95 of 1946 - Amending Section 308 relating tolicenses-increasing various license fees BULL L.L.I.M VOTING • Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, DEC 13MG , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Romney Tedesco . . . Mr.Chairman . . -- ,, AN'O INANCE Result AN ORDINANCE MIENDING SECTION 308 of Chapter" I of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to auction- eers; also amending Section 822 of Chapter VIII, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on April 24, 1946, re- lating to Board of Health, by amending paragraph (e) thereof; also I amending Section 2502 of Chapter XXV, relating to electrical inspec- v tion, by amending Item 6 thereof; also amending Sections 3613, 3614, 3641 3615, 3616, 3618, 3619, 3623, 3638, 3639,A3644, 3646, 3669, 3688, 3699, 3707, and 3715 by amending paragraph (a) of said Section 3715, and Section 3716, all of Chapter XXXV, relating to licenses; also amending C1iapter XXXV, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on September 11, 1940, by adding in and to said Chap- ter a new Section to be known as Section 3720, relating to licenses; also amending Section 4505 of Chapter XLIII, relating to plumbing; and also amending Section 4576 of Chapter XLIII, relating to plumb- ing, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 15, 1945. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 308 of Chapter III of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to auctioneers, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 308. LICENSE ]EE. The license fee for engaging in business as a transient auction-house owner shall be the sum of $50.00 per day, payable in advance, for each day such business shall continue; and said applicant shall execute a corporate surety bond in the sum of $1,000.00 in favor or Salt Lake City, {'�nk -2- Utah, and of any person injured or damaged by false or i:raudu lent representations in dealing with said transient auction- house owner conditioned for the faithful observance of all ' laws and ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah; the honest con- duct of all business engaged in, and for the payment of damages to all persons injured or damaged by false or fraudulent re- presentations in dealing with said transient auction-house owner; said bond to be approved by the Board of Commissioners and filed with the City Recorder." SECTION 2. That Section 822 of Chapter VIII, of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on April 24, 1946, relating to the Board of Health, be and the same is hereby amended by amending paragraph (e) thereof, which shall read as follows: "(e) The license fee for engaging in the business of a fumigator shall be $35.00 per year, or any part thereof." SECTION 3. That Section 2502 of Chapter XXV, of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to electriJc- al inspection, be and the same is hereby amended by amending Item 1 6 thereof, which shall read as follows: { ''Item 6. FEE. At the time of application and for the an- nual renewal thereof, the applicant shall pay to the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City for an electrical contractor's certificate a fee in the amount of $35.00, and for an electrio,- al maintenance certificate a fee in the amount of $5.00. The fee shall be returned if the application is denied." SECTION 4. That Sections 3613, 3614, 3615, 3616, 3618, { ,,E41 3619, 3623, 3638, 3639,A3644, 3646, 3669, 3688, 3699, 3707 and 3716, of ChapterkYlXV, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to licenses, be and the same are hereby amended to !read as follows: ',SEC. 3613. AMUSEMENT DEVICE, DEFINED. (a) It shall be un- E lawful for any person to operate or use or permit to be oper- ated or used on or in any property or premises in his possessipn or under his control any amusement device, or to have any amuse` II i it -3- ment decise in his possession on or in any property or premis? es in his possession or under his control with intent that the same shall be operated or used, without having first obtained! a license therefor and unless the license shall be posted andl at all times remain thereon in a conspicuous place. (b) Within the scope and meaning of this ordinance an "amusement device" is any machine, device or contrivance not prohibited or declared unlawful by Chapter 32 of these ordi- nances, designed or intended to be operated or used for amuse ment or the playing of a game upon or in response to the pay- ment of some charge or the insertion therein of a coin, slug or check. (c) A license subject to the provisions of this ordinance shall entitle the person to whom the same is issued to operate and use and to permit to be used and operated for the period i • for which the same is issued and only in or on the property I designated in said license, an amusement device in Salt Lake 1 City on or in the property or premises in his possession or 1 under his control or on or in the property or premises in thel possession or under the control of any other person whose con-1 i sent thereto has been first obtained, within the area herein- after designated. (d) Licenses shall be in the form of a label or sticker I and must be pasted onto the amusement device on account of which they are issued. They shall contain the words, "Licensed Amine- ! I ment Device No. Issued to .cor premises located at ." They shall be num- ! bered consecutively and before issuance the City Recorder shaljl fill in upon the same the number of the license, the year of i issue, the date of expiration, the name of the licensee, and the address of the premises on or in which the same may be operated. j (e) For each license there shall be paid to the License s i Assessor and Collector a semi-annual fee of $25.00. (I) Licenses shall be issued only for the semi-annual rate 1 -4- and shall not be transferable, either as to licensee, amuse- ment if device, or location. (g) It shall be unlawful to counterfeit a license or to deface or mutilate the same while upon any amusement device, except in removing it therefrom by authority of the licensee i� or to remove it or attempt to remove therefrom without destroy- ; ing it or use or permit the same to be used at any place other than that designated therein, or for any licensee to place or permit it to be placed or be upon one amusement device after ! it has been placed upon another, or to place it or permit it. to be placed or be upon any machine, device or contrivance prohibited or declared to be unlawful by Chapter 32 of these ordinances. 1 ' (h) Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more! than $299.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not longer than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 3614. AUTO LIVERY.( it shall be unlawful for any pet- i son to engage in the business of keeping or conducting an automobile livery within the limits of Salt Lake City without ji first obtaining a license so to do. The license fee payable under this section shall be $15.00 for each automobile so kept Ii in such establishment. (b) For the purpose of this section, an automobile. livery shall be defined and deemed to be any place or estab- lishment where one or more automobiles are kept for rent or public hire with or without driver. The provisions of this section shall not apply to automobiles standing in a public street for hire, which shall be licensed at the rate provid- ed in Section 3715 of this chapter. (c) The keeper of an automobile livery shall apply for such license to the license assessor and collector of Salt Lake City, making a statement under oath of the number ! the of automobiles to be kept by him, and uponAfiling of such t, i -5- application, licehse may be issued to him at the above rate. All automobiles operated under such license shall carry the license plate required by section 3715 of this chapter. SEC. 3615. AUTOMATIC BASEBALL MACHINE. It shall be un- lawful for any person to engage in the business of operating an automatic baseball machine in this city, without first ob-4 taining a license so to do. The license fee payable under this section shall be $50.00 per annum for each automatic base- ball machine used. SEC. 3616. AUTO TOURIST PARKS. