92 of 1965 - Amending Section 49.123, 49.124 and 49.126 to the Uniform Building Code Standard No. 41-1-64, as con VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, September 28 196 5 Christensen I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catruil Harrison St/18W. HALLEY, - 3' {i�f� ✓:'/(." i,iij 7i,. Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . J . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 49.123, subparagraph 6 of subsection (a) of section 49.124, and section 49.126, of the new subsections added to the Uniform Building Code Standard No. 49-1-64 as contained in the Uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition Volume III, added by Sec. 5-1-10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by Bill No. 51 of 1965, all relating to mechanical refrigeration and air conditioning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sec. 49.123, subparagraph 6 of subsection (a) of section 49.124 and section 49.126, of the new subsections added to the Uniform Building Code Standard No. 49-1-64 as contained in the Uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition Volume III, added by Sec. 5-1-10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by Bill No. 51 of 1965, all relating to mechanical refrigeration and air conditioning, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 49.123. Application for inspection required. An appli- cation for inspection shall be required before the installation operation or use of any equipment for an air conditioning system or refrigeration system which, when in conjunction with all other equipment in the same system, constitutes a total system capacity of greater than 11/2 tons per hour and which requires a supply of water from the public water system. "Sec. 49.124. Application for inspection. (a) * * * "6. Manufacturer's rating of maximum refrigerative capacity of the unit or units under the conditions of the planned installa- tion. (Rating may be stated in tons per hour or BTU per hour.) "* * * "Sec. 49.126. Equipment required. All systems having total capacities exceeding 11/2 tons per hour shall be equipped with evaporative condensers, cooling towers, spray ponds or other approved water conservation equipment. ' -4- SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 28th this day of September j96 5, 2 Mayor brtl Cityerp (S E A L) BILL NO. 92 of 1965 Published October 1, 1965 92 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D 1,; Ockey AN ORDINANCE Ica AN D0.01NANCE AMENDING �t n niaT°lt fiN h i91$i dnd'dil 6l Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising E}obit'5, erm BUIItl Ina IC ae akd a"I ydar N,.49A64 d..pralned In: a. clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- �(;"le.� ntl$paal eCY e' !.6:5-Mti,ik7{ IGR language, daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- Vera:flop ma a¢co al&r?inlgI r"_I Salt Lake City, Salth gLakel circulation in Utah,County, in the State of and publishedin Be II orda neo br the in,rd , th C missloners of Salt Lake DirV, U`CTION 1.That Sec 49.12p,sub- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto LTio 6 of S at Se on 9.1 Osseo-49.12a and IIPn 49.26, f:Me noewmA IiairI99Pcoeed°siendrdbnppa .I Salt coke Hit`r Li11 No 92 of 1965. 1-69 a lalned In the Unliu to �" Bullpingg Ft'1964 Etllllon Volume Ill,atltletl by Sec.d-I-lo of the Rc Ylsea ordmanaea of salt Laka cur, An Ordinance relating, to rnochanical mr,elg9rc n Boning,l b friar a•Nonl 'fen it nEareni a de Tod the eINa hereUY re,amentled raed f5Irns`49.,2a. Application for e. ref'riger:;ti.on and. ui r corr?it loping. Pecrlon .1231 AP. An app torsion In ectlon hall be re ui d lf- tore the Installation peratioN 9r f} . o�DSe f am equipment for an kilt CCOndll rs'ino µYlStem refrigA�, 'ton sYstew Icnoo oh'e I luncfton with all Cher equ�pmenf.� the s e s0sfemr con Nfules . rotael FET's caVacJv oaf grey lea 1 1PP n lss tons r hour hiGhE 0qulres p m I the Pabllc 'opPlYs tem aler fro Sec. 49.12d. AanIicaton for la' 1965. {p�' apenfmn.fat • .. i Octo:,er i. a Manufacturer's ref.. t� was published in said newspaper on. maximum cevn,n nba c aao the ,Unit unps u der the rmes me mooedinstallation,� hr ling ai�i oer'noue Iona Phr+ o secr19126.EgI0Pmenn requlred..l - All s tems having total capacities • beeeedinoeOwan S i'th'veepora file shalt, ponds or other pot ed wafer a on� sign gUlPment, ( cC c SECTION],In the opinion P the' � Aeerd M Con misslonars of Salt Lakn cl a Is ecea:art m me peace ,Legal Advertising Clerk Ot Sol nd e d lve or me hala+anra bf Salt Lake Clty that this ordinance eSeCT eflective immedlttenof 1 take effxt uponT Ills lint pub'Ica tion� Passed by Inn board of Commis ',I s r Salt Lake C11Y.U+ah,thla )e,28f11aGay of Sep BRACKEN N LEE, J.BRACKEN L or A - NERMAN J. NOGENe BI A c1 Clry Recorder l,.th Bubb he.e of 1968 day of Su. Published October 1,tgb8 (Adsi Tore me this October A.D. 19 65 • Notary Public My Commission Ex i s Itov 5 Ip5. 'f12