95 of 1960 - Amending Titile 30 of R.O., 1955, relating to to Special Evidence Fund, Police Department. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, /1 , 196 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . own Harrison ✓ jki Piercey • Romney . . . 1,7 Mr.Chairman ± AN ORDINANCE Result _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 3, entitled "Special Evidence Fund." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utahr SECTION 1 . That Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the Police Department, be amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 3, entitled "Special Evidence Fund", to read as follows: "Sec. 30-3-1. Special fund created. There is hereby created a special fund in the Police Department under the exclusive juris- diction of the Chief of Police of Salt Lake City to be used only for obtaining evidence in criminal investigations and proceedings of a secret, covert or confidential nature, to be known as "Special Evidence Fund." "Sec. 30-3-2. Expenditures. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to make disbursements from said fund and the appropria- tions made thereto may be deposited in any bank in Salt Lake City, lawfully licensed to transact business within the State of Utah, In the name of the Chief of Police of Salt Lake City. "(a) Said fund shall be in the sum of $1 ,000 and may be re- plenished by appropriations thereto by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City from time to time as the need therefor shall arise. The replenhhment of said fund shall be made upon a detailed voucher executed by said Chief of Police and presented to the Board of Commissioners. "(b) All appropriations to said fund shall be made from and charged to the budget of the Salt Lake City Police Department. "Sec. 30-3-3. Responsibility. No person shall draw upon or expend any moneys for apy purpose from said fund, except the Chief of Police of Salt Lake ity, Utah, who shall keep a complete record of all receiptSand disbursements to and from said fund. "Sec. 30-3-4. Accounting. The accounting system, showing receipts and disbursements of said fund, shall be furnished to the Chief of Police by the City Auditor of Salt Lake City, Utah, and It shall be the duty of said auditor to periodically audit receipts and expenditures thereof as often as in his discretion it shall seem necessary, but an audit shall be made by him at least annually or at the request of the Commissioner of Public Safety. "Sec. 30-3-5. Purchasing limitations. No items purchased or services rendered shall be paid for from this fund where provision is made for the payment thereof from the regular police budget and all expenditures therefrom shall be limited to obtaining evidence in criminal prosecutions, investigations to obtain evidence of the perpetration of a crime and for any necessary allied services rendered or items purchased. The said Chief of Police shall deter- mine what expenditures are prop subject to the approval of the -2- Board of Commissioners. "Sec. 30-3-6. Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance and any such violation shall be punishable by imprisonment not to exceed six months (6) or by a fine not to exceed Two Hundred Ninety Nine and 00/100 Dollars ($299.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, he&ith and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of July , 1960. ayor ""r\ C:dtri* ( S E A BILL NO. 95 of 1960 Published August 3, 1960 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Legal Notices' D o Ivl. Ockey AN ORDINANCE AN OHDINANCE AMENDINQ TITfE op tl,o Revl�ed Ortl1. inss e'9 f say Laee City, Utah. °'' „Soy therato , Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal advertising an,nior to u,•Imorvn s a,r;ne�e�' °"H';�pad"7a� it>"l',`ao,",dtlo� clerk of the DESERET NEVUS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Connois.sloners of Salt h,oke C1ty. umh. GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- [esz,:eTvlOned IOrThat Title 305 of Laka RIt Hn.1 on s,nof to lislh language with general circulation in Utah, and published in t'rb if tn,t,`"iotz iZ Vr'"; Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. er to be known - Chanter ior title,!"Special lEyidrnce Fund; .,a [onows: 'Sec,a0-3-ts Aped,'fund That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto n ted. P',erc hereby to"'e 'IctiEn and in these exclusive eni P' ' Salt ake City Bill No. 95 of 1960. ou under the-Chief of Yoliee o£ L ob t Gkc C,,,i.g nc;''g anly mr vestmenR cvland u a hey'or viceicz.,tions and nr �carnc.,� of r,,,r ,o^�rklow'�o�Tsn`tsoel,al An Ordinance relating to Police Department vr�tece rung."- . 30.3-2-.';'" .hares. The Chi foot F lice c hereby autbo �,na o ,nlcc rysi":',e,erept,ft'om II s,t+fnn'ri nd me : . Special Evidence Fund" ,n:;tic mprero 'hr'n n°:ii`d P. wL;Yv .:m sail`f.��ha c;iv.law- �i2ann I t,ll gnat buninthe „tml. fl'�tl'i nCr•.!ct ofaPollca or SOILer,Ic•el 1 u. ,,y f .SI001"antll M1 May be Lro. pp'lel-h d b� lotions there- to lye the IInali�,1'anlr Coinrnlsilon- toVO'lnSllc II''tt i'thc'''''thn11 T,,, .lo eni�,'n de IMt of`ad August 3, 1960. i 'a0.t"1; `r""'°"al"'r a'd was published in said newspaper on g thr A,erd of e,e,n:e7:,erctea to f n,, 1i 111 or re ratio fxa ran'old �,ocC to hr 14-1.t of the Salt Tyke'ThTee y Polio Den.tmenet, 0-%3. Ilccpontihllity, No she•Tow u end xn s Inc r C1ffro,n ihi^I"fu n<l • 'ale.:irpChl Fnne ��ley "T.akt City ecord to:I'd "r':. raconnote.t,Derncnt, 0 nlaA ..rn.rf.rat• Thv ce Os e.L Legal Advertising Clerk / fund. Yoh^el�.'P.Ore (On. eltCitv'taAp''F / f.. of,c;It Tyke Ca,. flt.h. nd ' t si•,Il he the duy of •erl:n.,Ilt' to I rdleol,au., . nJ�, hr lncndilinrc tlttT•a'"5 often n TO lot l rmo s•L all ll n de c the I'rut•n,n ", he rcclar C a - ' r h-. I' ita- 4th c� t n l :h il'i ° i}a„ fore me this day of tl s f 1 n1F t t7 •t 60 n eel- rTone A.D. 19 • n I ,t 1 eel- rot°.vootI-'." u olttottt 1 " -a'r' to,-I Clue ,a' I'hdeter.h I Ali I i thOn, fl I of" l.. .e I u ott:ty',ii.taul. 7.at Notary Public Il,n• `To fa,-�the such"hv1oi tihls cha! rm_cirh` ,°ria'rfiin�n opt irnri ran Note ee' ;,,on TOILE, l h f SF•1' N • I •1;fin n2 l P r.I f 1* If tl l cI cant f so ' _961 e ra'Nt^II boon, Tf tri'vc`u ntoned.'n5 3 Tltic nrlln:• ,aee that! do urn rct unnn ils:us Dellee. P.yssrl sb,v the ^,-d lof Corn. Utah"'this''/t'- IS,''ir,,r'lr'.v.1560, S HIlACi:i0N I.dE, HERMAN.T Hnf:roresn Mayor r r City Recorcer DT. PU,L No. 95 nf 1a Pl,bti.sbe<1 Aveu.ct a,7000 (B 20)