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, maintain or offer for public use within the limits of Salt Lake City any automobile tourist park, camp ground, or other public places for camping, sleep ing or lodging whether in tents, automobiles, trailer houses, cabins, huts, or other vehicles or structures, or where auto- mobile. • house cars or trailer houses may be parked or located, or occupied as living quarters, without first making an appl*a- tion to the License Assessor and Collector and obtaining a li cense so to do. (b) Applicants for such license shall file application in IIwriting with the License Assessor and Collector together with a fee as hereinafter provided, which application shall show the plan and location of applicant's proposed place of busi- ness, the number of rooms or spaces available to tenants or automobile house cars or trailer houses, and state in detail ; the source of water supply and the kind and number of toilet I ' bath and shower facilities available for use by male and j I female guests respectively. Such application shall by the 1 License Assessor and Collector be referred to the Board of Health, which board shall within five days after such Tefer- ence return said application to the Board of Commissioners together with a report of its findings and its recemmendatioii I i ad to the granting or denying of said license. In making said report said Board of Health shall determine whether or not r there exists on such I premises adequate automobile house car, -6- or trailer house spaces for the number of such persons 1 p proposed to be accommodated in said application, adequate toilet, show4 er, bath, slop sink, garbage and sewage facilities and a pro- per and clean supply of pure drinking water and in this con-i nection shall promulgate rules and regulations to enforce thi4 ordinance. A copy of such rules shall be furnished to each i japplicant. 1 i (c) The license herein provided for, together with a copy of the rules and regulations of the Board of Health, shall be displayed by the licensee in a conspicuous place upon said licensed premises. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to camp or placer any trailer house or other vehicle while used for human habita- tion which may be conveyed either on its own power or by an automobile from one place to another place in Salt Lake City except within premises licensed as herein provided. (e) Adequate toilet facilities shall be defined as one k (1) water closet for each sex for every five (5) rooms or autd- mobile trailer spaces, or fractional part thereof in excess of five (5) such rooms or spaces in said camp ground, which toilet facilities shall not be more than one hundred (100) fe$t away from any room, auto trailer or house car. (f) It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to invesli- gate and determine the necessary facilities required in ever permises where camping or lodging in auto tourist parks or cat4p grounds is permitted to the end that same may be kept in a sani- tary condition and free from infectious or contagious diseases and comply with the terms of this ordinance and the rules and , regulations of the Board of Health. (g) It shall also be the duty of the police department, the chief building inspector and the zoning engineer to invesiii- Agate and examine all such premises to determine that licensee or keepers thereof have complied with the laws and ordinances of this city. (h) Every licensee of such premises shall keep a daily -7- register of all guests or tenants of such premises, which re- gister shall be available at all times and for one year there after for inspection by the police department, and a true cop thereof shall be forwarded daily to the police department on { blanks furnished by it and which shall contain the date and time of the arrival of the tenant, his name, residence and neat destination and the name, make and state registration license number of each vehicle, trailer, or trailer house. (i) The yearly license fee for such parks shall be the 1 sum of One Dollar ($1.00) for each sleeping room or trailer 1 space located on said premises; provided, however, that no 14 cense shall be issued for less than JU5.00 per year, or anyi part thereof. SEC. 3618. LICENSE FOR BASEBALL GAME WHERE FEE IS CHARGED. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct or operate! a baseball game in Salt Lake City where the public is invite and a fee is charged for admission thereto without first ob- taining a license from Salt Lake City so to do. The license therefor shall be $200.00 per annum, or any part thereof. (b) •The phrase "baseball game", shall include every place in Salt Lake City except dedicated park and public recreatio* I centers supervised by Salt Lake City, where games of hard ball or soft bail are played. j SEC. 3619. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. (a) It shall be un- jlawful for any person to operate, keep or maintain within the; limits of Salt Lake City for public use or hire any billiard 1 or pool table or similar table on which games are played ex-! Sept that the License Assessor and Collector shall issue annul licenses as hereinafter provided to keep, maintain, or operate for public use or hire any of such tables solely within the boundaries of the following district: Beginning at the intersection of the north side of North; f Temple and the east side of North State Street, running thence south to the north. side of South Temple Street, thence east tp the east side of Second East Street, thence south to the souti side of Fifth South Street, thence west to the east side of State Street, thence south to the north side of Thirteenth South Street, thence west to the west side of Main Street, thence north to the south side of Fifth South Street, thence 1 -8- west to the west side of Sixth West Street, thence north to the north side of North Temple Street, thence east to the place of beginning. 1 (b) All applications for license contemplated by this i I section shall state the number and kind of tables and the ad-; dress of the proposed business, and shall be filed with the 4 License Assessor and Collector. Upon the payment to the City Treasurer of a sum equal to fifteen dollars ( 15.00) per annum in advance for each table specified in such application, which sum shall in no event exceed the sum of One Hundred dollars ' ($100.00) for any one place of business, annual license shall; be issued by the said License Assessor and Collector. SEC. 3623. BOWLING ALLEYS. LICENSE. It shall be unlawful1 ] for any person to engage in, conduct or carry on the businessi { ,j 'of keeping or maintaining for public use or hire any bowling alley, without first obtaining a license so to do. The licens fee payable under this section shall be $15.00 for each alley', but no license for any establishment shill be over $150.00. SEC. 3638. CIRCUSES, k NAGELIES, WILD WEST SHOWS, DOG AND PONY SHOWSI}It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, manager, agent, employee or performer, to open, carry on, exhibit or take part in any circuses, menagerie, carniva1, wild west show, dog and pony show, or performance of skilled or trained animals, or any side show connected with any such performance, unless a license for such exhibition it perform-j v ance has first been secured and payment therefor made into the city treasury of Salt Lake City. Such license fee shall be as follows: $7.50 per day for each freight and passenger car used fdr transporting performers, animals and equipment for each days performance; said sum of $7.50 per day to include payment foit license for all side shows connected with such performance and one parade upon the streets of Salt Lake City for each day covered by said license. (b) Any circus, menagerie, wild west show, dog and pony] show, or performance of skilled or trained animals or other II ` -9- similar show which does not come into Salt Lake City via a railroad so that the license fee can be computed as provided herein, shall pay a license fee to the city of two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each day said show performs in Salt Lake City; said license to cover side shows and street parades. SEC. 3639. CLEANING AND DYEING BUSINESS. LICENSE. (a) It. shall be unlawful for any person to manage, conduct or carry on a plant, factory or establishment for the cleaning or dyeing of any garment, fabric, substance or article by any process o$ washing of immersing in a volatile or inflammable oil or liquid without first obtaining a license so to do and paying a fee therefor. 