93 of 1957 - Ordinance 93 of 1957, Amending Subdivision ( h ) 1 of Item 3 of Section 25-8-1 of R.O. 1955, relat ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,. 17 195 VOTING I Aye I Nay 1 I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . . V Christensen ,Ittgggesko .EJ.LIS V Romney . . . � L AN ORDINANCE Mr.Chairman . Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Subdivision (h) 1 of Item 2 of Section 25- 8-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to compensation to be paid various appointed officers of the City in various departments thereof as amended by Bill No. 86 of 1957, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City November 17, 1957. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. SECTION I. That Subdivision (h) 1 of Item 2 of Section 25- 8-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to compensation to be paid various appointed officers of the City in various departments thereof as amended by Bill No. 86 of 1957, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City November 17, 1957, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "ITEM 2 (h) 1. LICENSE ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR $6,oUO.Oo" oa SECTION II. The foregoing salary shall be effective as of December 19, 1957. en rd SECTION III. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, w▪ o it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants o r"> ) of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. rn o o SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first z a publication. H ;S CO a PASSED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this 31st day of December, 1957. 611- YR E ( SE A L ) ��3 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAfH, ss. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, ctepo,es and says that he is legal odr,erti.sing clerk of the DESEI:ET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- AN OILDINANCN GRAM, a daily except .Sunda') newspaper pointed in, the Eng AN OD DIN ANIN AMENDING 1,:!DDloo u,l L of z �.[ lisb language with general circ;tlaiioa in '(Ita 1. and plrblisiierl in VX.r aL r u,;cm VX IJ 5 ,Salt Lake C'iltr, Safi Lolze Connty, in the Stale of Utah.•mlu '� rl,t II iL 17r; 'fir rill ' f ' La yn mrp IL ts c »M - That Elio 'emit notice o a copy is attachecl Tic reto L9� c c Salt Lake City Bill No 93 of 1957 i:, , a.,,,s,d oS, L f t k t�itry, Ut�li f'1'ION I. "'SL'a f iu"' "`ls�i���{� s. An Ordinance Amending Sub (h) of Item 2 ¶.i LY. Ftui���nohvlLtan��flicc^ebcfl file pie of Sec 25-8-1, relating to compensation - rrtl by'lilll`N�.d nr ifn57.11 �[ ��"' ed ny Go�ni»;n5 Dooers f Salt l.ukc C:4 i „;a to he raid various ap^o rated officers of the Is n hcrenv , ned to a bowrs: a frl'PM 2 ASISnLti,.'GYI•1S]SsOhOaNIli l AlbINe.D hO L10EC1NOLEL $6.0n,n'00. City. Tletivo o[ F.L PIoN III,]in7lhe 001111.of Eha t'''F o[(l,TO;en l 1l is fogy bf to I ItTp,,11f'W war: pr1blished in said netuspaper on January 3, 1958 ld,icc Pfec tihat IDis rdlmmec ba- cn9PCT,10N e!101 1 hs Ifn�i�cc ' shill txlci� effect u�o» ltrs tl�st n�nlic�itfn�r. f5 tLl l.'l. D itch thl Ii C I f A 194'' AD1L1 I �Y WAHT HN"MAN J.G GiNSPa 1,/jj ills N( f 11957 Published J:an :bd.195N. (A M) ... Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed anti sworn to before me this 6th day of January A . 1958 Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov-2-55--l961 Affidavit of Publication STATE OP UTAH, County of Salt Lake legat Notices D 14 Ockey AN(1It➢IN INOC --- AN OHiliq,.L I i VYING A TAx q fL[GI'I tlm"n11Tal-T l Beicg first duly sworn deco ses and soy:: that he is legol n ivertising To or theollmuof, l rderif of the DESERI''I ti I1VS AIN'T) SALT LAKE TIT,1 a t,a n d th tI[ =h GRAM, a daily with Sunday) newspaper printed in the r.nr7- til b r,otltI of!iph.un, utr ltiish lanra[cngo (I ith nernercl ce.ulution fa Utah, natd pirbh:hed to C sEcT[oN[ That the➢ d [ Salt Lake, Cite, Salt LaIic County in the Stole of UttZt. deFl [CIS It uL kd GI I vIde for the ass,,pnent'of l'Im 1same ntt srm.th n t tempi t to No iec [ The It p DI. That That the legal notice of which a copy Is attached hereto n vld tar for thi e'ynanone of tenancc ouc m�,,,dE.,�n° ��reulmr o[ lumen Salt Lake City Bill No 92 of 1957 ni,i,m i[<1 ct!?1 ai"nc the ert. ior,tq.