97 of 1959 - Amending Title 51 of the R.O. 1955, relating to Zoning by adding a new Chapter to be known as Chapt ,.«.103 '200 3-59 Or / ROLL CALL ✓ )e Salt Lake City,Utah, .V12-i;..1.11 a , 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . Christensen . Geurts. . . . �. Romney . • Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . - j v AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Zoning, by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 28, providing for the creation of a Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements, providing for the manner of appointment and removal and the terms of the members thereof, providing for an ex officio chairman and ex officio members, and prescribing the powers and duties of said committee. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to zoning, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding to said title a new chapter to be known as Chapter 28, relating to the creation of a Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements, the appointment of the members thereof and powers and duties of said committee, said chapter 28 to read as follows: "CHAPTER 28" I "CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CITY PLANNING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS." "Sec. 51-28-1. Appointment. There is hereby created in and for Salt Lake City, Utah, a Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements, to be composed of not less than twenty-seven members, one of whom shall be the Mayor of Salt Lake City, who shall be the chairman of said committee; one of whom shall be the Planning Director of Salt Lake City; one of whom shall be the City Engineer of Salt Lake City; one of whom shall be the City Attorney of Salt Lake City; all of whom shall be ex officio members. The remaining twenty-three members, one of whom shall be' _. r t`tec.108'200 3 59 Q.P. - 2 - designated as vice-chairman, shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners frcm among the qualified electors of said city as follows: one member from each of the six municipal wards of the City and three members to be chosen at large who shall serve until July 1, 1961; one member from each of the first, second and third municipal wards of the City and four members to be chosen at large who shall serve until July 1, 1963; and one member from each of the fourth, fifth and sixth municipal wards of the City and four members to be chosen at large who shall serve until July 1, 1965. In the month of June, 1961, and every second ,year thereafter, like members shall be appointed for a term of six years to take the place of members whose terms shall next expire. The Board of Commissioners may appoint such other members as it may deem advisable, in addition to those hereinabove named, and such additional members shall be appointed for a term not to exceed two years, which term shall expire at the next succeeding regular biennial expiration of terms as hereinabove provided for the required appointed members of the Committee. Members may be removed for cause by the Board of Commissioners and any vacancy occurring on said committee, other than that of the ex officio members; . by reason of death, resignation or removal, shall be promptly filled by the Board of Commissioners for the unexpired term of such member. "Sec. 51-28-2. Memberst compensation. Appointment of employees. Number of members to constitute quorum. The members of the Citizenst Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements shall serve without compensation except for reasonable expenses. The Committee shall not have the power to appoint any employees or staff with any funds provided by the Board of Commissioners. the Committee shall use the employees and staff of the Salt Lake City Planning Commission as its staff. Thirteen members of the Citizenst Committee shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. "Sec. 51-28-3. Powers and duties of the Committee. The function of the Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improve- ments is to support the activity of planning and community development, to ReC. 8 JOU 3)`) lj.Y. — 3 — assist in getting community appreciation and understanding of such plan- ning and to encourage private and public officials to adopt and adhere to a program of planned development of community facilities. The Citizens* Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements shall have the authority to make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission in all matters pertaining to City planning and shall assist such commission in its formulation of over-all plans for City development and a long- range programming of Salt Lake City's capital needs, including