1. The license fee therefor shall be ;20.50 per yeak or any part thereof, which shall permit such plant, factory o+ establishment to use not more than two vehicles in collecting! or delivering said garments to and from said plant. 2. For each additional vehicle so used for the pur- pose of collecting or delivering such garments, fabrics, sub- stances or articles, the license fee for such business shall be $5.25 per year or any part thereof. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to manage, con- duct or carry on the business of collecting any garment, fabric, substance or article by means of a vehicle or vehicles to be delivered to a plant described in: sub-section (a) herein witt.t out first obtaining a license so to do and paying the license fee therefor which shall ,be according to the following schedule. 1. For each such vehicle so used $5.25 per year, orl any part thereof. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to manage, con- duct or carry on any agency or business of collecting any garment, fabric, substance or article to be cleaned or dyed when no vehicle is used in collecting such garment, fabric, substance or article without first obtaining a license so to -10- do and paying a license fee therefor of $5.00 per year. SEC. 3641. LICENSEr'0R CONVALESCENT HOMES. (a) A "conva- lescent home" is hereby defined to be any building, structure4 establishment or place, except those buildings expressly de- signed and built for hospital use, which is used in whole or in part in conducting the business of caring, treating, nurs-j ing or convalescence of invalid, sick or ailing individuals. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, con- duct, carry on or maintain a convalescent home in Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license so to do. Every person desiring a convalescent home license shall make an application, therefor to the License Assessor and Collector of Salt Lake City, and shall, with his application, deposit the sum of $25.00, which sum, if th4 license is granted, shall be paid tl the City Treasurer as the license fee hereinafter provided foxi, or be returned to the applicant if his application is denied, 1 and he shall also file with said application a statement undexi oath showing the street and house number of the place where hj proposed to conduct, operate, carry on or maintain such conva- lescent home, and also state the greatest number of patients to be kept therein at any one time. (c) The application for such license, together with such other information as is required by the city to be attached thereto, shall be referred to the Chief of the mire Department and Chief Building Inspector of Salt Lake City for inspection and recommendation with relation to any fire hazard existing on said premises. Upon receipt of the report and recommendation off' the Chief of the Fire Department and. Chief Building Inspector of Salt Lake City, the Board of Commissioners shall act upon the application as it shall deem fair, just and proper in regard tb granting or denying the license. I (d) The license fee payable under this section shall be i 1 $25.00 per year payable in advance. SEC. 3644. FILE EXCHANGES. It shall be unlawful for any -11- q it person to conduct, manage or carry on any film exchange, or tp conduct, manage or carry on the business of selling, exchang- ing, renting or leasing motion picture films in Salt Lake Citr without first obtaining a license so to do. The license re- quired to be paid under this section shall be as follows: For an average of twenty-five reels of film or less per month, $50.00 per year. For an average of more than twenty-five reels of film per month, $75.00 per year. The computation of the amount of business shall be based. upon the business of the preceding year. SEC. 3646. HATTER'S SHOP LIChNSE.(a)It shall be unlawful for any person to manage, conduct, maintain or carry on the business of a hatter's shop, as defined by Section 3142 of these ordinances, without first obtaining a license so to doj and paying a fee of $10.00 per year ory:for any part thereof. (b) Application for such license must be made in writing to the License Assessor and Collector. Such application for license shall, by the License Assessor and Collector, be re- ferred to the chief of the fire department for inspection and recommendation. SEC. 3669. MINIATURE GOLF COURSES, GOLF DRIVING COURSES AND OTHER FORMS OF GOLF GAMES OTHER THAN REGULAR GOLF COURSES (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or assoH ciation to keep, maintain, operate or conduct any miniature golf Bourse, golf driving course and other forms of golf games other than regular golf games, within the limits of Salt Lake; I. ! City without first obtaining a license so to do. The license] fee payable under this section shall be the sum of $35.00 per I i annum. (b) For the purpose of this ordinance a miniature golf course shall be defined as any place, except regular golf courses, where a game is played which consists in striking a - ball with clubs into a series of holes. A golf driving course shall be any place where golf balls or other similar balls ar0. -12- driven by a person using golf clubs similar to golf clubs. j (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or association to permit any miniature golf course, golf driving! course and other forms of golf games other than regular golf I games, within the limits of Salt Lake City to remain open or be operated between the hours of 12.30 a. m. and 6 a. m. of any day, or to permit music of any kind at said course after! 11:00 p.m. of any day; provided, however, that no person or persons shall be allowed to start to play a game after 12:00 o'clock midnight of any day. SEC. 3688. ROOkING HOUSE f-aES. The yearly license for rooming houses shall be the sum of one dollar ($1.00) for eaclil and every room in such house which has been constructed or in tended to be used for lodging or sleeping purposes, or for us as a parlor, but in all events said license fee shall be not j less than 0l0 00. SEC. 3699. STOCKBROKERS TO HAVE LICENSE. (a) It shall bel unlawful for any person to engage in or conduct the business I 1 or act in the capacity of stockbroker within the limits of Salt Lake City, without first having obtained a license they*- for as in this chapter provided. (b) Any person who, for a commission or other compensation, engages in, conducts, or negotiates the buying and selling ord offering for sale, or buying or selling or offering for sale of stocks, shares, securities or evidence of stocks of corpor,- ations or associations, or representatives of value, contract' ing in his or its own name, or for or as agent of another, or' for or on account of another, shall be deemed a stockbroker1 and engaged in the business of stockbroker. (c) Any person engaged in said business of stockbroker, jj having an office and established place of business inSalt La}[e City, shall obtain a license to carry on such business, and shall pay for such license the sum of $25.00 per year. (d) Any person engaging in said business of stockbroker .i -13- not i ! having an office and established place of business in Salt Lake Ctty and every itinerant or traveling stockbroker or curt broker, having no office and established place of business gin; I i Salt Lake City, shall pay for such license the sum of $50.00 1 per year. SEC. 3707. TAILORS. O It shall be unlawful for any per+ 1 son to engage in the busines;,occupation or vocation or a tailor in Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license so', to do. Every person applying for a license to engage in such business, occupation or vocation shall, before receiving such' license, pay into the city treasury of Salt Lake City a license tax of $5.00 per annum. (b) A tailor is hereby defined to be any person making clothing for men or women from materials carried in stock, on who takes orders for such clothing from sLmrples or otherwise, such clothing to be made by some other erson, or who engage in or carries on the business of altering, pressing or repair ing clothing for men and women. 