93 of 1959 - Amending Title 5 of the R.O. 1955, relating to Building Code as amended by Bill No. 45 of 1959, pert Rec.10A 200 5->9 121'. /r/
„, , 195
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,-.�.��_ �'7�•••�
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . .
Christensen . .
Geurts. . . . V
Romney , .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, pertaining to the Building Code, as amended by
Bill No. 45 of 1959, pertaining to relocation of buildings and structures
within the City of Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Citj,
SECTION 1. That Section 5-2-9, "Relocation Bond," be, and the
same hereby is, amended to read as follows, to wit:
"Section 5-2-9. Relocation Bond. No relocation permit shall be
issued unless the applicant therefor shall first post with the
building official a bond executed by the owner of the premises
where the building or structure is to be relocated as Principal
and by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of
Utah as surety, or two or more sufficient individual sureties
or a cash deposit in the amount of the required bond, said
deposit to be returned on the completion of the requirements con-
tained in the permit. Such bond shall name the City of Salt Lake
as obligee and shall be in an amount equal to the cost of the
work required to be done in order to comply with all of the con-
ditions of such relocation permit, as estimated by the building
SECTION 2. That Section 5-2-10, "When Relocation Bond not
Required," be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows, to wit:
"Section 5-2-10. When Relocation Bond not Required. A relocation
bond need not be filed in any case where the building official
shall determine that the only relocation involved is that of
moving a building temporarily to the regularly occupied business
premises of a house mover, or that of moving a building to
adjacent property of the same owner, or to buildings or structures
to be used by a governmental agency for governmental purposes, or
garages to be used as individual garages and limited in size to two-
car garages, provided such exceptions shall not apply unless the
building official further finds that no security is neceesary in
order to assure compliance with the requirements of this ordinance."
HerL. IOU ?,.
SECTION 3: In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 4th day of November , 1959.
M y
c r
( S E A )
BILL NO. 93 of 1959
Published November 12th, 1959
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
e ), Io. Pokey
of the evilsd OediDC nN
f Salt Lake Cite,Utah,1951,pe-i'
•teinbiR tp the Building Code,
am nded lay Hl]'Nn.45 £14G96
pertaining t°relocation e build. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
trueh,r Wf(hi tbc . clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
ClR of Satt Lake ty, j
IIe it ordained bythr Foard of C.
C°n,misalener,of Salt Lane City. GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
ECT O op'hat Section a5-2-I lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
via ,11,agn is, mended to:
t°Wit: °a Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
"Section 5-2-9. Relocation Bond.
No relocation permit shall be is. I
shaltdd glees chn ap ii`ant tl"dt That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
first .t with the building
o`Vla`- Coco
of the re i executed
the locatede a, Principal° Hinton sand by abe l t u t Gi.t 1.1_ll Mo. 9:3 of 1959.
surety company susll- 0 tih wo oSttb f Utah orited-.to as 2
individual tie r more t£ c- -
in hire Pertai-t��.n� to the Fui_1din.g Code, as
a°md bond, said deposit to tie
turned ° completion f •
iih° .t s h bodlsi II o`mc , �eided by }1-i11 ;eca, 45 of 1959, tert2t.ning
Sod c i r Salt L n obligee
to theh cost be an
nthe amount
(equal oti 7'
!o t. lone 'n order to mncly
relo, i ntm-mit.asesti at nnl3- to 1�el.ocction ref hu.i_l-dings a1ld structures
per al estlmatea by-
SECT;ON 2.That Section'.2 ie-
"When Relocation Bond not Re- r
is. a ended atoa thetsaaSc follnvcs,
to wit: a
^Sect s.2-f0. When Renee- ?ovembor 12, 1959.
time Hond.not Req^Iron A Inca-�c waspublished in said newspaper on t;°n bona ecd nt tie uVed
<nY as hole the uildnc n££i- t
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end aiioobui end tempered,pa gat oi ton
bulloccu occupied
isines to he
gn of a °c el etl mover.
n.ss hreo i 9
of.a house ng r that
building to adjacent-eb.
Properly of Tr'
us budldinvs st,�'uc[n s�ata cv, p
fordo governmental
g t i t l e,nev, l
to be e i no
,lima d jitilit,C1 l t tW
garages.provided such "'" Legal Advertising Clerk
bull) fff L�£r tl fl a that-
to asst1t�crt00f this
h inec a�rills they re-�'—
auiremGnts of this oridlnance.^ _
the seardhof'.co,>;fii�ots�°,1t tr
necessary to the neaee,henllh c
°Iclvsarf thn ha15,tante ( Srlrt
Lake City. Utah, that th['or°f,-
atelye become etfcetlVei�l' ml;tlt. •
1 SECTION become 4 effective �Td},.-�e ].r- h dayoff
first`publication. o before me this 3t" t
Passed by the Brood of Cmh-
thissi4th rtla,v n''N Lake
City.Utah. 1 r�
ADIk:L F.STE WART, A.D. l(9 59
Ma or.
Published NoRILL NO.03 of vember
Pu oveber lath, f059
Notary Public
My Commission ssion F,gpires19n].
ov. �, .