96 of 1908 - Ordinance 96 of 1908 – Amending & re-enacting Section 598 & 599 & enacting new section to be known • • . • - AN ORD11'. A1.- 3E . An ordinance and re-enactirg Sections 5:40 and 599 of . . . the Revised Orlinances .1.r: Salt Lkc City n7 1.3C;7; and enactirt; a new section to be known as Section 599-A, in regard to second-band and junk def„lers. Be it ordained by the City Council of Celt Lake City, Utsh: SECTION I. That Sections 598 and 599 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake. City of 1903, be, aril t7.:ocre are hereby amended and. re-enacted so as to rend as follows: SECTION 598. JUNK COL1-,ECTOT , ii5 SOLI:;12ORS, AND JULE. DhAJ2RL DEFINED. Any person engaged in the bus lee a of ,:.) 1.1eat ins, soliciting, or buying, end selling to junk deelern or • others, old metals, glass, rags, rubber, paper or othr junk, is hereby declared to be a junk collector and solicitor, and any person engaged in buying from junk collectors or sollnitore old metals, glass, rags, rubber, paper or other junk, is hereby declared to be a junk dealer. SECTION 599. BELLIES WITH LINOT. A.17..7) OTHrRS. it Lll be unlawful for any second-hand denler, or any junk dealer, solici for or collector of junk, by himself, his agent or servant, to purchase or receive any personal property of or f,'rem any minor under the age of eighteen (18) yerrs, or to peroheec or receive any personal property of or from ary puree e in the criploy of any other person, firm or corpora:tic:To, witl)out firt asbertain- ing from the employer, firm or mn.elt.t, r Jr '110 ploying such person, IT cm-ft, employee hen t't.e right to sell or dispose of such property. SECTION 2. Tht a cc.r ,>eetion to he kevi c 3cct n 310-A, be, and the eerie in izn,:rehy enacted, snd i!, 011. to road as follows: SECTION 599-A. BOND OF DEALERS, SOLICITORS AI'D COLLECTORS OP " _Lsefora a licence '311:211 Tie rented or Icesuied. to any • firm or corporation to oc,rav or, 1.,io of junk denier, or tha of sellcdter or collector of junk, the person firm or corcifrtion fiR . , . . . 1 -2- 1 . 1 1 akplyint for such license shall filLJ -,vit'r t'l-t A:::.;,-,-;::01' of _License , 1 . Taxes, a bond l'untillig to titamti.tx Salt ',eke. City, with corporate surety, to be aitproved by the loyal , in the ea, c of a junk. acalcr 1 1 the bond shell be in the poital :sail, of 1,1,:o t't ,.;.--ter. (414;2,000.00) dol- lars; and in the case of a solicitor or uorroctor of junk, tbo -uond 4 shall be in t4.penal sun: of five hundred ( 500.,..)0) dollars; all n a *b g be conc194 ci-,ne , at a-12 , the contirutt t2oe of the ii 4 n on F In t°fly. the 1 la oPt-lo. ' t:to of It ,:i3.' *.11 -,41,-Ltifrsj.gco..3 c f",,,,„is .iti err_4 r tq •:,-i0 • t 0 1,1,-,_ -.J. ss, and p-Ft•tip,u1erly, 4€)c 59' o4 ---fills ord.:634bge •P, an*-ai . 411 darnaLteg AA'' ci ra.!.y .b.1-) ,iriS ve red a4in.it st..41a/ / ' K--,,,,i a- -• 6, .e. ,.' .f7' . — A-01i .., b"ni '?er ;-.'71 -.1 or de c.).474 vp r, ,.. :, prIv4n64. 1(.1. 'Joel-4,99, Prld'ifil - f•Ilos Endht7feltel whi ,. . I ma bad .,,d,t6id ag,411::.-,t;.:;, d li::;en'..,•:e 4 jvi 0-.1 4 t ijail lo f ansgo4di nab.4.1. o h;e'g City .1: regard to ftitni,_ der.ders,4 solo tors or ooltectors *t oft1 u - 1 1, ' SECTIQ1 3. All ord'int noes at-d parte of ordinance:- in 4,-,71.10t herev:ith are i-lereb;), re:der-lied to the extent of '-iu h conflict. I , ,-;. This o rcl inale a ..''.:-11 t'' off rrt: 4 7.:n ti= or . gg I :•-v,....., •,.../ ji 7. ,,,,.,:-.,),,, • 1 . I,4 g• i g., ei3 0 _.{0_, t_ .t —WGL Sil .000, ,,,) r,. :,--° •".41- '?=kf 1. . ..__. ,, `_`-tr" 4 _*.1, 41i-e-:T3 ...�. T-;*�r ` p [3\ 5fi; Q''�a(�`�1 1.1 cr A^3 arc t b •� " -� Jvt I z' ` ., t \I�IJ ct cz , , , ,,,,..,,L,.,„dr,'" 1 . g.:f r.-.. „kt ,s,,,,, , ,„ ,„ ,,, , 4. _ , ti, . . „._ .„. r•-e,I 2 r -V1,! -' ' -,= 74 '.. '-- '5,... . . .. • W m C ..,-,:- - kNA\Ai.. 0-.--- . E.-7 m n n m rj n o CC ''p El „a- r� , lit