93 of 1905 - Ordinance 93 of 1905 – Franchise to Citizens Heating and Power Company to construct and operate a vend said 6t$am and hot water to the City ocSalt Lake and to its ihhabltants,14 form f ordinance granting slice permission and Itority is hereby duly blared on f e In e office f the City Cie k, accompanied by/(ia certified check for Two Hundred doll rs ($200.1A)-'nnyy inetee (19)copies'ref said tlydinanee,as is provided for in Sect' 268 of • the Revised Ontllnan of the City o',l xa1J loe,State of Utah._- AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance granting a franchise to the Citizens' Heating & Power Company, a corporation, the right to extend, construct, maintain and operate a steam or hot water power and heating system,or both,in the City of Salt Lake,and to vend said steam and hot water to the City of Salt Lake and its Inhabitants. RE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY: • ARTICLE.1. Consent,permission and/authority is hereby , n and granted unto and vested In the Citizens'Heating&Power Company,a corporati and hereinafter called the grantee,its successors and assigns, for a period of fifty (50) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance to construct,maintain and operate in,along,upon,over,across and through all the alleys ill aid city,and in,along,upon,over, and through the streets and other public or private places necessary for the distribution of steam or hot water,or both,for heating or power purposes,all the pipes,m e n,branches,cut-offs and n-holes needful for the successful operation of a steam or hot water heating and power system. ARTICLE 2. The grantee shall hold the City of Salt Lake free and harmless from liability for injury to any person or persons or to the property thereof, or to the property of any • mpany or orporation which may result from any action of the Heating&Power Com- pany, Before this ordinance shall be effective for any purpose,the grantee shall execute a bond to the City of Salt Lake in the sum of $25.000.00, with surety subject to the approval of the City Council,conditioned that the grantee shall and will hold the City of Salt Lake free and harmless from any liability for any injury. Such bond shall also provide that the grantee will well and truly perform all of the conditions impaled by this ordinance, and that it will at its own expense restore the streets and alleys to us good condition,as nearly as possible,as they were:n before they were disturbed by the Heating&Power Company. ARTICLE 3. The rights and privileges herein granted are subject at all times to such sanitary and police regulations as the duly constituted authorities of such city may deem just and proper in the present construction of such plant or in the future operation thereof. ARTICLE 4. The grantee shall be entitled to charge under this ordinance a )axinrum of Twenty- season Twenty- five cents(25c)per season for each square foot of radiation furnished by It and heated by hot water,lend Forty cents (40c) per s n per square foot of radiation furnished by it and heated by steam. The grantee may be privileged to furnish such steam heat to Its consume rs by meter measurement,in which event the rate charged by it for steam shall be as follows: One Dollar•and Fifty cents ($1.50) per thousand (1,000) pounds for the first four thousand (4,000) of condensation,and Fifty cents (50c) per thousand (1,000) pounds for u11 run densation over four thousand(4,000)pounds. Wherever a meter basis of charge is used a minimum charge of Five Dollars($5.00)per month will be made and no bill will be rendered for a less amount. In the event that any practicable method of measuring heat furnished by hot water Is used, then the company may charge the c s for heat furnished by a meter measurement,but such charges shall be based so that it shall not exceed Twenty-five cents per squarefoot of radiation per season for hot water heat // ARTICLE 5 (/ This franchise is expressly granted upon consideration that the grantee will,I+'Iti.i.. cti nyaten,-»i ,commenceand continue the work of c �.te structing its heating and power system and prosecute the same thereafter with reasonable 7�' diligence,unless prevented by unforeseen accidents,or unavoidable delays. ARTICLE 6. All work done by the grantee herein in the public streets,alleys or in other public or private places of the said city, shall be done subject to the inspection of the City • Engineer of Salt Lake City and the engineer of the grantee in this franchise, and it Is agreed that not more than one thousand (1,000) feet of continuous ditch he open at one time on any one street. ARTICLE 7. It is hereby set forth, agreed upon and made a part of this franchise that the Citizens'Heating&Power Company,a corporation,IlOW capitalized at'Iwo Thousand Five Hundred Dollars($2,500.00)under the laws of the State of Utah,shall increase Its capital stock to Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000),provided this franchise Is granted to the said months Heating h Power Company,and the said is ordin n capital shall be made within months after the passage and approval of this ordinance. ARTICLE 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force for a term of fifty (60)years,from and after its passage and approval,and must be accepted in writing by the grantee,and such acceptance filed with the City Recorder within sixty (60) days after Its passage by the City Council. AR'ITC LID fE It is further agreed upon and made a part of this franchise that the Citizens'Heatln &Power Company shall lay at least four miles of steam mains by the end of ars from and after the acceptance of this ordinance,or that part of this franchise which par- ticularly specifies this right or concession in this ordinance,or franchise,shall be0 by the Citizens'Heating&Power Company. ARTICLE 10. • It is also agreed upon and made a part of this franchise that the Citizens'Heating &Power Company shall lay eight miles of hot water mains by the end of and after the a ceptance of this ordinance,or that part of this franchise which particularly specifies this right or e n this ordinance,or franchise,shall be eunf�i�"(y Citizens'Heating&Power Comtpany. ARTICLE 11. As a consideration for the rights and privileges herein and hereby conferred, the grantee shall pay to the City of Salt Lake one per cent per annum of the gross receipts of the Citizens'Heating&Power Company. In order to determine the gross receipts,as herein contemplated,the grantee shall annually,within ten days prior to the date of the payment aforesaid,tender to the City of Salt Lake a statement duly verified under oath by the secretary of such company show- ' Ing the actual gross receipts of the grantee for the twelve months immediately preceding, and{in this m%/matter the books of the grantee shall be open to the Ins ectl f th tV44145 4,91/ Passed-by th*--City 'Council on 9elt-- ice--�4f€y,ti itr,Lei bamlr,g 18th,1905, and referred to the Mayor for his approval. • • QOr RiV order. Approved this / day of September.1905, /�i( • a '}l-moo 93 — — — . t . I !\-.1 8- , 2 ,'c4. m ,..-.,.., a, `• =90 td C/3 C''' : ,.• • 0 a • ..i.\\_^-:. F-/.) = 0. :, g I ''•• - 9 [ • . , 1 ........._,..001,-' fl 1 r).)11'8/9'T brt.e .e.oc:r_rtr,g.'