1 (c) Provided, that nothing in this section shall apply tq any person who pays a license to Salt Lake City. SEC. 3716. LICENSE TO OPERATE VENDING EACnINES. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate one or more vending i machines for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, except machines vending soft drinks, without first making application to the License Assessor and Collector of Salt Lake City and re- ceiving a license therefor. (b) A vending machine, as described in this ordinance, shall mean any device operated automatically or mechanically and which will vend merchandise upon depositing therein a coil . 1 (c) The license fee required shall be as follows: for eao`h machine so operated $1.00 per year or any part thereof. (d) Every operator before receiving a license a:' above ps10- vided shall furnish to the License Assessor and Collektor and ! 1 City Recorder of Salt Lake City a complete list and location of all vending machines then being operated by him. 4 -14- (e) The City Recorder shall furnish serially numbered stickers for each licensed machine, on which stickers the na4 and address of the operator together with the location of the! machine is to be typed, and these stickers must be placed on and maintained on the machines during the licensed year. (f) Each operator shall pay to Salt Lake City tye sum off' ten cents (10t) for each such sticker, or duplicate thereof, • as may be required by him. SECTION 5. That Section 3715 of Chapter or the Re-1 vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same isi hereby amended by amending paragraph (a) of said section to read ! as follows: u(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use, operate or run, or to cause or permit any of his employees or agents to use, operate or run, for the purpose of his business, any wagon, automobile, taxicab, auto stage, truck or other vehicl4 of any description upon the streets of Salt Lake City without! first paying the fee herein provided and obtaining a license 1 •for each vehicle so used. and operated. The yearly license tax for vehicles shall be according to the following schedule: PASSENGER VEHICLES._ For each taxicab or automobile for hire with a capacity of seven or less persons, including driver. . . . $50.00 For each taxicab or automobile for hire with a capacity of more than seven persons, including driver . . . 45.00; it For each automobile stage operating between Salt•Lake City and any point outside of said city . . $25.00! FREIGHT VEHICLES. For each two-horse vehicle for the carriage of brick, coal, lumber, stone, earth, gravel, sand, cement, lime, tiling, steel beams and other steel and iron products, oil, gasoline, goods, wares, mer- chandise, manufactured articles, express matter, baggage, freight and material of any and every kind. 6.O0 1 For each one-horse vehicle for the carriage of material as described above E5 001 'For each three-horse or four-horse vehicle for the car- riage of material as described above $10 OO) kor each motor vehicle of any description of a capacity of one-half ton or less for the carriage of mater- ial as described above, per year or any part thereof• 65.b0 1 If -15- I� ibr each motor vehicle of any description of a capacity of more than onethalf ton and not to exceed one ton, for carriage of material as described above. $10.00 For each motor vehicle of any description of a capacity of more than one ton and less than three tone, for carriage of material as described above $15.00 for each motor vehicle of any description of a capacity of more than three tons and less than five tons, for the carriage of material as described. above . 420.00 for each motor vehicle of any description of a capacity of more than five tons, for the carriage of mater- ial as above described $25.4 tor each motor vehicle used for commercial purposes and not otherwise described herein S10.00 SECTION 6. That Chapter XXXV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on September .11,1945, relating to licen4- es, be and the same is hereby further amended. by adding in and. to! said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 3720, which shall read as follows: ''SEC. 3720. MUSICAL DEVICES. It shall be unlawful for and person to have or maintain in any place of business in Salt 1 Lake City a music box or other device, the purpose of which i to furnish music for the entertainment of the patrons or guests in said place of business, without first obtaining from Salt Lake City a license for said music box or device. The 1icenst fee for each said music box or device shall be $15.00 per yeat or any part thereof, and each such license shall be attached in some conspicuous place upon said music box or device. A' SECTION 7. That Section 4505,and Section 4576 of an ordi+ finance passed. by the Board of Commissioners on March 15, 1945, of Chapter XLIII of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to plumbing, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: ''SEC. 4505. ?LUBBER'S LICENSE. BOND.AMOUNT. The yearly j license fee for plumbers shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00� for said year, or any part thereof, and the license may be issued. upon payment of said. sum and upon giving bond in the sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, conditioned and sub4; . -16- 1 ject to the provisions as named in section 5705 of these ordiL nances. Said bond shall contain a further condition for the faithful observance of all ordinances, rules and regulations of this city relating to plumbing work and other work as here: in regulated. SEC. 4576. LICENSE FOR CLEANING SEWER PIPES.(a)It shall be unlawful for any person not licensed as a plumber, pursu- ant to the requirements of this chapter, to engage in the 1 I business of removing stoppage from a building drain or build-I i ing sewer, Or both, !i4it'hout first obtaining a license from th0 1 License Asse,Ssor and Cg1lector so to dd and filing a corpora-4 ' I surety bond in the .sum of $5,000.00 with Salt Lake City, con-I ditioned that the principal and suyety'shall save the city jII harmless from any .and_all injuries to persons or damage to prp- perty, and p .rticular1V;t0 the city's water and sewer mains, caused by or through the' cleaning or removal of any stoppage i in any drains or sewers, and further conditioned that the 1 principal will faithfully observe all ordinances and rules ani regulations of said city pertaining to plumbing and sewers. 1 The fee for the license herein required shall be $40.00 1 per year or for any part thereof." SECTION S. In the opinion of the Board of Coiemissiorers,i it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitantsi of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective ixmnediatelyi. 