96 of 1971 - Amending Sections 18-5-32 and 18-5-44, requiring special regulations and segregation of egg products Salt Lake City,Utah October 28 197 1
Barker . . . . / 7
Catmull . . �/ I move that the Ordirianc�be passed.
Garn . . .
Harrison �l
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 18-5-32 and 18-5-44 and adding thereto
a new section 18-4-49, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965,
relating to Meat and Food Inspection - Home Consumption.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 18-5-32 and 18-5-44 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be amended, and that a new section 18-4-49
be added to said chapter, relating to meat and food inspection - home
consumption, to read as follows:
"Sec. 18-5-32. Egg products. Special regulations required.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to process,
package or maintain any eggs for resale or for the manufacture of
egg products, either wholesale or retail, unless a license for
such processing is first secured as provided in Sec. 20-7-28 of
these ordinances; and without complying with the foregoing general
provisions of this chapter and sections 18-5-37 to 18-5-49,
"Sec. 18-5-44. Id. Segregation of. All eggs from ducks,
turkeys, guinea and geese shall be segregated and if processed
shall be processed separately and each container of such product
shall be conspicuously marked and identified. When such eggs are
offered for sale, they shall be processed separately from chicken
eggs and shall be of no lesser Agricultural Department standard
than Grade B when used for the manufacture of such items as cream
pies, chocolate eclairs, french pastries, meringue, salad dressing,
hollandaise sauce or any other product in which insufficient heat
is to be applied to render same safe for human consumption.
* * *
"Sec. 18-5-49 Id. Refrigeration. For egg breaking operations
refrigeration facilities shall be available for cooling egg meats
thoroughly and quickly to preserve them and prevent deterioration
during the time the egg meats are being held. In any case, where
liquid eggs are to be held more than eight (8) hours, provision
shall be made so that egg meat temperature is reduced to forty
(40) degrees Fahrenheit or below until drying or freezing."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabi-
tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
28th October
day of , 1971. �>
BILLLNO. 96 of 1971 ( �� / /•
Published ovember 23, 1971 JCL/- �
�\` ¢ li MAYOR
I REC ]�
ADM ana
Affidavit of Publication
Jr ss.
County of Salt Lake:
tions 18-5-39 and 18.5.44 and adding Betty.
�� .I, s,
Boneto new section 18.t.19, Re- Bett Phelps_
`Food Ordinances of sto Mea CI1y.. -
od. 1spe r¢Iatlnp to Meat and
Road InspoG11011—Mom¢COnwm,
116e It ordained by Me Board of
Commissioners f San Lake Cary, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
'USECTION I.that Sections 18.5.32 rising clerk of the DESERE`f NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
land 18.544 of the Revised Oml-
s f Sall Lake Clly,Utah,1965, newspaper printed in the English language with general dr-
�be amended and that a section
g h
184.49 be added to Bela CP0P,er,i
relhong to meat and to In as ionMi. culution in Utah, and published i!! Salt Lake City, Salt T.akr,
owa: County. in the State of Utah.
Sec. 18•5]3.required.
It fs.Spe-
cial ul for
¢,son,.It shall be
unlawful for arirperson,firm cocer-
'aa"$P to e°oaseifoF Yero:i"oa for That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
�tne manuleclvre Of eoq pducts,ei-
ther wholesale r r tall,unless II-1
gene¢for taco rIrr e'b first se/l
gee aenana In sec.�owilho i J�Y1�SS17.nannfl.relating_to._I1eat�lwJ FoOrl_
ordinances;,110IS and w ° Inspection--
thoseo vplyln9 with the loregeing general:
°Is�dne f tnla banter d fed-
IPuns 1a-s-]i tp le-S.e9,Iggnciailve. _Home_Consumption,_ Ri 1197L,-
All eggs tram ducks,swains,aulnee
and geese shall be Segregated and if
far°,ysOrdsnnaallh contelnersedf sap^I
Iroduci n sha11G be c Picuousir - ------ ---;marked a d Identified.°When such
ag90 a¢gtlered let s le,they tau
he egos and s 11 ely from user
I fester
Fir, D Vt,e,nt standard - ---"'
than actu e B hen usetl for the
nulac hoc to such llems as cream
<nnrolata ¢Ia ed trench
I LiotIandelaearineue, env dtheress o. _.---
°t In which"unsol(Idenat other PS°,0da
Abe applied to render s me fate for
human consumption. 14laq published in said newspaper on JJoyember_23,_1.97L___
"Sec.18-5-49 Id.RNfrlgerefion.Forl
egg breaking operations refrigeration
facIliles shah be available for cool-
ing egg meals thoroughly and quick.
ly to preserve/hem and prevent de-1
.Terloration during the time the egg (. T1
'meats aro bulling held.In any case.
where liquid fops ere to be held)
more than eight(8)hafts,provision
shell M• rceig e g m 11em-
penes o r nhelt io 9 ry i:o]d¢ Legal Ad m trns'ilag'Clerk
FOAranhelt„or below until
9 rylnv or froesing I
a SECTION].In the opini0n Of foe
Board f Commissioners of Salt
Laaka Clna it I5 ne isa o to the
VV ilea ltn e tl na li f the
!ordinance boccomeL"llocllve tlmmed1-
-lately. Ulan,
214thSuECTION].This OrralnncicaneN before me this
day of effect°pe iekg m�nii,
sloesofSI LaeCity,U hsl NQI281h day of October,
BRACKEN LEE' _ .4 D 19_a y
BILL NO.96 Of 19]i
Pub115ne0 NoventbeY 2i.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 12, 1974
ni it