94 of 1911 - Ordinance 94 of 1911 – Curb & Gutter Extension No. 16, First Partial Estimate. AN O R D I I ♦ ICI . An ordinanos eonfirai*g the assessment upon the property here iaafter deseribed on both sides of Seventh Bast Street between Sortie and Tempest Aroma. in Paving Distriot I0. 31, for the pur pass of providing for the grating, guttering and eurbing thereof, eonstruoting storm sewer, inlet to storm sewer and water boxes as • hersi*tfter deseribst. le it ordained by the City Oouaoil of Solt Lake City, Utah: SICTIOI 1. That the assessment list :mate by the Oity Treasur r as eorrertsd, approved sad.Setpleted by the bard :Of.3elualisation and Revises, heretofore is2 appointed bl;'ihs;0it1•eo noel for that purposes of the proper* lk!Lets S. 4. S; O. and il, 'E1oe ' 1$; SS to S0, inelusiwp. Tirlet Addition.. 3leak ibi $8 to 36, in- elusive, Perhlas' Fourth Addition, Bleak 140. and Si, end 16 to 1 28. inane/vs, Bleak 1. Yariea Perk Subdivision. Sleek 14; 1. and 1S to *2, inclusive, Meek 1, ilao$lsnd Subdivision. Sleek 14; 1 to 4, inclusive, and 40 to SS, inelesivs, Grand Seven Subdivision, Bleak 14; 1, 16, if and S0. Sleek 14; 1, ant 1f to SS, inclusive, 3leok 1. Carey Piass SNtivisisa, Block 14; 1 to 10, inclusive, naval* Subdivision, nook 14. all is live Awe Plat "♦", Big Viol Survey, abutting o* both sides et Seventh last Street between Marti* aid Tempest ♦weaaees. in Pawing listrist Is. S1, of Salt Oity, for the purpose of providing for the grading, guttering and mashing thereof, sesstrueting store sewer, inlet to store sewer , sod water beam ea said portion of said street, is hereby oonfirm and the assessments made a*t returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. !MOTION 2. This ordinance shall take effectf upon approval. Curb and Gutter Extension Io. 16. - �`l First Partial Satinets. \ •— Passed by the City Council of Salt ',aka City,TTtah, September 25th, 1911, and referred to the Mayor for his nl. 'c) Approved this 4 day of ,September, 191 - -coder:— p> ,..., ,0_�A0 _. u 94 5 •-- 8 0 RAT I Q g O a ♦ • -rimed t1'xoyo'rq et:1 .toga taaaaasaaa adf $ a fla! oiaasthmo a& aeewted *swag teat dtasm408 20 Mats dtod se AMisseei settset -ueg ant rot .1g ,sd toasts* sates st .toms/& how* ifs *that ,7oe'xadJ gatdrie has atttsNta$ .satimsq sdf tot iithtsiss to sees as -ss=od setsw has sswes olioft of **La .sets. .seta sattsastsgaoo ' t'sa.ei tef" timed 1 •dslU .y110 lad' t( l! b Steve f taMr f t • ^[sou. e T x110 gd = sal r•• .1 ROI ttettsattaap- b . << � alga . b A� f7� taxi* rot t to• S d N � Mssd j s . Ct O0 , • YootH .tt boos . ;Pe ,k•Aai .b *fa aft 11, sin -ut .as of It . t A- +#. pooh ' :sat . e4 N 01 at has a bus 1 ;$,suss$ ;mitt ' 4011*lxe .Nlaat bus .1 ;bt 1ooti .noistrttdas - : t .1 1100.61 .p oot .61 oft ;bl loom .rrotetenea Duval' .1 mill. .44asslout .211 of ti ,rtotstythdz8 mesa basso .:►testes! .M et Y Ln .wtooisst .b ,emtettoat ,as of If ism .l ;bl down .0 boo u .bl .1 ;bl soil, .emtuntont .01 of I ;bl goon .aetotwIK$ soon Ipso. .1 geoid btett ,"An tilt *so* emit at Sim ,bE 111104014 .:slelvthdcs elamtil asewted toss.* toot dtoMry ti NOW, Abed me lod0Oods .oprooO sass tteE to ,to .ell! :subs* om1001 at .MNalr *MOW Aga sibyl' barn luFYettus .laths! eM +sat askN,se ti em olsog odf sea .020 . /ewos .orate of deist ,towel moods satfeasfsoso Arno** 'Won ,beeittatoo tdsxed et .:setts Alma is Ml*NaI bloom mad term boo erns o18tt batetquoo itm it berm:,, boa shoo .*anaiswa sit boo .boosttass *dosed .temo/qoa uoga tostte sdat !tads esssatFte sada .I YoI!MO .81 .of soieseSM se?tut► boa dtu9 .etaetted tetdsaq tomtit