7 SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect-ipon its first publication. Passed by the Board of CConmiip_s-ice er ' Salt1. ke City, /_ J i Utah, this /1 day of 4 Ma �� ,-AF7 -- 1 City Recorder. K 1 pp. 1E 0 . ... c,4,, >k .12 Q— . .. al • • rri ..... Z o ktt H44\ ,13 qp a - • • AN ORDINANCE at all times remain thereon in a con AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION epicuous place. 308 01 Chapter III t the Revised Or- (b) Within the scope and m a ing of dinances f Salt Lake City,Utah, 1944, this ordinance an "amusement device" relating to auctioneers; also ending is any machine, device or contrivance Section 822 of Chapter VIII, srrrmend- not prohibited declared unlawful by ed by a ordinance passed by the Board ediaore intendedr 32 of [tosebeordina operated drownd of Commissioners on April 24, 1946,, re- foe amusement or the playing of oa game Wing t rd a' Health, '�iy end- upon lrr in response to the payment ing Paragraph le)ithere°, also a end- of some charge or the insertion therein Mg Section 2502 at Chapter XXVV, i'- of a Me r.slug or check, bating to electrical inspection,by amend- (c)cA rlicense subject to the provisions lag Item 6 thereof; also amending Sec- of this ordinance shall entitle the per- lions 3613,3614,3615,3616,3618,3619, o same n to whom the is sued to Op- 3623,3638,3639,3641,3644,3646,3669, ¢rate and u and to permit to be 3688, 3699, 3707, and 3715 by amend- d and operated for the period for lag paragraph (a) of said Section 3715, which the issued and only in and Section 3716,all of Chapter XXXV, on the property at ated i said relating to licenses;also amending Chap- license, amusement device In Salt ter XXXV, s ended by an ordinance Lake City din or in the property r passed by the aBoartl f Commissioners premises in his possession l o under his en September 11, 1945, by adding in control o o in the property or nd to said Chapter a n rotating to premises in the possession o der the Sr known s Section 3720, g control of any other person whose con- licenses; also amending Section 4505 sent thereto has been first obtained, of Chapter XL111, relating to plumb- within the area hereinafter designated. and also amending ding Section 457G (d) Licenses shall be in the form f otg Chapter XLIII, relating to plumbing, a label Or sticker and must be pasted of an ordinance March by the Board onto the amusement us ent device account of Commissioners on arch 15, 1945. of which they are issued. They shall Be It ordained by the Board of Corn- contain the words, o rds,"Licensed Amusement s of Salt Lake City,Utah: Device No, -Issued to m SECTION 1, That Section 308 of For premises located at -- " Chapter III of the Revised Ordinances They hall be numbered consecutively of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944e relating and before Issuance the City Recorder to auctioneers,be id the sae is here- shall fill in upon the canoe the number by a� nded to read as follows: of the license, the year of issue, the "SEC. 308. LICENSE FEE. The li- date of expiration,, the name of the c e [e lee for engaging in business aslicensee, and the address of the may be transient auction-house owner shall rscs on or in which the same m y be b be t sum of$50.00 per day,, payable ope lo. in advance for each day s l t h busi- For each License there shall be neon shallcontinue; and said eppli- paid to the License Ae es of d Col- ant shall execute a corporate surety letter ii semi-a 1 fee of $25.00. bond the sumof $1,000.00 lu favor' lf) Licenses shall be issued only for Salt Lake¢City, Utah, and of any the semi-annual rate and shall not be person injured or damaged by false o transferable,ether as to licensee,amuse a dulent rem'esentations in dealing m rt device, r location. Mr- with said transient auction-house owner (rg a It shall be unlawful or c u late conditioned for the faithful bell Lace [tit license to deface mutilate of all laws and ordinances of Salt Lake the same while removing any amusement ant City, Utah; the honest conduct of all devfee,'except In rem ing It therefrom re- business engaged in and for the Pay- by authority [ the licensee orto le ant of damages to all persons injured move it or attempt to remove there- men'damaged 0 false or fraudulent rep- from without same ip or a Or rc°en I°Bons in dealing with 'aid trap- permit the to be used at ant auction-house o said bond to inplace other than that designated there- er- be approved bythe Board sal Commis- x for any licensee r place or pone amuse to be placed er be pod been and filed with the City Re- amusement device after it has been corder." placed upon another, or to place It SECTION V1 2, That Section ins ofes r permit it d ie placed or be upon Salt VIII,it the h,1944 Os amend- o y e ac32 d device r contrivance pro- of b belt n or City,Utah,1944, . amend- Chapter declared to be unlawful by cd by a ordinance passed by L19 6, re- Chapter n of trust ordinances. t ng to the Bs o AI it Health, 194G, r (on Any person violating 'any pro- the s to the Board m Health, be and vision of this ordinance shall he pun- the same n hereby amended by d- fished or fine f t less imprison- read i5,OU p as'ngrlOw (e) thereof, w'hichrnshall a than t29Jal,or bygee) tole tic meat more the City Jail not longer than "(e) The license fee for engaging In re months, or by both such [hie and $3e business s of le ptoract shall be j SEC. 3614. $3SE0 per year, c rant' part 2502 thereof." Ill 3 unl AUTO LIVERY. sa) to SECTION XXV, That Section dioa es shall beI u lawful fnes any personping to Chapter erof the Revised 4,relating conducting in the business of keeping i of Salt Lake City; Utah, ord eel Same c ed s anautomobile ak livCity without to electrical endectiby,be and the Same the limitsb of Salt Lakee City .t he is hereby amended l amending Stein ws: lire[obtaining n License so to do. The thereof, which shall read as follows: license Ice payable under this section "Rein 6. FEE. At the time o[ pelf- 'hall i e such$15. establishment.for utOmo0ile so cation and fur the annual renewal there- kept 'h ofthis f, the applicant shall to the City automobile the purPsh f this nee e a P Pay - bile livery as hall be r defined and Treasurer of gait Lake City for an elein oanretl to be place omobsh- trlcal contractor's$3 00,certificate a tee c- a where one n o moreor automobiles the amount ofn $ce certificate and for an ele a kept for rent vo or public hire withs tricot maintenance nt ace . eate a gee in without shall drive[.The provisions a of this the amount H t apple The tee shell be or shall not licit' to rautomobiles returned TI if the aticactio iv 613,3 standing inta public street for hire, SECTION 4. That 3623, 36 8.3614,39 which shall be1 nlice3715 at the tch pro- er. 3641,3548,3646,3619,3623,3699 3707 vided In Section 3715 of this chapter. and 3G44, 3Ch 3669,XXXV, e- (c)ha The keeper of anautomobile ebito the antl 371ti,of Chapter XXXV,of the Re- cry s ri sir for uoh lioenso to the isetl Ordinances of Salt Lake City, license assesands collector A Salt Utah, 1944, relating to licenses, Sr and oath Cit t, making a tatement peer the same are hereby amended to read oath of he number of automobiles to s follows:i voehe application, licens and e the be eillissued of s"SEC. 3613. AMUSEMENT DEVICE, to hiln .t the hove rate,may automo- DEFINED. (a) It shall be unlawful for biles operated under such license shall any person to operate or use or permit the license plate i'quired by see- to be operated or used on r in any are}3715 of this chapter. property or premises In his or carry SEC. 3615. AUTOMATIC BASEBALL rider his control any e. MACHINE.It shall be lawful for or r to have any amusement device person to engage the business¢of ing vice, possession on or in any property operating an automatic baseball chine r premises i leis possession der in this city, without first Obtaining a his control with intent that the same lirense so to do. The