97 of 1946 - Amending Bill #94-Section 6529-new rates to be paid for city water JAN -2l
Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah,
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
nances or Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners on December 18th, 1946, re-
lating to water'supply and water works.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 6529 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners on December 18th, 1946, relating to
water supply and water works, be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
rates for water supplied through meters to all places will be
as follows:
For theA15,000 cu. ft. - 9¢ per 100 cu. ft.
For the next 35,000 cu. ft. - 8¢ per 100 cu. ft.
For all over 50,000 cu. ft. consumed per month,
7¢ per 100 cu. ft.
For the first 45,000 cu. ft. 9¢ per 100 cu. ft.
For the next 105,000 cu. ft. 8¢ per 100 cu. ft.
And 7¢ per 100 cu. ft. for all over 150,000 cu. ft.
consumed per quarter.
The minimum charge for meter service shall be 83¢ per
month or $2.50 per quarter. Where premises are being supplied
by more than one eater service there shall be a minimum charge
of 25 cents per month for each additional meter instilled.
•i .. -2-
Public schools shall pay the above rates less a discount
of 25 per cent.
I '
Bills for water used through meters shall be rendered i
monthly or quarterly; the superintendent of water works to del
terrine from time to time when monthly or quarterly meter read-
ings shall be made and bills rendered. If the bills rendered
II as aforesaid are not paid. within fifteen days after their
rendition the superintendent of water works shall cause the
water to he turned off and before the water is turned on all
unpaid water rates must be paid in full, to:-;ether with a turn
on fee of $1.00. In case of vacancy, where service is discon+
tinued or meter taken out, unless delinquent bills are paid
within 30 days after the service has been discontinued a penal-
ty of 10 per cent shall be charged in addition to regular bill.
When for any reason the water meter shall fail to regis-
ter, bills shall be rendered at the average rate consumed for!
like periods of time.
Should any water taken, using a water meter, desire to
have the meter on his premises tested, the charge shall be
42.00 where the meter is found to be correct or to register
in favor of the consumer, but where found to be over-register;
ing the cost of such test shall be borne by the city. ,
Any water use to avail himself of an abatement for non- i
use of water on a meter shall report to the superintendent oil,
water works and have water turned off his premises and the
meter may be removed at the option of the superintendent of
water works. Before water service will again be wupplied
written notification must be made to the superintendent of
water works. Abatements will not be allowed for less than.
thirty days.
there a building is to be erected, application shall be!
3 '
made for service pipe in the regular manner, and all water
consumed in the construction of such building shall be paid 3
for at regular meter rates. It shall be unlawful for any con-.
tractor or other person engaged in construction work to use
water from the city mains, except through a meter, as provid-i
cd in this section.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upoi
its first publication.
Passed ty the Board of Commissioners_of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 7/Gr. day of : 1947.
City Recorder.
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
JAN 2 Igo
First P Sam .ion .a
1 is W4
%,TX AfiCOa6113H
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
-- D Di Ockey
Legal Notices
th NeORDIvQed OORDINANCE SECTances aOfNNa6`29of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
City.Utah,1944,a amended by a
ordinance passed by the board f vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
ommissioners on December lgth, P C
wale relating to Water supply and. published in Salt Lake City.Salt Lake County,in the State
Herit°ordalned byy the Eoard of y
COmmleatonere Oi Salt Lake Clty,
• Utah: of Utah.
SECTION 1. That Section 6529
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City,Utah. 1944, amended
by ordinance passed by the
r 15th,Commissioners4, relg so waterDece That the advertisement
supply and water°works, be and
the same Is hereby amended to read as foollllows8S29. METER RATES. Ordinance Bill No 97
rates Ien water supplied through
meters to l places will be as Cot- Salt Lake City Loornoration
For the first 15,000 cu. ft.-9e
100 For the next 35,000 cu.ft.8c per
100 cu.
For all over 50,000 cu ft. con-
per month,70 per 100 cu.ft.
Far the first 45,000 cu,It.9c per was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
no cu.ft.
--For the next 105,000 cu.ft.8a per
100Andu 7c ay o t p f per 100 cu.it.for all over d A.D. 19
150,000 cu.ft.consumed per quarter.
The minimum charge for ter
-, service shall be 83c month of
$2.550 per quarter. where premises and was published January 4, 1947
are being supplied by r than one
water vice there shall be a mini-
mum charge of 25 cents per month
for h additional meter Instaed. _. publication thereofthe lastbeingin the issue dated the
bilee ah discount 26 the peC above
rates -
Bills far water used through
meters hell be rendered onthly da O
or quarterly;the superintendent 1 y A A.D. 1 9
stet works to determine from
time to time when monthly or guar- ///
fatly ter readings shall be made
L/`��(i ,Z>
and bills re de'red.If the bills
tiered as aforesaid are of paid
fifeen days tier their Advertising Clerk
lwo the superintendent r
Ater works shall u °the Water
to be turned off and before the
water Is turned on ail unpaid a ter
rtes must be paid in Lull together
with a turn-on fee of e1.00.Inc e l
ofvacancy, where ice is dis-
ntnueormeter taken tW
less delinquen ills are paid with- c
in 30 days after te service has 6 th
been discontinued penalty of 10 1:o before me this day of
cent regular bin.ebll charged in addi-
tionwhen for any reason the water
shall be all fail tq tr register, bills I A. D. 19 47
tito consumed for like periods 1 -
me, °
Should any water taker.using a
water meter, desire to have the —
ter on his premises tested, the
charge shall be $2.00 where the I i
meter Is found to be effect or to' �4P}�
i If favor 1 the con comer,'
but where round to be a e-fells- Notary Public
tering the cost Of such teat shall be
borne by the mt 0. - -e
' Any water r''LA avail him- , SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
self of an abatement s non-use Board of Commissioners,it is noes.
of 8ter-ern a meter hall report er to the peace,health.and safe-
to the ahperinten0nt of water works ty of the inhabitants of Salt ake
and have water turned Off his pram- City that this ordinance shall take
lees and the meter may be moved effect immediately.
at the option of_theB-pe_rintendent.1 SECTION 3.This ordinance shall
of water o ke.Before ter - take effect at once upon its first I
ice will again be Supplied written p bile tip I
notification must be made to the Hoard f Commie-
superintendent -
1 ,,ter works. 'Lake City. Utah,
for le than
will not be 1 -it 4 EARL J.
for less than thirty date. t EARL J.GLADE.
Where`s ion shall
1g to be rest- QI f 7 t, Mayor.
sd ep pi tel
stroll regular
made for * ,
andapipe ra the in manner. (SEA corder.
service d all water consumed Ig tha O e LLL1 °'
paid for 1,regular
eter rates.shall Ibt BILL J
shell be utlawTul for any contract Published January 4tM1, 1947,
ston r ther'parsons°engage In'
I etrucNnn k_to. water
from the fy provided x apt firm ech
meter, asprovided In this sec-
f f -
Proof of Publication