water projects, parks, arterial highways, streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, general zoning requirements, and the establishment of priority for proposed capital improvements consistent with long-range needs. The Committee shall also have the authority to make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission relative to integrating all public improvements and area develop- ments into the approved comprehensive design for City planning, including, but not limited to recommendations covering (1) the geographical location of proposed buildings and structures; (2) proposed building plans and architectural designs; (3) the financing thereof; (4) alteration of exist- ing buildings and structures; (5) proposed changes in the use of land and improvements thereon; (6) establishment of public parks and recreational areas; and (7) proposed street and highway plans, including the financing thereof. "The Citizens* Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements shall submit its recommendatiorg to the Planning Commission on all proposed capital improvement programs for Salt Lake City and the financing thereof, which shall become a matter of public record, and the Board of Commissioners shall not approve any such program or any expenditure in the furtherance thereof until it shall have received and reviewed the recommendations of this Committee as received from the Planning Commission. "The meetings of the Committee shall be held at the call of the chairman, or vice-chairman, or at such other times as a quorum of the Committee may determine. The Committee shall keep minutes of its proceed- ings and shall keep records of all its official actions, all of which shall O.108' 2W 5-)9 Q.Y. - 4 - be filed in the office of the City Planning and Zoning Commission, and shall be a public record. "Sec. 51-28-4. Subcommittees. The Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements shall have authority to appoint subcommittees to investigate and make recommendations and reports on any subject involving City planning when, in the opinion of the Committee, it shall be deemed appropriate or advisable. All such committees shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24t day of November , 1959. ( SEAL BILL NO. 97 of 1959 Published December 3md', 1959 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in • Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 97 of 1959 An Ordinance relating to Zoning by adding r" thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 28 providing for creation of • a Citizens' Advisory Committee. • December 3, 1959. was published in said newspaper on Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of December A.D. 19 59 Notary Public My Commissi Expires ov. 25, 1961. AN ORDINANCE'. "Sec.51-28-3.Powers end duties ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING of the Committee.The fknctlnn of '}'fill°51 of the Re E6O�d Ordinances the Citizens'Advisory Committee df Salt-Lake Cite' yeah 1955 re- on City Planning and Capital Ire. lating to:Z ning,Le' ding there- provements 1 to support the ac- i'ta'8 slew�'L peer 10 be known asbetty of planning and community Cheter,48.:. 'Oviel/for the Brea development,to assist 1n getting �'�tt0❑❑uuL id','PPC.C.iitzans'AAdvisory Cam-I m ttY appreciation and L �ylttee 1tY Planning antl Cep- derstanding of such planning d .�,�{all lobprovem t Providing for to encourage privatea 0 Mannr ofappointment d. officials t gadopad adhere rr'ernoval and the,t¢yn of the a program of planned develop- 'D5e ebers thereof, y ttdenr6 for program f community facilities.The ppttl�. offlcld Chairman. d e Citirxns' Advisory Committee o .lice p members, d proof laid City Planning and Capital Im- provements the Powers and duties f-said shall have the author- s,ryRlinlItee. ', ld ty o make recommendations to t.' It ordained.byo Ytie Hoard the Planning and onng Commis- . Coif ordained. P Salt.Lake n In ail atters pertaining to f), Utah; CityT lanning and shl assist such EC slop n its formulation of ..f TION.I. That Tltlef,SI f eat a laps for City develop- loe City.d Ordinances P Salt vat o st ]Lake n le prneram- iI k0 Cl Utah,1e5 s tea her ty mean of salt Lake tee c pits, It be,and the n hereby parks, arterial away projects streets; l ended by `ilia b t0 sold rm sewers, sal,ways, sewers, I.'5 a n w haDLSc be known storm sewers, s mlearn ewer O!!'' spier¢2H, Sciatica to obi the g n qof priority d e eta Ctt Pid Advls d proposed oseablishmenl of prrove and ' is 'tree a oeo a ts, the and proposen capital yocee needs atntment of theme�fipe re thereof lote long-range age n ads. Ia1M'D ors d-t,tb f said The u withtes shall also have emfmilatee,acid etuyter:2H to read the authority