97 of 1947 - Levying a tax for Lighting District No. 19-B VOTING — AYE !NAY NOV 12 047
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
I move that the ordinance be4e145ed.
Matheson . . .
Romney v
Tedesco !!
Mr.Chairman . . '
perty in Lighting District No. 19-B, for the purpose of providing
for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps
and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District
No. 19-B, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance
and patrolling of incandescent lamps and the furnishing of electric-
al energy therefor, to-wit:
Lots 6 to 14 incl. and Lot 17, of Blk. 22; Lots 2 to 11
incl. of Blk. 7, and Lots 12 to 21 incl. of Blk. 10, Main
Street Subdivision of Blk. 22; 5-11cre Plat IA', Big .Field
Survey; abutting on Slain Street from 9th. South Street to
Harvard Avenue on the east side and to Fremont Avenue on the
west side, in Salt Lake City.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for
the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps
and furnishing with electrical energy for a period of ten years from
October 29,1947, to October 29,1957, thirty-two (32) tubular steel
poles, each equipped with a double-arm ornamental bracket and two
15,000 lumen incandescent lamps or sixty-four (64) lamps; fifty-
seven (57) of said incandescent lamps to be supplied with electric
current for the illumination of the same each night from fifteen
minutes before dark until midnight, and the remaining seven (7)
lamps in said district, however, to be lighted all night, and
it i s hereby adjudged, c'c ter•ai.red and established that said proper
ty will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the
tea hereby levied, and seio pw_reels of lane. , re hereby assessed at
an ecua.l and uniform rzte in ,a.ccardrnce with the linear .Coot front
of the same ownership
age upon ano to the entire dethebr_ck therefrom not ex deeding 330
feet ano the tax hereby levied and to be assessed noon said o..rcel•.
of end is Tuenty-five Pheus€rnd fig:teen and 64/106 (m25,016.611) Lb -
liars or Leven and 690683/1000000 ($7.690683) Dollars per front or
ilncer foot of r:butting property, there being 3252.85 feet ahuttin•,
said portion of ss.ii improvement, and the cost of which operation,
m.aintenance., CatreilinC and furnishing of electrical energy any; tha
property benefited. thereby is hereinafter set out, i,nd all ,sith.in
the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in
said district, which is the total. abutters' cost : rid cost per from
foot of seie. improvement for a period of ten years,_ ccoreing to the
c ntract entered into for the ;performance of salt work and pia i.ng
said improvement with Utah Power & Liht Company, dated the F'.9th
day of October, 1947, said levy to date and be effective from Octo
fiber 29, 1947, which is the Gate service began, and the city trersu -
ci is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with
the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned:
Frontine on the west__side of Main otreet
,1-1 of Lots 7, 8 anus 11, the north 25e..1 ft. of Lot 6,
the sou.t.b 2.54.1 ft. of Lot 9, and the north 254.1 ft. of Lot 10,
of din... 22, 5-Acre Plat t,.', big Field z:urvey.
Frontir�F_on the east aide of :a.in street:
/tl of Lots 12, 13 and 14, ond the north 254.1 ft. of
'Lot . '7, of ilk. 22; Eli of Lots 4 to 11 incl. of er._k. 7, the west
71.0 ft. of Lots 2 anti 3 of fib. 7, and all of Lots 12 to 21 incl.
of 81k. 10, vain :street bbubdivisior of ilk. 22; 5- ere Plat 'Al,
siele 1,urvey;
,,s the sound are shown upon the official plats of said city to the
!entire depth of the same ownership back_ from said street not exreec-
ling 330 :feet, and collect said tax.
aTIU.ii II. 'ghat the aesesseent list made by the City
Tre sur.<r, as corrected, a._p )roves and completed by the ":oars of
Hq_ualization and. Review of the property described in ection I of
this ordirr nee in. Lighting eistrict No. 19-B of !'alt ;ake City for
the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrol-
ling of Ammexxincandescent lamps and furnishing with electrical
energy, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments ;made and returned
in said completed lists and the report of the Boar:: of Bcualizatior.