license fee pay- shall be operatedr o used, without hay- able under this section shall be $50.00 ing first obtained a license therefor and per annum for each automatic baseball unless the license shall be posted and machine used, SEC. 3616. AUTO TOURIST PARKS. sued for less than $25.00 per year, or to) It shall be unlawful for any person arty part tomcat. to operate, inaintain or oiler for Pub- SEC. 3a10, LICENSE FOR BASEBALL use within the limits of Sall Lake GAME WIIERIe FEE IS CHARGED. (a) City any automobile ourLt puck, cutup It shall be unls Wful for any person to ground,orother public erlgaces whether camp- conduct o operate it baseball game r log. or b w Salt Lake City where the nubile Is ill- ents,sautomobiles, trailer houses, cab- viled anti a fee is charged tor admeis- huts, r other vehicles or alias- :don thereto without first obtaining a u0 whore automobile house c license Irons slt Lake Cityt so o do.The or tr a ailer Louses may be parked or license therefor shall be $200.00 per IOanlctl, ar aa cupieJ a living uarters, tatany' y parr thereon. without first makintg' application t tb)The phrase"baseball game"shall the License Aaaate and Collector Band include place Salt Lake City obtaining I Applicants pli hltl l so to do. 1011 centers led Park and public r 'eke (b) picatiotss for Ing license lli sh i- Lion meters men of d 111Salt s Like aCity, whore games ut hard Lull or soft fen application in 'clung Rh the together 1 AS Icsapl' and Collector Eovided,, hall nee played. with hie pli as hshall sho provided, SE(E to) s I e u AND pans. which location shall show Use plans '1'A1011 op a shall be unlawful for any and ]at Won tl pP number L's proposed per'soh to operate,keep maintainIt re with- place o1 Whine., the number of rooms u the esntcs l Salt 1Lmke City ool 'paces se available to trailer or auto- Public, 10 use or hire ey belhard or games mobile liaise cars s tr'cllsr' water,and Lade or similar tulle on which e As- slyLo id lIstdetail the as ace f water sup- arc opla and except, that the License annual As- ply and Ulu kind and number av P toilet,e ass and hereinafter sho issue a eep, bath ally sale and facilities fmale available re- hanstaiss,nses or eropera10l'provided uc use wr spectively�Such application shall by the hire any of su e1t tables solely within License Assessor and Collector acre- the boundaries of the following district, [erred to the Board of Health, Which Beginning at the intersection of the board shah within live days after such nortn side of North '1'mnple and the reference return said application to the cast side of North State Street, running Board of Commisaoners Lugather with a thence seeps to the north side of South report of Its findings and Its a tom- ']Temple Street, theirs east to the ndatlon as to the granting or deny- l Second East Street, thence sag of Id license, In:nuking said re- stouthbett,e the south side of Fifth South Said thence west to the east side 1 Port said Board of Health shall x deter- State L, as min whether r not there eats se stale sWeen 011810 south o the thence h such car r traileror sadequate automobile hounum- sidewest us Thirteenth west South Street. Shen trailer house spaces for the mum wort to tree 1 cede l Die Street, bcr of suds parsons prapp to be e- South naroh to thesouLle side of Fsidie modoil t 1n said hls application, sink, South Sixth 1c,thence West to the wort side quail toilet` selvage bath, slop a Ink, of Snort West Street,00 i enceTim north to garbage and an age y of pure d the ce north side I North Temple Strict, Mg and clean i supply 0 ectio drink- thence cast to the piece of blicense . t g e and 1n Lhla connection shall (bl All n applications tor' Ilsesta con- promulgate force11111rules and 1' c pyns to en- tnumber a by (bra 0eotlob sleall state the rDles this efunis A copy of such dress o the prop of boor and Lhe al rules shah 40 furnished to ch appal- dressed one proposed ensei As,and sand one. C thud with o) ireLi pa Assessor and o (e) The license herein provided for, Competes. Upon the payment to Inc regulations with copy Boo Y the rules and Cry Treasurer of a sum equal to fifdv ace rig Masons f the re tic of Health,sin- lin each 1y 15.Oe) per Lien advance ise displayed by the said licensed Ili n our- tar eaole icble specified lie such uppx- ises.mtn place upon cold Ilcensed pram- Ic which s Seale ill 110vent dollars Is¢s ($Iced the rum lot One Hundrce ed sines, (oil It shall p,1 unlawful tor house a$111111 Iiensc ashalle be issued issoedbusiness, be the person-c amp vehicle place any a.nsia + rs or slier which while used for human said Llc3623 Assessor and Collector. habitation which may be conveyed uteither SEC Iti23. be unlaGwful ALLEYS.IIIp ee- t Its own pow to t th u automobile Ill Sail son 10 It shall feu Inver ul ear'any pore [,tone one c000c to rather place la Salt on to engage let,conduct or scary n the S city except 'thin premises licensed business f keeping bowling main tainietg tar as ThorSsl uate it 0111public ubo or sore r ry s they,with- (e)Ial Adequate toilet facilities 'boll be out fist rest sing l license so to Liu.section The defined a no ll)water closet roep each license lee payable under alley, n s o W auto- .-hall ba $15.U(e 1 each It alley, sox every five (Soo fractional t but e mobilohereofo trailer010 spices, Par over$ for' any tor shall be ou spa in in s f camp (5)such rooms m'$. N630. apneas in said tuna ground which 001111 3GS1 CIRCUSES,G➢N PONY toilet edles shall) e L we more Wt sop WILD WEST t shallSHOW 0 DOG ANDulPONY one hundred, cal 1,110 feet away from any person,.la)It shall er,unlawful,0r any o t ll alder or house car. person,anther per] owner,manager,agent, room, Health Ell be tlti duty of Lhe Board employee,exitn' pta ertpart into oily of rosy of U eves to investigate required and deIIevery exhibit for take part in soy circuses, s the necessary y facilities I'ohulrp l W evet_in menagerie,cars vul,wild west show,dog 0010 sourish whore camping m' lodging on, ane show'ee'Per any cnro tourist ponce camp grounds IS or trained.e .ads,o any Twit show con- permitted pt to see end or t m may free toss License such pm'Porm ition u r kept ina onlLaoy m.aglol and free less a license for such exhibition [cane inieoriOit ' Bes l.agiof diseases perf111101 has [lima been to he and and comply with the terms 0 this torah- treasury 1Boiltherefor ode into the license arse red the rules and regutntlans of Ice steal pb Salt Luke City,Such Ilcense Lhur) f Health. run n5011 be ' follows:0 (ic it shall also la the duty of the $y.50 per day for 'as freight and 'rupee department,ire 5 the chief funding In- ionisers, c sea doe quipmentLfor per- vesti a and the oiler r>suchm to in-premises 2001 .Ir animals and odd,equipment for each es Ldeter and examine all such Pkeepers per po 10 mane.; said r 0 license [a determine complied Ilcanch and per any to mein.ws onnect td tor such thereof esve ethis]1ed With the lawsor and for all aiot shows acted with such ordinances Eva oti this arty. streettnof S and connected parade each the (ill keep 10110license, of such l guests I0Idit f Salt Lake City tor each day shall ka is a dolly register of 1i gismo 15) by said ls, me. or rt11 f ail premises, times tang- roof) Any rod Il, menagerie, wild west W e i fore[shall bethereafter 10 it peneo one once, dog nna por show,Bur 101411 00 available for c year department, for inspection 100 bn by0f skilled o' trainedicd a mars o the pull se shall be f rw and true t o he oncet all L slimes which 11 nor of ponce shah be forwarded dolly to the that. 1110 Lake tee v railroad come by11II dope rhioil m blanks furnished date Iltov the license tee can becomputed as by It and which shall contain Um date provided pei'cen. Ue ahalpay a license fee and time re de arrival of the cation to Chu oily or' two hundred ($200.00) Isis n residence used next state reniteo- dollars[Lr each day said show poreover Id Lheunan mebe and ruarlhtra- t Salt.Laos