�vit: etterav tLet c. Lots 6.7.8,9, 2�•'S A<,e Pin!Ad 1"i tiePs'1z� An Ordinance levying a tax for Lighting 1C, 14 d 17 0[ 13tock 'fill' Am'e Pln�t"A,Lnt.+n��ll Inl..➢Ik. - 7. Rant Street. 2 R<3.'Ilk. 7, Hei U.set.'fBlow,'ivrBi peke: District No 19—C. abuttNtt on the fa/toping streets.to-vit: stain 11 Str<et from 9th Sautn S G'eet to f4 ward Avenue ou Aveniest ride mm tsi Fremont n He va�t side II A,venue Ll<c e',,k iliih. LAW tau')) ovpli to d'V(he expense 'grnP:t�tc�c'tot the i , g f l m fi t .-I and furp,hIng f 9 lh 11 I t � t i Y 1 f t _ ;, WO,pnh1ishec1 ill said newspaper on January 3 1958 IN`,', ,auo°°'rum,, G:�ite.ic�,°Iel -tt h l d.t ie d I,I-I1-li I intt U.eswd i6•rihm by1 b b d t1 diht t..[IC ItI I f�I f t I ItF tt f /�-_ hp bdittth II i t tic '� t R 33t1 t.q, I th It I E - G (4 (t' .z- salft ] f i i 11 17°3 -(-- s7 aas ti°to [ t .''Legal Adr et using C'leriz 1, IV.OM I' there D t 32f 2,Afi I LI`�'1 xnid, os( ( hi n,ittii t t.cud t lele1c.:iicil,ri ctr l�lid thr lr ' to I put u.ri.olII `'t'f et cceo es0ol thcdit t•U(`rhg cod Ercc< above m n'd I I dsi<I. lurh is H;c L'''' abut- 6th r�= �tt�m�d ecei �..fre�,t,ee� d`el C11°darn to before me this clay of t°ai" ti'``d'`'teiwofa�7,' 58 e`". e [,.,ici i. let. I,itirooemourt a do- P,', to Llt:ht ','"`[nn'`'''a A.L. io I. octonm 2s. t°�7, --- T s tU ;'.1 1 i I I t ,et [T ih o] i ' �_,oned: Notary Public MMy Commission Expires Nov--25-r-1961._ ____ _ .. ..t.. IrRONTINII ON 1'I11.NEST SIPA ON MAIN STntoio'T Alt of Lots 7.8 Sr II,Sleek 22, fi Acre Plat Al the Nei th 21.1 it, f Lot 5;the.South_2541 ft. of Lot S,the.North 2511 1t.of, Let It,Smock 22, 5 Acre Plat A.. FRONTING ON THE FAST SIDE OF All ofN STREET 22; ef Lots 12,el &14.IIlote t,e 4-11 Incl.,IIT a,Rosin lit t I of 6ioelc 22;The o e; Sti4.1 ft. t of Lot tt.1 t f➢l S2S lc 22; hw t ,st of Lals l Slk. It Main .5tmct, of Blnrlc 22;All of 12-21 1ncl.. k 22]0, Acre Plat Street, of Block 21, 5 SECTION 2.That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as rtecl,al 1.rntl completed Review Rna tdrofroquay,dese n Rev of t o,Droner o desrrtled SReview ,t hl g tien I ne ilea ortlh,:vs Soft Lille Ci Dist.til No.191E of Solt Lalte Clty ftr ti_n , p se ofanthill, n - I inetyh for the installation is e tt,o afefiiin!t tles 't the nsassessments ,to hnrcbts made and returned inseid v n. Hl vfd o[Fla�: zoll o no(''tsReoicw t thePo Hot Commissioners f I Salt ake City on a hereby ratified, vod appro ,ma cfh med. SECTION to equal tat shall by shillnchtsn ten illt interest Yearly delinquent t installment aids at the rate of ten n entnn which interest shall abw m r rilead front and after the o Pate of each installment. to-wit o -te_Ile thereof f"lren fines tafter the ordinance lovvine tee ax for h payment of the ee.I t nt the cFEectlye. ...l eihcren[le y ar two year ereafte thereof in tier ea threee year thereafter; thereof three ea one-tenth leevnlnr; ' tliereit,Ch sviolentwaltt thereafter;I` thorcaers e-tenth thereo`enh_'- �1lcrcafte,a ane-lento h lbvernt years s thereafter; t ,e-truth,there-tn eher Years thereafter, one-tenth thereof thereafter; of such _ however,ea that p oaf such I r the wil in taxhe, 00000 h y.v oId I r the w-Inte sax, may he peed I f151dt hitter t within fifteen Without days after the date.tell oh- dlnanre becomesthe .� t effective. Default ' the entl of It e_silk;IO,to of the whole',inched fyfthei nail principal to become tine and n ya�btr eimmediately.and the whole nilit of F paid Ci'h,- nal taltmy 01 loot t animin of tl`r ratp-id ihn P time nut,dot,but al any tn,e cirrie the dote of sale or fore- wlDsm'e the o the tst iai,iec colts ii rite tltl,en raleI of ten itaot per deiinb,enrtdla.�. the rbollo thr,'e,pnon to paydo in in- theht ter ton t as if adcf,mlt had ant¢,�, lend ue snCTtoe 4. This ordinance Platt take effect one Ste after its fir:t publication. Passedby the Board of Cnm- br,sst 20ers this nst des of Doren,- 111. SORT.F.STEIVAST nfaynr 21flFn7AN S SOGFNSF.N Rcrnidwr P11.1. I kIGI NO.0l of h95'I ractltrlNc lvsTR a—r No. ,,i-C tlnv T'nl�livhr,l Jun..'irr1.Id,(, tA611 qa