94 of 1946 - Amending Section 6529 relating to water supply and Waterworks-increasing water rates VOTING Aye. Nay Salt Lake Cit}�Utah, DEC 18 N45 , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . I J
Romney !/ {
Mr.Chairman l r
Result /
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6529 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to water supply and water-
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
Section 1. That Section 6529 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 194A, relating to water supply and water
works, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
for water supplied through meters to all places will be as fol-
For the first 15,000 cu. ft. 11 ;&per 100 cu.ft.
For the second 15,000 cu. ft. 10 56 per 100 cu. ft.
For the third 15,000 cu. ft. 8 per 100 cu. ft.
And 7 per 100 cu. ft. for all over 45,000 cu. ft. consumed
per month.
For the first 45,000 cu. ft. 11 1i per 100 cu. ft.
For the second 45,000 cu. ft. 10 ¢ per 100 cu. ft.
For the third 45,000 cu. ft. 8 per 100 cu. ft.
And 7 16 per 100 cu. ft. for all over 135,000 cu. ft. consumed
per quarter.
The minimum charge for meter service shall be $1.00 per month
or $3.00 per quarter. Where premises are being supplied by more
f 1 than one water service there shall be a minimum charge of 25 cents
per month for each additional meter installed. 91
Public shcools shall pay the above rates less a discount of
25 per cent.
orgqBillsrfor water used through meters shall be rendered month-
ly;lthd superintendent of water works to determine from time to
time when monthly or quarterly meter readings call be made and
!bills rendered. If the bills rendered as aforesaid are not paid
within fifteen days after their rendition, the superintendent of
water works shall cause the water to be turned off and before the
water is turned on all unpaid water rates must be paid in full,
together with a turn-on fee of "!1.00. In case of vacancy, where
service is discontinued or meter taken out, unless delinquent
bills are paid within 30 days after the service has been discon-
tinued a penalty of 10% shall be charged in addition to regular
When for any reason the water meter shall fail to register,
bills shall be rendered at the average rate consumed for like
periods of time.
Should any water taker, using a water meter, desire to have
the meter on his premises tested, the charge shall be `,2.00 where
the meter is found to be correct or to register in favor of the
consumer, but where found to be over-registering the cost of such
test shall be borne by the city.
Anywater used to avail himself of an abatement for non-use
of water on a meter shall report to the suerintendent of water
works and have water turned off his premises and the meter may be
removed at the option of the superintendent of water works. Before
'water service will again be supplied written notification must be
made to the superintendent of water works. Abatements will not be
allowed for less than thirty days.
There a buildingis to be erected, application shall be made
for service pipe in the regular manner, and all water consumed in
the construction of such building shall be paid for at regular
meter rates. It shall be unlawful for any contractor or other per-
son engaged in construction work to use water from the city mains,
except through a meter, as Provided in this section.
SECTION E. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel .
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its
first publication.
` I
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this// day of Demember, 14. 1946.
y� > = Mayor
City Recorder.
I j
1 I
. I
( A
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
DEC 181946
First Publication it,
Affidavit of Publication
j- ss
County of Salt Lake f
D M Ockey
A ORDINANCE AMS{4DING E&et1 tliN, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
L 2 f the lisvoeed e,rel apA
LL'sg ItY;'Otsli.'1844,relntllnng to sister
Supply and peterr whrke.
Be it ordained the Board of Ctlm-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
mleeloners Of.Salt Lake City.Utah:
Section 1.That Section 6529 of the
Vtahad1 Ordinances
r inaoctmgf SSalt water
Puy, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
• •
and water, works, be and the same of Utah.
la hereby pp:{jended to read as follows:
RENDERED VACANCY. The rates for '
ter supplied' through•meters to-all
places 11'ins' follows:
MONTHLY EADINGS; That the advertisement
For the'int,15,000 cu. ft.-1
100 ch. 1t.
For the Cessna 16,000 cu.ft,-10C Per Oxdilztaco..Bi,.l.l. No 94
ilor thefthlyd 15,000 cu.ft.Se per 100 '
45,00e ch.per ft. ft. Seat Lake O'.ty Ooruoratiea�
Fin the first 45,000 en.ft.-11e per 100
• cu. ft.
For the second 45,000 on.e.—lOe per
Imo-on.1t. •
Per the third 45,000 en. Itrgc per
10 And.lc,per 100 r. ft. far all Over was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
136,000 ft, onsUmed per erflin,
- The minimum er Month
snail be d1.00 per month 0,93,00 per day of A.D. 19
quarter. Where premises are water-service
S Iie
plied by'more tahan a
there hell b! minimum charge-t December 1946
m cents per month for Back addition.' and was published19,
meter c schools
the above
Public Bca di shall f 2B per
rates less
for a watern used unt atthroug Inetpne
hall besuperintendent renred monthly or quarto/1Y: .._the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
time tote tints rks to
monthly or quarterly settd. 'I � A.D. 19.._..
_hat monthly
mane and bills rendered.Feedings e. Is day of
the-bills'rendered as aforesaid are not
I paid'within fifteen days after their
rendition, the superintendent of water >j% /�
J.O' .. >
works shall cause the water S he turned
eft and before we the rates
U s is Advertising Clerk
on all,.together•With mtprn-•Yon paidfee m'lull, ttoo �r
e ioe-i IP tin o .r m te, here /
e t e is dllebntgtertt r meter taken
oht 'untee l'e gOse kotle are paid ,
Iew tt ttp a alter'penalty
10 Ire.
'shall be harge A.g rtia 14a1Won pera
TO When-for
boll. 20th
Wt1er1-for any realPptbe water meter 1 t0 before me this
shell fait to metier; date sell ed day of
rendered like at the f litn"rate wneumed
for u periods at e'tltita a
Shouldm any water shave tieing A. D. 19 4E
water meter, desire t0 have the meter
n hie Ore ere thee' the i fro halo
be correct
where the'meter is found to
oil sumer,or to register 1n favor of the
consumer, but share-found l iteover-
I I �J
the„aet..of•enah test hnI1 Where a building'is to be erected,
be borne by the'city. application shall be made for service
An� watt user to avail himself w [ Wipe In the'- guilt manner, and all
an abatement for melt'to
[ seer ter s mod In e Mneructlon Notary Public meter chat•reP Works the super- o[ such,tiulldtng shall be paid for
Nter to [ ter parka and hatheve at r ntuil matt rats. Ie chat be
water turned oft his premises: and ion
�pn awful for y contractor or other
ethe superintendent,be endent,remove of the works. l person-saga ed In con truotoon work t
f the water
will water works. e water from the city ins, except
.plie n service 'again be sup- ,through a meter, an provldee in EMU
plied the superintendent nt ndenttoo-must be'made se Wen. -to perlhtndefst of orate!'weeleeleii. •SECTION 2. In the.opinion of the
Abatementseth rill:not be %Uotbed le[ Hoard of Commleeloners It to nece-
•sary to the p , health and safety
or the Inhabitant of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance shall take effect
feet at N 3.This ordinance shall take
1 effect'at one upon Its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioner.
of Salt Lake City,Utah, tine Iath day
of December, A. D. 1946.
re 1RMA.CityHRelonut
v Li0..gd
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