94 of 1962 - Amending Section 9-1-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to public d LCU cItU G1 f.� ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . ✓ Harrison ✓ / ,;;" // Romney . . Smart . . . tr Mr. Chairman ✓ AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 9-1-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to public dance hall license fee. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 9-1-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to public dance hall license fee, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Sec. 9-1-6. ' Public Dance Hall License Fee. The license fee required for a public dance hall;.license shall be as follows: (a) On a daily basis regardless of size or capacity, ten ($10.00) dollars per day. (b) On an annual basis, fifty ($50.00) dollars for public dance halls which have facilities to accommodate up to and including 250 people. (c) On an annual basis, one hundred ($100.00) dollars for public dance halls which have facilities to accommodate up to and including 500 people. (d) On an annual basis, two hundred ($200.00) dollars for public dance halls which have facilities to accommodate a greater number of people than 500." Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of December , 1962. 7 / MAYOR 41)C�E 1/1140,,R (SF, AI:) BITL NO. 94 of ].962 Published December 31, 1962 • 94 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake ll Ni Octcey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- nN OR AHce GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- AN oROINnNCE AMENoIryc see. lish language withgeneral circulation in Utah, and published in non 9Iti l me R`vloo i955,rneea °l so'„e d'�o°�a"i liceo'so`lae: Salt Lake City, Salt Lalze County, in the State of Utah. 'nbe a erdamed by m` mars gi Commissioners of Sall Lake CO, Ulan: That the legal notice ofwhich a co is attached hereto the ER l�ed Ordinances ofo SalllLake g py CIIY, Ulan, 1955, r lalln9 to 4b1i< dance hall li se ieonbe, na ne nerebYCeis, am ded ro read ;),I.`tt, Lake City ?31),I No 94 of )_yfi<', c sAllovls: ^Sec.Fee. Public tee Ho for a p blic dTheance license lee required for public dance ball license shall be S,rrd'. An ordinance relating to pub)zc dance (e)on a dpuv Bads able of ,h.`o ao`eiro,Ion tsio:aoi dollars Ger tlav� a basis, tllly ml on hall ltcen5r: �'e�•o which0)dollars far`facilities t dance halls dwhich have fat illciud to ale to and including,baS,oneehuln- Ictupn basls4on nubile gra3�dq�sloo°ooin dollars o- ' SC loiklel tod9onaacn°ioeh4 - GAA(bl'4 a oal basrs,tv o hum dyed halls sn0which llav for lee to accommodate„odat which mumbler of peoelemlllan Um as:sea br Ine rd l con,m�: :91.s 1.962 We`re I sane eke &IY man, j was published in said newspaper on Dec° inl,xiln°dar of oecemn`r 969. J,BRACKEN IFE, avor. HERMAN J. COIY R`Sartler. (SEALI I{ BILL N0.94 rn 1r Rubllsned December 31,1961 (A.621 • • Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 'nd day of Jan. AD. 19 63 JJ \ / I Notary Public t 9y Comm.tssion Itxpir s NOV 2�, 11.965.