97 of 1910 - Ordinance 97 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 220, Third Partial Estimate. AN CUD I I: AEC E .
An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property in
the territory included between South Temple and Ninth South Streets,
and from the Intercepting. Sewer east to Second West Street, in Sewer
District No. 2, for the construction of sewers.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter
described in Sewer District No. 2, for the construction of sewers,
In Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 81, Plat "A"; 1 to 16,
inclusive, and 21 to 30, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 15, inclusive, Bloc
1, Franklin's Subdivision, Block 46; 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 50; 1,
5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 49; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8, Block 47; 4 and 5, Block
48; 16 to 29, inclusive, and 2 to 15, inclusive, Block 2, Heath's
Subdivision, Block 39, Flat "C", abutting on the west side of. Fourth
West Street between South Temple and First South Streets; on the east
side of Eighth West Street between First South and Seoond South Stree s�
on the north side of Second South Street between Sixth West and Eight.
West Streets; on the south side of Second South Street between Sevent
West and Eighth West Streets; on the south side of South Temple Stree
between Fourth West and Seventh West Streets; on both sides of Fifth
West Street betv:een Soath Temple and First South Streets; on the east
side of Sixth West Street between First South and Second South Streete;
on the west side of Sixth West Street between South Temple and Second
South Streets; on both sides of Jeremy Street between First South and •
Second South Streets; and on the north side of Pierpont Avenue between
Seventh West and Eighth West Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing vitri-
fied pipe sewers six (6) , eight (8), ten (10), twelve (12) and six-
teen (16) inches in diameter upon the portions of said streets oppo-
site the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to he especii-
ally affected and benefited by said. improvement, and it is herebyad-
judged, determined and established that said. property will be espeoi-
ally benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied,
and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an e.lusl cot uniform
rate in accordance with the linear foot frontar,e upon said portions
of said streets frontinf upon and to a depth of twenty-five (25) feat
back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said
parcels of land is ei0:hteen thousand four and 15/106 ( ;18,004.15) dol
lars; fifteen thousand three hundred fifty-seven and 51/100 ( 15,357. 1)
dollars, or two and 2678958/10,000,030 ((,%2.2678958) dollars per front1
or linear foot of a.buttinr:; property for sewer on side of streets, there
boint 6771.70 feet of abuttinf; property within the boundaries of the
lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district; and two
thousand six hundred fort;-six and 64/130 ( 2,646.641 dollars, or one
and 1339479j1C 006,0 0 (r1.1539479) dollars pi • front or linear foot
of abutti L, property- for serer in center of streets,, (,:!. re ref in 3341
feet of abutting property within the boundaries of the lots, blocks
and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total °esti
pnxxx2x t a d and oost per front foot of said sewer, aocorint to thlo
contract entered into for the performance of said work and nckinh said
inproveent, with James 'nennedy Construction Company, dated February
7, 1910, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess
in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose
herein mentioned:
Sewer on Side of Streets.
The south 39.5 feet of the east side of Lot 7, the east side of
Lots 1 and 8, iocl. 81, Plat "A"; the west side of Lots 6 to 16, in- 11
elusive, the east 24.5 feat of the south tide of Lot 6, the south side
of Lots 2 to 5, inclusive, the west 24.5 feet or the south ;rue of Lo�t
1, Block 2; the east 24.5 fe
et of the south side of hot 6, the south
side of Lots 2 to 5, inclusive, tbe ,:oct 24.5 feet oC the :south side 1
the Bent 305 feet of
_of Lot 1, Llock 1, 2ranhlin Subdivt iec, ",lock 46: the north side of
Lot 5, the west 305 feet of tee north ride of Lot 6, flock 5C; the 1
east side of Lots 1 and 8, floc. 49; the eas,t 140 feet of the south
side of Lot 4, the south side of Lots 2 and 3, the west 140 feet,.o,f
the south side of Lot 1, Block 47; the east 140 feat of the north sid.�,
of lot 5, the north side of Lots 6 and 7, the west 140 feet of the
north side of Lot 8, Block 49, flat "C"; the west side of Lots 2 to
5, inclusive, the east feet of the north side of. Lot 5, the west
140.2 feet of the north side of Lot 6, Block 81, flat "A"; the east
side of Lots 1 and 8, Block 47; the west side of Lots 4 end 5, "lock
48; the east side of Lots 1, and 6 to 8, inclusive, Block 50, flat
Sewer in Center of Street.
The east side of sots 1, and 21 to 00, inclusive, !)lock 2; the
'west side of Lots 6 to 15, inclusive, Flock 1, PPre.nklin Subdivision,
Block 46; the north side of Lots 16 to 29, inclusive, the south side
of hots 2 to 15, inclusive, Block 2, Trea.th's Subdivision, Block 39, I
flat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, as the seine are shown upon the offi-
oial plats of said city to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from!
said streets, and to collect said tax.
SBCTIOTF 2. Said tax shall hecome and he delinquent in five eLua
yearly installments, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rat
of six per cent per annum, payable at the tire each installment is
due, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year after the ep,)roval of the
ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for such i
provemeet; one-fifth thereof in two years after such approval; one-
fifth thereof in three years after such approval; one-fifth. thereof
in four years after such neerova] ; and one-fifth thereof in dive year
after such approval. One or more of said installmeets, in the order j
in which they are payable, or tho whole eeecial tax may be ,paid at arr
tile within thirty days after the approval of the ordinonce confirming
the levy of the tax, without interest. In the evoet of any install- I
i I
moat or the interest aforesaid not bein,_; paid on the date the sane
becomes due, the whole amount of tho special tax uee ld. at the time
said instillment and interest are due, shall become due and payable
and shall draw interest at the rate of ei;'it per cent per s..nnain until!
the sole of the ero arty eoseeeed; provided, one or more installments,
'i I
in the order in which they are payable, or tho whole aminsai special
tex unpaid 1:1E:y e paid on the day any instolluent becomes due, by
saying the amount thereof and interest to said dFte.
SEOT.ILTIT 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sewer Extension No. 220.
Third Partial Estimate.
Passed by the City Councilof Salt tiJakc., City,Itah July: llth
1910, and referred to the hayor for 1.• Va. •
.ord ea: -
Approved_ this (lay of July, 1510,
Idayor pro too.
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