and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Calt Lake City are
hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
ECTIOih III. Said tax shall be :sayable in ten equal year-
ly installments, with interest on any derincuent installment unpaid
at the rate of ten per cent per annum, which interest shall be
charred from and after the due date of each installment, to-wit:
one-tenth thereof fifteen days after the ordnance levying the tax
for the ,payment of the improvement becomes effective; one-tenth
thereof in one year thereafter; one-tenth thereof in two years
thereafter; one-tenth thereof in. three years thereafter; one-tenth
thereof in four years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in five years
thereafter; one-tenth thereof in six years thereafter; one-tenth
thereof in seven yeare thereafter; one-tenth thereof in eight year
thereafter; one-tenth thereof in nine years thereafter; provided,
however, that one or more of such installments in the order payabl=,
or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15)
days from the date this ordinance becomes effective.
iefrrult in the payment of any such irutcllment of princi
pal when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to be-
come Cue and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpa.'d
principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per ce t
per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or
foreclosure the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installment-
past due, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to
date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued
costs, and shall. thereupon be restored. to the right thereafter to
pay in installments in the same :manner as if default had not occur
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication.
Pasea by the 8oare of Commissioners of raft Lake City,
' Utah, this /Z day of 7L�,.r�. -!, :..'`•. 194.7.
P4yo. ---
City Recorder.
Lighting 1%istrict No. 19-B
2nd & Final Estimate.
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
NOV 12 1947
yd 2 is m
Yl !3*7
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal' Notices
PROPERTY in Lighting District No. D l nnr). Ockey
' or Ehaanveprx tlnnr➢mamienin ei•na ✓
patrolling-of Incandescent lamps
and the furnishing of electrical Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
energy therefor.
Be 1t ordained by the Board of
Commiseionere of Salt Lake City,CoMmIsION 1. That the Beard Of vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
ComSEmissioners l y Salt Lake City f
dale for hereby
.assessment r the stray publishedl in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
upon bedhe In Lighting District No,r10-B, of Utah.
for the purpose et providing for
the trolling r of oinmaintenance
lamps end pa
trolling incandescent and
the furnishing of electrical energy •
therefor. to-wit: That the advertisement
Lots 6 to 19 Incl,and Lot 17.of
Blk.22:Lots 2 to.11 incl.of Blk,
10.and Lots
Bice t Subdivision of Blk. Ordinance Bill No 97
22:5-acre Plat 'A'.Big Field Sur-
y; abutting on Main Street from
9th South Street to Harvard Ave-
nueo the east side and o Fre- Salt Lake City Corporation
mont Avenue o the weal side, In
Salt Lake City.
This tax is levied to defray the
expense of providing for the Per-
of incandescent.maintenance
ing with electrical energy for pe-
iod of ten years from October 29,
1944, to October 29, 1951, thirty- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
two (32) tubular ,teal poles, e h
equipped with a double-arm orna-
mental bracket and two 15,o00lu-
�' , 1 hdeanen.,=gf�^,ne„l <,, day of A.D. 19
of s id incandescent t'lamps to be
supplied with of
s current for the Nov 13 1947
suppliedtwit oe the some nt night
from fifteen minutes before dark and was published
until midnight. and the remaining
how7) lamps in said district,
ver, to be lighte all night,
nd it is hereby adjudged, eter- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
mined d ,established that said
property Ill be enonlaity beneflt-
td thereby to Ehe full m int f
he tax hereby levied. and said day of A.D.19
parcels equal land are herorm r'esin he-
at an cewand uniform rate in ac-
cordance with the linear foot}rent- /,./
age neon and to the i entire depth i n
of the same ownership back thorn- /
exceeding 330 feet /' -- - t'=-----------
themtax not levied ,d to be and•
Advertising Clerk
sessed upon id Parcels of land is
Twenty-five said
Sixteen and
64-100(g25,016,64)Dollars,or Sev-
en andDollars per06fron 00or linear fool.of
butting property, there being
3252.85 feet abutting said portion
of said improvement, and the cost
of which aeration, maintenance, d sworn to before me this l4th day of
patrolling and furnishing of elec-
trical energy and the, property
' benefited thereby is hereinafter set A.D.19 47
out, e and all within the bets aarie.s
of the lots,blocks and streets above
mentioned In said district,which Is
th-La,d"oftters'roof and cost per
Od-df ten years,
000din for
t"ntra t f d into orfolrrgth
rm . f said cork a mak-
ak19 nip opt with Utah
T Light Company,dated the
Sae�lSSE. f and be October.which I �'from date - Notary Public •
eeaa $r'negah99 a dhthe City is hereby sauthorlsed and di-
rected to in
the provisions of this ordinenne for
rtone herein mentioned:Fronting on the west sie ofFain Street:
All of Lots 7,s and 11.the north
254.1 ft.of Lot 6.the south 254,1
ft of Lot 9, and the north 254.1
ft. of Lot 10, of Elk. 22, 5-Acre
Plat'A',Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the east side of
Mein Street:
All of Lots 12. 13 and 14, and
the north 254.1 ft. of Lot 17, of
Blk.'22; ell of Lots 4 to 11 Incl.
