92 of 1947 - Vacating alley west 125 feet from 13th West Street between 6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue and VOTING AYE NAY .
Salt Lake City, Utah,. h''.��!1 ^= 1J67 , 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . . .:'
Mr.Chairman . .
1W ORDINA4Ca kthATn-G alley test 125 feet from 13th
V,''est Street, beta,een 6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue and
- alley beginning vest 140 feet fray: 13th rest Street (midway
between 6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue) and running thence
vest to the. Test line of Lot 5, Uloc'h 25, Jordan Place in Salt
Lake City, Utah-
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That alley vest 125 feet from 13th Vest
Street, between 6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue and alley
beginning vest 140 feet from; 13th West Street (midway between
6th South Street and Arapahoe Avenue) and running thence west
to the west line of Lot 5, Block 25, Jordan Place in Salt Lake
City, Utah, more particularly described as follows:
heginn.inr; at the southTest corner of Lot 1, Block
25, Joida:t Place, a subdivision of part of Sections 2
and 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 Utz., SLbc2ir1, thence north 4Og.6 ft.,
thence west 15.0 ft., thence south 190.3 ft., thence
west 07.0 ft., thence south 24.0 ft., thence east i7.0
ft., thence south 190.3 ft., thence east 15.0 ft. to
the place of beginning.
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly ;subject to all existing
rights of Tay and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, under or over the confines
of the above described property and also subject to the right of
entr;, thereon for tic ;br,,ose of ins ,ectinr, maintaining,tai'nir_g, repair-
in , r°Elating, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities
and all of then. 92
SECTILUN "' in the o,,inion of the Boar, of Coin.-issioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health, and safety of the inhabitant
of Salt Lake City that nils or&iuhnce shall becon.e effactive
2WT1ON 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication
Passed by the Board of Conn::issioners of Salt tah:e City,
Utah, this day of , A. D.- l947.
% Mayor
Ci Ly yiecordor
Z " 14 f;
to W P
`II , 4.�/
L. a �j
M ley west 125 feet from 13th West
St., between 6th South Street and
U' in-
LAJ , , ning sheet 140nue and feet from alley 13thb West
D M, { Street (midway between 6th South
I� f,' '!I Street and Arapahoe Avenue) and
i running thence west to the west
I� Y line f Lot 5, Block 25, Jordan
Place of
Salt Lake City,Utah.
SV I Be it ordained by the Board of
- Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
m Utah:
SECTION 1. That alley west 125
fn - feet from 13th West Street, be-
tween 6th South Street and Arapa-
50 hoe Avenue and alley beginning
west 140 feet from 13th West Street_
r idwal between 6th South Street
and Arapahoe Avenue)and running
W. 5hence Block ast 25, in
to Jordan westthe line of Salt
k' Lake City,Utah, more particularly
. described s follows:r
Beginning at the southwest e
w� of Lot l, Block 25, Jordan
j\ Place,a subdivision of part of Sec-
lions 2 and 3, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.,
an SLB&M, thence north 904.6 ft.,
. thence west 15,0 ft..,thence so th
r 19en fs., thence est nce ft„U thence uth 24.0 ou, thence e t.,
tth0Leh15efoh9a0.3 frby acated and declared no longer
to be public property for e s a
street, avenue alley or pedestrian
Said v cation is made expressly
Q subject to all existigg rights of way
Al d e sements f ll public utili-of any lcary the onfines of the above described
property a d l+o subject to the
right f entry thereon for the pur-
pose of inspecting,maintaining,re-
pairing, replacing, removing, alter
logfirerouting said utilities and
0 'f' ,�all of them.
'A7'� i ,:' ` SECTION 0 In the opinion f
^/ , 0) �� \necessary
ece sarydto f the op ace,health,)and
07 safety of thet Inhabitants of Salt
M j* •\ becomeSECT effective
ct veimmediately.iana shall
\ take effect upon itss first publica-
p lion.
Passed by the Board of Commis.
.7.1 / ...._'t Toners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this4th day of November, A. D.
(SEAL) City Recorder.
N Published November 7th, 1947.
City and County of Salt Lake, ,
I, Frank A. Shields, _Deputy_, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating alley west 125 feet from 13th ;'lest St, between
6th South St, and Arapahoe Avenue and alley beginning wen 140--feet
from 13th West Street (midway between 6th South Street and Arapahoe
Avenue) afrd -Tanning thence west 'to the west Tine of Lot- 5-,i3Iock--2-5;
Jordan Place in Salt Lake City, Utah."
November 4th 1947
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, �
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
2d December 1947 P.ffx
of said City, thi -} day of _ '
(SEAL) '
BILL NO.. 92 hief Deputy City Rec der.
Published _ November Zt1i, *$$x_-1947
� . ;ii'\
Affidavit of Publication
IeANeORD3N 1stEtromC13tk West
between 6th South Street and.
feg west 140n feet ue afrOm nd alley
Street (midway between nth So!iEh _ _
9s e £nd P.rape ae.Arenne) enM D 0 ekey
running thence went to Dieurdan
lineof Lot 5. Block 25,
Place n salt Lake pity,Utah. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Be it ordained by the Utah.
- Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION,1. That alley wee`125 vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
feet from outh West Street, be-
tween nth South Street.and Arapa-
hoe Avenue and alley heg+nning published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
wesL 140-feet from 13th West Serest
rmidwa} between.nth south Street
• th n Arapahoe•we o the uel tali running
of Utah.
S, Block 25. Jordan west.
fti Salt.
Lake City, Utah,•more part
described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest
r f Lot l Block 25, Jorcdan That the advertisement
Place,a.allildiviSion of part of See-
' lions 2 and 3. T. 1 S„ R. 1 ,.,
thenceSLd'weatelSA north
h Ordinance bill No 92
190.3 ft.. thence'west 87.0 ft.,
thence south 24,0 fl,..'thence east
then n e thence south 19 n.thence f Salt rake City Corporation
beginnings be and.the o place
mthe hehere-
by vacated and declared no longer
to be public property for
street, a slue, or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expreesly
sublect to all existing rights of way
d easements I all public, Mil, •
time f any and eye y description was published in said newspaper in its issue dated the
w of , n under over r ,
the confines Of.the'aove described
shod Alsoi eaAblect to the pm-the
right o day of A.D. 19
Pose of sentry log,maintaining. -
ingring, replacing,
said utilities Ite
all f reroutingemand and was published Nov 7 1947
• SECTION 2, In the opinion f
the.Stoard of Commissioners,.It Is
nary•to the peace;health,and
Lake of the thisordinance
ce Salt the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Lake City that this sn of,shalt
become effective immediately.
SECTION 3, This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publics•
Non. day of f{, A.D. 19
Passed by the Board of Commie-
sinners of Salt Lake City, Utah, ji j/
this 4th.day of November, L li L
i"" r. altvN eoraer. Advertising Cler
Published November 7thi 1047,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of
Nov A.D.19 47
Notary Publ'