Cast' said license o cover lion ,or to number of each vehicle, in :.bows and street parades. trailer, trailer mouse' SEC. 363a. CLEANING AND DYEING (ns The yearly1I Itemise lac for s cal BUSINESS LICENSE. (a) It shall be f110m) for cols laleeping roomon s el' tie rail- unlawful for any person to nonage, er space located on said premises; pro- conduct or carry on a plant, factory vided, however, that no license shall be or establishment for the cleaning of dyeing tilt any garment, fabric, sUb- The computation of the amount of stance or article by any process of wash- business shall be based upon the bust- ing or ersing in volatile or in- ness of the preceding year. flammable oil or liquid without first SEC.3646,HATTER'S SHOP LICENSE. obtaining a license on to do and paying (a)It shall be unlawful for any person a fee therefor. to manage, conduct maintain or carry 1. The license fee therefor shall be on the business of a hatter's shop, as $20.50 per year or any part thereof, defined by Section 3142 of these ordl- which shall permit such plant,factory 0t na es without first obtaining- license establishment to use not store than two so to do and paying a fee Of$10,00 per vehicles In collecting Sr delivering said year or for any part thereof. garments to and from said plant. (b) Application (Or such license must 2.For each additional vehicle so used be made in writing to the License As- forfor the purposehgarments,01 t,l¢falbriicso ob- sesfors license shall, by the LlcensellAsses- t g h ofc sub- or articles, the license fee for sor and Collector, be referred to the such business shall be$5.25 per year or chief of the fire department for inspeo- any part thereof, lion and recommendation, mendation, (t)It shall be unlawful for any per- SEC. 3660. MINIATURE GOLF business son to ton falle conduct or collecting any carry on garment, COURSES. GOLF DRIVING COURSES fabric, substance orarticle by m of AND OTHER FORMS OF GOLF GAMES vehicle vehicles to be delivered OTHER THAN REGULAR GOLF • t a plant described In sub-section (a) COURSES. (a) oor shall bar unlawful herein without first obtaininga license Y person, corporation operatepn con- so to which end haying the license fee there- duct any miniature golf forms course, golf forgshall be according to the gaming course and other forms of golf following For schedule. games the rs-than regular golf games,ity 1.Far each such vehicle so used$5.25 within rfte limns [ salt Lake City per)year,or shallany part therwful fo !.ho first se fee p a leceun 50 to Ic) IL e conunlduct for any per- do.sec The all be fee sum of under thisile son to manage, conduct carry y section shall be the sum of $35.00 per any agency r business of collecting any garment, fabric,substance wen o vehicle to an miniature) For the f coure of this erdeined us cl nned er nged cheg v.hfae c, la golf c shall golf curse. used In collecting such without garment, fabric, any place,except regular c consists taming a article first ob- where a game xis played which into licnse a le they or to do$and per ye a striking aa ball A with driving I oo e license fee therefor of 55.00 per year. series of holes a golf driving course SEC.3641.LICENSE FOR CONVALES- shall be any place where golf balls or CENT HOMES. off A "convalescent Other mianr balk [ driven by home"Is hereby defined to be anybuild- ;Tar susi g golf tub's'similar t0 golf Mg, structure, establishment or place, lobs. cept those buildings xpressly de- nc)corIt shall be unlawful fornany pert mit signed d built for hospital use,which ei nOration r ,ion to defyingy is used a in hole or In parts In any rennet.,taro¢ golf formcours o golf games ducting the business 01 caring, treating, course t and the[ fogolf of golf games v lescence of invalid,sick rear than regular golf games, main nursing oro thep limits of era Lobe City to remain rs ailing individuals. open or be operated between the hours oro(b)It shall . condufu.ct, !or any Per- or 12:30 ai and 6 am of any day, to operate, enduct, carry or or to permit music of any kind at said L maintain out feat home in Saltafterw however, s p.m.o of any door pro- Lake City without first obtaining a sided¢ all bee, that noperson per- license s to dh, to license person dshall make shall sr :0 to startmito play convalescent home or toe hall make anygameday. after 12:00 o'clock midnight of aan application therefor to the License any d¢y. Assessor and Collector 0f Salt Lake City, SEC. 3688. ROOMING HOUSE FEES. and shall, with his application, deposit The yearly license for rooming houses R the sum of granted which sum to the shall be are a of one Din such (house City is ure shall be paid the for each and every room in such tend- afte Treasurerproviedas the a rate feeto herein- which has beenconstructed Sr Intend- after provided If for,o returned the pd to be used for asalodging o sleeping aandlrIle shall hiso application wifsaids denied, purposes,or for sea parlor,al but in sho 11 vents .d licenses fee shall be not eon a statement under oath showing less than 510.00. the street and house rop number ofn the SEC. 3G9S Da) ItDRONERS re- olace .carry he proposed to conduct, l HAVE LICENSE.person It shall in u operate, . maintain het c lawful for any bu business to engage a- valescent home and is also state the great- conduct the bke Sract in the c 0 t nyr e patients to be kept there- of Sa of Lake stockbrokerty,without within the living at any o e time. ob Salt Lake City, herto first havingthis tole) The application on for such !!tense, obtained a lded, therefor as in this together with such other onfhrluutiuu ed Chapter provided. is required by the city to be attached (b) Any person who, for a ages i- thereto. shall be referred to the Chief or other' compensation,Ihe oyooes no f the Fore Department and Chief Build- ontlutso, o cgotiatee the buyivg and ing Inspector of Salt Lake City for selling r offering far ale, o' buying inspection and commendation with r- r selling or offering for sale of stocks, lotion to any foe hazard existing on shares, securities or a of stocks premises. Upon receipt of the re- of corporations orassociations,eyctior rep- said io port and recommendation of the Chief a natwes of e.value,for trading in his of f the Fire Department and Chief Build- roils another, n erne r are or as agent r, Ing Inspector of Salt Lake City, the oa for i'on account r then, Board of Commissioners hall act upon gage Inc deemed a stockbroker se„ and the application a it shall deem fair, gaged A the business of ed in saidkbust- Just and proper in regard to granting ness of ostocckb stockbroker. having and office or denying the license. and established place of business in Salt (d)The license l be fee a payable under this Lake City,shall obtain license to carry sec year payable such business,and hall pay for such in advance. license the sum of$25.00 per year. SEC.3644.FILM EXCHANGE.It hall busrdn)essA at stockbroker Person gnort glravnngs an bebe unlawful for any s y o to conduct, office and established s'blished place f business manage or carry 0 n v fills exchange, in Salt Lake City nod every itinerant or or to conduct, manages or carry or the traveling r stockbroker b broker, business of slung, exchanging, renting having o office and established place or]easing motion picture films h,Salt of business in Salt Lake City, shall pay lake City without first obtaining a for such license the .sum of $.50.00 per license so to do.The license required to year, be paid under this section shall be as SEC. 3707. TAILORS. (al It shall follows: be unlawful to[ any person to engage For an average of twenty-five reels of in the business, occupation or vocation film or less per month,$50.00 per year. of a tailor in Salt Lake City without For F a erace of more than twenty- first obtaining a license so to do.Every five reels or film per month,$75.00 per person applying for a license to engage Year. In such business,occupation or vocation shall,before