of Elk.0,the west 71.0 ft.of Lots
2 and 3 of Elk.7,and all of Lots
12 to 21 1nel. of Elk. 10, Main
Street Subdivision of Elk. 22; 5-
Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey;
is the same are shown upon the
efficlal plate of laid city to the en-
tire depth of the same ownership
back from said street notexceed-
ing 330•feet, and collect said tax.
SECTION IL That the assessment-
lint made by the City Treasurer.a
byacted, approved and completed
rthe Board of Equalisation and
Review Sectiono I the of propertytis ordinance
e In
ights District fo th ,purpose of pro-
nfddingfor the operation,mainten-
anceand patrolling of incandescent,
lmps and furnishing with electrical
Is haby ceonmr
In said assessments
ad lists and and returned
e urned'
completed the re-
port of the Board of Equalization
_ and Review to the Board of Commis-
sioners of al Lake
City are
ratified, appovd ancnim-
ea. •
SECTION III. Said'ear shag be
ments, In Len erect yearly deli,
ants,with Interest o any delthe
quest Installment unpaid at the
rate of ten per halt per a
tomb interestshall u be charged
landma t, the to-wit:t date of each
thereomant days one-tenth
thereof yi days after the Pay-
ment levyinghethe toe ter the becomes
ment of the improvement bIn one
effective; one-tenth s t-tenthf th o
year thereafter: one-tenth thereof
to two-yn t thereafter; ereafnth
thereof In three years four
• one-tenth thereof yearn
thereafter;ivye thereahfter;
five years thereafter; one-tenth
thereof a six years n pears there-
after;sears; one-tenth thereofis1te_h eir-
'fata fine a years
t ereafterh thprovid-
ed,• In nine years thereafter;pre of
ed, however, that oneof
wool in the mayd be
�:with orant whole tax, fifteen
be paid
Lys ut tehet t t s ordinance
• Maya from the date this artlinance
be u effective.
Default In the payment any
such Installment f principalw when
• shall t e the whole e2 the
andaid principal cause
to immediately.
an the
and payable Sof theaunp, and.the
whole amount t of the aid Interest
pal s rate
thereafter p drawn per the r to pa inn p cent n er an-
untilo a. but si any fore-
closure the• to the date of sale or So the
aount the o may Pay the
amount. allwith
the rate
past due,with Interester at the rate
of tenpa Per ant the annum to date
of laymen on the accrued
delinquent m-
a shall, and all reed costs,
and right
thereupon be restoredInd to
ata rient thereafter te to pay In In-
stallments 1a the same If default hadV not mannerc
SECTION N.This ordinance shalt
take effect one day after Ile first
Passed of the Board of Com h,
Salt Lake mbe Utah,A
thin 12th day of November, A.D.
City Recorder.
• (SEAL)
Lighting District No. 19-E
gild de Final Estimate.
Published November 13, 1947.
••_�.�� n.. asewMrun nF '