92 of 1971 - Vacating a portion of Bothwell Street between 5th South Street and the former north bank of the Jord NULL CALL
October 7 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah ,197..._...
Barker . . .
Catmull . . ✓ I move that the Ordinance be pas Ed. //f /'
Harrison . .(*.Chairman 7 as°a
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Bothwell Street between 5th
South and the former North bank of the Jordan River.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That a portion of Bothwell Street between 5th South
and the former North Bank of the Jordan River, more particularly
described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared
no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or
pedestrian way:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 22, Block 5,
City Park Subdivision, a subdivision of part of the
southwest quarter of Section 2, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake •7i. 0
Base and Meridian and running thence south 644 feet,
more or less, to the southeast corner of Lot 1, said
Block 5; thence northeasterly along the former north
bank of the Jordan River to the southwest corner of
Lot 4, Block 4, said subdivision; thence north 596 feet,
more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 20 of said
Block 4; thence west 66.0 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 0.940 acres.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of
way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description
now located on, in, under or over the confines of the above described
property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the
purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing, removing or
rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 7th day of October, 1971.
/f• . �/e• L
e/ y� Mayor
\ CyL,'�A7 ' t eer
BILL NO. 92 of 1971
Published October 13, 1971
(A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 11/1/71 for recording in the office of the County
Recorder.) 92
:, `,i
portion ORDINANCEof Bothwe Street etweeG n
c s 5th South and the former North Bank
t\`' f the Jordan River.
Be it ordained by the Board of
`{�\ \`„, Commissioners f Salt Lake City.
',neeBothwelil Street between 51h tioSevth
and the former North Bank of the
ollows be,and uthel sa me
�� �' hereby Is,vacated and declared ro
trian street,be apenic pro erfoo for se
\! Irian w avenue,alley r pedes-
Beginning at the northeast corne
of Lot 22, Block 5, City Park Sub.
division, bdivisron f part of the
souIhvnntt quarter of Section 2,TIS, CS)RIW,Salt Lake ease and Meridian tl
.1Z- and running thence south 6,14 feet,
� more i to the southeast corner
Lt , Said Block 5; W
northeasterly along the former north C+bank of he Jordan River to the
Southwest corner
of Lot 4,Block 4, H.
said subdivision; thence north 596
feet,me or less,to the northwest IND
' of Lot 20 of said Block 41
`� thence west 66.0 feet to the point o1
�` bC inga Contains 0.940 ec e. La.
> Subledl Sfo oon oex'Ifinq aayehts`oi essayrn
and easements of s all public utilities
ttt f nySe and every description
I'l located o under se r now
�!'\a\ nlines 1 We above described rights
e ty, and also subject to the
of entry tereon for the purpose of µ
pmaintaining, altering, repairing, r
lacing, removing orouting said
utilities and°all of m m.
Passed by the Board of Commis.
11h day off o Salt Ocfobe Lakel97l. Utah,this
. City
BILL NO 92 f 1971
U 'i I Published October 3.1971 (B-97t
NOV 1- 197f *�. o p
Recorded...._..... .FI,1. ,;_ C:I7t .3;_._t c
2418550 Request of ' _ —...--
STATE OF UTAH, ry�7Recorder,Salt Lake u y tag /
ghE By /� ueyurp ✓ �• (yam
SS. Re. 1—vg.3 — 3 3 ,,4 (n `YI.JA.. i` �City and County of Salt Lake, -- ,/,_ 3 zo— .2.i-to ay ,..-
Herman J. Hogensen
I, _._ _.__.. .... , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN
ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Bothwell Street between 5th South and the former
,` north bank of the Jordan River.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, October 7 19F 71
as appears of record in my office. g
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Q
City,this 1st dayf:�... ._ { b_er 19g 71.
ty 1�
(SEAL) y ..... _.,.. ...r� '.
I. City Recorder Cj
realy e4 , October 13 log 71
wPiBILL NO. 92 of 1971 `r,,'if YE o4
Affidavit of Publication
Jr ss.
County of Salt Lake
Bo t _))11*12s
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
I AN ORDINANCE"VVACATINU a using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
'pprnpn r aomwcu sneer nervre¢n
I'af IheuJordun 1geVformel North Bank uue111.spaper' printed in the English language with general cir'-
'ICanmIssia ordained eof bSali"el.ake city, culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
'and Street between t I. South County,in the State of Utah.
the former North Bank of the
ordan Rsvar,mar oarilci I's de-
hereby (vacated°and declared". That the legal notice ofwhichattached hereto
tpnp.¢Ybs'b¢apsublk preppen4 mr •s F, a copy is
street, enue,alley or pedel•
��an way:
Bcwmmng the t ,theasr wrn :1'rt Ordi_;angC ,t'ac,-Gi.l_ig rr ti i o r i; ylr 11 i
ar Let u subeh s,cif park soot — — - - - � � .01 4v' ]:-.__`1�lS�S:_
ims�on,a subdwis�on f nart of Mg
tnvc,t etarrer m Sccllon o'ns,
RI W.Salr ake 8a;e o Mcrldran
and running thence seam d44 feet, _7iatucla'n_itti_South_ _ lea-£yr i�•_Ltey'ii,_}�a.;,1-'-� _,} .-
oi loss,m the spmneast co
•of Lot 1, sad Block 5: thence
rteorTe 'r'gG the former no Ih
bank of ( e of
Lott Aerd'ockrhp ,]Ol,•(�,•S.,cs L?l5)a
so M1 subdivision;
ub corner
,i reel,m re o oI ,to the norihwe9i of
of¢Lot 20 eoft aid Block o;
thence westr 66.0 feet to the point or
D¢Ba'atinpacalVofollss m;a�te ae ,e;
subject to all xlstlno rights xof say
and easements of ali public utilities
description n
Iocnacd n, In,,every
QS orl r the --' '"--
a Imes of 1ho above described prop-
erly,and Iso subject to the rights
of ntr4 thereon for the pt,pet.or Oct alntaminn. a(IermO, rep ,np was published in said newspaper on
'IMP.'n,r rernolnn4's.ria
o II IIs'e antl oa llnoof rihem.
Passed by the a ril a Ibis
siondas of Salt Lake City,Utah,Iris
)th day of October,. R1Cr1. "------------._-- -
BILL NO. of i9][
d U '"
Pubis-sheclober IS.19)I (B-t'3) � ,'\�
Legal'Advertisitg Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1. J,Jt _ day of
Octobor_-_-- A.D. 19_Wit_.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
b'ohruotr,y 1_2, I974