receiving such license, pay For each motor vehicle of a.ny—de- into the city treasury of Salt Lake City sd'iption f a capacity ofr more a license tax of$5.00 per annum. than one ton and less than three (II A tailor is hereby deleted to b0 tone,for carriage of material as any person making clothing ear u n r described above $15.00 t from materials carried in^stork, For each motor' vehicle of any uwlno lakes orders for such clothing clothing description name tion three tonsLocapaci and of less orfrom samples Sc sororow lets such e than live tons,for the carriage wto oo engages gi by Lhe o person, n who fltin o serous n the bung of material0111IIs described le le s20.00 neos of nlLr'lnn pd wom repairing For each Inoiof vehicle of anyo clothing lot' , nd women. desmmore Plnn 0f + r > al- eg .ham live tons,farathc car - section Provided,apply t l a ytl pit on thoo of material as above lay: hall to any a person w described $25.00 pays a s3716. to SSE Lake OILY. For each i 11,11 vehicle used for SEC. 3R1 d. ,ICES. G OPERATE commercial Purposes and not VENDING MACHINES. la) It shall be tewise described herein 510.00 or more unlawful for any person to operate o SECTION (i. That Chapter XXXV f Codes rmerchandise, machines for the excesalept the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake 0f go0ds,vwa"s 0n' mm'chandlsC, Copt City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an saltines vending soli drinks, without or'tllnance passed by Lhe EOard of. C0m- flrnt malting' application to the License fssro cr on September 11, 1945, n- Assessor'and Collector of Salt Lake City jn ling n[1U licenats, be ntl the sa a Is and i)receiving dialicense therefor.Uesrrbed hereby further' amended by adding 'n machine, n and to said Chaplet new section to in this or'dlnance, shall m de- a Lad automatically any Ire known as Sea Won 3720. which shall operamechani- cally cad s follows:vice and which e vend merchandise aSEC. 3nla MUSICAL y person tt upon depositing lice therein a coin. have be uintanrl for n person to (ce The license lea aching shall be have 0 snit n i any Plato 01 pull- s follows: For cash machine per- ;maintain Luke r city a Ic Ugh aced $1.00 per your or any part there- III 111 c the purpose ira which of. n nit to furnish device, tor the enter said (i) Every operator adorn receiving a eat of the patrons of guests In said a license n ee0se Assessor and Collar-ll fur'- plate 0f U u.sls L, e I,ltlt first obLnfor trio to thCity Re Aserss0f mud eke imp f torn Salt Lake City a license for tor' and City Rie0r der' Y Salt Lake seed music box or device, 'ribs license usf CILy n complete list and location o of dll fie for each said pelt ear oren 1101 machines then being operated 11411 shall be thereof, $1111 ima per h sucr h olicense by beet, elan and c u le) The numbered Recorder 'hall furnish Mali be attached it some on evice.us steady r mtIle, l Whirs for each Ile Mace upon s'id e box o Ute. eel and address o which seker's the SECTION '!. Ttiatnl Section 4505, and tname en antl a' 11 of the operator,0 to-machine, the 4575 0 an ordinance passed by rch Is be with the location of the es must 15, I1945. of ICemptesion ens on f the s L0 be typed, and maintained stickers O must 15, 1995,Ordinances Chapter XLIII of tsp, bo hineecl of ath taiised ye o the Revived44, fll of toS plumbing,Lake City, ^chin E lI 0111r010 ll shalld aeon'. Ulah, 1e sa rc sic e amen be Loon the sum hill pus to Sal) and the same c hereby amended to City the s f tee c re (cote cud asc follows, 55. P for each such u sticker, y him. ate "SEC. 95U5. PLUMBER'S LICnse ES. fee thSECT may be requiredSet bylhim. BOND.01 AMO1hbeo NT.shall The tyearlyhirty license fee SECTION r 5. That Section 3715 f for plumbers shall be thine r ve dollars Chapter Sail o. the Revised O044, there.) for said ense', o' any partl of Sall Lake City,hereby Utah, 1944, upon Y, and the license may issued minces andme ing crag is hereby amended upon payment [ said sum and sand tti n too read parag RE raph of said sec- giving bond m the s of rten thousand d sub- "(a) It shall be unlawful for any Ieet t0o0tOe provisions nditnamedioned alIn sec- per.ee 10 use,operas 0'run,I r t0 cause Won 5705 of these ordinances.es. Said r permit Sep el his omniOyeOe t agents bond shall contain a further condition to operate or , Ion the per- for the faithful observance of all or- poseusOf his uushless,r ally wagon, auto- dlmances, rules and regulations of this mobile, taxicab, auto stage, truck or city relating to plumbing work and other vehicle of any description upon other tactic as herein regulated. the streets of Salt Lalce City without first paying the Pie herein provided and SEC. 9570. LICENSE I CLEANING obtaining a license for each chicle so SEWER PIPES. (a) It shall l be rmlaw- sed and operated. The yearly license III for any person not licensed as a ells so' vehicles 'hall be according to plumber, Pursuant to the requirements the following schedule: of this chapter, toe engage page Yin the busl- build- ing VI:HICLBS ingss ol drainremoving building sew•r, or both, C'or ouch taxicab automobile without first obtaining a license from Mr hire with n capacity of s ven the. License Assessor and Collector o r less Poisons,Including driver$50.00 to do and f ding a or'porata surety caul]taxicab o alrtonl0bllc for bond the of $5,000.00 with riot`hire with t n capacity of i Salt Lake City, conditioned that the seven ¢ than persona, including principal and surety shall save the oty driver $45.00 harmless from any and all injuries to For crreh automobile stage pest- person: or damage to property, and rag between Salt Lake City und particularly to the Uty's water and r any point outside of said Ity $25,00 sewer mains, caused by or hr tough FREIGHT0 VEHICLES. Um cleaning o removal of any stop- For each 0 d h two-horse vehicle for the page 1n any drains 0 sewers, and fur- carriage of brick, coal, lumber, they oondlWbnetl that r the principalwill stone, earth, gravel, sand, ce- faithfully observe all ordinances and aneat, lime, tiling, steel beams rules and regulations of said city per- d other steel and iron w prod- taming to plumbing and sewers. acts,oil, gasoline, goods,wares, The fee for the license herein required merchandise, manufactured shall be $90.00 per year or for any tides, express maatca baggage, t thereof." freight d material f any and parhenSECTION B. In the opinion of the etc kind $0'00 Board of Commissioners, it Is necessary Focull ayach o of mate one-horse us descr'A vehicle for the to the Peace, health and safety of the ed hove $6,00 carriage inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this For each for the three-horse orPe fhina- ordinance become effective immediately.shall ake vehicle for the carriage of m- SECTION This ordinance shall Luke tmeal as described hove a $10.00 OPf nit upon its fist publication. oom For cash motor vehicle 011.nY a y de- PSaltd by the Board ,Cthis 18t dal, elfers toil of e capacity tlhe carriage age of salt Lake City, . 19 E. 18Lh day halt for or•less for toe above, of December, A. D. J. of material as described arthe above, EARL J. GLADE, For ch t or notornvehicle tohereof de- Maple. 5.00 Maple. crei1WOn 1 v capacity or e1RMA F. BITNER, than one-half ton and of to ISEAL) City Recorder. d one ton, for carriage of Bill No. 95. arte rial as described above .. $10.00 Published December 19,1995. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 } ss County of Ss' Lake f D M Ockey Being/lrst duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement Ordinance Bill No 95 Salt Lake City Corporation was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the day of A.D. 19 and was published December 19, 1946 ....the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of ti-.A.D. 19 Advertising Clerk / Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2)th day of Decem Lea. A. D. 19 46 1 � Y4 Notary Public fe, C Proof of Publication OF Attorney