City Council October 29, 1906, and approved
by the Mayor Ootober 30, 1906.
SECTION 1. That an ordinance levying a tax upon the property
abutting on both sides of State Street from the south side of North
Temple Street to the south Sidi of Second North Street; on both side
of First North Street from the east side of East Temple Street to th
center of State Street; on both sides of West Canyon Street from the
center of State Street to the south side of Second North Street; and
on both sides of Hillside Avenue from the east side of State Street
to the west side of West Canyon Street , in Paving District No. 22,
for the purpose of providing for the grading, guttering and curbing,
and paving thereof, passed by the City Council September 17, 1906, a d
approved by the Mayor September 18, 1906, be, and the same is hereby
. SECTION 2. That an ordinance confirming the assessment upon th
property described in Section 1 of this ordinance, passed by the Cit.
Council October 29, 1906, and approved by the Mayor October 30, 1906
be, and the same is hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect-upon approval.
-- Salt.
P, r�.,ed 1) the Cit,r Coun.c1 l ofSalt -.bale OM-, tJ ., J117 7- 6 c ,
1900, mi+ rei e red to the ?aayorr -"or his -:;rP o V. .
_f +'Y
4- , vecl. 'tlli,y /� day of July, 1909.
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