th to make 00 on- ❑❑ ice Co to the Planning to rZon- es ° yla. ,,;. err Commission relative nt ,!' "S• ADVISORY 2R grating all public improvements e MI TIZ N8' ADVISORY COM. and ar develeehenl no ign MIT Ip9N CITY PLANNING approved comprehensive desigrr ,AND I9IAL IMPROVEMENTS" for City planning,including.but See. 6 128-1. A o D el n t meat. not limited to. recommendations There 7 eby created in d co erin (1)the geographical red 1.,'E4r.Salt,eke'City.Utah,a and cation of proposed buildings and zggDD Conmenteenn City structures:(21 proposed building Plannin—aq3 Cgpltit Improve plans 'it d at hitectural designs; ants. vDe'.p8inif0hLd 0f ngt less (3)the iinancin¢thereof: (4i al- egen� y¢®poll nibs[ on terat+on of sting buildings and }qs ,b.”y,luof structures¢o5) pr°posed changes Salt La hall D6 the in 4he f land and lmorovc- eh. 0 mmittec:'one nts oreon: Ian establishment t ho "9 li the Planting ofC pubic a ks a d roc atlonal D°lc VD f S eke C1ty:'dne of ar nil III pr po CAC street hu��s� 4p the Cater Ertpltrfar red htghwav plans,Including the f 5a t L City 04 WMil Sinance thereof. boha11 C City Atwtorne s of salt "The Citizens' Advisoy Com. ake C J!i eo a hom xs'e N.b0 ittee on City Planning and Cap- ital Improvements shall sumit its `ng twenty-three embers,on of com endations to the Planning ninh m hall bo designated one Commission on all proposed cap- gigs,.of Commissioners be ntedfr by tat provemets programs re e ce thes llie ctrs om at thSalt Lake Cite a d the become'''. fsaid city follows:one member matter which shall be a e rom each of the Ix municipal attar t otmi tuners and the arda of the ily and three m Beard of Commissioners star not berm to be chosen at large who approve any such program furtherance am enf untiure the have received shall serveuntil July I,the1; n atiereof until itd shall have received a000vmember thirdh emu f the first, and reviewed - omm a o d rvdof warts bons of from Com annlo as Come bPC the Clay and four members to v d from the Planning ;om- e chosen at ]erne vho shall ' mission. ecru until I Ohly cl,10989;a d -The meetings of the Commit- £fifber irmn h f the£lately -tee hal e held at the call of th a d eiath mri typal warts l�.the chairman.or vice-chairman,or bE the City d lone bees to at eh other-teeter a echosen at large who Ball serve quorum u tit Tuty 1. 1905,In the monthof the Committee deep min, of Time.I901,and very second he Committee shally keep i thereafter, like members tea of its pr a dings d hall ¢hail be appointed for term keen records of all its and - of six year to take the place of bons,all ofwhich -hall be filed me berm hose terms shall ext in the office f the City Planning mire.The Beard of Commission- bed public Commission,and shall appoint ch other morn. e. "Sec. 51-28-4. Subcommittees. In addition to those herelnove The Citizens'Advisory Committee med, nil such eltiona]mom- n City Planning and Capital Im- bers shall be appointed fora erm nits shall have authority to not to exceed two years,which point subcommittees to invest- term shalt at te next sate and make recommendations succeeding regular biennial ex- and reports onC msubiect in.ton of terms as hereinabova lying City lannling when, in Provided for the required a- the o'n of Lhe Committee,it tfeted embers f he Commit- shall be deemed appropriate o ee.Members y be removed far dvlsable. AI'., such p c mmittees e by the may of Commis- shall without compensation slonsera and a can' occurring and serve the pleasure tCiti- s i committee, other than ni at Committee o Cita, that of the a fficio members,by Planning and Capital Improve. of death, resignation a cots."reasonal, hall be promptly filled mSECTION 2.In the opinionof bythe Hoard of Commissioers the Board of Commissioners it s for the unexpired term of such necessary to the peace.health and Bother. 0f the inhabitants of Salt ',mother. 51-28-2.Members'a mDen- Lake City that this ordinance be- <mn.Appointment of employees. come effective Immletely. Number 1 members to constitute SECTION 3. This ordinance auoru The members o th Cal- shall take effect upon its first Pllas'Advisorry Committee onCity publication. nning and Capital Improve- Passed by the Board f Commis is wall servo without compere- loners f Salt Lake City. Utah, setnens t for reasonable this 24th der f November.]959. The Commtee shall not AD1EIi P.STEWART have the power to t mint a v Mayor employees or staff With ov funds PENMAN J.HOGENSEN Provided by the Board f Com- City Recorder Sac tIners. The Committee ball (SEAL) the louses d staff of BILL NO.9e of 1959 the Salt Lake Ctty Planning Cam- Published December'3rd,1959 lsslon as its staff.Thbteen meta- (C-05) shall constitute stttutela quorum for thetransaction of business. 97